The speech of Sheikh Abu Zar AL-Pakistani mufti of the IMU on the day of Eid Al-Fitr 1432 A.H.

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The speech of Sheikh Abu Zar AL-Pakistani mufti of the IMU on the day of Eid Al-Fitr 1432 A.H.

This is a transcript for speech for Sheikh Abu Zar AL-Pakistani mufti of the IMU during a feast on the day of Eid Al-Fitr 1432 A.H., which was attended by mujahidin from the Ansar and Muhajirin from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan and Al-Qaeda organization. ***

Allah Almighty says: (This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion) 3 Surah AlMaeda, true are the words of Allah. The messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him said: “jihad will continue until the day of judgment”. My brothers for the sake of Allah, guardians of Aqeeda and Tawhid, soldiers of AlRhaman who are triumphant – by the willing of Allah – everywhere. Salam Alaikum wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatuh. O’ brothers, O’ mujahidin, O’ courageous heroes, these are the days of Eid… days of happiness and joy… days of sweetness, gladness and delight. In these days Muslims are happy and joyful and it’s their right to be so. And we your brothers the mujahidin are happy in these blessed days. And can we not be happy when our Lord has gladdened us when he made us in the trenches of fighting and the fields of

struggle. And we are happy in these days and can we not be happy when our Creator the Most High has gladdened us with the promise of martyrdom from him, Insha’Allah, and is there any happiness better than the martyrdom for the sake of Allah. O’ brothers, Muslims and the people when they are happy they rapture, so they dance, but the mujahid and the martyrdom seeker when he is happy and glee for the meeting with Allah Almighty his body dances and scatters to pieces and his organs are severed. This kind of dancing that has never seen before. It’s the highest degree of dancing. So if someone wants to see this kind of dancing he has to go the fields of jihad and martyrdom. O’ my brothers for the sake of Allah, we are the Ummah of La Ilah Ila Allah, Muhammad Ras lu-ll h. We are the Ummah of happiness. We are the Ummah of glory, pride and Eyman. These days are the days of Eid, happiness, and joy. These days are days of arrogance, honor and vanity. In these days we have to be arrogant and powerful against enemies of Allah, the enemies of Islam and the Muslims. We have to be arrogant and powerful against the Tawagit… the Tawagit of this time… the Tawagit of everywhere. We have to be a flaming torch in their eyes and we have to be a thorn in their throat. O’ my brothers for the sake of Allah, why do the Muslims claim today, that the Muslims are roses and flowers only? No, I swear to Allah, this Ummah’s mean are cutting swords against its enemies. We are the Ummah of Mohammed peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. We are an Ummah that is proud. A happy Ummah. We are proud of our Eyman. We are proud of our Deen and are proud of our Sharia which made us special among all the nations. The Muhammadan Ummah is a special Ummah from all the other nations. We are Muslims. We have to be proud of our Deen. We have to be proud of our Sharia. We have to be happy about our Aqeeda. We have to sacrifice our lives, and what we have from money and souls. We have to sacrifice for the word of La Ilah Ila Allah, Muhammad Ras lu-ll h all that we own. O’ my brothers for the sake of Allah, the mujahidin are weak. They aren’t refracted as the Western Kaffir media says. But as you see this blessed gathering. This blessed grouping is an indication that the mujahidin in their determination are sincere and the continuing their jihad. And in their jihad against the Tawagit are steadfast, resistant and constant, Insha’Allah. We in these days… in the days of Eid give glad tidings to our beloved Ummah… our high Ummah… our Ummah we give glad tidings of near conquests, Insha’Allah. (And also (He will give you) another (blessing) which you love, help from Allah

(against your enemies) and a near victory. And give glad tidings (O Muhammad SAW) to the believers -13- O you who believe! Be you helpers (in the Cause) of Allah -14-) Surah As-Saff. Is there any nation that is better than this Ummah? Is there any nation that is more beautiful than this Ummah? No, I swear to Allah. This Ummah… the Ummah of Islam is the Ummah of the good word, La Ilah Ila Allah, Muhammad Ras lu-ll h, is the most beautiful, completed and best Ummah. This Ummah is the highest and most precious Ummah. Because Allah Aza wa Gal praised this Ummah by saying: (You [true believers in Islamic Monotheism, and real followers of Prophet Muhammad SAW and his Sunnah] are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind) 110 Surah Aal-e-Imran, and Allah Almighty says: (Thus We have made you [true Muslims - real believers of Islamic Monotheism, true followers of Prophet Muhammad SAW and his Sunnah (legal ways)], a (just) (and the best) nation, that you be witnesses over mankind) 143 Surah Al-Baqara. So how does the Kaffir nations be better than this Ummah? These Kaffir nations that doesn’t know who wear clothes, eat and drink, and doesn’t know how to live, be polite towards their fathers and show good manners towards their children, fathers and mothers. These Kaffir nations never precede this Ummah. I swear to Allah brothers, this Ummah has been created by Allah Almighty to rule the world. It has been created by Allah Almighty prevail over the world. Allah didn’t create a nation that is equal to the Ummah of prophet Mohammed peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. O’ brothers, O’ mujahidin, O’ heroes, Allah didn’t create a nation that is equal to the Ummah of prophet Mohammed peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, as well as that it be preceded by one. We are an Ummah that ruled the world. We ruled with justice. We built high constructions. We opened the land and hearts together. He opened the land and entered the hearts of the people together. We are the ones who built Cairo and Baghdad. We are the one who built Córdoba and AlAzhar mosque. We are the ones who built Andalusia. We are the ones who built Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula. We are the ones who built this world. We are the Ummah of Mohammed peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. With our exploits, feats, sciences and arts built and developed this world. And today the grandsons of the apes and pigs, Jews and Christians, are accusing us that we are terrorists. They accuse us that we don’t know how to prevail over the world. They accuse us that we don’t know how to rule over the world. I swear to Allah, you apes and pigs, don’t know how to eat and drink, as well as to rule to world, as well as to prevail over the world. You are devils of the world. Your ancestors were Satans and devils and you are also the devils of the world. You have destroyed the land and did

mischief in the earth after its reformation and made the noblest of its people to be low: (Arabic poetry) Lions die from hunger in forests and the meat of sheep is eaten by dogs And a slave might sleep on silk when soil is the bed of one with high lineage O’ youth of Islam, Allah Almighty says to you, O’ elderly of Islam, O’ women of Islam, Allah Almighty says to you: (So lose not heart, nor fall into despair: For ye must gain mastery if ye are true in Faith) 139 Surah Aal-e-Imran, if you were ones with Eyman and Aqeeda, if you were the ones with Tawhid, if you were on the path of your predecessors, if you were the worthy successors to the best predecessors, I swear to Allah that you won’t fail, I swear to Allah that you won’t be broken. You are the Ummah of Mohammed peace and blessings of Allah be upon him that came to the world to rule it. The Muslims came to the world to prevail over the world. You didn’t come to be slaves to the Kuffar and the wicked, and the apes and pigs, O’ worshipers of Allah. Today the Kuffar say who filled the earth with corruption, who do mischief in the earth after its reformation, and who filled the earth with injustice and oppression after it was filled of justice and fairness in the Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman Caliphate and the Indian states that were ruled by the Ulema and the kings of the Moslems. Today those devils… the devils of the world… the Kaffir devils, are accusing us of weird accusations. If they accuse us that we are fundamentalists, we have fundamentals and you don’t. we have a reserved and protected history. We have a Book that is preserved from change and alteration. We have a Quran that is preserved from any distortion and inflection. Our Book is reserved (Surely We have revealed the Reminder and We will most surely be its guardian) 9 Surah Al-Hijr. So O’ Christians and Jews, may Allah curse you, can you bring a preserved book? No, never. But we can bring a book, we can bring the Quran. I swear to Allah, you devils and grandsons of the apes and pigs, if you burn our Qurans, the papers of our Quran, how will you burn the hearts? How will you burn these hearts where the Qurans and the verses of Allah are living in it? Even if you burn the Qurans in the world, how will you burn this child who didn’t reach ten years but he memorizes the whole Book of Allah in his heart, how will you burn this heart? Verily O’ brothers, these days are days of Eid, joy and happiness, days of gladness and delight, days of sweetness and felicity, but for whom? Only for the Muslims. These days are days of joy and happiness only for the Muslims. The Kaffir doesn’t

have the right to be happy. The sinner don’t have the right to be happy in this Dunya. Allah has created this Dunya for his worshipers, who worship and unify Him, not to those who deny Him. Alhamdulillah Alathi bi Nimatihi Tatimm As-Salaihaat. In these days, three days before Eid Al-Fitr, floods has overmastered the biggest Tawgut America, may Allah curse it. Alhamdulillah, Allah has sent over it the floods and torments and we ask Allah that it be repeated. Allah Almighty says: (Allah destroyed them completely and a similar (fate awaits) the disbelievers -11- That is because Allah is the Maula (Lord, Master, Helper, Protector, etc.) of those who believe, and the disbelievers have no Maula (lord, master, helper, protector) -12-) Surah Muhammad. O’ worshipers of Allah fear Him. Don’t be afraid from the technology and modern developments of the Kuffar, Jews and Christians. Our power is in our Eyman and our pride is in our Deen. Our law is our Quran, our constitution is our Book and our prophet is our Imam and our Amir is our servant. We are the Ummah of Mohammed peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, so have glad tidings worshipers of Allah and don’t be sad, don’t give up and don’t be in despairs of the Mercy of Allah. yes, every day we are killed… every day we are martyred… we are being shelled every day, but for whom? For the sake of Allah… for our Lord he Almighty, the Oft-Forgiving… for our Lord the Beneficent, the Merciful… to please Allah Almighty. To seize the Jannah of Allah Almighty… the Paradise of Eternity… the Jannah of Firdaus. So we aren’t failures. If we were killed we will be triumphant and if we kill we will be triumphant. (and whoso fights in the Cause of Allah, and is killed or gets victory, We shall bestow on him a great reward) 74 Surah An-Nisa. If our blood were spilled… O’ worshipers of Allah, O’ listeners everywhere… if our blood were spilled, we will be the mightier Insha’Allah, we are the most noble and generous Insha’Allah. If we were killed for the sake of Allah, then we have achieved our goal. We are only fighting to be killed. O’ Muslims, we are the Ummah of Mohammed peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and Mohammed peace and blessings of Allah be upon him came to rule the worlds. And the we are the Ummah of Mohammed peace and blessings of Allah be upon him came to be the master of the worlds. So how does the Ummah today leaves this mujahid group a prey for the frivolous, and a toy between the players and the insidious. And you O’ Ummah of Mohammed leave your Muslim brothers a prey for the Western media, to talk about your brothers as they wish and accuse your youth with fabrication and lying that have no bases.

Alhamdulillah, we are your brothers. We love you for the sake of Allah wherever you were and whoever you may be. O’ Muslims in Algeria, O’ Muslims in Iraq, O’ Muslims in Chechnya, O’ Muslims in Somalia, O’ Muslims in Yemen, O’ Muslims in the Arabian Peninsula, O’ Muslims in proud and ardent Palestine, O’ Muslims in Afghanistan, O’ Muslims in Tatarstan – Qazan, O’ Muslims in Samarkand and Bokhara and the land beyond the river (Central Asia), O’ Muslims in Burma and Arakun, O’ Muslims in Kashmir and Pakistan, O’ Muslims in the land of India we send you our greetings and Salaams to you, and say to you: “We wish that every year you be in welfare, Eyman and jihad… Amen O’ Lord of the worlds”. We are from you and you are from us. we are one Ummah. (And lo! this your religion is one religion and I am your Lord, so keep your duty unto Me) 52 Surah Al-Mumenoon… (so worship Me) 92 Surah Al-Anbiya. We have to be one Ummah. Look O’ brothers, these brothers are from the Pashtuns, Pakistanis, and the Turkestani brothers, and the German brothers, and the brothers from Uzbekistan, Samarkand and Bokhara and the land beyond the river, and Tajikistan and brothers from Tatarstan and brothers from Russia and brothers from Burma and Arakun, and brothers from Pakistan and from everywhere, Alhamdulillah we sit on one table… the table of Islam… the table of the Ummah of Mohammed peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. We don’t fight for ethnicity, or for partisanship, or for tribalism, or for the Fiqh Mazhabs, or for other ideas. Yes, surely we say that all the Fiqh Mazhabs are right, but we don’t be partial to it. We are believing brothers, Alhamdulillah. So O’ Muslims, O’ men of Islam, O’ youth of Islam, raise your zeal and strengthen your determination, and be worshipers of Allah be brothers. Don’t forget that your ancestors built Samarkand and Bokhara, don’t forget that your ancestors built centers for knowledge in Qazan, Samarkand, Bokhara and Khawarizm. Don’t forget that your ancestors and fathers fought against Genghis Khan, Jalal Ad-Din Khw razmsh h, they fought against Genghis Khan and were killed and didn’t surrender. So worshipers of Allah be steadfast. O’ brothers, our ancestors were who spread knowledge in Córdoba and Andalusia, while the people of Europe wandering blindly on in their contumacy. And spread guidance and knowledge in the whole world, while the Kuffar were lost in their ignorance, and today these apes and pigs say that the Muslims don’t know anything. We the Muslims taught you all these things, but you were the Arab proverb says: “fatten your dog and then it will eat you”. O’ Kuffar, we taught you, we retouched you, and we were equal between you. We were the rulers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, and Albania. We were rulers in Europe. We were rulers in Tatarstan and we used to take Jizya from Moscow. Say Allah Akbar. We used to take the Jizya from the Kuffar. Our brothers the tartar and

Qazan were taking Jizya from Moscow. And our fathers and ancestors used to take Jizya from Europe, from Rome and Italy. We have a very long history. You won’t be able to get rid from our feats, we are the Ummah of Mohammed. Don’t forget this. O’ brothers, these days are days of Eid, days of joy, happiness, days of sweetness, days of gladness, delight, days of pity and mercy over the orphans, widows, poor and needy. But these days are days of arrogance, splurge, obstinacy and oblige, days of when we keep our feet on the heads of the Kuffar, when we keep our feet shoulders and necks of the Kuffar, and slaughter them with our knives. Allah Akbar. We will never the enemies as long as they are attacking us. don’t teach us the Sira (biography) of the prophet. Don’t teach us the Sira of Mohammed. We are the Ummah of Mohammed. We are the sons of Mohammed. We are from the generation of Mohammed. Say: “Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him”. We are the grandsons of Mohammed. We are the inheritors of Mohammed peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. We know the history of our master Mohammed peace and blessings of Allah be upon him better than Tawagit and Kuffar, and the evil parliament democratic scholars. Don’t teach us about the treaty of Hudaybiya. Don’t remind us of the forgiveness after the conquest of Mecca. No, it’s the days of Bani Quraidah. The prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him killed from Bani Quraidah 706 persons by his knife and the knives of his generous pious Sahabah. Allah Akbar. O’ Kuffar we will Insha’Allah kill you. The prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him: “I swear to Allah that I came to you with slaughter”. Who said this? This is the saying of the (mercy to the worlds). This is the saying of the master of the prophets. This is the saying of the chosen one, and favorite prophet, who Essa, peace be upon him, your prophet you Christians – wishes that he be among the Ummah of the Mohammed peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. This is what Essa wishes, and he is from Messengers of strong will, he wishes to from the Ummah of the Mohammed, and he will be so Insha’Allah. and Essa, peace and blessings be upon him, will return and he will kill you, O’ lying Christians. O’ sons of the cross, O’ sons of apes and pigs, O’ Jews sons of the Talmud, the venomous, envious and bitter enemy, may Allah curse you, Essa, peace and blessings be upon him will kill you and with him is his “sword” Al-Mahdi, may Allah be pleased with him. O’ Ummah of the Mohammed, O’ Ummah of Islam, wakeup from your long snooze and sleep, wakeup from your deep negligence and slumber. Today our Ummah is

insulted, today our Quran is trampled, and today our Quran is burned with fire. O’ Ummah of Mohammed, our Quran that we glorify and respect is burned with fire. The Jews and Christians are burning it with fire and we remain silent. Then you Ulema of falsehood, Ulema of Tawagit, Ulema of devils, teach us Islamic manners and morals, and say don’t raise. I’m surprised from people who don’t rise, and blame those who rise! These are the days of Eid, the days of arrogance, oblige and oppressing the Kuffars. Days of of arrogance, oblige and oppressing the vicious Pakistani army, may Allah curse it, and the American army and the NATO armies, may Allah curse them how are they deluded, and the armies of apostasy, hypocrisy and stalking, who watch for disasters for us. How does life seem sweet for us while the prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him is being mocked, while the prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him is being insulted and cursed? How does life seem sweet for us? Can’t you become a bomb… can’t you become a machine gun against these Kaffir nations? Can’t you rise as one man… can’t you agree on one word that is to kill the Kuffar as long as they are assaulting and attacking us. Can’t you agree on one word that is “either Sharia or martyrdom”. Leave dispute, argument, subsidiary differences and variance over details and division between the banners (groups). This person is from Tehrik-i-Taliban, and that person is from Al-Qaeda organization and that person is from Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. No brothers, we are all brothers. Even if our banners differ in color between white and black, but La Ilah Ila Allah, Muhammad Ras lull h is written on all of them. We are the Ansar, we are the muhajirin. Rise worshipers of Allah, in these days of Eid vow Allah Almighty to be mujahidin fighting for the sake of Allah and the martyrdom seekers (Istishadyin) for the sake of Al-Rahman. Let the our rockets face the Kuffar. In these days of Eid, we have to launch rockets against the Pakistani army, and their stations and barracks, because we are people who are proud with their religion and they are the wicked disbelievers who don’t deserve to live. They don’t have a right to live in this Dunya except surrendering, servile, submissive to Allah the Lord of the Worlds and his worshipers. O’ my brothers, I have talked to you for too long. Finally I remind you of what Allah Almighty said: (Those who believe do battle for the cause of Allah; and those who disbelieve do battle for the cause of idols. So fight the minions of the devil. Lo! the devil's strategy is ever weak) 76 Surah An-Nisa. Kill the Pakistani army ruthlessly and with no conciliation, pacifying or talks. Kill the European and

American army ruthlessly and with no conciliation. Kill the Americans and don’t consult regarding that. Kill the Pakistani army and the its intelligence agents and don’t do Istikhra (supplicate Allah to choose what is good for oneself) and consult regarding that, since that issue over and Allah’s promise is true (In Allah's help to victory. He helpeth to victory whom He will. He is the Mighty, the Merciful) 5 Surah Ar-Room O’ Allah accept all our martyrs and make us from among them. O’ Allah don’t forbid us their good and blessings. O’ Allah don’t make us astray after them. O’ Allah don’t tempt us after them. O’ Allah we ask for your mercy you are the Beneficent, the Merciful over the mujahidin, orphans, widows, poor, needy, prisoners and captives. O’ Allah we ask for your mercy over the muhajirin and muhajirat. O’ Allah we ask for your mercy over the Ansar and Ansariat. O’ Allah we ask for your mercy over your Muslim worshipers. O’ Allah we ask for your mercy over your oppressed worshipers. We are certain of your promise that “I will grant victory to you oppressed one, even though if the help is after few days”. .

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