Design Portfolio

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Design Works Portfolio by: Mohd Khairi Ismail +6013 2680883

Professional Working Overview

Phase of Involvement Contract Implimentation Contract Documentation Design Development Schematic Design

Selected Project ProjectsExperience Experience


Selected Project ProjectsExperience Experience Selected Project ProjectsExperience Experience

Commercial and office Offices

Selected Project ProjectsExperience Experience Selected Project Experience

Selected Project Experience

SpireTechnology DIGI Edge Manesar Operation Centre Subang High Manesar, Gurgaon, Tech Park, New Shah Delhi,Alam, India Selangor. Malaysia. 1 block 20+Roof 139,726 sq.ft, 4 Storeys Gardenwith storeys overall withheight overallofheight 23.5 mof 100 metres Total Gross Area : 242,823 Under-construction. Scheduled sq.ftto be completed by April 2010

2009/ 2010


Commercial office Commercial, and Offices Offices and Apartment Commercial and Offices

Max Tower Spire Edge Manesar


DIGI Technology Operation Centre Subang High Tech Park, Shah Alam, Malaysia. The key ecological design design feature approach of the iconic fortower the building is a continuous is expressed greeninecoinfrastructure a Vertical Plantscape at the north facade, System wrapping ascending aroundup thethebuilding tower through envelope. green Vegetation ramps from actsthe as basement, an effective infusing barrier 139,726 sq.ft, 4 Storeys with overall height of 23.5 m it with ansolar against ecological radiation and and social alsoterraces acts to insulate and garden the building and back which downsignificantly on the rearreduces facade Completed by a series ongoing heating of ramps and around cooling aenergy meeting costs room. of the Thebuilding. greeneryPlants is brought act asupbio-purifiers to the roof garden and through by a aseries number of vertical of biochemical landscaping processes systems, can break ie. vegetated down and green remove walls, airborne green planter ramps with contaminants which a pedestrian offer immediate walkway, environmental and a series of advances sky terraces. in reducing existing greenhouse and other volatile organic compounds, The tower is designed as a self sufficient water reuse/recycling system within the building.filtration Natural Both ofand the drainage green ramps systems act are as aused water in afilter/collecting portion of the device site to reduce to channel the rainwater burden of collected surface run from off to thethe roof public garden drainage to thesystem, water tank Thislocated also acts at to thecollect basement this run of thefor off building, reuse in hence the central being recycled irrigation and system. reused by the users of the building. Rainwater Harvesting/Recycling: The building’s extensive landscaped areas are irrigated via a large-scale Using Siphonicrainwater rainwaterrecycling down pipes system. for high Rainwater velocity surface is collected run off, from a collection the perimeter tank landscaped is situated at ramps ground and level roof buriedgarden. in the landscape It is channeled for minimal andimpact. storedThis at tank the is lowest then basement the recycling level, point beneath for water thereuse. Eco-cell, Theand collected reusedrainwater as recycled is filtered water within and then the building. pumped to irrigate the Plantscapes around the building and also caters for the water requirement for the Vegetated Green Wall. A dual system of photovoltaics is to be used. On the upper roof level an area of 163m2 will be installed generating 54.4KWh daily or 19,867 KWh Yearly which translates to 12,516 kg of C02 emission reduction per year. The second system with be an expose of green technology using semi-transparent photovoltaic modules in the guard house roof of the project & will output 1.5 kWh daily.


Commercial and office Offices


Max Bank Spire The Tower EdgeofManesar Development and Investment of Vietnam (BIDV Tower)

Frankfurt Manesar, LGT towers Germany Gurgaon, New Delhi, India Spire Edge Manesar Frankfurt Germany Manesar, Location: Ho Gurgaon, Chi Minh New city, Delhi, Vietnam IndiaTotal Manesar, Gurgaon, New Delhi, India 150-storeys Kuala block Lumpur 20+Roof 90,000 Malaysia Garden square storeys meterswith overall height 10090,000 metres 150-storeys Gross blockof Area: 20+Roof 35,311 Garden square s.q.mstoreys meterswith overall height of 100 metres 1 block45(tower1) 20+Roof Garden withsq.ft overall height of 100 Plot Total Ratio: Gross 1:5.56 and Area42storeys :1999 242,823 (tower2) Plotmetres Total Ratio: Gross1:5.56 Area :1999 242,823 sq.ft Total Gross : 242,823 sq.ft GrossArea Floor Area : 146,750 sq.m Under-construction. Scheduled to be completed by July 2010

Commercial and office Offices


SpireTower Max Edge Manesar FrankfurtBusiness Manesar, Riyadh Germany Gurgaon,Center New Delhi, Complex India 150-storeys Saudi blockArabia 20+Roof 90,000Garden squarestoreys meterswith overall height of 100 metres Plot Ratio: Total Gross1:5.56 Area :1999 242,823 sq.ft

Masterplan Omkar Enclave Masterplan Bangalore, India



key feature of the master plan is an “ecological corridor” that weaves across the The key design feature of the iconic tower is a continuous green ecoinfrastructure at the The key building aim design of the incorporates feature development of the vertical iconic is toplanting create tower world-class into a continuous thefrom facade mixed green fromspaces ecoinfrastructure the site of tooffices, balance at hotel, the Riyadh The Spire Edge Manesar LGT towers Omkar Enclave Masterplan 86.75 acres of land in a continuous ecological nexus with green bridges and tunnels that The Bank of north facade, ascending up the tower through greenisramps the basement, infusing The key building bank design incorporates Development feature of the vertical and iconic Investment planting tower aofcontinuous Vietnam the facade isgreen afrom design ecoinfrastructure the site proposal. to balance Theat site the inorganic north service facade, apartments, aspects ascending ofretail theterraces up city and the environment multi-purpose tower through (with hall green more within ramps organic anofon interactive from mass). the green The building park. infusing was isinto links all the green spaces enhancing ecological biodiversity. it with an ecological and social and garden and back down the rearbasement, facade inorganic north is located facade, aspects on ascending Nguyean of the Huea city the environment Boulevard, tower through (with Hogreen Chi more Minh ramps organic City, from mass). Vietnam. the basement, TheThe building objective infusing was itdesigned withofan ecological with around the concept and social of transforming terraces andgreenery the garden site and into back a green down park onup of the transforming rear facade by a series ramps a meeting room. The is brought up to the roof Business center Complex, The ecological corridor will be landscaped Gurgaon, New Delhi, Kuala Lumpur Bangalore, India Development itdesigned with to propose an ecological with athe design concept and social concept ofthe terraces andwas architectural and the garden site approach and into back a green down to create park on of the atransforming world rear facade class the by series into foot of a green ramps printspark around is to maximize ink a meeting thesystems, city’s as green room. green The park belt. greenery that Upward weaves iscontinuous brought through upplanting totransforming the towers roof with Vashtu compliant concepts, with a gardenThe byasite agreen series of vertical landscaping vegetated green walls, green thesky by signature asite into and of aiconic green ramps headquarters park around towalls, ink a meeting the building city’s for green theThe Bank belt.greenery of Upward Development iscontinuous brought andup Investment planting to the was roof of key incorporated garden bythe aa series apex in thewith of tower vertical roof asgardens an landscaping ecological and creating systems, system aseries three from ie. vegetated dimensional street level green spiraling integrated up green park. the room. The key feature of the plan is The anphysical Riyadh is design an emerging global cityiconic ideallyplanting suited to the establishment of anecoinfrastructure internationally innovative water management system (bio-swales and master water retention ponds). plantercrowning ramps with pedestrian walkway, and a series of terraces. The building incorporates feature of the vertical tower isinto a continuous the facadegreen from the site to balance at the Saudi Arabia India Malaysia and Investment incorporated garden Vietnam. by The a series in architectural the of tower vertical as scheme an landscaping ecological also highlights systems, system the from ie. green vegetated street ecological level green spiraling features walls, up green which the facade to planter ramps create with a continuous a pedestrianand walkway, stable ecosystem. and a series of sky terraces. development is designed around the green spaces to enhance social connectivity and business park. This prestigious development will complement Riyadh’s a world class inorganic north facade, aspects ascending of the up citygreen the environment tower through (with green moreramps organic from mass). thestatus basement, Theasbuilding infusing was “ecological corridor” that weaves across facade planter are unique to ramps create tosystem this with aproject. awithin pedestrian and walkway, stable ecosystem. and a series of sky terraces. The is proposed design setsufficient to be a green with ecological &continuous sustainable features 1.


s tate

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a pleasurable lifestyle. 1 block 20+Roof Garden storeys The tower designed as a is self water mark reuse/recycling the 45(tower1) and city by establishing a proposal which is both contextually founded and aesthetically revolutionary. The designed it with an ecological with the concept and social of transforming terraces and the garden site and into back a green down park on of the transforming rear facade of Vietnam The such tower tower asof‘Building planted is designed integrated skyramps courts, as act afood balconies, self as water well decks reuse/recycling as green and movable energy system production. internalwithin greening the building. Both the green asproduction’ asufficient waterviewing filter/collecting device to channel the 86.75 acres of land in a continuous into two distinct zones with integrated linksupplanting key features of this proposal ascity’s follows: with overall height of 100 metres 42basement (tower2) theadesign by site series into of a green ramps park around to ink aare meeting the room. green The belt. greenery Upward iscontinuous brought to the roof The tower main tower concept planted is the designed for sky the courts, asdevelopment balconies, self sufficient shall viewing reflect waterdecks the reuse/recycling advancement and movablesystem internal of technology within greening the for Thiswas green master plan will be enhanced with green technology with the use of rainwater collected fromof the garden to the water located at ofatofor inside building. theBoth office spaces. theroof green There ramps are act movable as atank shutters water filter/collecting (with the sky device courts) channel control ecological nexus withmaterials, greenmaximum bridges and (BIDV Tower) incorporated garden by a series in the of tower vertical as an landscaping ecological systems, system from ie. vegetated street green spiraling walls,up green the the building, hence recycled by to thedevelopment users ofthe the building. Rainwater environmentally-friendly and recyclable openings for natural inside building. the 21st century, Both office of spaces. with the ecological There ramps are movable sustainable water environment. filter/collecting (with the The sky device courts) inspiration toforchannel control for the ofArea rainwater This thepark internal collected serve office from not environment only theand roof thereused proposed garden to cater for the seasonal water tank but changes. located the surrounding atgreen Earth the basement mounds land use ad of as a shutters to thelevel park Total Gross :willbeing 242,823 sq.ft Gross Floor Area :andact

New Building Design for The Institute of Strategic and International Studies














central atrium. Harvesting/Recycling: Theare building’s extensive landscaped areas are irrigated via lighting and ventilation, roof gardens and green terraces, rainwater harvesting, and low 1ofcreate the art towers, grouped into two distinct zonesofwith ofbythe rainwater design internal oftower BIDV collected office Tower from environment was the the roof site itself. tothe cater The toLocation: for the boulevard seasonal water tank serves changes. located as an atimportant Earth theMinh basement mounds arteryad of to 6 state recess the as well building, courtyards to encourage hence being a located creative recycled atsocial theand point environment, reused where the the improving users meets of the the lifestyle the building. ground quality Rainwater togarden of blend facade planter to ramps with aoffice continuous a pedestrian and walkway, stable ecosystem. and a series skyintegrated terraces.links to the park tunnels that links all the green spaces Ho Chi The proposal sensitively respond to the 2- and Integrated Bioclimatic Vertical Under-construction. Scheduled a large-scale rainwater recycling Rainwater isthe collected from the perimeter energy building design. sq.m recess city building, courtyards and the hence initial are being idea located recycled was atto the incoportae, and point where integrate, bythe thetower users and meets fuse of the thethe building. boulevard groundRainwater tointo blend the the building Harvesting/Recycling: neighborhood. withThe the tower integrated Thesystem. meets building’s green the ground terraces extensive to blend serve landscaped the as 146,750 ideal building areas relaxing with are the and irrigated ground. innovative The viareused 2- Integrated Bioclimatic Vertical urbanism with the inclusionand of linked continuous landscaping landscaped ramps and roof garden. It is channeled and stored at the lowest enhancing ecological biodiversity. city, Vietnam apark environments large-scale was “punctured” for rainwater the end with recycling users. skylight system. opening Rainwater tobuilding. bring natural is light from vegetation the perimeter to the the Harvesting/Recycling: building Wecollected with carried theand tower this The idea meets building’s through the ground toextensive an architectural to blend landscaped the proposal building areas with exudes are the irrigated ground. an imageThe via of ground from toisroof climate






The tower tower planted designed sky courts, as a balconies, selfwith sufficient viewing water decks reuse/recycling and movable system internalwithin greening urbanism the inclusion of linked to be basement completed by July 2010 level, beneath the Eco-cell, reused as water within the building. Thisthe green master plan seeks to harmonise with Vashtu Shastra principles. basement landscaped carramps park. and roofand garden. It recycled is both channeled and stored atskylight the lowest apark large-scale the was state-of-the-art “punctured” rainwater with and recycling ecological. system. opening Rainwater to bring natural is collected light and from vegetation the perimeter to the 3Careful integration of the development into the existing linear grid of Riyadh inside building. the Both office of spaces. the green There ramps are act movable as a shutters water filter/collecting (with the sky device courts) to for channel control Gross Floor Area: Every working space has an advantage continuous landscaping from ground to roof basement They are positioned level, beneath strategically the Eco-cell, in both andthe reused hotel as and recycled office towers, waterand within which the and building. linked It is channeled and stored at the lowest basement landscaped carramps park. roof garden. 4A vast Landscaped Green a safe social gathering within a pleasant of the rainwater internal collected officefrom environment thecivic roofplaza, garden to creating cater to for the seasonal water tankchanges. locatedarea atEarth the basement mounds ad of There to the lower is an all-year parks. round Public Plaza within aThe green-house environment, controlled by basement boulevard level, leads beneath itselfthe seamlessly Eco-cell, into andthe reused building as recycled and riseswater with within the Tower, the building. infusing 35,311sqm of looking to the outside view while at the 3.courtyards Careful integration ofreused the development into microclimate. recess the building, henceare being located recycled at theand point where by the thetower usersmeets of the the building. groundRainwater to blend operable windows and walls. Therefloor each is anwith all-year greenery roundbefore Public descending Plaza within back a green-house down to merge environment, with thecontrolled city streets. by 5consideration ofThe orientation and maximize views, natural lighting, ventilation, theCareful Harvesting/Recycling: building with the tower meets building’s the placement ground extensive totoblend landscaped the building withare the irrigated ground. The via The two Iconic towers are distinguishable physical land-marks locality in which same time they may enjoy the internal courtoperable Hence, it windows is called for “The andtheir walls. Boulevard the Sky”. the existing linear grid of areas Riyadh serve as a generating point for the surround future development. sun shading andrainwater noise protection. apark large-scale was “punctured” with recycling skylight system. opening Rainwater to bring natural is collected light and from vegetation the perimeter to the yard garden through the central atrium 4.park. A Mosque vast Landscaped Green civic plaza, 6A contemporary as thegarden. jewel ofIttheisdevelopment, features and lowest ramps basement landscaped carramps and roof channeled with andwater stored at the creating a safe social and gathering area water within a the building. integrated within landscape. basement level,thebeneath the Eco-cell, reused as recycled within 7An isInnovative Evaporative Cooling system integrated within the contemporarycontrolled Mashrabiah There an all-year round Public Plaza within a green-house environment, by pleasant microclimate. screen enclosing the office blocks. operable windows walls. 5.and Careful consideration of orientation tonotion maximize natural This designand breaksplacement with the conventional of a Businessviews, Park as a campus style low rise development pioneered in America during the mid 20th century. A campusand style does not fit the context of lighting, ventilation,sun shading noise Saudi Arabia, in cultural, economic or environmental terms. protection. Instead, the6. proposed scheme is evolved to Mosque a concept that isas specifically designedof for the context in A contemporary the jewel which it exists. Thisdevelopment, is undoubtedly a business park inwater its functionality and economics, the with features andyet has undergone programmatic reinterpretation to fit implicit differences in the Islamic culture. ramps integrated within the landscape. © T .R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn.Bhd. © T .R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn.Bhd. To acheive this the proposal responds to the linearity of Riyadh’s existing urban fabric, addressing the 7. An Innovative Evaporative Cooling system © T .R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn.Bhd. key adjacent arteries with a curved linkage. This site is crucially important to the rapidly developing integrated within the contemporary socialSdn.Bhd. fabric of Riyadh, demanding a cultural node of international significance. This development is © T .R. Hamzah & Yeang creen




the place whereMashrabiah

Riyadh’s journey mustsbegin and ends, linearly and metaphorically. blocks.


Ascendas Complex Manila, Philipines The








(30 storey +25 storey), 1 service Apartment/Hotel (20 storey), Retail podium (6storey) and elevated and basement Carpark. The three towers are equally spaced above the Podium to allow ventilaion, natural






penetrate into the towers.


Kuala Lumpur Cultural Boulevard This thesis project located at the sensitive site of cultural and environment; Pasar Seni, Masjid Jamek Kuala Lumpur and Klang River. It a Re-thinking program for the existng Riverine tourism concept developed by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall. The overall Developement consist of pedestrian boulevard with 3 main complex: 1. Kuala Lumpur art & Heritage Gallery 2. Theater Complex 3. Festival market.

Location © T .R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn.Bhd.

© T .R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn.Bhd.

Building Typology *Competition entree

Data Center Offices

Offices MixDevelopment

Place of involvement

*Competition entree

*Competition entree Second prize

Offices Mix-Development

Mix-Development Masterplan

Design Thesis International




Professional Involvement at T. R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn.

Mohd Khairi Ismail

Professional Working Portfolio

Mohd Khairi Ismail

DiGi Technology Operation Center Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Involvement: Assisted Project Architect in schematic design (SD) stage by generating design options studies of the green wall.

Š Copyright of T. R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn. Bhd

Conducted Invitation tender process, client - consultant meeting coordination and prepared design detail drawing for preparation of construction drawing (CD). Corresponded with all consultants (Civil & Structure, Mechanical & Electrical Engineer and Main contractor) by feeding them necessary informations and detail drawing required. Conducted overall building inspection prior to hand over to client.



Professional Working Portfolio

Mohd Khairi Ismail

Spire Edge Tower Manesar, Delhi, India Involvement: Developed Design Intent drawing for local Architect to proceed with Developement Order submission. Handled part of design works with local consultants. Assisted 3D visual artist preparing perspective for submission to client. Generated sunshade and elevatoring studies.

Š Copyright of T. R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn. Bhd



Professional Working Portfolio

Mohd Khairi Ismail

LGT Tower Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Involvement: Worked with design Architect to prepare baseline drawing. Handled and composed design report and presentation panels for presentation to client. Assisted production team throughout Design developement and Contract Document Process.

2008 Š Copyright of T. R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn. Bhd MixDevelopment

Professional Working Portfolio

Mohd Khairi Ismail

Bank of Development and Investment Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Involvement: Prepared technical drawing report and handled part of design task. Created sustainable diagram studies and handled report compilation and submission.


Offices Š Copyright of T. R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn. Bhd

Professional Working Portfolio

Mohd Khairi Ismail

Riyadh Business Center Complex Riyadh, UAE Involvement: Part of production team from schematic design stage to preparation of design report and presentation panel.

2005 Š Copyright of T. R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn. Bhd MixDevelopment

Professional Working Portfolio

Mohd Khairi Ismail

Omkar Enclave Masterplan Bangalore, India Involvement: Handled part of design task (Tower blocks, landscape layout) and managed compilation of design report. Lead a production team from schematic to presentation to client for several stages. Edited fnal rendering of overall design walk through animation.

2007 Š Copyright of T. R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn. Bhd Masterplan

Professional Working Portfolio

Mohd Khairi Ismail

New Building Design for The Institute of Strategic and International Studies Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Involvement: Lead design team from schematic stage through production of presentation report and panels. Prepared design brief and corresponded with all related consulatants. (Structural, Mechanical & Electrical Engineers and Quantity surveyors) Ensured total building design within given budget and meet client overall requirements. Š Copyright of T. R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn. Bhd



Professional Working Portfolio

Mohd Khairi Ismail

Ascendas Complex Metro Manila, Philipines Involvement: Created green concept diagrams potraying sustainable approach of overall design development



Design Thesis Portfolio

Mohd Khairi Ismail

Kuala Lumpur Cultural Boulevard Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Re-thinking Riverine Tourism Architecture concept which originally developed by City Hall of Kuala Lumpur. The design was derived from an issue of abandon historic river which has big potential to be developed as one of the tourist attraction Overall form and massing was generated through a site behavioral studies in consideration of human traffic wave and so does the surrounding buildings. Major setback of the site (untreated city river) was taken as the main power generator of overall development. Such sustainable approach has given the site responded well with the overall urban situation. All the development program was taken from the existing nearby activities as to cater sensitivity of the urban development issues. Besides, new program was introduced (Theater complex) to enhance and elevate the function of total site.



Design Thesis Portfolio

Mohd Khairi Ismail

Design Thesis Portfolio

Mohd Khairi Ismail

Photography Portfolio

Entry for Bazaar Fashion Photography Competition.

Entry for Bazaar Fashion Photography Competition.

Experimental Photography

Freelance Photography

Mohd Khairi Ismail

Mohd Khairi Ismail Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia +6013 2680883

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