BRAZIL - 50 Years of Diplomatic Relations with the UAE

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establishment of diplomatic ties 50 years back? Brazil and the UAE s relationship is a history o f su ccess Along the past 50 years we have been building together a s t ro n g p a r t n e rsh i p t h at co nve rs s egments that range from trade to space

cience and technology among others We are prou d of these achievements and committed to keep ahead this journey for the next jubilee Brazil established its Embassy in Abu Dhabi in 1978, seven years after the UAE’s independence, a clear indication of Brazil’s commitment to foster a robust relationship with the new nation The first significant economic agreement between the two countries was signed in 1988, in the field of trade and economic cooperation This was an important landmark as

With our economies fully stabilised, enduring growth rates and a less bureaucreatic environment, I am confident we will watch more Brazilian companies coming to the UAE and more Emiratis investments heading to Brazil Sidney L eon Romeiro Ambassador of

it provided a framework for our ever growing commercial ties Shortly after, in 1991, the UAE established its embassy in Brasília, its first in Latin America It was in the 2000s, however, that economic relations saw a significant boost with the negotiations and signature of several trade agreements As a result, already in 2008, the UAE became Brazil s second-largest trading partner in the Gulf and the third in the Middle East In 2019 bilateral relations were elevated to the level of a “strategic partnership” reaffirming our interest in expanding the bilateral agenda in diverse fields

President Lula da Silva’s two visits in 2023 are also significant milestones It is not only an expression of confidence in our relations but also an indication of the strength and vitality of the political dialogue at the highest level Brazil s firm support for the UAE to become a BRICS member; the invitation to the UAE to participate in G-20, during the Brazilian presidency; the outstanding coordination we have had in COP and other multilateral foruns, like in the S ecurity Council; and finally the ongoing negotia-

tions of a CEPA agreement shall also be praised as milestones in our 50th jubilee

How do you see Brazil-UAE bilateral relations in next 50 years? Brazil is keen to further strengthen ties in infrastructure, AI, aviation, culture and sports

What do you say?

Brazilian and Emirati economies are complementary across various sectors In infrastructure, there is significant potential for UAE investments in Brazil, a vast country that needs par tners to explore roads, p or ts, air p or ts, p ower plants, among others Aviation is another area of shared interest, with companies like Embraer, Emirates, and Etihad being prominent global players Brazil just unveiled an ambitious plan to stimulate the tourism industry and the Emirates can have an important role in this project with the experience and knowledge the country has acquired with logistics

The UAE is a key partner in the field of AI It is remarkable and inspiring to see how the Emirates is preparing the country – people and institutions - to cope with the challenges and oppor tunities presented by AI It has become a area of special relevance for us and our countries have already agreed in advancing cooperation in this agenda The same goes with space exploration, where we have already negotiated a MoU aiming to exchange experiences in this field The UAE has a rich culture and a distinctive identity that should be more familiar to the Brazilian people Brazil, also, has a vibrant and diverse cultural landscape that has yet to be fully explored by the Emiratis We are working with a view to strengthen our cultural ties through different cultural manifestations, su ch as gastronomy, dance, theater, music literature, among others Brazil and the UEA have two shared passions when talking about sports: foot-


which needs to receive investments in this area Mubadala is already developing an important project involving biofuels in Brazil, and this is just the beginning of what we can develop together The two countries have signed a wide


Joint Committee o ffers

and the UAE an opp or tunity to review key asp ects o f their relationship and outline plans for the future

In recent years, even before the launch of the Joint Committee, cooperation between Brazil and the UAE has significantly expanded through the signing of several agreements in various crucial areas In the field of defence, Brazil and the UAE signed a Defence Cooperation Agreement in 2014, with the Joint Committee serving as a forum to further discuss topics in this area Economically, the Agreements on the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion (2018), Investment Facilitation (2019), and Customs Cooperation (2019) are currently in force Thes e agreements demonstrate the positive willingness of both countries to strengthen trade and investment ties In a previous discussion, I mentioned science, technology, and innovation as a privileged axis of cooperation for the next 50 years In line with this, a memorandum of understanding for Cooperation in Artificial Intelligence was signed in October 2019 Among other provisions, the memorandum establishes a Working Group for Cooperation in AI responsible for planning activities and creating a work program in this field Regarding environmental protection, in April of last year, during President Lula da Silva’s visit to the UAE, a Joint Declaration on Enhanced Action and Ambition on Climate Change was published, highlighting the shared values of sustainability and environmental protection b etween our countries Additionally, Brazil, the UAE, and Azerbaijan launched an unprecedented troika in February this year to implement the COP28 agreement and ensure more ambitious commit-


ments in the new Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

Can you highlight any notable success stories or flagship collaborative ventures between Brazil and Emirati businesses in the past 50 years?

The UAE s concern for food security is doubtless a segment that hightlight how our trade relations are inter twined For this, I would mention the food sector as one of the main areas of cooperation In 2014, Brasil Foods (BRF) inaugurated a state- of-the-art food processing plant in the Khalifa Industrial Zone This strategic location offers the company significant logistical advantages and access to global markets through Khalifa Port The plant required an investment of approximately $160 million and employs nearly 800 people, with a produ ction capacity of 100,000 tonnes of food per year

On the Emirati side, I highlight the country s concern for sustainable energy as a flaghip venture for investments in Brasil Last year, during President Lula s official visit to Abu Dhabi, Mubada Capital signed a MoU where the Fund commits to invest $2 5 billion in the next 10 years to produce renewable diesel and sustainable aviation kerosene in the north-eastern state of Bahia During the first stage of the project, Acelen, the Brazilian subsidiary company, will use soybean oil and other raw materials In the second stage, expected to begin in 2025, the company will use palm oil and macauba oil, a native Brazilian tree oil with high energy potential that has yet to be fully explored on a commercial scale Overall, an area of 200,000 hectares will be planted, the equivalent of 280,000 football pitches

In what specific sectors have Brazilian companies found the most opportunities for collaboration and investment within the UAE market, and vice versa?

Brazil has almost 40 companies now operating in the Emirates: Vale (steel), Embraer (aircraft), WEG (electric machinery), Marcopolo (buses), JBS (chicken, beef, and food products), and Tramontina (household utensils), among others They participate in major government projects or partnerships with local companies to develop and produce goods serving the local population These large global companies, along with numerous small and medium-sized Brazilian enterprises – like those in the design and furniture industry, wholesale and education activities have significantly contributed to the UAE economy

zil and the UAE are substantial and continue to grow Recently I have been contacted by Brazilian businesspeople from sectors as diverse as real state and fintech, where I am consulted about the prospects for Brazilian investments in the Emirates With our economies fully stabilised, enduring growth rates and a less bureaucreatic environment , I am confident we will watch more Brazilian companies coming to the UAE and more Emiratis investments heading to Brazil

Regarding UAE investments in Brazil, a notable example is the recent acquisition of 51 per cent of the Brazilian company Condor by the UAE group Edge Condor is one of the world s leading producers of non-lethal weapons, specially for the public security segment R &D in areas like this demands huge investments with a view to develop new technologies and mantain the quality standards of the company This is what motivates Edge to be a partner of Condor Edge’s objective with this acquisition is to expand its market share in nonlethal technologies and enter strategic markets such as the United States Additionally, several UAE sovereign funds have invested in Brazil, with an estimated total investment exceeding $10 billion The Emirati fund with the highest value of investments in Brazil is Mubadala Mubadala currently holds significant stakes in Porto de Açu in Rio de Janeiro and the Mataripe Refinery in Bahia In November 2021, Mubadala, through the holding company Hmobi, took control of the Rio de Janeiro Metro Furthermore, in 2018, Yahsat, a satellite company of the Mubadala group, opened an office in Rio de Janeiro to manage the sale of the Yahsat 3 satellite signal, launched in January 2018 The mutual investments between Bra-

Iara Koch, Founder, Amazon Events LLC, epitomises cultural synergy through meticulous

lived here for 19 years with my family Dubai has provided not only a place to live but also numerous valuable life lessons and oppor tunities to develop my passion for events and helping others It is a city I deeply love and appreciate for its education, outstanding healthcare, modernity, and dedication to creating a safe environment The UAE has always excelled in its achievements and has helped shape my passion for work Without the UAE or Brazil, my life would not be the same Words cannot express how grateful I am to have been par t of sharing their cultures with the world, and I am thrilled to continue doing so with my company I firmly believe that when you love what you do, work with honesty, and adhere to principles, good

customers’ satisfaction because everything is done with responsibility and dedication to yield perfect , rewarding results

How has the Brazilian government actively supported and facilitated business activities and partnerships between Brazilian businesses and the UAE counterparts throughout this bilateral relationship?

Brazil mantains a significant network of government agencies in the UAE that suppor t companies wishing to invest or conduct business here ApexBrasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency), for instance, has a permanent office in Dubai, assisting Brazilian companies in conducting business in the UAE and par ticipating in exhibitions and events across the country INVEST-SP, an agency of São Paulo s government , Brazil’s wealthiest state, has been operating in Dubai since 2020 with a view to assisting Emirati companies interested in investing in São Paulo Non-profit private organisations also play a crucial role in supporting Brazilian and Emirati businesses In February 2019, the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (CCAB) opened a representative office in Dubai, offering a range of services to small, medium, and large companies from both countries In 2021, coinciding with Expo 2020, the National Agriculture Confederation (CNA) established an office in Dubai, serving as a key contact point for

Our trusted exper ts and welcoming team are here to assist you in achieving your satisfaction and passion for events, exhibitions, and more Over the past 14 years, as Amazon Events LLC has grown and expanded to work with many countries, we have learned the impor tance of respect and gratitude, not only for Brazil and the UAE but also for our community and clients Our company offers a wide range of licensed activities to help you plan and execute your events, exhibitions, conferences, and seminars S ome of the services we specialiS e in include: ♦ Events Organising & Managing ♦ Exhibitions Organising & Managing

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(DTCM), and the UAE Chamber of Commerce Our exper tise lies in organiSing high- calibre cor porate events, exhibitions, conferences, and seminars Our dedicated team works with a diverse range of clients, with a par ticular focus on Brazilian delegations associations and promotion agencies along with local UAE companies and international associations from Spain, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, the USA, S outh Africa, Jordan, Japan, and many others Our commitment is to deliver exceptional experiences tailored to their specific needs We are located in DBC

In 2019, Dubai welcomed its first Brazilian university, Unicesumar, which has since revolutionised education for the Brazilian community in the UAE and the broader Middle East

Offering over 100 undergraduate and postgraduate courses, Unicesumar caters to more than 700 students, achieving a significant milestone this year with 200 graduates from its Dubai campus

The inception of Unicesumar Dubai is a compelling narrative centred on Miguel Romeiro, a young commercial pilot with a local airline and an ardent advocate for education His passion led him to par tner with Angelica Walker, who has been pivotal in bringing this project to fruition Walker describes their par tnership as one where she is the hear t and Romeiro the head, working in harmony to drive their shared vision forward

Together with an all-female, all-Brazilian team, including Marcela Silva, Fernanda Cardoso, Daiane Steiner, and teachers Marina Jaeger, Iasmim Silva and Luana Oliveira, all supported by Roberto Valerio in Brasil branch, who serves over 300 students from across the Emirates, as well as from Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Iran This diverse student body highlights the wide-reaching impact of Unicesumar in the region

Walker’s dedication to the project is palpable

“This university has become a project into which I pour my soul and heart, so it can reach more and more expatriate Brazilians who, for some reason, could not complete an undergraduate or specialization course while living in Brazil,” she shares Her commitment to making higher education accessible and meaningful for Brazilians abroad underscores the transformative power of education

Running such a significant educational endeavour comes with its challenges, but Walker finds the rewards far outweigh them “It’s emotional to see and feel the struggle of each one to complete a higher education course even while being so far from home!” she says The culmination of these efforts is evident during graduation ceremonies, where the joy and pride of the students are tangible Unicesumar Dubai operates primarily through a distance-learning model, with in-person exams This flexible approach is complemented by the

Miguel Romeiro, owner of Unicesumar Dubai and his team; Angelica Walker, Fernanda Cardoso and Marcela Silva
Angelica Walker, GM, Unicesumar Dubai
Port of Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Transforming lives with innovative assistive technology, Key2Enable champions inclusivity and indep endence for all abilities

n a world where technology is rapidly

Iadvancing, it’s crucial to ensure that everyone, regardless of ability, has access to the tools they need to thrive This is where Key2Enable comes in As a UN-awarded assistive technology star tup based in Abu Dhabi, Key2Enable is dedicated to empowering people of determination through a holistic solution For the past five years, Key2Enable has been at the forefront of innovation, developing assistive technologies that facilitate learning, communication, and independence for People of Determination Its flagship products, including the Key-X and Expressia, have garnered widespread recognition for their effectiveness in enhancing educational experiences and rehabilitating children with diverse needs

The Key-X and Expressia aren t just products; they ’ re solutions that have the power to transform lives With integrated training sessions and comprehensive repor ts, Key2Enable provides a holistic approach to suppor ting education, literacy, language learning, social skills, and communication These tools empower individuals to overcome barriers and reach their full potential One notable success story involves Mariam, who was born with cerebral palsy Despite facing educational and communication challenges, Mariam overcame these obstacles with the help of Key2Enable’s technology Through the company ’ s innovative solutions, she gained the ability to communicate effectively and participate more fully in her community

Key2Enable’s Journey Through Awards and Recognition

Key2Enable has emerged as a beacon of innovation, consistently pushing boundaries to empower individuals with disabilities The company was honoured with the Zero Project

Award at the United Nations Zero Project Repor t in Vienna, Austria The Key-X keyboard, meticulously designed for individuals with motor impairments, received recognition for its groundbreaking simplicity and effectiveness in enhancing digital accessibility worldwide With just 11 buttons, the Key-X keyboard exemplifies Key2Enable’s unwavering dedication to inclusivity and innovation Additionally, in October 2023, Key2Enable showcased its pioneering spirit at the LG Nova Innovation Festival & LG WebOS Hackathon in San Francisco, USA This global platform provided an oppor tunity to highlight their innovative solutions and solidify their position as leaders in the field

In another triumphant moment , Key2Enable emerged victorious at the Star tup Competition by the MIT Pan Arab in Madinah, Saudi Arabia, 2022 This esteemed recognition underscored the impact of its innovative solutions in assistive technology, setting a precedent for future endeavours In 2019, Key2Enable made waves by clinching victory at the prestigious Gitex Future Stars Supernova Challenge The revolutionary Key-X Smar t Keyboard again stole the spotlight , offering individuals with special needs the ability to write, navigate computers, and engage in audiovisual activities through advanced AI technology Accompanied by the Simplix software and TelepatiX app for Android, Key2Enable’s solutions revolutionized accessibility for individuals regardless of cognitive level The a-blinX switch fur ther enhanced accessibility, allowing control with a simple blink

Brazil, for the past 10-plus years, in an environment where most foreign investors have been shying away, ” Fahlgren said Mubadala also plans to open a stock exchange in Brazil next year through its Americas Trading Group “Brazil is a very large country It has only one stock exchange And I think that’s suboptimal infrastructure for the players that operate in this segment,” said Fahlgren


In another major development, Mubadala Capital and SailGP, the global racing championship, have announced a strategic investment to acquire a newly-formed SailGP Team to represent Brazil Brazil will join the startline of the global racing championship from the beginning of S eason 5, which commences in November 2024 SailGP and Mubadala’s partnership also extends off the water Last month, both organizations announced a new production partnership with Strata Manufacturing, a Mubadalaowned aerospace facility, to develop and manufacture new SailGP hydrofoils and rudders to be introduced in Season 5, as well as other key elements of SailGP’s F50 catamarans “We are thrilled to partner with SailGP to form the first- ever South American SailGP Team,” said Fahlgren


Earlier, Mubadala Capital closed its second investment fund in Brazil with total commitments of more than $710 million It did not , however, reveal details about the investors “The consummation o f our s econd Brazilian flagship fund marks a decade long track-record of successfully operating and investing in Brazil,” said Oscar Fahlgren

BSOF II will invest primarily in control positions in mature companies that are facing some form of complexity or distress, but where the underlying business fundamentals are compelling, Mubadala said In February last year, Mubadala Capital closed its first fund in Brazil with total commitments of $322 million

Changing lives positively

Key2Enable’s impact extends beyond individual success stories The company also believe in maximising the impact of every penny spent to create meaningful and sustainable change in the community By par tnering with NGOs and nonprofits, Key2Enable’s solutions enhance educational outcomes and promote inclusivity on a larger scale

The company ’ s approach is rooted in strategic training that leverages assistive technology solutions to address pressing social challenges Moreover, their solutions are designed to be cost- effective and scalable, allowing organisations to reach more beneficiaries with limited resources Currently, Key2Enable’s technology fosters education and rehabilitation for children with diverse disabilities in 25 countries across Mena, the EU, and the Americas Its commitment to inclusivity knows no bounds, and they ’ re eager to discuss potential collaborations with organisations looking to make a difference in the lives of others Key2Enable is not just a company; it s a beacon of hope for people of determination around the world Through innovative technology and unwavering dedication, they ’ re breaking down barriers and empowering people to live life to the fullest With Key2Enable, the future is brighter and more inclusive for everyone

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The 50-year celebration of robust bilateral ties between Brazil and the UAE highlights thriving economic par tnerships, cultural exchanges, and mutual growth, underscoring the enduring friendship and collaborative spirit

Anam Khan

In 2024, Brazil and theUAE will commemorate 50 years of strong bilateral relations marked by substantial economic, trade, and cultural exchanges Over the decades, these two nations have developed a partnership that has significantly influenced their economic landscapes and strengthened their global standings This golden jubilee is not just a celebration of past achievements but also reflects potential future collaborations


The economic relationship between Brazil and the UAE has grown exponentially since the establishment o f diplomatic ties in 1974 As repor ted by WAM, bilateral ties between the UAE and Brazil remain robust , with the valu e o f non- oil trade reaching $4 3 billion in 2023, up 42 1 per cent compared to 2021 Brazil is the largest recipient of the UAE s expor ts in S outh America and, behind the U S, the s econd-largest trade par tner in the Americas In terms of investment , the UAE has already committed to the Brazilian economy in excess of $5 billion The UAE, with its strategic location and dynamic economy, has become a crucial trading partner for Brazil Juma Al Kait , Assistant Under- S ecretary for International Trade Affairs at the Ministry o f Economy, commended the strength of UAE-Brazil trade and investment relations during the opening of the Brazil-Emirates Con ference, hosted in Abu Dhabi from March 6-8 He said: Brazil is a country of deep significance to the UAE Not only is it one of the first countries in S outh America in which we established an embassy, but it is also our nation s largest trading par tner in S outh America Our nations share ambitious growth plans, where the UAE is guided by the “We the UAE 2031”

Brazil has its Growth Acceleration Programme We are united by a common vision for extracting the far-reaching benefits from trade, inward investment and innovation, and are committed, through fora such as the Brazil-Emirates Conference, to suppor ting each other’s longterm, sustainable prosperity ” Brazil expor ts a variety of products to the UAE, inclu ding agricultural goods, food products, and raw materials In particular, Brazil is a significant supplier of meat, sugar, and grains to the UAE, meeting the country s high demand for quality food products On the other hand, the UAE expor ts petroleum, chemicals, and aluminium to Brazil, showcasing a balanced trade relationship that b enefits both economies

INVESTMENT FLOWS AND STRATEGIC COLLABORATIONS Investment has been a key pillar of the bilateral relations between Brazil and the UAE Emirati investment in Brazil has been particularly notable in sectors such as infrastructure, energy, and real estate The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) and Mubadala Investment Company have made significant investments in Brazilian enter prises, fostering eco


The brand excels as a leading alternative investment firm with over 35 years of sp ecialised exp erience, leveraging deep sector knowledge and local insights to create diversified opp or tunities across Latin America and b eyond

Patria is a leading alternative investment firm with over 35 years of specialised experience in key resilient sectors Over the years, the firm has navigated dynamic markets with its roots in Brazil and a focus on the Latin American markets

“Our recipe for success combines deep sector expertise with on-the-ground local knowledge to create highly diversified and tailored investment opportunities for our clients We specialise in agribusiness, power and energy, healthcare, logistics and transportation and digital and tech services where we are able to provide clients with unparalleled insight across market cycles It is a time-proven approach with consistent and attractive returns whilst building a positive legacy for the communities in which we operate,” explains Michael Majdalany, Head of Middle East, Patria

The first Middle Eastern relationship that Patria began was with a Sovereign Wealth Fund, that invested in its Private Equity Fund back in 1997 As more of the regional Sovereign Wealth and Pension Funds entrusted Patria with the management of their Latin American investment exposure, the region grew in importance for them This led to Patria opening their local office in the UAE in January 2016, in the iconic Gate Building, DIFC, Dubai

“From here we cover the entire Middle East and a couple of Central Asian countries, with a focus on the GCC It s key for us to have a local presence that understands the needs of the market and investors Our model is to always have local presence and connections,” says Majdalany

The local presence helps them to provide their expertise as a sector specialist, who can craft different investment opportunities for each region and client’s needs This has been and is the Patria way of achieving attractive results in a long-term cycle

As the leading alternative asset manager in Latin America, Patria has successfully invested Middle Eastern capital into Private Equity, Infrastructure, Credit, Growth, VC and Real Estate According to Majdalany, their current Assets Under Management stand at around $42bn He says: “We have also formed partnerships with large stakeholders in the region, for example with the Saudi PIF, where we established a special partnership directed towards investment in the transportation infrastructure of Brazil Specifically, we have teamed up to jointly bid in the current round of Government auctions for Toll Road concessions We secured our first win recently,

We specialise in agribusiness, power and energy, healthcare, logistics and transportation and digital and tech services where we are able to provide clients with unparalleled insight across market cycles It is a time-proven approach with consistent and attractive returns whilst building a positive legacy for the communities in which we operate ”

Michael Majdalany Head of Middle East Patria

(this was in 30 years) $1 2 billion, 473km brownfield toll road concession in the State of Parana, Brazil But beyond Latin America, Patria also offers tailored solutions through our Global Private Markets platform, into European and Global mid-market, secondary and co -investment ”

Going forward, Patria sees tremendous opportunity in the Middle Eastern markets, not just as a source of capital for their funds, but as exciting growth markets for their Portfolio Companies

“We are also exploring the off-take of raw materials, such as bitumen for our Toll Road platform, or fer tilizers for our Agricultural-Input Distribution company The prospect for regional growth is compelling as evidenced by our recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Saudi Ministry of Investments where we have agreed to explore investment oppor tunities in our respective markets, says Majdalany


In the latest development , the UAE-based company has joined forces with Brazilian railway operator Rumo to build a new terminal at the Por t of Santos

DP World, a leading global port operator based in the UAE, has been focusing on expanding its presence in the Latin American market, particularly in Brazil It’s presence in Brazil has been instrumental in driving international trade and supporting the country ’ s export-import activities

In the latest development, DP World has joined forces with Brazilian railway operator Rumo to build a new terminal at the Port of Santos, to handle 12 5 million tonnes a year of grains and fertilizers, positioning the port as Brazil’s primary trade gateway and a key hub for South America Rumo estimates the total investment for the construction of this state- of-the-ar t facility at $500 million, which will be financed through a combination of Rumo s resources, loans, and potential strategic par tnerships This is in addition to recent investments in DP World container handling facilities increasing capacity from 1 2 million TEUs to 1 4 million TEUs, while expanding the size of the quay from 1,100 metres to 1,300 metres

Once complete, the new terminal will handle nine million tonnes of grains and 3 5 million tonnes of fer tilizers a year With construction expected to take 30 months, all other services including container handling at Santos will continue, with no impact to container handling operations

The new terminal marks DP World s fourth round of investment since operations began in Brazil in 2013 It comes at a crucial time with the port achieving record cargo movements in January, handling 11 9 million tonnes of cargo Bulk solids, such as sugar and soy, accounted for 5 million tonnes, up 13 9 per cent compared to the same period in 2023, according to the Port of Santos

In the last 10 years, DP World Santos has handled over 5,200 vessels, more than 7 4 million TEUs, over 9 5 million tonnes of pulp bales, over 123,000 TEUs of cross- docking cargoes, and over 4 million gate transactions DP World’s investment has had a positive impact on the Brazilian economy, creating jobs, improving port efficiency, and attracting new business opportunities The company ’ s focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility has also been a key factor in its success in

secutive year, the ‘Green Label Industries,’ seal for good environmental practices There are four more BRF factories strategically located between the Middle East and Turkey including a state-of-theart facility in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, with a capacity of 18,000 tonnes/year, which reinforces the company ’ s commitment to food security in the region Over the last 15 years, BRF has invested over $500 million in the region

“Our factories here play a key role, allowing BRF to innovate and rapidly distribute products, enhancing the customer experience in the region, affirms Mar ti

“In recent years, we have maintained a leadership position, introducing innovative products with greater value and significantly expanding our product por tfolio, providing more convenience, and meeting the diverse tastes of local consumers ” Each of these products are made with commitment to high quality “We believe that a better future will demand quality food Our supply chain is integrated, which requires sustainable management,” says Marti Sustainable management at BRF means that it looks at the development of the people, including employees and par tners, consumers, respecting the environment and animal welfare, and fostering business growth to create and share value with all those that are par t of the BRF chain With such a robust policy, the company can take full responsibility for its results and offer high quality food

deliver high quality, innovative, and convenient products we have built a very strong regional footprint, including distributions and factories across GCC ” distribute

Additionally, the organisational culture of BRF is a living process, which is constantly changing while being guided by its commitments to safety, integrity, and quality “In future, we will continue to be at the centre of the governments’ agenda in terms of food security, sustainability, job

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