38 | 2020 KENTUCKY general ELECTION VOTER GUIDE – northern kentucky
www.kftc.org | September 2020
U.S. House of Representatives – District 4 Democrat Alexandra Owensby is challenging Republican incumbent Thomas Massie for the 4th Congressional House seat. Thanks to Owensby for responding to KFTC’s candidate survey.
which make our children want to raise their own children here. While I would love to serve on a healthcare committee, I do recognize as a freshman congresswoman I may not have a choice. What I can guarantee you is, whichever committees I have the honor of serving on, I will work hard every single day to improve … answer exceeds word limit Thomas Massie: did not respond.
Federal aid efforts to buffer us from the impacts of COVID were late, inadequate, and often most helpful to those of us who needed the least support, highlighting the inequity embedded in our safety net systems, our economy, and our tax structure. How would you create a more equitable economy – with a federal tax where everyone pays their fair share and that delivers support to under-resourced communities, and allows everyone to thrive? The 4th Congressional district includes the counties of Boone, Boyd (part), Bracken, Campbell, Carroll, Gallatin, Grant, Greenup, Harrison (part), Henry, Kenton, Lewis, Mason, Oldham, Owen, Pendleton, Trimble, Jefferson (part), Shelby and Spencer (part).
Alexandra Owensby
Alexandra Owensby: We need to eliminate tax loopholes which allow the wealthiest of the wealthy to allow the working and middle classes to fully fund the infrastructure and communities from which these corporations make their profits. Thomas Massie: did not respond.
amowensby.com www.facebook.com/ amowensby
What’s your vision for Kentucky? How will the lives of Kentuckians be improved as a result of your time in office? What Congressional committees will you request to serve on once elected? Alexandra Owensby: I believe in a better, brighter future for Kentucky, where the representatives are actually voices for the people and working to advance the lives of Kentuckians in the district instead of only working to advance their own lives and pocketbooks. When elected, I will work every day to make sure all Kentuckians have access to quality, affordable healthcare. I will work to ensure our infrastructure (from our crumbling bridges, to our failing water systems, to our roads which are falling apart, to our broadband internet access which is unavailable in many communities) is finally addressed and is no longer a broken campaign promise of failed politicians. I will also work every day to ensure our education system is fully funded, our teachers have the resources they need, and that our public school systems are the world class, the type of education systems
What would you do to make sure that every Kentuckian has quality, affordable health care so that they can get and stay healthy? What are your health-related legislative priorities, and what approaches to health care coverage do you support? Do you support Medicare For All? Alexandra Owensby: As a healthcare provider myself, this is one of my main priorities. We, ultimately, need to get to a universal healthcare system. Unfortunately, the government has not always been good stewards of the systems they have run in the past. I believe we need to work toward a universal health insurance system, but allow people the option to keep their private healthcare as we work to ensure we have a system which can support the needs of the citizens and deliver high-quality, affordable healthcare at the volume necessary to provide for all citizens. Other healthcare priorities I support include advancing telemedicine. With rural hospitals shutting down at record rates, it is essential we promote telemedicine as an alternative to in person visits. This would allow for people in rural communities to not have long commutes to see specialists, would allow those working 9-5 jobs to see providers during off hours, and would allow those with limited transportation to have access to medical care reliably. Thomas Massie: did not respond.