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CHAPTER 17 Concerning Various Acts of Worship                     Say (O Muḥammad ): “Verily, my Ṣalāt (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allāh, the Lord of the ʿĀlamīn (mankind, jinns and all that exists). “He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims.” 3486


Sūrah Al Anʿām (6), āyāt 162-163.

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Purification: Wuḍūʾ, Ṭahārah, Tayammum. Water as a purifying agent 8:11

Clean, pure water from the sky

                       (Remember) when He covered you with a slumber as a security from him, and He caused water (rain) to descend on you from the sky, to clean you thereby and to remove from you the Rijz (whispering, evil-suggestions, etc.) of Shaiṭān (Satan), and to strengthen your hearts, and make your feet firm thereby. 3487 25:48                And it is He who sends the winds as heralds of glad tidings, going before His Mercy (rain), and We send down pure water from the sky, 3488

Purification 2:222

Ḥaiḍ (menstruation) is impure, and because of that men are prohibited from approaching their wives until they (their wives) are cleansed therefrom.

                                They ask you concerning menstruation. Say: that is an Adha (a harmful thing for a husband to have a sexual intercourse with his wife while she is having her menses), therefore keep away from women during menses and go not unto them till they have purified (from menses and have taken a bath). And when they have purified themselves, then go in unto them as Allāh has ordained for you (go in unto them in any manner as long as it is in their vagina). Truly, Allāh loves those who turn unto Him in repentance and 3487 3488

Sūrah Al Anfāl (8), ayāh 11. Sūrah Al Furqān (25), ayāh 48.

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loves those who purify themselves (by taking a bath and cleaning and washing thoroughly their private parts, bodies, for their prayers, etc.).3489 4:43 5:6

Whenever we need to perform ṣalāt and one is in a state of ḥadath (uncleanliness), then it is obligatory for one to perform wuḍūʾ (ablution); when it is that one is in a state of „greater‟ ḥadath then one must perform ṭahārah (bathe); but if one cannot find water or one is sick and cannot come into contact with water (as a result of the sickness), then one may make use of tayammum (use of clean earth). The methods of wuḍū‟ and tayammum are exemplified in these āyāt.

                                                   O you who believe! Approach not Aṣ-Ṣalāt (the prayer) when you are in a drunken state until you know (the meaning) of what you utter, nor when you are in a state of Janāba, (i.e. in a state of sexual impurity and have not yet taken a bath) except when travelling on the road (without enough water, or just passing through a mosque), till you wash your whole body. And if you are ill, or on a journey, or one of you comes after answering the call of nature, or you have been in contact with women (by sexual relations) and you find no water, perform Tayammum with clean earth and rub therewith your faces and hands (Tayammum). Truly, Allāh is ever Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving.3490                                                                  O you who believe! When you intend to offer Aṣ-Ṣalāt (the prayer), wash your faces and your hands (forearms) up to the elbows, rub (by passing wet hands over) your heads, and (wash) your feet up to ankles. If you are in a state of Janāba (i.e. had a sexual discharge), purify yourself (bathe your 3489 3490

Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 222. Sūrah Al Nisāʾ (4), ayāh 43.

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whole body). But if you are ill or on a journey or any of you comes from answering the call of nature, or you have been in contact with women (i.e. sexual intercourse) and you find no water, then perform Tayammum with clean earth and rub therewith your faces and hands. Allāh does not want to place you in difficulty, but He wants to purify you, and to complete His Favour on you that you may be thankful.3491

Ṣalāt. The command to perform Ṣalāt and to pay Zakāt 21:73 19:55

Ṣalāt and Zakāt were ordered (to be performed) upon „Ibrāhīm  (and his offspring), ʾIsḥaq , Yaʿqūb , and ʾIsmā„īl , and their communities.

                 And We made them („Ibrāhīm  (and his offspring), ʾIsḥaq , Yaʿqūb , and ʾIsmā„īl ) leaders, guiding (mankind) by Our Command, and We inspired in them the doing of good deeds, performing Ṣalāt (Iqāmat-aṣ-Ṣalāt), and the giving of Zakāt and of Us (Alone) they were worshippers.3492           And he used to enjoin on his (ʾIsmā„īl ) family and his people Aṣ-Ṣalāt (the prayers) and the Zakāt, and his Lord was pleased with him.3493 2:83 5:12

Also upon the Banī ʾIsrāʾil;

                              And (remember) when We took a covenant from the Children of Isrāʾīl, (saying): Worship none but Allāh (Alone) and be dutiful and good to parents, and to kindred, and to orphans and Al-Masākīn (the poor), [Tafsir At-Tabarī, Vol. 10, Page 158 (Verse 9:60)] and speak good to people [i.e. enjoin righteousness and forbid evil, and say the truth about Muḥammad 3491 3492 3493

Sūrah Al Māʾidah (5), ayāh 6. Sūrah Al Anbiyā‟ (21), ayāh 73. Sūrah Maryam (19), ayāh 55.

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 ], and perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat-aṣ-Ṣalāt), and give Zakāt. Then you slid back, except a few of you, while you are backsliders. (Tafsir Al-Qurtubī, Vol. 2, Page 392).3494                                                   Indeed Allāh took the covenant from the Children of Isrāʾīl (Jews), and We appointed twelve leaders among them. And Allāh said: “I am with you if you perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat-aṣ-Ṣalāt) and give Zakāt and believe in My Messengers; honour and assist them, and lend to Allāh a good loan. Verily, I will remit your sins and admit you to gardens under which rivers flow (in Paradise). But if any of you after this, disbelieved, he has indeed gone astray from the straight path.”3495 19:30-31 Upon the followers of ʿIsāʾ ; and also upon those people who had been given Al Kitāb (the Book), including the community of the Prophet Muḥammad .     

               

“He [ʿĪsāʾ (Jesus)] said: Verily! I am a slave of Allh, He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet;” “And He has made me blessed wheresoever I be, and has enjoined on me Ṣalāt (prayer), and Zakāt, as long as I live.”3496 98:5

Many other Āyāt of the Qurʾān command ṣalāt followed by the command to pay zakāt.

                  And they were commanded not, but that they should worship Allāh, and worship none but Him alone (abstaining from ascribing partners to Him), and perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat-aṣ-Ṣalāt) and give Zakāt: and that is the right Deen (religion).3497

Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 83. Sūrah Al Māʾidah (5), ayāh 12. Sūrah Maryam (19), āyāt 30-31. 3497 Sūrah Al Baiyinah (98), ayāh 5. 3494 3495 3496

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Farḍ Ṣalāt – Obligatory Ṣalāt 20:14

The command to worship Allāh and perform Ṣalāt.            

“Verily! I am Allāh! Lā ilāha illa Ana (none has the right to be worshipped but I), so worship Me, and perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat-aṣ-Ṣalāt) for My remembrance. 3498 4:103

Confirmation of the obligation of Ṣalāt at specific times of day.

                       When you have finished Aṣ-Ṣalāt (the prayer - congregational), remember Allāh standing, sitting down, and lying down on your sides, but when you are free from danger, perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat­aṣ-Ṣalāt). Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours. 3499 17:78

Times for Ṣalāt.

                Perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqamāt-aṣ-Ṣalāt) from mid-day till the darkness of the night (i.e. the Zuhr, ʿAsr, Maghrib, and ʿIshāʾ prayers), and recite the Qurʾān in the early dawn (i.e. the morning prayer). Verily, the recitation of the Qurʾān in the early dawn is ever witnessed (attended by the angels in charge of mankind of the day and the night). 3500 4:101-103 Allāh has made it obligatory for „mankind‟ to perform ṣalāt in whatever condition one finds oneself in, in the manner enjoined upon them.                                                   

3498 3499 3500

Surāh Ṭā-ḥā (20), ayāh 14. Surāh Al Nisāʾ (4), ayāh 103. Surāh Al Isrāʾ (17), ayāh 78.

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                            

            

                      And when you (Muslims) travel in the land, there is no sin on you if you shorten your Ṣalāt (prayer) if you fear that the disbelievers may attack you, verily, the disbelievers are ever unto you open enemies. When you (O Messenger Muḥammad ) are among them, and lead them in Aṣ-Ṣalāt (the prayer), let one party of them stand up [in Ṣalāt (prayer)] with you taking their arms with them; when they finish their prostrations, let them take their positions in the rear and let the other party come up which has not yet prayed, and let them pray with you taking all the precautions and bearing arms. Those who disbelieve wish, if you were negligent of your arms and your baggage, to attack you in a single rush, but there is no sin on you if you put away your arms because of the inconvenience of rain or because you are ill, but take every precaution for yourselves. Verily, Allāh has prepared a humiliating torment for the disbelievers. When you have finished Aṣ-Ṣalāt (the prayer - congregational), remember Allāh standing, sitting down, and lying down on your sides, but when you are free from danger, perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat-aṣ-Ṣalāt). Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours.3501

Ṣalātul Jumʿah – Friday Ṣalāt 62:9

Whenever the call for Ṣalātul Jumʿah is announced, then it is obligatory upon the Islāmic community to fulfil the call of the Muʾadhdhin and desist from all work in order to remember Allāh.

                       O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Ṣalāt (prayer) on the Day of Friday (Jumuʿah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allāh [Jumuʿah religious talk (Khutbah) and Ṣalāt (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing), that is better for you if you did but know!3502

3501 3502

Sūrah Al Nisāʾ (4), āyāt 101-103. Sūrah Al Jumuʿah (62), ayāh 9.

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Night Ṣalāt 73:1-9 73:20 25:64

Night Ṣalāt, in its beginnings, was obligatory (Farḍ by law); afterwards it became sunnah (with the revelation of ayāh 20 of Surāh Al Muzzammil). Allāh commands this in order that we perform this (form of) Ṣalāt with the intention only for Him.

                                                            O you wrapped in garments (i.e. Prophet Muḥammad )! Stand (to pray) all night, except a little. Half of it, or a little less than that, or a little more; and recite the Qurʾān (aloud) in a slow, (pleasant tone and) style. Verily, We shall send down to you a weighty word (i.e. obligations, legal laws, etc.). Verily, the rising by night (for Tahajjud prayer) is very hard and most potent and good for governing (the soul), and most suitable for (understanding) the word (of Allāh). Verily, there is for you by day prolonged occupation with ordinary duties, and remember the Name of your Lord and devote yourself to Him with a complete devotion. (He alone is) the Lord of the east and the west, Lā ilāha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). So take Him alone as Wakīl (Disposer of your affairs).3503                                                                                            Verily, your Lord knows that you do stand (to pray at night) a little less than two-thirds of the night, or half the night, or a third of the night, and so do a party of those with you, and Allāh measures the night and the day. He 3503

Sūrah Al Muzzammil (73), āyāt 1-9.

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knows that you are unable to pray the whole night, so He has turned to you (in mercy). So, recite you of the Qurʾān as much as may be easy for you. He knows that there will be some among you sick, others travelling through the land, seeking of Allāh‟s Bounty; yet others fighting in Allāh‟s Cause. So recite as much of the Qurʾān as may be easy (for you), and perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat-aṣ-Ṣalāt) and give Zakāt, and lend to Allāh a goodly loan, and whatever good you send before you for yourselves, (i.e. Nawāfil non-obligatory acts of worship: prayers, charity, fasting, Ḥajj and ʿUmrah, etc.), you will certainly find it with Allāh, better and greater in reward. And seek forgiveness of Allāh. Verily, Allāh is Oft-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.3504       And those who spend the night before their Lord, prostrate and standing.3505 17:79              And in some parts of the night (also) offer the Ṣalāt (prayer) with it (i.e. recite the Qurʾān in the prayer), as an additional prayer (Tahajjud optional prayer Nawāfil) for you (O Muḥammad ). It may be that your Lord will raise you to Maqāman Maḥmūda (a station of praise and glory, i.e. the highest degree in Paradise!).3506 52:48-49 Be patient and wait for the decision of Allāh; perform ṣalāt and glorify His praises in parts of the night; thus Allāh commands us.  

               

So wait patiently (O Muḥammad ) for the decision of your Lord, for verily, you are under Our eyes, and glorify the praises of your Lord when you get up from sleep. And in the night-time, also glorify His Praises, and at the setting of the stars.3507

The culture and etiquette of Ṣalāt 17:110

The command is that during the performance of Ṣalāt, it is not to be too loud or too soft (of voice) whilst reciting the Āyāt of Al Qurʾān in communal Ṣalāt; it is enough that it can be heard by the believers.

Sūrah Al Muzzammil (73), ayāh 20. Sūrah Al Furqān (25), ayāh 64. Sūrah Al Isrāʾ (17), ayāh 79. 3507 Sūrah Al Ṭūr (52), āyāt 48-49. 3504 3505 3506

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                         Say (O Muḥammad ): “Invoke Allāh or invoke the Most Beneficent (Allāh), by whatever name you invoke Him (it is the same), for to Him belong the Best Names. And offer your Ṣalāt (prayer) neither aloud nor in a low voice, but follow a way between.3508 107:4-6

Remember Allāh; do not be negligent of Ṣalāt and do not perform it merely to be observed doing it.

  

     

   

So woe unto those performers of Ṣalāt (prayers) (hypocrites), who delay their Ṣalāt (prayer) from their stated fixed times, those who do good deeds only to be seen (of men),3509 7:29

It should already be that our main attention is towards Allāh and that we bestow our attention towards Allāh during the time of Ṣalāt.

                   Say (O Muḥammad ): My Lord has commanded justice and (said) that you should face Him Only (i.e. worship none but Allāh and face the Qiblah, i.e. the Kaʿbah at Makkah during prayers) ie each and Every place of worship, in prayers (and not to face other false deities and idols), and invoke Him Only making your Deen [religion] sincere to Him by not joining in worship any partner to Him and with the intention that you are doing your deeds for Allāh‟s sake only. As He brought you (into being) in the beginning, so shall you be brought into being (on the Day of Resurrection) [in two groups, one as a blessed one (believers), and the other as a wretched one (disbelievers)].3510

The wisdom of Ṣalāt 20:14

Ṣalāt is a means for „mankind‟ to connect „himself‟ with Allāh.            

3508 3509 3510

Sūrah Al Isrāʾ (17), ayāh 110. Sūrah Al Māʿūn (107), āyāt 4-6. Sūrah Al Aʿrāf (7), ayāh 29.

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“Verily! I am Allāh! Lā ilāha illa Ana (none has the right to be worshipped but I), so worship Me, and perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat-aṣ-Ṣalāt) for My remembrance.3511 2:153 Ṣalāt and patience as helpers (aids), preventatives for the doing 29:45 of that which is shameful, and that which is prohibited; 70:19-23             O you who believe! Seek help in patience and Aṣ-Ṣalāt (the prayer). Truly! Allāh is with Aṣ-Ṣābirīn (the patient ones, etc.).3512                          Recite (O Muḥammad ) what has been revealed to you of the Book (the Qurʾān), and perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat-aṣ-Ṣalāt). Verily, Aṣ-Ṣalāt (the prayer) prevents from Al-Faḥshāʾ (i.e. great sins of every kind, unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) and Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism, and every kind of evil wicked deed, etc.) and the remembering (praising, etc.) of (you by) Allāh (in front of the angels) is greater indeed [than your remembering (praising, etc.) Allāh in prayers, etc.]. And Allāh knows what you do.3513                          Verily, man (disbeliever) was created very impatient; Irritable (discontented) when evil touches him; And niggardly when good touches him;except those devoted to Ṣalāt (prayers) those who remain constant in their Ṣalāt (prayers);3514 11:114 4:102 5:6

as a self discipline (regarding time); fostering agreement and equality, oneness, and brotherhood; a constant means of guarding ones purity.

                 And perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat-aṣ-Ṣalāt), at the two ends of the day and in some hours of the night [i.e. the five compulsory Ṣalāt (prayers)]. Verily, Sūrah Ṭā-Ḥā (20), ayāh 14. Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 153. Sūrah Al ʿAnkabūt (29), ayāh 45. 3514 Sūrah Al Maʿārij (70), āyāt 19-23. 3511 3512 3513

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the good deeds remove the evil deeds (i.e. small sins). That is a reminder (an advice) for the mindful (those who accept advice).3515                                                                    When you (O Messenger Muḥammad ) are among them, and lead them in Aṣ-Ṣalāt (the prayer), let one party of them stand up [in Ṣalāt (prayer)] with you taking their arms with them; when they finish their prostrations, let them take their positions in the rear and let the other party come up which has not yet prayed, and let them pray with you taking all the precautions and bearing arms. Those who disbelieve wish, if you were negligent of your arms and your baggage, to attack you in a single rush, but there is no sin on you if you put away your arms because of the inconvenience of rain or because you are ill, but take every precaution for yourselves. Verily, Allāh has prepared a humiliating torment for the disbelievers.3516                                                                  O you who believe! When you intend to offer Aṣ-Ṣalāt (the prayer), wash your faces and your hands (forearms) up to the elbows, rub (by passing wet hands over) your heads, and (wash) your feet up to ankles. If you are in a state of Janāba (i.e. had a sexual discharge), purify yourself (bathe your whole body). But if you are ill or on a journey or any of you comes from answering the call of nature, or you have been in contact with women (i.e. sexual intercourse) and you find no water, then perform Tayammum with clean earth and rub therewith your faces and hands. Allāh does not want to 3515 3516

Sūrah Hūd (11), ayāh 114. Sūrah Al Nisāʾ (4), ayāh 102.

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place you in difficulty, but He wants to purify you, and to complete His Favour on you that you may be thankful.3517

Paradise for those who perform Ṣalāt 2:238-239 The command of Allāh is to perform all ṣalāt in humility; it is 4:101-103 obligatory to perform Ṣalāt in whatever situation we are in, in accordance with our capabilities.                           Guard strictly (five obligatory) Aṣ-Ṣalawāt (the prayers) especially the middle Ṣalāt (i.e. the best prayer ­ ʿAṣr). And stand before Allāh with obedience [and do not speak to others during the Ṣalāt (prayers)]. And if you fear (an enemy), perfrom Ṣalāt (pray) on foot or riding. And when you are in safety, offer the Ṣalāt (prayer) in the manner He has taught you, which you knew not (before).3518                                                                                

            

                      And when you (Muslims) travel in the land, there is no sin on you if you shorten your Ṣalāt (prayer) if you fear that the disbelievers may attack you, verily, the disbelievers are ever unto you open enemies. When you (O Messenger Muḥammad ) are among them, and lead them in Aṣ-Ṣalāt (the prayer), let one party of them stand up [in Ṣalāt (prayer)] with you taking their arms with them; when they finish their prostrations, let them take their positions in the rear and let the other party come up which has not yet prayed, and let them pray with you taking all the precautions 3517 3518

Sūrah Al Māʾidah (5), ayāh 6. Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), āyāt 238-239.

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and bearing arms. Those who disbelieve wish, if you were negligent of your arms and your baggage, to attack you in a single rush, but there is no sin on you if you put away your arms because of the inconvenience of rain or because you are ill, but take every precaution for yourselves. Verily, Allāh has prepared a humiliating torment for the disbelievers. When you have finished Aṣ-Ṣalāt (the prayer - congregational), remember Allāh standing, sitting down, and lying down on your sides, but when you are free from danger, perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat­aṣ-Ṣalāt). Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours.3519 23:1-2 23:9-11

Extremely successful are those people who are humble and who always guard and maintain their Ṣalāt (with intention and the time of its performance). For them is Paradise.          

Successful indeed are the believers. Those who offer their Ṣalāt (prayers) with all solemnity and full submissiveness.3520  

   

          

And those who strictly guard their (five compulsory congregational) Ṣalawāt (prayers) (at their fixed stated hours). These are indeed the inheritors. Who shall inherit the Firdaus (Paradise). They shall dwell therein forever.3521

Agony for those who do not perform Ṣalāt 66:6 20:132

It is hoped that one guard ones family from the agonies of Hell by instructing family members to perform Ṣalāt and to be patient in its performance.

                       O you who believe! Ward off from yourselves and your families a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who disobey not, (from executing) the commands they receive from Allāh, but do that which they are commanded.3522

Sūrah Al Nisāʾ (4), āyāt 101-103. Sūrah Al Muʾminūn (23), āyāt 1-2. Sūrah Al Muʾminūn (23), āyāt 9-11. 3522 Sūrah Al Taḥrīm (66), ayāh 6. 3519 3520 3521

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                And enjoin Aṣ-Ṣalāt (the prayer) on your family, and be patient in offering them [i.e. the Ṣalāt (prayers)]. We ask not of you a provision (i.e. to give Us something: money, etc.); We provide for you. And the good end (i.e. Paradise) is for the Muttaqūn (pious).3523 2:45-46

Ṣalāt is extremely heavy except for those people who are humble.

                   And seek help in patience and Aṣ-Ṣalāt (the prayer) and truly it is extremely heavy and hard except for Al-Khāshiʿūn [i.e. the true believers in Allāh those who obey Allāh with full submission, fear much from His Punishment, and believe in His Promise (Paradise, etc.) and in His Warnings (Hell, etc.)]. (They are those) who are certain that they are going to meet their Lord, and that unto Him they are going to return.3524 74:42-47 Indeed, the agony of Hell is for those who do not perform Ṣalāt.   

     

    

    

    

 

    “What has caused you to enter Hell?” They will say: “We were not of those who used to offer their Ṣalāt (prayers) “Nor we used to feed Al-Miskīn (the poor); “And we used to talk falsehood (all that which Allāh hated) with vain talkers. “And we used to belie the Day of Recompense “Until there came to us (the death) that is certain.”3525

The Command for Zakāt and Ṣadaqah The command for Zakāt on wealth 9:103 3523 3524 3525

Ṣadaqah in order to purify…

Sūrah Ṭā-Ḥā (20), ayāh 132. Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), āyāt 45-46. Sūrah Al Muddaththir (74), āyāt 42-47.

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                   Take Ṣadaqah (alms) from their wealth in order to purify them and sanctify them with it, and invoke Allāh for them. Verily! Your invocations are a source of security for them, and Allāh is All-Hearer, All-Knower.3526 2:267

Zakāt on the yield of agricultural produce/mining; and on the product of labour.

                                O you who believe! Spend of the good things which you have (legally) earned, and of that which We have produced from the earth for you, and do not aim at that which is bad to spend from it, (though) you would not accept it save if you close your eyes and tolerate therein. And know that Allāh is rich (Free of All wants), and Worthy of All praise.3527 6:141-142 Zakāt on the yield of plants/fruit; and Zakāt on cattle.                                                        And it is He who produces Gardens trellised and untrellised, and date-palms, and crops of different shape and taste (its fruits and its seeds) and olives, and pomegranates, similar (in kind) and different (in taste). Eat of their fruit when they ripen, but pay the due thereof (its Zakāt, according to Allāh‟s orders 1/10th or 1/20th) on the day of its harvest, and waste not by extravagance. Verily, He likes not Al-Musrifūn (those who waste by extravagance), And of the cattle (are some) for burden (like camels etc.) and (some are) small (unable to carry burden like sheep, goats etc. for food, meat, milk, wool etc.). Eat of what Allāh has provided for you, and follow not the

3526 3527

Sūrah Al Taubah (9), ayāh 103. Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 267.

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footsteps of Shaiṭān (Satan). Surely he is to you an open enemy.3528 9:34-35

Zakāt on gold and silver.

                            

       

               O you who believe! Verily, there are many of the (Jewish) rabbis and the (Christian) monks who devour the wealth of mankind in falsehood, and hinder (them) from the Way of Allāh (i.e. Allāh‟s Religion of Islāmic Monotheism). And those who hoard up gold and silver [Al-Kanz: the money, the Zakāt of which has not been paid], and spend it not in the Way of Allāh, - announce unto them a painful torment. On the Day when that (Al-Kanz: money, gold and silver, etc., the Zakāt of which has not been paid) will be heated in the Fire of Hell and with it will be branded their foreheads, their flanks, and their backs, (and it will be said unto them):-“This is the treasure which you hoarded for yourselves. Now taste of what you used to hoard.”3529 17:26

Zakāt on other forms of wealth.           

And give to the kindred his due and to the Miskīn (poor) and to the wayfarer. But spend not wastefully (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift . [Tafsir At-Tabarī, Vol. 10, Page 158 (Verse 9: 60)].3530

The command to give Ṣadaqah and that spent in maintenance of wealth in the Way of Allāh. 2:254 3:92 14:31

The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allāh, is as the likeness of a grain (of corn); it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains.

                       3528 3529 3530

Sūrah Al Anʿām (6), āyāt 141-142. Sūrah Al Taubah (9), āyāt 34-35. Sūrah Al Isrāʾ (17), ayāh 26.

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O you who believe! Spend of that with which We have provided for you, before a Day comes when there will be no bargaining, nor friendship, nor intercession. And it is the disbelievers who are the Ẓālimūn (wrong-doers, etc.).3531                  By no means shall you attain Al-Birr (piety, righteousness, etc., it means here Allāh‟s Reward, i.e. Paradise), unless you spend (in Allāh‟s Cause) of that which you love; and whatever of good you spend, Allāh knows it well.3532                       Say (O Muḥammad ) to ʿIbādī (My slaves) who have believed, that they should perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat-aṣ-Ṣalāt), and spend in charity out of the sustenance We have given them, secretly and openly, before the coming of a Day on which there will be neither mutual bargaining nor befriending.3533 57:7

Allāh gives manifold increase to whom He pleases.

                 Believe in Allāh and His Messenger (Muḥammad ), and spend of that whereof He has made you trustees. And such of you as believe and spend (in Allāh‟s way), theirs will be a great reward.3534 63:10-11 And Allāh is All-Sufficient for his creatures‟ needs, 2:261 All-Knower.3535                    

              

And spend (in charity) of that with which We have provided you, before death comes to one of you and he says: “My Lord! If only You would give me respite for a little while (i.e. return to the worldly life), then I should give Ṣadaqah (i.e. Zakāt) of my wealth, and be among the righteous [i.e. perform Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 254. Sūrah Āl ʿImrān (3), ayāh 92. Sūrah Ibrāhīm (14), ayāh 31. 3534 Sūrah Al Ḥadīd (57), ayāh 7. 3535 Surāh Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 261. 3531 3532 3533

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Ḥajj (pilgrimage to Makkah)]. And Allāh grants respite to none when his appointed time (death) comes. And Allāh is All-Aware of what you do.3536                            The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allāh, is as the likeness of a grain (of corn); it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. Allāh gives manifold increase to whom He pleases. And Allāh is All-Sufficient for His creatures‟ needs, All-Knower. 3537 9:99                                And of the bedouins there are some who believe in Allāh and the Last Day, and look upon what they spend in Allāh‟s Cause as approaches to Allāh, and a cause of receiving the Messenger‟s invocations. Indeed these (spendings in Allāh‟s Cause) are an approach for them. Allāh will admit them to His Mercy. Certainly Allāh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.3538

Those who have the right to receive Zakāt and who are suitable to receive Zakāt 9:60                           Aṣ-Ṣadaqāt (here it means Zakāt) are only for the Fuqarāʾ (poor), and Al-Masākīn (the poor) and those employed to collect (the funds); and for to attract the hearts of those who have been inclined (towards Islām); and to free the captives; and for those in debt; and for Allāh‟s Cause (i.e. for Mujāhidūn - those fighting in the Holy wars), and for the wayfarer (a traveller who is cut off from everything); a duty imposed by Allāh. And Allāh is All-Knower, All-Wise. 3539

Sūrah Al Munāfiqūn (63), āyāt 10-11. Surāh Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 261. Sūrah Al Taubah (9), ayāh 99. 3539 Surāh Al Taubah (9), ayāh 60. 3536 3537 3538

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2:215 51:19 2:261 2:177

Nafiq (from the good of wealth) is for parents, relatives, orphans, the poor (those who request and those who do not request), the wayfarer, and those who use it in the Way of Allāh, to free slaves, etc.

            ,              They ask you (O Muḥammad ) what they should spend. Say: whatever you spend of good must be for parents and kindred and orphans and Al­Masākīn (the poor) and the wayfarers, and whatever you do of good deeds, truly, Allāh knows it well.3540       And in their properties there was the right of the beggar, and the Maḥrūm (the poor who does not ask the others),3541                             The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allāh, is as the likeness of a grain (of corn); it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. Allāh gives manifold increase to whom He pleases. And Allāh is All-Sufficient for His creatures‟ needs, All-Knower.3542                                                                      They ask you concerning fighting in the sacred months (i.e. 1st, 7th, 11th and 12th months of the Islāmic calendar). Say, “Fighting therein is a great (transgression) but a greater (transgression) with Allāh is to prevent mankind from following the Way of Allāh, to disbelieve in Him, to prevent access to Al-Masjid-al-Ḥarām (at Makkah), and to drive out its inhabitants, and Al-Fitnah is worse than killing. And they will never cease fighting you until they turn you back from your Deen (religion) (Islāmic Monotheism) if they can. And whosoever of you turns back from his Deen (religion) and 3540 3541 3542

Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 215. Sūrah Al Dhāriyāt (51), ayāh 19. Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 261.

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dies as a disbeliever, then his deeds will be lost in this life and in the Hereafter, and they will be the dwellers of the Fire. They will abide therein forever.”3543

Good Ṣadaqah 76:8-9 4:38 9:79 17:29 25:67 74:6

Ṣadaqāh that is good is something which they in fact love; giving of Ṣadaqāh is only in the hope of seeking the blessing of Allāh; it is not goiven in a subjective manner (to be seen doing so); it is given voluntarily; not over extravagantly, and not over miserly; given not in expectation of recompense (for doing so).

                   And they give food, inspite of their love for it (or for the love of him), to Miskīn (poor), the orphan, and the captive, (saying): “We feed you seeking Allāh‟s Countenance only. We wish for no reward, nor thanks from you.3544                     And (also) those who spend of their substance to be seen of men, and believe not in Allāh and the Last Day [they are the friends of Shaiṭān (Satan)], and whoever takes Shaiṭān (Satan) as an intimate; Then what a dreadful intimate he has!3545                       Those who defame such of the believers who give charity (in Allāh‟s Cause) voluntarily, and those who could not find to give charity (in Allāh‟s Cause) except what is available to them, so they mock at them (believers), Allāh will throw back their mockery on them, and they shall have a painful torment.3546              

Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 177. Sūrah Al ʾInsān [or Al Dahr] (76), āyāt 8-9. Sūrah Al Nisāʾ (4), ayāh 38. 3546 Sūrah Al Taubah (9), ayāh 79. 3543 3544 3545

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And let not your hand be tied (like a miser) to your neck, nor stretch it forth to its utmost reach (like a spendthrift), so that you become blameworthy and in severe poverty.3547             And those, who, when they spend, are neither extravagant nor niggardly, but hold a medium (way) between those (extremes).3548     And give not a thing in order to have more (or consider not your deeds of Allāh‟s obedience as a favour to Allāh).3549 2:265-266 These two āyāt hold the contents of a parable of those people who give ṣadaqah as explained above.                                                                   And the likeness of those who spend their wealth seeking Allāh‟s pleasure while they in their ownselves are sure and certain that Allāh will reward them (for their spending in His Cause), is the likeness of a garden on a height; heavy rain falls on it and it doubles its yield of harvest. and if it does not receive heavy rain, light rain suffices it. And Allāh is All-Seer of (knows well) what you do. Would any of you wish to have a garden with date-palms and vines, with rivers flowing underneath, and all kinds of fruits for him therein, while he is striken with old age, and his children are weak (not able to look after themselves), then it is struck with a fiery whirlwind, so that it is burnt? Thus does Allāh make clear His Āyāt (proofs, evidences, verses) to you that you may give thought.3550

Ṣadaqah that is not good

Sūrah Al Isrāʾ (17), ayāh 29. Sūrah Al Furqān (25), ayāh 67. Sūrah Al Muddaththir (74), ayāh 6. 3550 Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), āyāt 265-266. 3547 3548 3549

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2:262-264 These āyāt illustrate the way of people who give ṣadaqah in an 17:28 unseemly manner; kind words are better than the giving of 36:47 ṣadaqah followed by injury;                   

         

                                                     Those who spend their wealth in the Cause of Allāh, and do not follow up their gifts with reminders of their generosity or with injury, their reward is with their Lord. On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. Kind words and forgiving of faults are better than Ṣadaqah (charity) followed by injury. And Allāh is rich (Free of All wants) and He is Most-Forbearing. O you who believe! Do not render in vain your Ṣadaqah (charity) by reminders of your generosity or by injury, like him who spends his wealth to be seen of men, and he does not believe in Allāh, nor in the Last Day. His likeness is the likeness of a smooth rock on which is a little dust; on it falls heavy rain which leaves it bare. They are not able to do anything with what they have earned. And Allāh does not guide the disbelieving people.3551              And if you (O Muḥammad ) turn away from them (kindred, poor, wayfarer, etc. whom We have ordered you to give their rights, but if you have no money at the time they ask you for it) and you are awaiting a mercy from your Lord for which you hope, then, speak unto them a soft kind word (i.e. Allāh will give me and I shall give you).3552                          And when it is said to them: “Spend of that with which Allāh has provided you,” those who disbelieve say to those who believe: “Shall we feed those whom, if Allāh willed, He (himself) would have fed? You are only in a plain error.”3553

3551 3552 3553

Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), āyāt 262-264. Sūrah Al Isrāʾ (17), ayāh 28. Sūrah Yā-Sīn (36), ayāh 47.

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69:34-37 It is Allāh who calculates and gives recompense to those people who do not want to make use of their wealth.                        And urged not on the feeding of Al-Miskīn (the poor), so no friend has he here this day, nor any food except filth from the washing of wounds, none will eat except the Khāṭiʾūn (sinners, disbelievers, polytheists, etc.).3554

The giving of Ṣadaqah does not bring about detriment 9:98

Something given in maintenance (Ṣadaqah) will not bring about detriment and disaster.

                   And of the bedouins there are some who look upon what they spend (in Allāh‟s Cause) as a fine and watch for calamities for you, on them be the calamity of evil. And Allāh is All-Hearer, All-Knower.3555 34:39 Whatever is given in supportive maintenance will be replaced by 35:29-30 Allāh, and moreover they will receive more of His grace and their blessings will be perfected for them.                        Say: “Truly, my Lord enlarges the provision for whom He wills of His slaves, and (also) restricts (it) for him, and whatsoever you spend of anything (in Allāh‟s Cause), He will replace it. And He is the best of providers.”3556                    

      

Verily, those who recite the Book of Allāh (this Qurʾān), and perform 3554 3555 3556

Sūrah Al Ḥāqqah (69), āyāt 34-37. Sūrah Al Taubah (9), ayāh 98. Sūrah Sabaʾ (34), ayāh 39.

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Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat­aṣ-Ṣalāt), and spend (in charity) out of what We have provided for them, secretly and openly, hope for a (sure) trade-gain that will never perish. That He may pay them their wages in full, and give them (even) more, out of His Grace. Verily! He is Oft-Forgiving, Most ready to appreciate (good deeds and to recompense).3557 58:12-13 Do not fear poverty because of the giving of Ṣadaqah; indeed Allāh is the Best of Providers for His servants. In the Hereafter they will obtain the blessings of Paradise as wide as the heavens and earth.                                                     O you who believe! When you (want to) consult the Messenger (Muḥammad ) in private, spend something in charity before your private consultation. That will be better and purer for you. But if you find not (the means for it), then verily, Allāh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Are you afraid of spending in charity before your private consultation (with him)? If then you do it not, and Allāh has forgiven you, then (at least) perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat-aṣ-Ṣalāt) and give Zakāt and obey Allāh (i.e. do all what Allāh and His Prophet  order you to do). And Allāh is All-Aware of what you do.3558 Note the following Āyāt: 3:133-134 9:99 13:22-23 22:34-35 57:18 64:16-18                             And march forth in the way (which leads to) forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth, prepared for 3557 3558

Sūrah Fāṭir [or Al Malāʾikah] (35), āyāt 29-30. Sūrah Al Mujādilah (58), ayāh 12-13.

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Al-Muttaqūn (the pious). Those who spend [in Allāh‟s Cause - deeds of charity, alms, etc.] in prosperity and in adversity, who repress anger, and who pardon men; Verily, Allāh loves Al-Muḥsinūn (the good­doers).3559                                And of the bedouins there are some who believe in Allāh and the Last Day, and look upon what they spend in Allāh‟s Cause as approaches to Allāh, and a cause of receiving the Messenger‟s invocations. Indeed these (spendings in Allāh‟s Cause) are an approach for them. Allāh will admit them to His Mercy. Certainly Allāh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.3560               

       

              And those who remain patient, seeking their Lord‟s Countenance, perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat-aṣ-Ṣalāt), and spend out of that which We have bestowed on them, secretly and openly, and defend evil with good, for such there is a good end; ʿAdn (Eden) Paradise (everlasting Gardens), which they shall enter and (also) those who acted righteously from among their fathers, and their wives, and their offspring. And angels shall enter unto them from every gate (saying):3561                   

        

           And for every nation We have appointed religious ceremonies, that they may mention the Name of Allāh over the beast of cattle that He has given them for food. And your Ilāh (God) is one Ilāh (God - Allāh), so you must submit to Him alone (in Islām). and (O Muḥammad ) give glad tidings to the Mukhbitīn [those who obey Allāh with humility and are humble from among the true believers of Islāmic Monotheism], 3559 3560 3561

Sūrah Āl ʿImrān (3), āyāt 133-134. Sūrah Al Taubah (9), ayāh 99. Sūrah Al Raʿd (13), āyāt 22-23.

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Whose hearts are filled with fear when Allāh is mentioned; who patiently bear whatever may befall them (of calamities); and who perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat-aṣ-Ṣalāt), and who spend (in Allāh‟s Cause) out of what We have provided them.3562              Verily, those who give Ṣadaqāt (i.e. Zakāt and alms, etc.), men and women, and lend to Allāh a goodly loan, it shall be increased manifold (to their credit), and theirs shall be an honourable good reward (i.e. Paradise).3563                                       So keep your duty to Allāh and fear Him as much as you can; listen and obey; and spend in charity, that is better for yourselves. And whosoever is saved from his own covetousness, then they are the successful ones. If you lend to Allāh a goodly loan (i.e. spend in Allāh‟s Cause) He will double it for you, and will forgive you. And Allāh is Most ready to appreciate and to reward, Most forbearing, All-Knower of the unseen and seen, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.3564

Ṣaum – Fasting Aṣ Ṣaumul Ramaḍān – The Fast of Ramaḍān 2:183

Ṣaum (fasting) is a specific form of ʿibadāh (worship) obligatory upon the Muʾminūn as it was once made obligatory upon His servants before today‟s Islāmic community; in order that those who perform Ṣaum become people who are righteous.

               O you who believe! Observing Aṣ-Ṣaum (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqūn (the pious).3565 Sūrah Al Ḥajj (22), āyāt 34-35. Sūrah Al Ḥadīd (57), ayāh 18. Sūrah Al Taghābun (64), āyāt 16-18. 3565 Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 183. 3562 3563 3564

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2:184-185 Aṣ Ṣaum is obligatory for a set period of days, namely the month of Ramaḍān.                                                                                       [Observing Ṣaum (fasts)] for a fixed number of days, but if any of you is ill or on a journey, the same number (should be made up) from other days. And as for those who can fast with difficulty, (e.g. an old man, etc.), they have (a choice either to fast or) to feed a Miskīn (poor person) (for every day). But whoever does good of his own accord, it is better for him. And that you fast, it is better for you if only you know. The month of Ramaḍān in which was revealed the Qurʾān, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong). So whoever of you sights (the crescent on the first night of) the month (of Ramaḍān i.e. is present at his home), he must observe Ṣaum (fasts) that month, and whoever is ill or on a journey, the same number [of days which one did not observe Ṣaum (fasts) must be made up] from other days. Allāh intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you. (He wants that you) must complete the same number (of days), and that you must magnify Allāh [i.e. to Say Takbīr (Allāhu-Akbar; Allāh is the Most Great) on seeing the crescent of the months of Ramaḍān and Shawwāl] for having guided you so that you may be grateful to Him.3566

Aṣ Ṣaumul Qaṣr and Fidyah (The shortened fast and redemption) 2:184

A person who leaves (aside) ṣaum (during the month of Ramaḍān) because he/she is unprepared or incapable of fasting must pay fidyah, namely provide food for a poor person.

                              


Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), āyāt 184-185.

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       [Observing Ṣaum (fasts)] for a fixed number of days, but if any of you is ill or on a journey, the same number (should be made up) from other days. And as for those who can fast with difficulty, (e.g. an old man, etc.), they have (a choice either to fast or) to feed a Miskīn (poor person) (for every day). But whoever does good of his own accord, it is better for him. And that you fast, it is better for you if only you know.3567 2:185

It is obligatory to perform ṣaum on other days in order to make up those days left aside, through sickness or whilst travelling – for those who are still capable of fasting.

                                                The month of Ramaḍān in which was revealed the Qurʾān, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong). So whoever of you sights (the crescent on the first night of) the month (of Ramaḍān i.e. is present at his home), he must observe Ṣaum (fasts) that month, and whoever is ill or on a journey, the same number [of days which one did not observe Ṣaum (fasts) must be made up] from other days. Allāh intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you. (He wants that you) must complete the same number (of days), and that you must magnify Allāh [i.e. to Say Takbīr (Allāhu-Akbar; Allāh is the Most Great) on seeing the crescent of the months of Ramaḍān and Shawwāl] for having guided you so that you may be grateful to Him.3568

Aṣ Ṣaumul Kifārah (The fast of expiation/atonement) 2:196 5:95

These āyāt explain the fast of expiation/atonement that is connected to the performance of the worship of Ḥajj because of a violation therein.

                                              

3567 3568

Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 184. Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 185.

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                                   And perform properly (i.e. all the ceremonies according to the ways of Prophet Muḥammad ), the Ḥajj and ʿUmrah (i.e. the pilgrimage to Makkah) for Allāh. But if you are prevented (from completing them), sacrifice a Hady (animal, i.e. a sheep, a cow, or a camel, etc.) such as you can afford, and do not shave your heads until the Hady reaches the place of sacrifice. And whosoever of you is ill or has an ailment in his scalp (necessitating shaving), he must pay a Fidyah (ransom) of either observing Ṣaum (fasts) (three days) or giving Ṣadaqah (charity - feeding six poor persons) or offering sacrifice (one sheep). Then if you are in safety and whosoever performs the ʿUmrah in the months of Ḥajj, before (performing) the Ḥajj, (i.e. Ḥajj-at-Tamattuʿ and Al-Qirān), he must slaughter a Hady such as he can afford, but if he cannot afford it, he should observe Ṣaum (fasts) three days during the Ḥajj and seven days after his return (to his home), making ten days in all. This is for him whose family is not present at Al-Masjid-al-Ḥarām (i.e. non-resident of Makkah). And fear Allāh much and know that Allāh is Severe in punishment.3569                                                        O you who believe! Kill not game while you are in a state of Iḥrām for Ḥajj or ʿUmrah (pilgrimage), and whosoever of you kills it intentionally, the penalty is an offering, brought to the Kaʿbah, of an eatable animal (i.e. sheep, goat, cow, etc.) equivalent to the one he killed, as adjudged by two just men among you; or, for expiation, he should feed Masākīn (poor persons), or its equivalent in Ṣaum (fasting), that he may taste the heaviness (punishment) of his deed. Allāh has forgiven what is past, but whosoever commits it again, Allāh will take retribution from him. And Allāh is All-Mighty, All-Able of Retribution.3570 4:92 58:3-4 5:89

3569 3570

The Ṣaum of atonement is for killing a muʾmin; as a fine for withdrawing from making ones wife unlawful (Aẓ Ẓihār) through ones utterance; and for breaking an oath.

Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 196. Sūrah Al Māʾidah (5), ayāh 95.

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                                                                  It is not for a believer to kill a believer except (that it be) by mistake, and whosoever kills a believer by mistake, (it is ordained that) he must set free a believing slave and a compensation (blood money, i.e Diya) be given to the deceased‟s family, unless they remit it. If the deceased belonged to a people at war with you and he was a believer; the freeing of a believing slave (is prescribed), and if he belonged to a people with whom you have a treaty of mutual alliance, compensation (blood money - Diya) must be paid to his family, and a believing slave must be freed. And whoso finds this (the penance of freeing a slave) beyond his means, he must fast for two consecutive months in order to seek repentance from Allāh. And Allāh is ever All-Knowing, All-Wise.3571                    

        

                          And those who make unlawful to them (their wives) (by Aẓ-Ẓihār) and wish to free themselves from what they uttered, (the penalty) in that case (is) the freeing of a slave before they touch each other. That is an admonition to you (so that you may not return to such an ill thing). And Allāh is All-Aware of what you do. And he who finds not (the money for freeing a slave) must fast two successive months before they both touch each other. And for him who is unable to do so, he should feed sixty of Miskīn (poor). That is in order that you may have perfect faith in Allāh and His Messenger. These are the limits set by Allāh. And for disbelievers, there is a painful torment.3572                         

3571 3572

Sūrah Al Nisāʾ (4), ayāh 92. Sūrah Al Mujādilah (58), āyāt 3-4.

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                          Allāh will not punish you for what is uninentional in your oaths, but He will punish you for your deliberate oaths; for its expiation (a deliberate oath) feed ten Masākīn (poor persons), on a scale of the average of that with which you feed your own families; or clothe them; or manumit a slave. But whosoever cannot afford (that), then he should fast for three days. That is the expiation for the oaths when you have sworn. And protect your oaths (i.e. do not swear much). Thus Allāh make clear to you His Āyāt (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) that you may be grateful.3573

The time of Ṣaum and various issues that invalidate it 2:187                                                                           It is made lawful for you to have sexual relations with your wives on the night of Aṣ-Ṣaum (the fasts). They are Lības [i.e. body cover, or screen, or Sakan, (i.e. you enjoy the pleasure of living with her - as in Verse 7:189) Tafsir At-Tabarī], for you and you are the same for them. Allāh knows that you used to deceive yourselves, so He turned to you (accepted your repentance) and forgave you. So now have sexual relations with them and seek that which Allāh has ordained for you (offspring), and eat and drink until the white thread (light) of dawn appears to you distinct from the black thread (darkness of night), then complete your Ṣaum (fast) till the nightfall. And do not have sexual relations with them (your wives) while you are in Iʿtikāf (i.e. confining oneself in a mosque for prayers and invocations leaving the worldly activities) in the mosques. These are the limits (set) by Allāh, so approach them not. Thus does Allāh make clear His Āyāt (proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, revelations, verses, laws, legal and illegal things, Allāh‟s set limits, orders, etc.) to mankind that they may become Al-Muttaqūn (the pious). 3574 3573 3574

Sūrah Al Māʾidah (5), ayāh 89. Surāh Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 187.

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Masājid and the Kaʿbah Masjidul Ḥarām and the construction of the Kaʿbah 2:124-126 Allāh commanded „Ibrāhīm  and Ismāʿil  to purify the Baitullāh (House of Allāh) for those people who would perform ṭawāf, iʿtikāf, rukūʿ, and sujūd; and „Ibrāhīm  made a plea to Allāh in order to make Makkah a place of security and provision; „Ibrāhīm  and Ismāʿil  built the Baitullāh.                      

       

                                                   And (remember) when the Lord of „Ibrāhīm (Abraham) [i.e., Allāh] tried him with (certain) commands, which he fulfilled. He (Allāh) said (to him), “Verily, I am going to make you a leader (Prophet) of mankind.” [„Ibrāhīm (Abraham)] said, “And of my offspring (to make leaders).” (Allāh) said, “My covenant (Prophethood, etc.) includes not Ẓālimūn (polytheists and wrong-doers).” And (remember) when We made the House (the Ka'ʿah at Makkah) a place of resort for mankind and a place of safety. And take you (people) the Maqām (place) of „Ibrāhīm (Abraham) [or the stone on which „Ibrāhīm (Abraham) stood while he was building the Kaʿbah] as a place of prayer (for some of your prayers, e.g. two Rakʿ'at after the Ṭawāf of the Kaʿbah at Makkah), and We commanded „Ibrāhīm (Abraham) and Ismāʿil (Ishmael) that they should purify My House (the Kaʿbah at Makkah) for those who are circumambulating it, or staying (Iʿtikāf), or bowing or prostrating themselves (there, in prayer). And (remember) when „Ibrāhīm (Abraham) said, “My Lord, make this city (Makkah) a place of security and provide its people with fruits, such of them as believe in Allāh and the Last Day.” He (Allāh) answered: “As for him who disbelieves, I shall leave him in contentment for a while, then I shall compel him to the torment of the Fire, and worst indeed is that destination!”3575 3:96-97 3575

The Baitullāh is the first built place of worship. Allāh had already

Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), āyāt 124-126.

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made the Kaʿbah a sacred house (for worship and endeavours of this world) for „mankind‟.

                                        Verily, the first House (of worship) appointed for mankind was that at Bakkah (Makkah), full of blessing, and a guidance for Al-ʿĀlamīn (the mankind and jinns). In it are manifest signs (for example), the Maqām (place) of „Ibrāhīm (Abraham); Whosoever enters it, he attains security. And Ḥajj (pilgrimage to Makkah) to the House (Kaʿbah) is a duty that mankind owes to Allāh, those who can afford the expenses (for one‟s conveyance, provision and residence); and whoever disbelieves [i.e. denies Ḥajj (pilgrimage to Makkah), then he is a disbeliever of Allāh], then Allāh stands not in need of any of the ʿĀlamīn (mankind and jinns).3576                               Allāh has made the Kaʿbah, the sacred House, an asylum of security and Ḥajj and ʿUmrah (pilgrimage) for mankind, and also the sacred month and the animals of offerings and the garlanded (people or animals, etc. marked with the garlands on their necks made from the outer part of the stem of the Makkah trees for their security), that you may know that Allāh has knowledge of all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, and that Allāh is the All­Knower of each and everything.3577

Baitul Maqdīs and the change of Qiblah 2:115 2:177

Wherever we face, there is the face of Allāh, turning ones face to the east or the west is not loyalty; truly, loyalty is the loyalty of the Muʾminūn towards Allāh.

               And to Allāh belong the east and the west, so wherever you turn yourselves or your faces there is the face of Allāh (and He is high above, over His Throne). Surely! Allāh is All-Sufficient for His creatures‟ needs, All-Knowing.3578 3576 3577 3578

Sūrah Āl ʿImrān (3), āyāt 96-97. Sūrah Al Māʾidah (5), ayāh 97. Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 115.

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           

               


Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 177.

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                                  The fools (pagans, hypocrites, and Jews) among the people will say, “What has turned them (Muslims) from their Qiblah [prayer direction (towards Jerusalem)] to which they were used to face in prayer.” Say, (O Muḥammad ) “To Allāh belong both, east and the west. He guides whom He wills to a straight way.” Thus We have made you [true Muslims - real believers of Islāmic Monotheism, true followers of Prophet Muḥammad  and his Sunnah (legal ways)], a Wasaṭ (just) (and the best) nation, that you be witnesses over mankind and the Messenger (Muḥammad ) be a witness over you. And We made the Qiblah (prayer direction towards Jerusalem) which you used to face, only to test those who followed the Messenger (Muḥammad ) from those who would turn on their heels (i.e. disobey the Messenger). Indeed it was great (heavy) except for those whom Allāh guided. And Allāh would never make your faith (prayers) to be lost (i.e. your prayers offered towards Jerusalem). Truly, Allāh is full of kindness, the Most Merciful towards mankind. Verily! We have seen the turning of your (Muḥammad‟s ) face towards the heaven. Surely, We shall turn you to a Qiblah (prayer direction) that shall please you, so turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid-al-Ḥarām (at Makkah). And wheresoever you people are, turn your faces (in prayer) in that direction. Certainly, the people who were given the Scriptures (i.e. Jews and the Christians) know well that, that (your turning towards the direction of the Kaʿbah at Makkah in prayers) is the truth from their Lord. And Allāh is not unaware of what they do. And even if you were to bring to the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) all the Āyāt (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), they would not follow your Qiblah (prayer direction), nor are you going to follow their Qiblah (prayer direction). And they will not follow each other‟s Qiblah (prayer direction). Verily, if you follow their desires after that which you have received of knowledge (from Allāh), then indeed you will be one of the Ẓālimūn (polytheists, wrong-doers, etc.). Those to whom We gave the Scripture (Jews and Christians) recognise him (Muḥammad  or the Kaʿbah at Makkah) as they recongise their sons. But verily, a party of them conceal the truth while they know it - [i.e. the qualities of Muḥammad  which are written in the Taurāt (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)].3580 2:148-151 Every community has its own Qiblah; and the Qiblah of the Islāmic community is Al Masjidul Ḥarām with its centre of worship, the Kaʿbah.                 


Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), āyāt 142-146.

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                                                                For every nation there is a direction to which they face (in their prayers). So hasten towards all that is good. wheresoever you may be, Allāh will bring you together (on the Day of Resurrection). Truly, Allāh is Able to do all things. And from wheresoever you start forth (for prayers), turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid-al-Ḥarām (at Makkah), that is indeed the truth from your Lord. And Allāh is not unaware of what you do. And from wheresoever you start forth (for prayers), turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid-al-Ḥarām (at Makkah), and wheresoever you are, turn your faces towards, it (when you pray) so that men may have no argument against you except those of them that are wrong-doers, so fear them not, but fear Me! - and so that I may complete My Blessings on you and that you may be guided. Similarly (to complete My Blessings on you) We have sent among you a Messenger (Muḥammad ) of your own, reciting to you Our Verses (the Qurʿān) and sanctifying you, and teaching you the Book (the Qurʿān) and the Ḥikmah (i.e. Sunnah, Islāmic laws and Fiqḥ - jurisprudence), and teaching you that which you used not to know.3581

Masjidul Qubbah and the building of masājid 9:107-110 Allāh forbids communities to erect (build) a masjid for bringing about harm and disbelief amongst the Muʾminūn, or for some other reason besides that of seeking the pleasure of Allāh; it is desired and hoped that a masjid is built on the basis of increasing piety towards Allāh, such as those masājid which are Qubbah (domed).                         


Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), āyāt 148-151.

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                                                                           And as for those who put up a mosque by way of harming and disbelief, and to disunite the believers, and as an outpost for those who warred against Allāh and His Messenger (Muḥammad ) aforetime, they will indeed swear that their intention is nothing but good. Allāh bears witness that they are certainly liars. Never stand you therein. Verily, the mosque whose foundation was laid from the first day on piety is more worthy that you stand therein (to pray). In it are men who love to clean and to purify themselves. And Allāh loves those who make themselves clean and pure (i.e. who clean their private parts with dust [i.e. to be considered as soap) and water from urine and stools, after answering the call of nature]. Is it then he, who laid the foundation of his building on piety to Allāh and His good pleasure, better, or he who laid the foundation of His building on an undetermined brink of a precipice ready to crumble down, so that it crumbled to pieces with him into the Fire of Hell. And Allāh guides not the people who are the Ẓālimūn (cruel, violent, proud, polytheist and wrong-doer). The building which they built will never cease to be a cause of hypocrisy and doubt in their hearts, unless their hearts are cut to pieces. (i.e. till they die). And Allāh is All-Knowing, All-Wise.3582

The function of a masjid 2:114 22:40

The function of a masjid is as a place within which there is much mentioning of the Name of Allāh (a place of dhikr remembrance).

                                 And who is more unjust than those who forbid that Allāh‟s Name be glorified and mentioned much (i.e. prayers and invocations, etc.) in Allāh‟s mosques and strive for their ruin? It was not fitting that such should themselves enter them (Allāh‟s mosques) except in fear. For them there is 3582

Sūrah Al Taubah (9), āyāt 107-110.

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disgrace in this world, and they will have a great torment in the Hereafter.3583                                        Those who have been expelled from their homes unjustly only because they said: “Our Lord is Allāh.” - for had it not been that Allāh checks one set of people by means of another, monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, wherein the Name of Allāh is mentioned much would surely have been pulled down. Verily, Allāh will help those who help His (Cause). Truly, Allāh is All-Strong, All-Mighty.3584 2:187

A place of Iʿtikāf.

                                                                          It is made lawful for you to have sexual relations with your wives on the night of Aṣ-Ṣaum (the fasts). They are Lības [i.e. body cover, or screen, or Sakan, (i.e. you enjoy the pleasure of living with her - as in Verse 7:189) Tafsir At-Tabarī], for you and you are the same for them. Allāh knows that you used to deceive yourselves, so He turned to you (accepted your repentance) and forgave you. So now have sexual relations with them and seek that which Allāh has ordained for you (offspring), and eat and drink until the white thread (light) of dawn appears to you distinct from the black thread (darkness of night), then complete your Ṣaum (fast) till the nightfall. And do not have sexual relations with them (your wives) while you are in Iʿtikāf (i.e. confining oneself in a mosque for prayers and invocations leaving the worldly activities) in the mosques. These are the limits (set) by Allāh, so approach them not. Thus does Allāh make clear His Āyāt (proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, revelations, verses, laws, legal and illegal things, Allāh‟s set limits, orders, etc.) to mankind that they may become Al-Muttaqūn (the pious).3585 3583 3584 3585

Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 114. Sūrah Al Ḥajj (22), ayāh 40. Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 187.

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72:18-19 A place of Ṣalāt; a center of meeting for the Islāmic community in 22:25 order to discuss matters of life and its struggles – specifically Al Masjidul Ḥarām is the meeting place for the global Islāmic community, especially for the duty of Ḥajj.                     And the mosques are for Allāh (Alone), so invoke not anyone along with Allāh. (It has been revealed to me that) when the slave of Allāh (Muḥammad ) stood up invoking (his Lord Allāh) in prayer to Him they (the jinns) just made round him a dense crowd as if sticking one over the other (in order to listen to the Prophet‟s recitation).3586                            Verily! Those who disbelieve and hinder (men) from the Path of Allāh, and from Al-Masjid-al-Ḥarām (at Makkah) which We have made (open) to (all) men, the dweller in it and the visitor from the country are equal there [as regards its sanctity and pilgrimage (Ḥajj and ʿUmrah)]. And whoever inclines to evil actions therein or to do wrong (i.e. practise polytheism and leave Islāmic Monotheism), him We shall cause to taste a painful torment.3587 7:31

The recommendation to wear beautiful clothing when entering a masjid (when performing worship).

                  O children of ʾĀdam! Take your adornment (by wearing your clean clothes), while praying and going round (the Ṭawāf of ) the Kaʿbah, and eat and drink but waste not by extravagance, certainly He (Allāh) likes not Al-Musrifūn (those who waste by extravagance).3588

Ḥajj and Qurbān

3586 3587 3588

Sūrah Al Jinn (72), āyāt 18-19. Sūrah Al Ḥajj (22), ayāh 25. Sūrah Al Aʿrāf (7), ayāh 31.

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Ḥajj and ʿUmrah 2:196-203 The command of Allāh to complete Ḥajj and ʿUmrah; in the months of Shawwāl, Dhūl Qaʿdah, and Dhūl Ḥijjāh.                                                                                                                                                      

          

                                                                               And perform properly (i.e. all the ceremonies according to the ways of Prophet Muḥammad ), the Ḥajj and ʿUmrah (i.e. the pilgrimage to Makkah) for Allāh. But if you are prevented (from completing them), sacrifice a Hady (animal, i.e. a sheep, a cow, or a camel, etc.) such as you can afford, and do not shave your heads until the Hady reaches the place of sacrifice. And whosoever of you is ill or has an ailment in his scalp (necessitating shaving), he must pay a Fidyah (ransom) of either observing Ṣaum (fasts) (three days) or giving Ṣadaqah (charity - feeding six poor persons) or offering sacrifice (one sheep). Then if you are in safety and Page | 1359

whosoever performs the ʿUmrah in the months of Ḥajj, before (performing) the Ḥajj, (i.e. Ḥajj-at-Tamattuʾ and Al-Qirān), he must slaughter a Hady such as he can afford, but if he cannot afford it, he should observe Ṣaum (fasts) three days during the Ḥajj and seven days after his return (to his home), making ten days in all. This is for him whose family is not present at Al-Masjid-al-Ḥarām (i.e. non-resident of Makkah). And fear Allāh much and know that Allāh is Severe in punishment. The Ḥajj (pilgrimage) is (in) the well-known (lunar year) months (i.e. the 10th month, the 11th month and the first ten days of the 12th month of the Islāmic calendar, i.e. two months and ten days). So whosoever intends to perform Ḥajj therein by assuming Iḥrām), then he should not have sexual relations (with his wife), nor commit sin, nor dispute unjustly during the Ḥajj. And whatever good you do, (be sure) Allāh knows it. And take a provision (with you) for the journey, but the best provision is At-Taqwā (piety, righteousness, etc.). So fear Me, O men of understanding! There is no sin on you if you seek the Bounty of your Lord (during pilgrimage by trading, etc.). Then when you leave ʿArafāt, remember Allāh (by glorifying His Praises, i.e. prayers and invocations, etc.) at the Mashʿar-il-Ḥarām. And remember Him (by invoking Allāh for all good, etc.) as He has guided you, and verily, you were, before, of those who were astray. Then depart from the place whence all the people depart and ask Allāh for His Forgiveness. Truly, Allāh is Oft-Forgiving, Most-Merciful. So when you have accomplished your Manasik [(i.e. Iḥrām, Ṭawāf of the Kaʿbah and Aṣ-Ṣafā and Al-Marwah), stay at ʿArafāt, Muzdalifah and Mina, Ramy of Jamarāt, (stoning of the specified pillars in Mina) slaughtering of Hady (animal, etc.)]. Remember Allāh as you remember your forefathers or with a far more remembrance. But of mankind there are some who say: “Our Lord! Give us (Your Bounties) in this world!” And for such there will be no portion in the Hereafter. And of them there are some who say: “Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire!” For them there will be alloted a share for what they have earned. And Allāh is Swift at reckoning. And remember Allāh during the appointed days. But whosoever hastens to leave in two days, there is no sin on him and whosoever stays on, there is no sin on him, if his aim is to do good and obey Allāh (fear him), and know that you will surely be gathered unto Him.3589 3:97                              In it are manifest signs (for example), the Maqām (place) of „Ibrāhīm (Abraham); Whosoever enters it, he attains security. And Ḥajj (pilgrimage to Makkah) to the House (Kaʿbah) is a duty that mankind owes to Allāh, 3589

Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), āyāt 196-203.

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those who can afford the expenses (for one‟s conveyance, provision and residence); and whoever disbelieves [i.e. denies Ḥajj (pilgrimage to Makkah), then he is a disbeliever of Allāh], then Allāh stands not in need of any of the ʿĀlamīn (mankind and jinns).3590 22:26-30 People who perform Ḥajj will come from all places, whether near 2:158 or far, on foot or by vehicle; in order that Allāh recognises/exhibits the various benefits for them; and some guidelines for the performance of Ḥajj are also explained in these Āyāt.                                                             

 

                           And (remember) when We showed „Ibrāhīm (Abraham) the site of the (Sacred) House (the Kaʿbah at Makkah) (saying): “Associate not anything (in worship) with Me, [Lā ilāha ill-Allāh (none has the right to be worshipped but Allāh - Islāmic Monotheism], and sanctify My House for those who circumambulate it, and those who stand up for prayer, and those who bow (submit themselves with humility and obedience to Allāh), and make prostration (in prayer, etc.);” And proclaim to mankind the Ḥajj (pilgrimage). They will come to you on foot and on every lean camel, they will come from every deep and distant (wide) mountain highway (to perform Ḥajj). That they may witness things that are of benefit to them (i.e. reward of Ḥajj in the Hereafter, and also some worldly gain from trade, etc.), and mention the Name of Allāh on appointed days (i.e. 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th Day of Dhūl-Ḥijjāh), over the beast of cattle that He has provided for them (for sacrifice) (at the time of their slaughtering by saying: Bismillāh, Wallāhu-Akbar, Allāhumma Minka Wa Ilaik). Then eat thereof and feed therewith the poor who have a very hard time. Then let them complete the prescribed duties (Manāsik of Ḥajj) for them, and perform their vows, and circumambulate the Ancient House (the Kaʿbah at Makkah). That (Manāsik prescribed duties of Ḥajj is the obligation that mankind owes to Allāh), and whoever honours the sacred things of Allāh, then that is better for him with his Lord. The cattle are lawful to you, except those (that will be) mentioned to you (as exceptions). So shun the abomination 3590

Sūrah Āl ʿImrān (3), ayāh 97.

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(worshipping) of idol, and shun lying speech (false statements)3591                             Verily! Aṣ-Ṣafā and Al-Marwah (two mountains in Makkah) are of the Symbols of Allāh. So it is not a sin on him who perform Ḥajj or ʿUmrah (pilgrimage) of the House (the Kaʿbah at Makkah) to perform the going (Ṭawāf) between them (Aṣ-Ṣafā and Al-Marwah). And whoever does good voluntarily, then verily, Allāh is All-Recogniser, All-Knower.3592 5:1-2

Allāh forbids us to go hunting at the time of performing Ḥajj and forbids the contravention of the magnificence of Allāh; and various prohibitions are exemplified by Allāh in these Āyāt.

                                                                                     O you who believe! Fulfill (your) obligations. Lawful to you (for food) are all the beasts of cattle except that which will be announced to you (herein), game (also) being unlawful when you assume Iḥrām for Ḥajj or ʿUmrah (pilgrimage). Verily, Allāh commands that which He wills. O you who believe! Violate not the sanctity of the Symbols of Allāh, nor of the sacred month, nor of the animals brought for sacrifice, nor the garlanded people or animals, etc. [marked by the garlands on their necks made from the outer part of the tree-stems (of Makkah) for their security], nor the people coming to the sacred House (Makkah), seeking the bounty and good pleasure of their Lord. But when you finish the Iḥrām (of Ḥajj or ʿUmrah), you may hunt, and let not the hatred of some people in (once) stopping you from Al-Masjid-al-Ḥarām (at Makkah) lead you to transgression (and hostility on your part). Help you one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwā (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allāh. Verily, Allāh is severe in punishment.3593 5:94-96 3591 3592 3593

Included amongst the prohibitions are the killing of game whilst in

Sūrah Al Ḥajj (22), āyāt 26-30. Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 158. Sūrah Al Māʾidah (5), āyāt 1-2.

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a state of ʾIḥrām, and for those who transgress, there is a fine.                                                                                                        O you who believe! Allāh will certainly make a trial of you with something in (the matter of) the game that is well within reach of your hands and your lances, that Allāh may test who fears Him unseen. Then whoever transgresses thereafter, for him there is a painful torment. O you who believe! Kill not game while you are in a state of Iḥrām for Ḥajj or ʿUmrah (pilgrimage), and whosoever of you kills it intentionally, the penalty is an offering, brought to the Kaʿbah, of an eatable animal (i.e. sheep, goat, cow, etc.) equivalent to the one he killed, as adjudged by two just men among you; or, for expiation, he should feed Masākīn (poor persons), or its equivalent in Ṣaum (fasting), that he may taste the heaviness (punishment) of his deed. Allāh has forgiven what is past, but whosoever commits it again, Allāh will take retribution from him. And Allāh is All-Mighty, All-Able of Retribution. Lawful to you is (the pursuit of) water-game and its use for food - for the benefit of yourselves and those who travel, but forbidden is (the pursuit of) land-game as long as you are in a state of Iḥrām (for Ḥajj or ʿUmrah). And fear Allāh to whom you shall be gathered back.3594

Making or slaughtering a sacrifice 108:1-3              Verily, We have granted you (O Muḥammad ) Al-Kauthar (a river in Paradise); Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice (to Him only). For he who makes you angry (O Muḥammad ), - he will be cut off (from every good thing in this world and in the Hereafter). 3595 22:34-37 3594 3595

Sūrah Al Māʾidah (5), āyāt 94-96. Surāh Al Kauthar (108), āyāt 1-3.

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        

                                                                 And for every nation We have appointed religious ceremonies, that they may mention the Name of Allāh over the beast of cattle that He has given them for food. And your Ilāh (God) is one Ilāh (God - Allāh), so you must submit to Him alone (in Islām). And (O Muḥammad ) give glad tidings to the Mukhbitīn [those who obey Allāh with humility and are humble from among the true believers of Islāmic Monotheism], Whose hearts are filled with fear when Allāh is mentioned; who patiently bear whatever may befall them (of calamities); and who perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat-aṣ-Ṣalāt), and who spend (in Allāh‟s Cause) out of what We have provided them. And the Budn (cows, oxen, or camels driven to be offered as sacrifices by the pilgrims at the sanctuary of Makkah.) We have made for you as among the Symbols of Allāh, therein you have much good. So mention the Name of Allāh over them when they are drawn up in lines (for sacrifice). Then, when they are down on their sides (after slaughter), eat thereof, and feed the beggar who does not ask (men), and the beggar who asks (men). Thus have We made them subject to you that you may be grateful. It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches Allāh, but it is piety from you that reaches Him. Thus have We made them subject to you that you may magnify Allāh for His guidance to you. And give glad tidings (O Muḥammad ) to the Muḥsinūn (doers of good). 3596 5:97 22:32-33                               Allāh has made the Kaʿbah, the sacred House, an asylum of security and Ḥajj and ʿUmrah (pilgrimage) for mankind, and also the sacred month and 3596

Surāh Al Ḥajj (22), āyāt 34-37.

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the animals of offerings and the garlanded (people or animals, etc. marked with the garlands on their necks made from the outer part of the stem of the Makkah trees for their security), that you may know that Allāh has knowledge of all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, and that Allāh is the All­Knower of each and everything.3597                       Thus it is [what has been mentioned in the above said Verses (27, 28, 29, 30, 31) is an obligation that mankind owes to Allāh]. And whosoever honours the Symbols of Allāh, then it is truly from the piety of the heart. In them (cattle offered for sacrifice) are benefits for you for an appointed term, and afterwards they are brought for sacrifice unto the Ancient House (the Ḥarām - sacred territory of Makkah city).3598

Ṣibghatullāh and love for Allāh Ṣibghatullāh 2:137-138                       

            

So if they believe in the like of that which you believe, then they are rightly guided, but if they turn away, then they are only in opposition. So Allāh will suffice you against them. And He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower. [Our Ṣibghah (religion) is] the Ṣibghah (religion) of Allāh (Islām) and which Ṣibghah (religion) can be better than Allāh‟s? And We are his worshippers. [Tafsir Ibn Kathīr.]3599 2:139                Say (O Muḥammad  to the Jews and Christians), “Dispute you with us about Allāh while He is our Lord and your Lord? And we are to be rewarded for our deeds and you for your deeds. And we are sincere to Him 3597 3598 3599

Sūrah Al Māʾidah (5), ayāh 97. Sūrah Al Ḥajj (22), āyāt 32-33. Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), āyāt 137-138.

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in worship and obedience (i.e. we worship Him Alone and none else, and we obey His Orders).”3600

Love and obedience to Allāh and His Messenger  3:31-32 4:59 3:132 8:46 29:52 47:21 64:12 9:24                              Say (O Muḥammad  to mankind): “If you (really) love Allāh then follow me (i.e. accept Islāmic Monotheism, follow the Qurʾān and the Sunnah), Allāh will love you and forgive you of your sins. And Allāh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” Say (O Muḥammad ): “Obey Allāh and the Messenger (Muḥammad ).” But if they turn away, then Allāh does not like the disbelievers.3601                                O you who believe! Obey Allāh and obey the Messenger (Muḥammad ), and those of you (Muslims) who are in authority. (And) if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allāh and His Messenger (), if you believe in Allāh and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for final determination.3602       And obey Allāh and the Messenger (Muḥammad ) that you may obtain mercy.3603              

Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 139. Sūrah Āl ʿImrān (3), āyāt 31-32. Sūrah Al Nisāʾ (4), ayāh 59. 3603 Sūrah Āl ʿImrān (3), ayāh 132. 3600 3601 3602

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  And obey Allāh and His Messenger, and do not dispute (with one another) lest you lose courage and your strength depart, and be patient. surely, Allāh is with those who are Aṣ-Ṣābirīn (the patient ones, etc.).3604                       Say (to them O Muḥammad ): “Sufficient is Allāh for a witness between me and you. He knows what is in the heavens and on earth.” And those who believe in Bāṭil (all false deities other than Allāh), and disbelieve in Allāh and (in His Oneness), it is they who are the losers.3605               Obedience (to Allāh) and good words (were better for them). And when the matter (preparation for Jihād) is resolved on, then if they had been true to Allāh, it would have been better for them.3606              Obey Allāh, and obey the Messenger (Muḥammad ), but if you turn away, then the duty of Our Messenger is only to convey (the Message) clearly.3607                                    Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight ... are dearer to you than Allāh and His Messenger, and striving hard and fighting in His Cause, then wait until Allāh brings about His Decision (torment). And Allāh guides not the people who are Al-Fāsiqūn (the rebellious, disobedient to Allāh).3608

Dhikrullāh and Duʿā’

Sūrah Al Anfāl (8), ayāh 46. Sūrah Al ʿAnkabūt (29), ayāh 52. Sūrah Muḥammad (47), ayāh 21. 3607 Sūrah Al Taghābun (64), ayāh 12. 3608 Sūrah Al Taubah (9), ayāh 24. 3604 3605 3606

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The etiquette of Dhikrullāh and its benefits 2:152

Whoever remembers Allāh, Allāh will remember „him‟.       

Therefore remember Me (by praying, glorifying, etc.). I will remember you, and be grateful to Me (for My countless Favours on you) and never be ungrateful to Me.3609 59:19

Whoever forgets Allāh, Allāh will make that person forgetful of „himself‟.

            And be not like those who forgot Allāh (i.e. became disobedient to Allāh) and He caused them to forget their ownselves, (let them to forget to do righteous deeds). Those are the Fāsiqūn (rebellious, disobedient to Allāh).3610 2:200

Perform dhikrullāh by mentioning the name of Allāh as much as possible.

                          So when you have accomplished your Manāsik [(i.e. Iḥrām, Ṭawāf of the Kaʿbah and Aṣ-Ṣafā and Al-Marwah), stay at ʿArafāt, Muzdalifah and Mina, Ramy of Jamarāt, (stoning of the specified pillars in Mina) slaughtering of Hady (animal, etc.)]. Remember Allāh as you remember your forefathers or with a far more remembrance. But of mankind there are some who say: “Our Lord! Give us (Your Bounties) in this world!” And for such there will be no portion in the Hereafter.3611 4:103 7:205

Remember Allāh with and at the time of standing, sitting, and whilst laying down by mentioning the name of Allāh in ones heart with fear (thereof); humble oneself and do not raise the voice, whether in the morning or in the evening.

                       When you have finished Aṣ-Ṣalāt (the prayer - congregational), remember Allāh standing, sitting down, and lying down on your sides, but when you 3609 3610 3611

Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 152. Sūrah Al Ḥashr (59), ayāh 19. Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 200.

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are free from danger, perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat­aṣ-Ṣalāt). Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours.3612                  And remember your Lord by your tongue and within yourself, humbly and with fear without loudness in words in the mornings, and in the afternoons and be not of those who are neglectful.3613 13:28

By remembering Allāh, Allāh will render apersons heart peaceful.

             Those who believe (in the Oneness of Allāh - Islāmic Monotheism), and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allāh, verily, in the remembrance of Allāh do hearts find rest .3614 20:14

Stand up for Ṣalāt in order to remember Him.            

“Verily! I am Allāh! Lā ilāha illa Ana (none has the right to be worshipped but I), so worship Me, and perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat-aṣ-Ṣalāt) for My remembrance.3615 29:45

The remembrance of Allāh during the performance of ṣalāt is greater in excellence than any other form of worship.

                         Recite (O Muḥammad ) what has been revealed to you of the Book (the Qurʾān), and perform Aṣ-Ṣalāt (Iqāmat­aṣ-Ṣalāt). Verily, Aṣ-Ṣalāt (the prayer) prevents from Al-Faḥshāʾ (i.e. great sins of every kind, unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) and Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism, and every kind of evil wicked deed, etc.) and the remembering (praising, etc.) of (you by) Allāh (in front of the angels) is greater indeed [than your remembering (praising, etc.) Allāh in prayers, etc.]. And Allāh knows what you do.3616 4:142

Do not be like the Munafiqūn who when they stand to perform Ṣalāt are lazy and moreover subjective; and they only remember

Sūrah Al Nisāʾ (4), ayāh 103. Sūrah Al Aʿrāf (7), ayāh 205. Sūrah Al Raʿd (13), ayāh 28. 3615 Sūrah Ṭā-Ḥā (20), ayāh 14. 3616 Sūrah Al ʿAnkabūt (29), ayāh 45. 3612 3613 3614

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Allāh a little.                     Verily, the hypocrites seek to deceive Allāh, but it is He who deceives them. And when they stand up for Aṣ-Ṣalāt (the prayer), they stand with laziness and to be seen of men, and they do not remember Allāh but little.3617

Dhikr and Tasbīḥ the praises of Allāh 33:41-42 The command of Allāh to perform dhikr to and of Allāh as much 20:130 as possible; and to perform tasbīḥ (glorification) of His praises in the morning and in the evening;             O you who believe! Remember Allāh with much remembrance. And glorify His praises morning and afternoon [the early morning (Fajr) and ʿAsr prayers].3618                       So bear patiently (O Muḥammad ) what they say, and glorify the praises of your Lord before the rising of the sun, and before its setting, and during some of the hours of the night, and at the sides of the day (an indication for the five compulsory congregational prayers), that you may become pleased with the reward which Allāh shall give you.3619 30:17-18 before the rising of the sun, and after its setting;    

           

So glorify Allāh [above all that (evil) they associate with Him (O believers)], when you come up to the evening [i.e. offer the (Maghrib) sunset and (ʿIshāʾ) night prayers], and when you enter the morning [i.e offer the (Fajr) morning prayer]. And His is all the praises and thanks in the heavens and the earth, and (glorify Him) in the afternoon (i.e. offer ʿAsr prayer) and when you come up to the time, when the day begins to decline (i.e offer Zuhr prayer). (Ibn 3617 3618 3619

Sūrah Al Nisāʾ (4), ayāh 142. Sūrah Al Aḥzāb (33), āyāt 41-42. Sūrah Ṭā-Ḥā (20), ayāh 130.

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ʿAbbās  said: “"These are the five compulsory congregational prayers mentioned in the Qurʾān).”3620 52:49 When it has risen (in the afternoon) and during the night so that 76:25-26 one feels calm; quiet and peace in the hearts of those who do this.       And in the night-time, also glorify His Praises, and at the setting of the stars.3621       

      

And remember the Name of your Lord every morning and afternoon [i.e. offering of the morning (Fajr), Zuhr, and ʿAsr prayers]. And during night, prostrate yourself to Him (i.e. the offering of Maghrib and ʿIshāʾ prayers), and glorify Him a long night through (i.e. Tahajjud prayer).3622 50:39-40                    So bear with patience (O Muḥammad ) all that they say, and glorify the praises of your Lord, before the rising of the sun and before (its) setting (i.e. the Fajr, Zuhr, and ʿAsr prayers) . And during a part of the night (also), glorify His Praises (i.e. Maghrib and ʿIshāʾ prayers), and (so likewise) after the prayers [As-Sunnah, Nawāfil optional and additional prayers, and also glorify, praise and magnify Allāh - Subḥān Allāh, Alḥamdu lillāh, Allāhu-Akbar].3623

Tawaṣṣul towards Allāh Tawaṣṣul to Allāh is the execution of deeds that will bring one closer to Allāh. Tawaṣṣul is the attainment of that objective. (The acts of) Tawaṣṣul that are permissible within the teachings of Islām are as follows.

With ʾAsmāʾ ul Ḥusnā 40:60

Allāh will allow the duʿāʾ of a person who invokes Him; perform

Sūrah Al Rūm (30), āyāt 17-18. Sūrah Al Ṭūr (52), ayāh 49. Sūrah ʾInsān [or Al Dahr] (76), āyāt 25-26. 3623 Sūrah Qāf (50), āyāt 39-40. 3620 3621 3622

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tawaṣṣul by means of duʿāʾ (invoking) the ʾAsmāʾ ul Ḥusnā (by declaring the most noble characteristics of Allāh).

               And your Lord said: :Invoke Me, [i.e. believe in My Oneness (Islāmic Monotheism)] (and ask Me for anything) I will respond to your (invocation). Verily! Those who scorn My worship [i.e. do not invoke Me, and do not believe in My Oneness, (Islāmic Monotheism)] they will surely enter Hell in humiliation!”3624                  And (all) the most beautiful names belong to Allāh , so call on Him by them, and leave the company of those who belie or deny (or utter impious speech against) His Names. They will be requited for what they used to do.3625 3:38 3:8

Take note of the example of the du„ā‟ of the prophet Zakariyā , who followed up his duʿāʾ by mentioning the ʾAsmāʾ ul Ḥusnā in accordance with his invocation to Him.

                  At that time Zakarīyā (Zachariya) invoked his Lord, saying: “O my Lord! Grant me from You, a good offspring. You are indeed the All-Hearer of invocation.”3626                  (They say): “Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate (from the truth) after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You. Truly, you are the Bestower.”3627 Pay attention also to the adʿiya from Al Qurʾān included at the back of this book.

With faith and righteous deeds 2:285

Perform Tawaṣṣul with obedience, and with faith as well as

Sūrah Al Mūʾmin [or Ghāfir] (40), ayāh 60. Sūrah Al Aʿrāf (7), ayāh 180. Sūrah Āl ʿImrān (3), ayāh 38. 3627 Sūrah Āl ʿImrān (3), ayāh 8. 3624 3625 3626

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righteous deeds like the adʿiya found in the Qurʾān.

3:16 3:53

                               The Messenger (Muḥammad ) believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers. Each one believes in Allāh, His Angels, His Books, and His Messengers. They say, “We make no distinction between one another of His Messengers” - and they say, “We hear, and we obey. (We seek) Your Forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the return (of all).”3628             Those who say: “Our Lord! We have indeed believed, so forgive us our sins and save us from the punishment of the Fire.”3629           Our Lord! We believe in what You have sent down, and we follow the Messenger [ʿĪsāʾ (Jesus)]; so write us down among those who bear witness (to the truth i.e. Lā ilāha ill-Allāh - none has the right to be worshipped but Allāh).3630

By means of the adʿiya of living righteous people 2:68-71

Perform Tawaṣṣul by means of the adʿiya of living righteous people. Note the sign of Allāh for the appeal of Mūsā‟s  community to the Prophet Mūsā ; likewise also the du„ā‟ of the 12:97-98 Prophet Yaʿqūb  at the plea of his children.                                        

         

                                 3628 3629 3630

Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 285. Sūrah Āl ʿImrān (3), ayāh 16. Sūrah Āl ʿImrān (3), ayāh 53.

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        They said, “Call upon your Lord for us that He may make plain to us what it is!” He said, “He says, „Verily, it is a cow neither too old nor too young, but (it is) between the two conditions‟ so do what you are commanded.” They said, “Call upon your Lord for us to make plain to us its colour.” He said, “He says, „It is a yellow cow, bright in its colour, pleasing to the beholders.‟” They said, “Call upon your Lord for us to make plain to us what it is. Verily to us all cows are alike, and surely, if Allāh wills, we will be guided.” He [Mūsā (Moses)] said, “He says, „It is a cow neither trained to till the soil nor water the fields, sound, having no other colour except bright yellow.‟” They said, “Now you have brought the truth.” So they slaughtered it though they were near to not doing it.3631                     They said: “O our father! Ask forgiveness (from Allāh) for our sins, indeed we have been sinners.” He said: “I will ask my Lord for forgiveness for you, verily He! Only He is the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.”3632

The etiquette of good adʿiya 2:186

Indeed Allāh is close; Allāh responds to those people who make adʿiya to Him.

                    And when My slaves ask you (O Muḥammad ) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge). I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me (without any mediator or intercessor). So let them obey Me and believe in Me, so that they may be led aright.3633 7:55-56

As a consequence of this we too must be attentive in our manner towards this by namely, being humble and humbling ourselves, in a soft, gentle manner.

  

3631 3632 3633

         

Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), āyāt 68-71. Sūrah Yūsuf (12), āyāt 97-98, Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 186.

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              Invoke your Lord with humility and in secret. He likes not the aggressors. And do not do mischief on the earth, after it has been set in order, and invoke Him with fear and hope; surely, Allāh‟s Mercy is (ever) near unto the good-doers.3634 32:16

Being in a state of fear and full of hope.

            Their sides forsake their beds, to invoke their Lord in fear and hope, and they spend (charity in Allāh‟s Cause) out of what We have bestowed on them.3635 20:7-8

Do not be loud or rough in our pleas.

                  And if you (O Muḥammad ) speak (the invocation) aloud, then verily, He knows the secret and that which is yet more hidden. Allāh! Lā ilāhla illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He)! To Him belong the Best Names.3636 11:46

Do not plead for something, the essence of which we ask for is unknown to us.

                           He said: “O Nūḥ (Noah)! Surely, he is not of your family; Verily, his work is unrighteous, so ask not of Me that of which you have no knowledge! I admonish you, lest you be one of the ignorants.”3637 7:180

Ask by means of the ʾAsmāʿ ul Ḥusnā.

             

Sūrah Al Aʿrāf (7), āyāt 55-56. Sūrah Al Sajdah (32), ayāh 16. Sūrah Ṭā-Ḥā (20), āyāt 7-8. 3637 Sūrah Hūd (11), ayāh 46. 3634 3635 3636

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   And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allāh, so call on Him by them, and leave the company of those who belie or deny (or utter impious speech against) His Names. They will be requited for what they used to do.3638 13:14 17:11 46:35

It is in truth only Allāh who can respond to our adʿiya; and because of that do not ask for something in haste nor ask for something evil in the same manner as one asks for good.

                              For Him (Alone) is the word of Truth (i.e. none has the right to be worshipped but He). And those whom they (polytheists and disbelievers) invoke, answer them no more than one who stretches forth his hand (at the edge of a deep well) for water to reach his mouth, but it reaches him not, and the invocation of the disbelievers is nothing but an error (i.e. of no use).3639           And man invokes (Allāh) for evil as he invokes (Allāh) for good and man is ever hasty [i.e., if he is angry with somebody, he invokes (saying): “O Allāh! Curse him, etc.” And that one should not do, but one should be patient].3640                                Therefore be patient (O Muḥammad ) as did the Messengers of strong will and be in no haste about them (disbelievers). On the Day when they will see that (torment) with which they are promised (i.e. threatened, it will be) as if they had not stayed more than an hour in a single day. (O mankind! This Qurʾān is sufficient as) a clear message (or proclamation to save yourself from destruction). But shall any be destroyed except the people who are Al-Fāsiqūn (the rebellious, disobedient to Allāh).3641 40:60 10:12 27:62

Making adʿiya to Allāh will assuredly be allowed and responded to by Allāh; many of „mankind‟ want to make adʿiya when and if if a calamity befalls them; and as if they had never made adʿiya when they have already been saved from said disaster.

Sūrah Al Aʿrāf (7), ayāh 180. Sūrah Al Raʿd (13), ayāh 14. Sūrah Al Isrāʾ (17), ayāh 11. 3641 Sūrah Al Aḥqāf (46), ayāh 35. 3638 3639 3640

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               And your Lord said: “Invoke Me, [i.e. believe in My Oneness (Islāmic Monotheism)] (and ask Me for anything) I will respond to your (invocation). Verily! Those who scorn My worship [i.e. do not invoke Me, and do not believe in My Oneness (Islāmic Monotheism)], they will surely enter Hell in humiliation!”3642                              And when harm touches man, he invokes Us, lying down on his side, or sitting or standing. But when We have removed his harm from him, he passes on his way as if he had never invoked Us for a harm that touched him! Thus it seems fair to the Musrifūn that which they used to do.3643                    Is not He (better than your gods) who responds to the distressed one, when he calls Him, and who removes the evil, and makes you inheritors of the earth, generations after generations. Is there any Ilāh (God) with Allāh? Little is that you remember!3644 10:10

The end of the adʿiya of those who are destined for Paradise will be: Al Ḥamdu lillāhi Rabbil ʿĀlamīn.

                Their way of request therein will be Subḥānaka Allāhumma (Glory to You, O Allāh!) and Salām (peace, safe from each and every evil) will be their greetings therein (Paradise)! And the close of their request will be: Al-Ḥamdu Lillāhi Rabbil-ʿĀlamīn [All the Praises and Thanks are to Allāh, the Lord of ʿĀlamīn (mankind, jinns and all that exists)].3645

Various adʿiya from Al Qurʾān 2:201

In order that one is bestowed with goodness and happiness both in

Sūrah Al Mūʾmin [or Ghāfir] (40), ayāh 60. Sūrah Yūnus (10), ayāh 12. Sūrah Al Naml (27), ayāh 62. 3645 Sūrah Yūnus (10), ayāh 10. 3642 3643 3644

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this life and in the Hereafter;                And of them there are some who say: “Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire!”3646 2:217

In order that the deeds of a person are accepted by Allāh;

                                                                 They ask you concerning fighting in the sacred months (i.e. 1st, 7th, 11th and 12th months of the Islāmic calendar). Say, “Fighting therein is a great (transgression) but a greater (transgression) with Allāh is to prevent mankind from following the Way of Allāh, to disbelieve in Him, to prevent access to Al-Masjid-al-Ḥarām (at Makkah), and to drive out its inhabitants, and Al-Fitnah is worse than killing. And they will never cease fighting you until they turn you back from your Deen (religion (Islâmic Monotheism)) if they can. And whosoever of you turns back from his Deen (religion) and dies as a disbeliever, then his deeds will be lost in this life and in the Hereafter, and they will be the dwellers of the Fire. They will abide therein forever.”3647 2:250

In order that one is patient, steadfast, and strong in faith;

                And when they advanced to meet Jalūt (Goliath) and his forces, they invoked: “Our Lord! Pour forth on us patience and make us victorious over the disbelieving people.”3648 2:286

3646 3647 3648

In order that one is not overburdened with a burden greater than one can bear;

Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 201. Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 217. Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 250.

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                                                        Allāh burdens not a person beyond his scope. He gets reward for that (good) which he has earned, and he is punished for that (evil) which he has earned. “Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error, our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that which You did lay on those before us (Jews and Christians); Our Lord! Put not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Pardon us and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. You are our Maulā (Patron, Supporter and Protector, etc.) and give us victory over the disbelieving people.”3649 3:8-9

In order that one recives guidance from Allāh and His Mercy;

                                (They say): “Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate (from the truth) after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You. Truly, You are the Bestower.” Our Lord! Verily, it is You who will gather mankind together on the Day about which there is no doubt. Verily, Allāh never breaks His Promise”3650 3:16 3:147

In order that one is forgiven one‟s sins from one‟s transgressions and strengthening of faith;

            Those who say: “Our Lord! We have indeed believed, so forgive us our sins and save us from the punishment of the Fire.”3651                     And they said nothing but: “Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and our transgressions (in keeping our duties to You), establish our feet firmly, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk.”3652 Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 286. Sūrah Āl ʿImrān (3), ayāh 8-9. Sūrah Āl ʿImrān (3), ayāh 16. 3652 Sūrah Āl ʿImrān (3), ayāh 147. 3649 3650 3651

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3:191-194 In order that one avoids punishment, is forgiven sins, and is not disgraced in life;                             

         

                        

        

Those who remember Allāh (always, and in prayers) standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and think deeply about the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): “Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, Glory to You! (Exalted be You above all that they associate with You as partners). Give us salvation from the torment of the Fire. “Our Lord! Verily, whom You admit to the Fire, indeed, You have disgraced him, and never will the Ẓālimūn (polytheists and wrong-doers) find any helpers. “Our Lord! Verily, we have heard the call of one (Muḥammad ) calling to faith: „Believe in your Lord,‟ and we have believed. Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and remit from us our evil deeds, and make us die in the state of righteousness along with Al-Abrār (those who are obedient to Allāh and follow strictly His Orders). “Our Lord! Grant us what You promised unto us through Your Messengers and disgrace us not on the Day of Resurrection, for You never break (your) Promise.”3653 7:126

In order that one is granted patience, and dies in a state of Islām;

                  “And you take vengeance on us only because we believed in the Āyāt (proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, etc.) of our Lord when they reached us! Our Lord! Pour out on us patience, and cause us to die as Muslims.”3654 11:41

3653 3654

The duʿāʾ for travelling on a ship;

Sūrah Āl ʿImrān (3), āyāt 191-194. Sūrah Al Aʿrāf (7), ayāh 126.

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              And he [Nūḥ (Noah)] said: “Embark therein, in the Name of Allāh will be its moving course and its resting anchorage. Surely, my Lord is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Tafsir At-Tabarī, Vol. 12, Page 43)3655 17:24

In order that the sins of one‟s parents are forgiven;

             And lower unto them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: “My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was small.”3656 17:80-81 In order that one is given help by Allāh for sincere worship and 18:10 humility in order that one receives mercy and the perfection of clear guidance for that which one undertakes;                           And say (O Muḥammad ): My Lord! Let my entry (to the city of Al-Madinah) be good, and likewise my exit (from the city of Makkah) be good. And grant me from You an authority to help me (or a firm sign or a proof). And say: “Truth (i.e. Islāmic Monotheism or this Qurʾān or Jihād against polytheists) has come and Bāṭil (falsehood, i.e. Satan or polytheism, etc.) has vanished. Surely! Bāṭil is ever bound to vanish.”3657                  (Remember) when the young men fled for refuge (from their disbelieving folk) to the cave, they said: “Our Lord! Bestow on us mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for us our affair in the right way!”3658 19:4-6

In order that one is blessed or favoured with a righteous child;

                           

Sūrah Hūd (11), ayāh 41. Sūrah Al Isrāʾ (17), ayāh 24. Sūrah Al Isrāʾ (17), āyāt 80-81. 3658 Sūrah Al Kahf (18), ayāh 10. 3655 3656 3657

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           Saying: “My Lord! Indeed my bones have grown feeble, and grey hair has spread on my head, and I have never been unblest in my invocation to You, O my Lord! “And verily! I fear my relatives after me, since my wife is barren. So give me from yourself an heir, “Who shall inherit me, and inherit (also) the posterity of Yaʿqūb (Jacob) (inheritance of the religious knowledge and Prophethood, not the wealth, etc.). And make him, my Lord, one with whom You are Well-pleased!”3659 20:25-26 In order that one receives patience and ease of task;           [Mūsā (Moses)] said: “O my Lord! Open for me my chest (grant me self-confidence, contentment, and boldness). “And ease my task for me;3660 20:27-28 In order that our speech is easy to understand by other people;         “And make loose the knot (the defect) from my tongue, (i.e. remove the incorrectness from my speech) [that occurred as a result of a brand of fire which Mūsā (Moses) put in his mouth when he was an infant]. [Tafsir At-Tabarī, Vol. 16, Page 159]. “That they understand my speech,3661 20:114

In order that we gain knowledge;

                    Then high above all be Allāh, the True King. And be not in haste (O Muḥammad ) with the Qurʾān before its revelation is completed to you, and say: “My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.”3662 23:29

In order that one is blessed with a place full of mercy;         

And say: “My Lord! Cause me to land at a blessed landing-place, for You are the best of those who bring to land.”3663 Sūrah Maryam (19), āyāt 4-6. Sūrah Ṭā-Ḥā (20), āyāt 25-26. Sūrah Ṭā-Ḥā (20), āyāt 27-28. 3662 Sūrah Ṭā-Ḥā (20), ayāh 114. 3663 Sūrah Al Muʾminūn (23), ayāh 29. 3659 3660 3661

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23:93-94 In order that we are counted amongst those who are Ẓālimūn;               Say (O Muḥammad ): “ My Lord! If You would show me that with which they are threatened (torment), “My Lord! Then (save me from Your punishment), and put me not amongst the people who are the Ẓālimūn (polytheists and wrong-doing).”3664 23:97-98 In order that one is protected from the whisperings of Shaiṭān, and from their approach to oneself;               And say: “My Lord! I seek refuge with You from the whisperings (suggestions) of the Shayāṭīn (devils). “And I seek refuge with You, my Lord! Lest they may attend (or come near) me.”3665 23:109 23:118

In order that one is forgiven sins and given mercy;

               Verily! There was a party of My slaves, who used to say: “Our Lord! We believe, so forgive us, and have mercy on us, for You are the best of all who show mercy!”3666         And say (O Muḥammad ): “My Lord! Forgive and have mercy, for You are the best of those who show mercy!”3667 25:65

In order that one avoids the punishment of Hell;

             And those who say: “Our Lord! Avert from us the torment of Hell. Verily! its torment is ever an inseparable, permanent punishment.”3668 25:74

In order that one is blessed with wives and children who will be a

Sūrah Al Muʾminūn (23), āyāt 93-94. Sūrah Al Muʾminūn (23), āyāt 97-98. Sūrah Al Muʾminūn (23), ayāh 109. 3667 Sūrah Al Muʾminūn (23), ayāh 118. 3668 Sūrah Al Furqān (25), ayāh 65. 3664 3665 3666

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comfort to one‟s eyes;               And those who say: “Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives and our offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and make us leaders for the Muttaqūn" (pious).”3669 26:83-87 In order that one is bestowed with wisdom and grouped with those who are righteous; in order that one is remembered as honourable; in order that one inherits the Paradise of Delight; in order that one‟s father is forgiven; and in order that one is not disgraced on the Day of Resurrection;     

      

                    My Lord! Bestow Ḥukman (religious knowledge, right judgement of the affairs and Prophethood) on me, and join me with the righteous; and grant me an honourable mention in later generations; and make me one of the inheritors of the Paradise of Delight; and forgive my father, verily he is of the erring; and disgrace me not on the Day when (all the creatures) will be resurrected;3670 27:19

In order that one is given ilḥām (inspiration from Allāh) to be steadfastly patient and righteous;

                         So he [Sulaimān (Solomon)] smiled, amused at her speech and said: “My Lord! Inspire and bestow upon me the power and ability that I may be grateful for Your Favours which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may do righteous good deeds that will please you, and admit me by Your Mercy among Your righteous slaves.”3671 28:16 3669 3670 3671

In order that one is forgiven one‟s sins;

Sūrah Al Furqān (25), ayāh 74. Sūrah Al Shuʿarā (26), āyāt 83-87. Sūrah Al Naml (27), ayāh 19.

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               He said: “My Lord! Verily, I have wronged myself, so forgive me.” Then He forgave him. Verily, He is the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.3672 28:21-22 In order that one is saved from the Ẓālimūn; and in order that one is guided to the Right Way;                         So he escaped from there, looking about in a state of fear. He said: “My Lord! Save me from the people who are Ẓālimūn (polytheists and wrong-doers)!” And when he went towards (the land of) Madyan (Midian) he said: “It may be that my Lord guides me to the Right Way.”3673 29:30

In order that one is helped from the deeds of those people who are Mufsidīn;       

He said: “My Lord! Give me victory over the people who are Mufsidūn (those who commit great crimes and sins, oppressors, tyrants, mischief-makers, corrupts).3674 35:34-35 The duʿāʾ of those people who will be secured in Paradise ʿAdn;                             And they will say: “All the praises and thanks be to Allāh, who has removed from us (all) grief. Verily, our Lord is indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most ready to appreciate (good deeds and to recompense). Who, out of His Grace, has lodged us in a home that will last forever; there, toil will touch us not, nor weariness will touch us.”3675 35:37

The duʿāʾ of remorse of the inhabitants of Hell;

            

Sūrah Al Qaṣaṣ (28), ayāh 16. Sūrah Al Qaṣaṣ (28), āyāt 21-22. Sūrah Al ʿAnkabūt (29), ayāh 30. 3675 Sūrah Fāṭir [or Al Malāʾikah] (35), āyāt 34-35. 3672 3673 3674

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               Therein they will cry: “Our Lord! Bring us out, we shall do righteous good deeds, not (the evil deeds) that we used to do.” (Allāh will reply): “Did We not give you lives long enough, so that whosoever would receive admonition, - could receive it? And the warner came to you. So taste you (the evil of your deeds). For the Ẓālimūn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.) there is no helper.”3676 36:52

The remorse of those people who denounced the existence of the Day of Resurrection;

              They will say: “Woe to us! Who has raised us up from our place of sleep.” (It will be said to them): “This is what the Most Beneficent (Allāh) had promised, and the Messengers spoke truth!”3677 36:58

Salām will be for the inhabitants of Paradise from Allāh;      

(It will be said to them): Salāmun (peace be on you), a word from the Lord (Allāh), Most Merciful.3678 37:79

Salām and praise for the Prophet Nūḥ ;      

Salāmun (peace) be upon Nūḥ (Noah) (from Us) among the ʿĀlamīn (mankind, jinns and all that exists)!”3679 37:100

In order that oen is blessed with righteous offspring;      

“My Lord! Grant me (offspring) from the righteous.”3680 37:109

Salām and praise for the Prophet „Ibrāhīm ;

Sūrah Fāṭir [or Al Malāʾikah] (35), ayāh 37. Sūrah Yā-Sīn (36), ayāh 52. Sūrah Yā-Sīn (36), ayah 58. 3679 Sūrah Al Ṣāffāt (37), ayāh 79. 3680 Sūrah Al Ṣāffāt (37), ayah 100. 3676 3677 3678

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    Salāmun (peace) be upon „Ibrāhīm (Abraham)!” 37:120


Salām and praise for the Prophet Mūsā  and for the Prophet Hārūn ;     

Salāmun (peace) be upon Mūsā (Moses) and Hārūn (Aaron)!” 3682 37:130

Salām and praise for the Prophet ʾIlyās ;     

Salāmun (peace) be upon Ilyāsīn (Elias)!” 38:16


The plea of the disbelievers in order to speed up their record of good and bad deeds before the Day of Reckoning;         

They say: “Our Lord! Hasten to us Qiṭṭana (i.e. our record of good and bad deeds so that we see it) before the Day of Reckoning!”3684 38:35

In order that one is forgiven sins, and bestowed a kingdom (duʿāʾ of the Prophet Sulaimān );

                 He said: “My Lord! Forgive me, and bestow upon me a kingdom such as shall not belong to any other after me: Verily, You are the Bestower.”3685 38:41

The duʿāʾ of the Prophet Ayūb  to Allāh;

            And remember Our slave Ayūb (Job), when he invoked his Lord (saying): “Verily! Shaiṭān (Satan) has touched me with distress (by losing my health) and torment (by losing my wealth)!3686 38:79

The request of Iblīs in order that he may be given respite till the Day of Resurrection;

Sūrah Al Ṣāffāt (37), ayah 109. Sūrah Al Ṣāffāt (37), ayah 120. Sūrah Al Ṣāffāt (37), ayah 130. 3684 Sūrah Ṣāḍ (38), ayāh 16. 3685 Sūrah Ṣāḍ (38), ayah 35. 3686 Sūrah Ṣāḍ (38), ayah 41. 3681 3682 3683

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       [Iblīs (Satan)] said: “My Lord! Give me then respite till the Day the (dead) are resurrected.”3687 39:46

Praise to Allāh who determines all issues;

                  Say (O Muḥammad ): “O Allâh! Creator of the heavens and the earth! All-Knower of the Ghaib (unseen) and the seen. You will judge between Your slaves about that wherein they used to differ.”3688 39:73

Duʿāʾ and Salām, from the angels who guard Paradise, to those who will inhabit it;

                      And those who kept their duty to their Lord will be led to Paradise in groups, till, when they reach it, and its gates will be opened (before their arrival for their reception) and its keepers will say: Salāmun ʿAlaikum (peace be upon you)! You have done well, so enter here to abide therein.”3689 40:7-9

The duʿāʾ requesting forgiveness from the angels for those who are faithful;

                              

    

          

              Those (angels) who bear the Throne (of Allāh) and those around it glorify the praises of their Lord, and believe in Him, and ask forgiveness for those who believe (in the Oneness of Allāh) (saying): “Our Lord! You comprehend all things in mercy and knowledge, so forgive those who repent and follow Your way, and save them from the torment of the blazing Fire! 3687 3688 3689

Sūrah Ṣāḍ (38), ayah 79. Sūrah Al Zumar (39), ayāh 46. Sūrah Al Zumar (39), ayāh 73.

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“Our Lord! And make them enter the ʿAdn (Eden) Paradise (everlasting gardens) which You have promised them, and to the righteous among their fathers, their wives, and their offspring! Verily, You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. “And save them from (the punishment, because of what they did of) the sins, and whomsoever You save from (the punishment, because of what they did of) the sins (i.e. excuse them) that Day, him Verily, You have taken into mercy.” And that is the supreme success.3690 40:11

The acknowledgement of the sins of those in Hell and their plea to be allowed a way out of Hell;

              They will say: “Our Lord! You have made us to die twice (i.e. we were dead in the loins of our fathers and dead after our deaths in this world), and You have given us life twice (i.e. life when we were born and life when we are resurrected)! Now we confess our sins, then is there any way to get out (of the Fire)?”3691 43:13-14 The duʿāʾ of praise and thanks for the favours already bestowed upon His servants;                           In order that you may mount firmly on their backs, and then may remember the favour of your Lord when you mount thereon, and say: “Glory to Him who has subjected this to us, and we could never have it (by our efforts).” And verily, to our Lord we indeed are to return!3692 43:88-89 The duʿāʾ of the Prophet Muḥammad  about the disbelief undertaken by his community;      

         

(Allāh has knowledge) of (Prophet Muḥammad‟s ) saying: “O my Lord! Verily, These are a people who believe not!” So turn away from them (O Muḥammad ), and say: Salām (peace)! Bbut they will come to know.3693

Sūrah Al Mūʾmin [or Ghāfir] (40), āyāt 7-9. Sūrah Al Mūʾmin [or Ghāfir] (40), ayāh 11. Sūrah Al Zukhruf (43), āyāt 13-14. 3693 Sūrah Al Zukhruf (43), āyāt 88-89. 3690 3691 3692

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The duʿāʾ of the Quraish community upon whom the punishment of Allāh had already befallen;       

(They will say): “Our Lord! Remove the torment from us, really we shall become believers!”3694 44:22

The duʿāʾ of of the Prophet Mūsā  about the cruelty of Firʿaun (who acknowledged himself as „God‟);       

(But they were aggressive), so he [Mūsā (Moses) ] called upon his Lord (saying): “These are indeed the people who are Mujrimūn (disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, criminals, etc.).”3695 46:15

The duʿāʾ for oneself, parents, and offspring;

                                                  And We have enjoined on man to be dutiful and kind to his parents. His mother bears him with hardship and she brings him forth with hardship, and the bearing of him, and the weaning of him is thirty (30) months, till when he attains full strength and reaches forty years, he says: “My Lord! Grant me the power and ability that I may be grateful for Your Favour which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and that I may do righteous good deeds, such as please You, and make my off-spring good. Truly, I have turned to You in repentance, and truly, I am one of the Muslims (submitting to Your Will).”3696 54:9-10

The duʿāʾ of the prophet Nūḥ  at the disbelief of his community, which had already exceeded the bounds;

                 The people of Nūḥ (Noah) denied (their Messenger) before them, they rejected Our slave, and said: “A madman!” And he was insolently rebuked 3694 3695 3696

Sūrah Al Dukhān (44), ayāh 12. Sūrah Al Dukhān (44), ayah 22. Sūrah Al Aḥqāf (46), ayāh 15.

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and threatened. Then he invoked his Lord (saying): “I have been overcome, so help (me)!”3697 59:10

The duʿāʾ of the Muhājirūn for the Anṣār;

                        And those who came after them say: “Our Lord! Forgive us and our brethren who have preceded us in faith, and put not in our hearts any hatred against those who have believed. Our Lord! You are indeed full of kindness, Most Merciful.3698 59:22-24 Some of the ʾAsmāʾ ul Ḥusnā which are compiled within Al Qurʾān in order to be performed as adʿiya/tawaṣṣul to Him;                                 

       

                 He is Allāh, than whom there is Lā ilāha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He) the All-Knower of the unseen and the seen (open). He is the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. He is Allāh than whom there is Lā ilāha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He) the King, the Holy, the One Free from All defects, the Giver of Security, the Watcher over His creatures, the All-Mighty, the Compeller, the Supreme. Glory be to Allāh! (high is He) above all that they associate as partners with Him. He is Allāh, the Creator, the Inventor of All things, the Bestower of Forms. to Him belong the Best Names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorify Him. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.3699 60:4-5

The duʿāʾ in order that one is distanced from fitnah (the duʿāʾ of the Prophet „Ibrāhīm );

              

3697 3698 3699

Sūrah Al Qamar (54), āyāt 9-10. Sūrah Al Ḥashr (59), ayāh 10. Sūrah Al Ḥashr (59), āyāt 22-24.

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                                                      Indeed there has been an excellent example for you in „Ibrāhīm (Abraham) and those with him, when they said to their people: “Verily, we are free from you and whatever you worship besides Allāh, we have rejected you, and there has started between us and you, hostility and hatred for ever, until you believe in Allāh Alone,” except the saying of „Ibrāhīm (Abraham) to his father: “Verily, I will ask for forgiveness (from Allāh) for you, but I have no power to do anything for you before Allāh.” Our Lord! In You (Alone) we put our trust, and to You (Alone) we turn in repentance, and to You (Alone) is (our) final return, “Our Lord! Make us not a trial for the disbelievers, and forgive us, our Lord! Verily, You, Only You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.”3700 63:10

The duʿāʾ of those people who were too late to Ṣadaqah;

                      And spend (in charity) of that with which We have provided you, before death comes to one of you and he says: “My Lord! If only You would give me respite for a little while (i.e. return to the worldly life), then I should give Ṣadaqah (i.e. Zakāt) of my wealth, and be among the righteous [i.e. perform Ḥajj (pilgrimage to Makkah)].3701 66:8

The duʿāʾ in order that one‟s light is perfected and one is forgiven;

                                                O you who believe! Turn to Allāh with sincere repentance! It may be that your Lord will remit from you your sins, and admit you into gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise) the Day that Allāh will not disgrace the Prophet (Muḥammad ) and those who believe with him, their light will run forward before them and with (their records books of deeds) in their 3700 3701

Sūrah Al Mumtaḥinah (60), āyāt 4-5. Sūrah Al Munāfiqūn (63), ayāh 10.

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right hands they will say: “Our Lord! Keep perfect our light for us [and do not put it off till we cross over the Ṣirāṭ (a slippery bridge over the Hell) safely] and grant us forgiveness. Verily, You are Able to do all things.”3702 66:11

The duʿāʾ in order that one is saved from the Ẓālimūn (the duʿāʾ of the faithful wife of Firʿaun);

                         And Allāh has set forth an example for those who believe, the wife of Firʿaun (Pharaoh), when she said: “My Lord! Build for me a home with You in Paradise, and save me from Firʿaun (Pharaoh) and his work, and save me from the people who are Ẓālimūn (polytheists, wrong-doers and disbelievers in Allāh).3703 68:29

The duʿāʾ of the people who were Ẓālimūn;       

They said: “Glory to our Lord! Verily, we have been Ẓālimūn (wrong-doers, etc.).”3704 71:5-24

The duʿāʾ of the Prophet Nūḥ  about the denial of his community which had opposed him;

                                                    

         

 

                

       

  

                          

3702 3703 3704

Sūrah Al Taḥrīm (66), ayāh 8. Sūrah Al Taḥrīm (66), ayah 11. Sūrah Al Qalam [or Nūn] (68), ayāh 29.

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              

                     

He said: “O my Lord! Verily, I have called my people night and day (i.e. secretly and openly to accept the doctrine of Islāmic Monotheism) , “But all my calling added nothing but to (their) flight (from the truth). “And verily! Every time I called unto them that You might forgive them, they thrust their fingers into their ears, covered themselves up with their garments, and persisted (in their refusal), and magnified themselves in pride. “Then verily, I called to them openly (aloud); “Then verily, I proclaimed to them in public, and I have appealed to them in private, “I said (to them): „Ask forgiveness from your Lord; Verily, He is Oft-Forgiving; „He will send rain to you in abundance; „And give you increase in wealth and children, and bestow on you gardens and bestow on you rivers.‟” What is the matter with you, [that you fear not Allāh (His punishment), and] you hope not for reward (from Allāh or you believe not in His Oneness). While He has created you in (different) stages [i.e. first Nuṭfah, then ʿAlaqah and Then Muḍghah, see (VV.23:13,14) the Qurʾān]. See you not how Allāh has created the seven heavens one above another, and has made the moon a light therein, and made the sun a lamp? And Allāh has brought you forth from the (dust of) earth. [Tafsir At-Tabarī, Vol.29, Page 97]. Afterwards He will return you into it (the earth), and bring you forth (again on the Day of Resurrection)? And Allāh has made for you the earth wide spread (an expanse). That you may go about therein in broad roads. Nūḥ (Noah) said: “My Lord! They have disobeyed me, and followed one whose wealth and children give him no increase but only loss. “And they have plotted a mighty plot. “And they have said: „You shall not leave your gods, nor shall you leave Wadd, nor Suwāʿ, nor Yaghūth, nor Yaʿūq, nor Nasr (names of the idols); “And indeed they have led many astray. And (O Allāh): „Grant no increase to the Zalimun (polytheists, wrong-doers, and disbelievers, etc.) save error.‟”3705 71:28

The duʿāʾ of the Prophet Nūḥ  at the time his community received punishment;

                3705

Sūrah Nūḥ (71), āyāt 5-24.

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“My Lord! Forgive me, and my parents, and him who enters my home as a believer, and all the believing men and women. And to the Ẓālimūn (polytheists, wrong-doers, and disbelievers, etc.) grant You no increase but destruction!”3706 113:1-5

The duʿāʾ in order that one is protected from all kinds of evil from the creatures of Allāh;

                            Say: “I seek refuge with (Allāh) the Lord of the daybreak, “From the evil of what He has created; “And from the evil of the darkening (night) as it comes with its darkness; (or the moon as it sets or goes away). “And from the evil of the witchcrafts when they blow in the knots, “And from the evil of the envier when he envies.”3707 114:1-6

The duʿāʾ in order that one is protected from the evils of Shaiṭān both from within the jinn and „mankind‟.

  

  

  

    

            Say: “I seek refuge with (Allāh) the Lord of mankind, “The King of mankind, “The Ilāh (God) of mankind, “From the evil of the whisperer (devil who whispers evil in the hearts of men) who withdraws (from his whispering in one‟s heart after one remembers Allāh), “Who whispers in the breasts of mankind, “Of jinns and men.”3708

3706 3707 3708

Sūrah Nūḥ (71), ayāh 28. Sūrah Al Falaq (113), āyāt 1-5. Sūrah Al Nās (114), āyāt 1-6.

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CLOSING „A Classification of Al Qurʾān‟s Contents‟ is the title of this book. When one reads this book one will note that there are many Āyāt from al Qurʾān that have not been placed within one of the various sections covered by this book. This is not because those Āyāt were unable to be included within this „classification‟ but rather as a result of the weakness of the compiler and all of his downfalls. Indeed, Al Qurʾān regulates all aspects of „mankinds‟ life. Another point to note also is that there are 3 further sections that are not included within the Āyāt of Al Qurʾān. This matter is meant to increase clarity and perception. The 3 sections in point are: 1. 2. 3.

What do they say about the Universe? Islām as brought by Muḥammad . A concise narrative of the Prophet Muḥammad‟s  life.

This book‟s contents are based upon various „tafsīr‟ (exegesis/explanation) of the Qurʾān, including: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Al Qurʾan dan Terjemahannya – Depag RI (Al Qurʾān and its Interpretation [translation] – Department of Religion, Republic of Indonesia) Al Qurʾan dan Terjemahannya – KHR Muhammad Adnan (Al Qurʾān and its Interpretaion [translation] – KHR Muhammad Adnan) Tafsir Al Furqan – A. Hassan (Exegesis of Al Furqān [The Criterion] – A. Hassan) Tafsir Al Bayan – Prof. T.M. Hasbi Ashshiddiqy (Exegesis of Al Bayan [The Declaration/Explanation] - Prof. T.M. Hasbi Ashshiddiqy) Tafsir An Nuur - Prof. T.M. Hasbi Ashshiddiqy (Exegesis of An Nūr [The Light] Prof. T.M. Hasbi Ashshiddiqy) Terjemahan Al Qurʾan – Prof. Mahmud Yunus (Interpretation [translation] of Al Qurʾān – Prof. Mahmud Yunus) Tafsir Al Ahzar – HAMKA (Exegesis of Al Azhar [] – HAMKA [Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah]) Terjemahan Asbabun Nuzul – Jalaluddin A. Assuyuthi (Interpretation [translation] of Asbabun-Nuzūl [Reasons for the Descent (of the Revelation of the Āyāt of Al Qurʾān)] – Jalaluddin A. Assuyuthi) The English interpretations of the meanings of Al Qurʾān are from: Interpretation of the meanings of THE NOBLE QURʾĀN in the English Language – Dr. Muḥammad Muhsin Khan and Dr. Muḥammad Taqī ud Dīn Al-Hilāli, Dar-us-Salam Publications, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, December 1995 Furthermore, Edward William Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon was used to explain certain Arabic words. It is available at: Page | 1397

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INDEX Indexed words refer to words encountered in the main body of the text and not to those words occurring in quoted text.

A Aaron Abel (Hābīl) Abraham Accountability ʿĀd ʾĀdam ʿĀdil/ʿĀdl (justice) Adʿiya Adopted children Affection Afraid Agony Agreements Aḥādīth (ḥadīth) Ahli-l-Kitāb Ahlul-Kitāb Akhlāq (Morality) Allāh (occurs over 6900 times)

Allāh‟s Laws Al Hūd/Yahūd/Yahūdī ʿAmal Amānat (protect trust) Angels (also Malāʾikat)

Anger Animals

Anṣār ʿAql (Intellect) Arabic Aʿrāf Arbitrator

refer Hārūn  688 refer ‟‟Ibrāhīm  310 668, 702, 704, 830 128, 257, 258, 262, 666, 683 75, 76, 585, 677, 746, 1132, 1134, 1146, 1217, 1219, 1225 refer Du„ā‟ 1180 92, 973, 1061, 1062, 1145, 1188 438, 579, 1029, 1110 1332, 1333 413, 423, 448, 1025, 1077, 1078, 1087, 1268, 1269, 1270, 1303, 1329 23, 207, 903, 969, 970, 1004, 1042, 1134, 1229, 1252 341, 472, 889, 919, 1323 1040, 1149 865, 1052 32, 35, 38, 54, 124, 128, 138, 139, 144, 158, 202, 203, 204, 228 557, 634, 681, 904, 920, 912, 921, 922, 924, 973, 1032, 1033, 1036, 1038, 1196, 1335, 1366, 1370, 1371 139 326, 670, 797, 818, 820, 823, 842, 843, 882, 884, 919, 1235, 1298 1105 1086 3, 47, 154, 168, 207, 209, 210, 214, 217, 219, 221, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 256, 283, 358, 401, 410, 527, 587, 624, 665, 690, 713, 715, 731, 792, 811, 846, 848, 967, 1290, 1300, 1388 375, 663, 804, 1063, 1074 171, 172, 181, 183, 184, 187, 188, 189, 190, 193, 274, 277, 331, 365, 695, 847, 1040, 1042 861, 863, 1391 274, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 299, 311, 376 20, 21, 847, 916, 917 26, 649, 957, 963, 966 75, 974, 1157 Page | 1399

Arrogance Aṣḥāba-l-Kahf ‟Asmā‟ul ḥusnā Aspirations Ayyūb 

1113, 1114 820 54, 124 978, 1004 744

B Bai„āt ur Riḍwān Baitullāh Balance (er) Banī ʾĀdam Banī ‟Isrā‟īl Banī an Nadīr Banī al Qainuqā„ Banī Quraiẓah Barzakh Bashār, Al Battle of al Aḥzāb Battle of Badr Battle of Ḥunain Battle of Khandaq (the Trench) Battle of Confederates Battle of Tabūk Battle of Uḥud Beguile Blessings

Book of Accounts

1303, 1304, 1306 1351 119, 160, 523, 585, 1027 251, 257 772, 776, 779, 783, 784, 790, 841, 881, 889 454, 862, 1298 1298, 1300 1303 541, 545, 546 256 1300, 1301 246, 1276, 1289, 1290, 1291, 1292 1308 1300 refer Battle of al Aḥzāb 1309 140, 142, 975, 1292, 1294, 1296, 1297 246 164, 233, 268, 301, 374, 438, 440, 458, 483, 502, 544, 578, 634, 641, 656, 790, 800, 822, 847, 859, 966, 973, 1013, 1019, 1020, 1024, 1026, 1076, 1087, 1089, 1090, 1091, 1138, 1208, 1279, 1342, 1343 588

C Cain (Qābīl) Calamity Children

Classification Cleanliness Clouds Confirmation Cover Cow

688 1089, 1138, 1211, 1376 41, 42, 257, 303, 750, 819, 828, 966, 1074, 1097, 1099, 1173, 1175, 1176, 1177, 1178, 1179, 1180, 1184, 1188, 1202, 1303, 1373, 1383 18, 23, 24, 25, 38, 314, 368, 1397 1125, 1321 174, 175, 197 337, 914, 1324 162, 698, 1118, 1123 785, 966 Page | 1400

Cowardice Credit Cures Cursing

1110 1028 1004 1069

D Dā„in David Daʿwah Dāwūd  Debit Deceit, deceitful Deliberations Denial Deprecation Desire

Despicability Destruction

Dhikr Dhikrullāh Dhūlkifli  Dhul Qarnain Disagreement (s) Disaster Dislike Divorce Diyyat Dowry Dress Drink Du„ā‟

656 refer Dāwūd  25, 234, 477, 652, 653, 654, 655, 657, 658, 659, 661, 662, 690, 738, 753, 754, 828, 916, 1074, 1261, 1277 792, 793, 794, 795, 798, 879, 882, 1005 1028 447, 1120, 1289 1240 32, 249, 289, 308, 417, 675, 690, 800, 912, 1074, 1114, 1393 1069 25, 130, 231, 243, 268, 285, 289, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 305, 306, 501, 508, 656, 657, 662, 712, 785, 790, 829, 896, 917, 922, 933, 968, 971, 1022, 1071, 1093, 1095, 1108, 1118, 1147, 1154, 1159, 1203, 1211, 1225, 1230, 1295, 1298, 1355 248, 1149, 1170, 1171, 1172, 1173, 1247 166, 168, 183, 192, 304, 698, 702, 709, 715, 721, 748, 826, 855, 989, 1012, 1096, 1112, 1171, 1211, 1288 950, 1356, 1367, 1368, 1370 refer Dhikr 791, 792 825, 826 551 32, 365, 373, 474, 495, 1010, 1013, 1110, 1173, 1210, 1211, 1308, 1342, 1376 455, 1281, 1282 967, 1149, 1157, 1160, 1162, 1167, 1168, 1180 1245 1152 188, 1123 231, 434, 625, 1002, 1039, 1040, 1099, 1108, 1247, 1252 124, 1174, 1184, 1372, 1373, 1374, 1376, 1377, 1391

E Earth

47, 51, 125, 127, 146, 147, 149, 151, 155, 158, 159, 161, 166, 168, 170, 171, 172, 180, Page | 1401

182, 183, 184, 195, 197, 202, 203, 217, 265, 274, 301, 308, 343, 365, 438, 516, 541, 552, 557, 572, 573, 575, 578, 631, 632, 656, 695, 697, 790, 879, 983, 1012, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1075, 1076, 1116, 1195, 1196, 1197, 1200, 1208, 1321, 1343 748, 968 802 1052 829, 839, 855, 968 25, 250, 274, 1012, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1025, 1032, 1037, 1038, 1095, 1263, 1352 229, 250, 287, 409, 516, 1110, 1176, 1236, 1257, 1262, 1267, 1275 1093 1274 870, 931, 933, 1126, 1128, 1327, 1368, 1374 20, 249 277 309 314

Earthquake Earthworm Education Elephant Endeavour Enemy/Enemies Envy Equipment Etiquette Evil Examples Excess Excuses Expulsion F Fā‟i Faith Family Farā‟iḍ Fāsiqīn Fear Fidyah Firʿaun Fire Fire of Hell Fitnah Fitrah Food Forgive (ness) Futility

311 100 212, 297 300 106 324 182, 189 39, 178 160 274 14, 82 262 272 108, 110

G Galaxy Gambling Ghaib Ghanīmah Glory Good (ness) Governance Greeting

42 279 49 311 313 267, 287 302 284 Page | 1402


58, 80

H Hābīl Hābīl and Qābīl Ḥadīth ḥajj ḥalāl ḥarām Hārūn  Hatred Ḥawwāʾ Health Heart Heirs Hell Hereafter Hijrah Holy Books Hope (lessness) Hostility Hūd  ḥudaiybiyah ḥudūd Humiliation ḥurūf-ul Hijaiyyah

173 173 refer Aḥādīth 327 262 263 181 268 61 251 49, 70 161 159, 163 140 210 215 284 269 175 315 306 282 234

I Iblīs ‟‟Ibrāhīm  „Iddah ‟Idrīs  Illiteracy ʿIlm ‟Ilyā‟ ‟Ilyās Īmān „Imrān Inhabitants ‟Injīl Intercession Intoxicants ʿĪsā  ‟Isḥāq  Islām ‟Ismā„īl  ‟Isrā‟ and mi„rāj

57 177 293 174 223 26 293 197 100 198 300 217 145 279, 308 63, 198, 200 178 81, 84, 98 179 210

J Page | 1403

Jasmāni Jew/Jews Jihād Jināyat Jinn Job Judge

76 refer Al Hūd/Yahūd/Yahūdī 308 305 55 refer Ayyūb  245

K Ka„bah Kāfir(īn) Khalīfah Khamr Khiḍr Khilāfah Kifārah Killing Kinship

325 109, 228 300 279, 308 194 300 325 75, 305 297

L Languages Language, Daʿwah Last Day Laws of inheritance Leader Lessons Li„ān Lies Listen (ing) Love Loyalty Luqmān Lūṭ  Luxuriousness

298 167 36, 141 298 302 202 292 273 147, 227 95, 268, 299, 328 296 202 176 276

M Madinan Sūrah Madyan Mahr Maḥshar Maintenance Makkan Sūrah Malāʾikat (also Angels)

239 181 1152, 1153, 1154 144 279 236 3, 47, 154, 168, 207, 209, 210, 214, 217, 219, 221, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 256, 283, 358, 401, 410, 527, 587, 624, 665, 690, 713, 715, 731, 792, 811, 846, 848, 967, 1290, 1300, 1388 Page | 1404

„mankind‟ Marriage Maryam Masjid (Masājid) Measure Messengers Metaphors Miserliness Modesty Months Morality Mountains Muḥammad  Mu‟minīn Munāfiqīn Mūsā  Mushāwarah Muslimīn Murtadd Mut„ah Mutrafīn Muttaqin Mutual assistance

61 290 198 325 258 83, 168 249 277 281 311 266 37 200, 203, 205 100 104 181 303 99 107 294 172 102 285

N Nafsu Narratives Nās, An Naṣrānī Nations Night of Al Qadr Non-benefit Nūḥ  Nuptual gift Nushūz

73 165, 173 62 304 298 226 283 174 1152 292

O Oaths Obedience Occupants (of Hell) On guard Opinion Orphans

272 281 159, 160 304, 310 303 296

P Parables Paradise Parents Patience

249 161, 321 297 257, 270 Page | 1405

Paul Pawning 259 Peace Plants Poor 278 Position (of children) Prejudice Prisoners Process Proliferation Property rights Prophets Prostration Protection Provisions Punishment (of Hell) Purity

88 269 35, 37 295 270 312 38, 63 39, 40 298 82, 168 207 59 258 172, 231 284, 319

Q Qābīl Qadar Qalbu, Al Qārūn Qiblah Qiṣāṣ Qitāl Qiyāmah Qubbah Qurʾān, Al Qurbān

173 254 70 195 326 305 308 34, 141 326 221, 222 327

R Rahbānīyah Rain Ramaḍān Rebelliousness Reckoning Relationships Religion Remorse Repent Responsibility Resurrection Rewards Ribā Ridicule Rights Romans Rūḥ Rujū„

290 38 324 282 145 297 81 147, 159 108 77 140 268 259 140, 228 298 201 74 293 Page | 1406

S Ṣadaqah Ṣalāt Ṣalātul Jum„ah Ṣāliḥ  Sāmirī Ṣaum (fasting) Seas Secrets Self correction Shahādat Shaiṭān Ships Shirk Shu„aib  Shuhadā‟ Ṣibghatullāh Ṣiffatullāh Shipping Simple Sin 120, 131 Sodom Source of knowledge Source of livelihood Slander 274 Spite State (nation) Stealing Stoning Struggles Suckling Ṣuḥuf Sulaimān  Sun Sunnah Sunnatullāh

299, 322 312, 319 320 176 193 324 37, 260 282 286 99 57 260 127 180 312 328 12, 16 260 283 177 26 37 1093 300 307 92 171 296 216 196 44 244 27

T ¬āghūt ¬ahārah ¬alāq Tasbīḥ Tauḥīd Taurah Tawaṣṣul Tax

129 319 293 330 81, 171 216 330 299 Page | 1407

Tayammum Testimony Thamūd Thankful Theft Time Trade Treachery Trials Tribes Trinity Trumpet Trust

319 99 176 275 307 32, 267 258 275 101, 171 298 200 143 257

U „Udhr Unity Universe Usury Utterances

309 269 32, 42 259 287

V Vedas Visiting Vows

85 284 272

W Waḥdānīya Walīy War Waṣīyat Water Wealth Wind Witness Wives Womb World Wuḍū‟

135 303 308, 310 299 38, 320 298 38, 39 77, 274 291 135 136 319

Y Yahūdi Yaḥyā  Ya‟jūj and Ma‟jūj Yaʿqūb  Yaum-as-Sabt, Al Yūnus 

304 198 201 178 194 197 Page | 1408

Yūsuf 


Z Zabūr Zakarīyā  Zakāt Ẓihār Zinā‟ Zuhd

216 198 322 292 306 137

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