Khairani Syafril Social Media Specialist
Khairani Syafril Social Media Specialist
2 years of experience
Committed to creativity
I become a Social Media Specialist From July 2019 until the present. I work as a freelancer talent at The Hatch Indonesia and I have worked with several Brands, such as 3V Company, Reksadana Manulife, and Florence Mattress
I also took training such as UI Designer at Digital Talent Incubator Telkom Indonesia 2020, and Social Media Specialist at The Hatch Indonesia 2021. The is the reason I already get used to tools such as Figma, Adobe XD, and Iconosqaure.
My writing specialities 01 Marketing and advertising writing I have worked with several Brands which KPIs are to increase engagement and convert it into sales. The Brands are: Coocaa Indonesia and Florence Mattress.
02 Visual identity Design I also do the analysis of content performance from the brands and extract the insight to make the content plans for the better performance nest period.
Digital Publication I also experience making content to promote the event and planning the digital publication for the event itself so it could increase impression and engagement
Step 1: We discuss your needs. I am an active person to seek the needs of my clients so they get what they want and I could give my best to present my best creativity to explore the brand.
Step 2: I create according to your expectations. Every creativity has limits. It is one of my principles, because, as business and UX writing, we could not just have creativity but also the goals of writing its self. Which is to serve the user the best experience
Step 3: We collaborate on the final output. Collaboration. Combination of creativity, goals of the clients, and the most important, the needs of User.
My promises to you: Creativity
Easy availability
Writing projects Starting from July 2019 to present
Marketing & Advertising Client: Coocaa Indonesia (November 2019 January 2020) KPI 1. Increase Engagement Social Media = Achieve 134% from the target 2. Increase Impression Social Media = Achieve 187% from the target 3. Increase Followers Social Media =Achieve 95% from the target 4. Makes daily content and analysis social media performance each period = Achieve 100% from the target
Kamu tahu film yang ada di gambarkan? Yap! Parasite, film yang baru saja memborong 4 piala Oscar 2020! Skenario terbaik Film Internasional terbaik Sutradara terbaik Best picture Kamu sudah nonton filmnya kan? Kalau belum, #parahsih ! Atau setidaknya Kamu sudah tahu kan, Coocaa TV Model 50S3N ready di Flagship Store Coocaa di Lazada, belum tau? makin #parahsih Segera dapatkan punya Kamu di link ini: http://bit.ly/LazMallFlagshipStore #CoocaaIndonesia #SharingLove #BringBackTogetherness #TogethernessStartHere #SaatnyaKumpul #MulaiDariCoocaa #parahsih
Engagement: 23% user reach
Kado apa ya, yang sebaiknya dikasih ke orang tua atau orang yang Kamu sayang? Tanya Google assistant di Coocaa TV Kamu aja! Tulis di komen rekomendasi versi Kamu ya, #CoocaaIndonesia #AITV #GoogleAssistant #TogethernessStartHere #SaatnyaKumpul #MulaiDariCoocaa #CoocaaTV
Engagement: 45% user reach
Coba tebak model Coocaa TV yang ada di gambar! Petunjuk! 1 50”, UHD, Netflix, Youtube, Smart TV 2 32”, Infinity View, Coocaa Lite UI, Dolby, DTS Tulis di komen jawaban Kamu! Mana tau beruntung! #MulaDariCoocaa aja! #CoocaaIndonesia #BringBackTogetherness #TogethernessStartHere #SaatnyaKumpul #MulaiDariCoocaa
Engagement: 55% user reach
Visual Identity & Design Client: Reksadana Manulife (April 2020 - January 2021) KPI 1. Increase Engagement Social Media = Achieve 112% from the target 2. Increase Impression Social Media = Achieve 148% from the target 3. Increase Followers Social Media =Achieve 77% from the target 4. Makes daily content and analysis social media performance each period = Achieve 100% from the target
Tau nggak, data dari OJK bilang kalo dana kelolaan (AUM) industri reksa dana per akhir Agustus aja bisa mencapai Rp 520,85 triliun lho! Udah gitu, ini pertama kalinya juga dalam sejarah kalo AUM reksa dana pasar uang naik paling signifikan. Selain banyak investor yang melakukan switching ke reksa dana yang lebih stabil, nyatanya banyak juga yang udah mulai sadar sama pentingnya investasi di masa krisis. Mana nih suaranya yang invest di pasar uang, coba dong kasih alasan kenapa berani invest di masa kayak gini? #ReksaDanaManulife #FinancialFreedom #StayInvested #Investasi #ReksaDana
Engagement: 22% user reach
Godaan akhir tahun emang godaan yang paling sulit sih. Inget ya bund, jangan sampe kalap. Coba deh sebelum tekan tombol checkout di HP, tarik napas, terus pikir dua kali perlu atau nggak dibeli? Jangan sampe tau-tau ada barang udah nyampe aja di rumah dan nyesel karena lihat saldo berkurang 😅 #ReksaDanaManulife #MindfulFinancial #DiskonAkhirTahun #StayInvested
Engagement: 22% user reach
Misi.. MAMI cuma mau ingetin buat jangan gampang terjebak dan tergiur dengan tawaran investasi yang menjanjikan keuntungan plus-plus tapi nggak masuk akal, cepet kaya misalnya... MAMI jadi penasaran deh, apa sih yang bikin kamu percaya dan setia sama Reksa Dana Manulife? :) #ReksaDanaManulife #StayInvested #AwasInvestasiBodong #Investasi
Engagement: 19% user reach
Digital Publication Client: Florence Mattress (February 2021 present) KPI 1. Increase Engagement Social Media = Achieve 35% from the target (ongoing) 2. Increase Impression Social Media = Achieve 27% from the target (ongoing) 3. Increase Followers Social Media =Achieve 45% from the target (ongoing) 4. Makes daily content and analysis social media performance each period = Achieve 35% from the target (ongoing)
Promo Double Cashback kembali lagi, Moms!! Selain Cashback, Florence juga kembali mengadakan IG LIVE. Kali ini Florence ditemani @ivan_gunawan yang akan bahas produk Florence langsung di Sleep & Co Mal Kokas pada Sabtu, 6 Maret 2021 pukul 13.00. Dicatet lho ya, Moms tanggal dan waktunya nya :) Karena kali ini ada 2 promo yang menanti Florence Family, yaitu: Promo Cashback Rp1.000.000,- untuk Type Milan (All Size), dan Promo Cashback Rp750.000,- untuk Type Livorno (All Size) Pembelian dapat dilakukan langsung di Counter Sleep & Co maupun online pada www.sleepandco.id serta pada berbagai official store Florence di marketplace. Promo hanya berlaku pada 5-14 Maret 2021. So, jangan sampai ketinggalan lagi ya, Moms :) #Florence #DreamFamily #DreamActivity #MakeDreamComeTrue #KasurSehatKeluargaSehat #2KAS #PromoCashback
Engagement: 33% user reach
Ayo kita cek pengetahuan Florence Family tentang produk Florence.. Share jawaban kamu di kolom komentar ya! #Florence #DreamFamily #MakeDreamComeTrue #BestFriendBestCompanion #BestJoy #HealthyMatress
Engagement: 45% user reach
Siapa nih yang masih berpikir kalau tidur itu rutinitas penutup keseharian kita? Ternyata keliru yah moms, tidur itu adalah Awal dari pada hari. Hmmm.. kok bisa? Alasannya dibahas dalam diskusi @vegadarwanti123 dan Florence di video ini nih. Simak yuk! #Florence #DreamFamily #MakeDreamComeTrue #BestJoy #BestFriendBestCompanion #HealthyMatress #KasurSeharKeluargaSehat #2KAS
Engagement: 19% user reach
Reviews from my supervisor & mentor
Lasya Miranti Managing Director of The Hatch Indonesia (Talent Incubator) Active personal, quick learner and adaptive to the digital trend especially social media.
Deisya Monika Project Manager at The Hatch Indonesia HArdwroker, easy-going and always meet the deadline for every project.
Heru Susanto Business Account Manager di The Hatch Indonesia Positive person, always manage to keep healthy communication and can express the creative ideas through both writing and speaking.
Software Expertise Content Management: Microsoft, Google Tools
Project Management: Trello
Analysis Tools: Iconosquare, Later, Social Braker, IG and FB Insight, R Studio
Content Trends: Google trend, Google Ads,
Design: Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD
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