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Italian Republic

Capital: .......................................... Area: .............................................. Population: .................................... Official Language: ........................... Armed Forces Personnel: ................. Medical Officers: ............................. Military Hospitals/Institutes: ........... Missions: ........................................ Rome 301 336 km² 60 918 000 Italian 181 450 1.566 3/2 multiple

Surgeon General


Nicola Sebastiani Major General The Military Medical Service shall: • Check the suitability of citizens for military service. • Check the suitability of military personnel for un - conditional military service. • Ensure for the supply and fitting of technical materials and general service required in time of peace, war or serious international crisis. • Any other legal requirement under the provisions of the present Military Code, regulations or by law.

Surgeon General

The Italian Military Medical Service is built on top of a joint body, formed by the General Inspectorate of the Military Health Services, framed within the Defence General Staff organization and it is the health policy-making body of the Chief of Defence. Each service – Army, Navy, Air Force and Carabinieri – has its own medical service that depends on the respective commands. Italian Defense General Staff General Inspectorate of the Military Health Via di Santo Stefano Rotondo 00184 Rome

Basic Task of the Military Medical Service

• Take care of the health status of the military personnel.


ITALY The main assets of the Italian Military Medical Service consist of the facilities for: • Health care and Preventive Medicine (some 300 Unit clinics deployed at Regiment/Battalion level to provide basis level of care). • Diagnosis, hospitalization and treatment (3 Armed Forces military hospitals). • Forensic Medicine (13 Military Departments of Forensic Medicine). • Selection (13 centres/ bodies for medical selec - tion of personnel). • Training (own Armed Forces have training Centres). • Research (Research Centre of the Army, Department of Aviation Medicine). • Medical Airworthiness of personnel (2 Air Force Forensic Medicine Institutes).

Regional Medical Facilities

Role 1 medical facilities in each military unit (Battalion/ Regiment level, Airports, Naval Bases, ships, etc…)

Military Hospitals

Roma (Army) Role 4 Milan (Army) Taranto (Navy)


2 Air Force Institutes for Flight Fitness Evaluation.

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