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Kingdom of Spain
Spain, Kingdom of
Capital: .......................................... Area: .............................................. Population: .................................... Official Language: ........................... Armed Forces Personnel: ................. Medical Officers: ............................. Military Hospitals/Institutes: ........... Missions: ........................................ Madrid 504 987 km² 46 218 000 Spanish 135 500 1.050 2/4 multiple
Surgeon General
José Maria Alonso de Vega Major General MC Support, protect and maintain the health of the Spanish Armed Forces personnel. The INSPECCION GENERAL DE SANIDAD (General Inspection of Health) is the supreme authority in Spanish Military Medical Service. The Inspector General de Sanidad (Surgeon General) is under the authority of Undersecretary of Defence. A Military Medical Directorate in the Army, Navy and Air Force, with functional dependence of the Armed Forces Surgeon General. 6 Military Clinics
Pharmaceutical Centre All hospitals are fully equipped with all means of diagnostic equipments. Additional Military Clinics in Ceuta, Melilla, Valencia, Cartagena, Ferrol, Cadiz Inspector General de Sanidad de la Defensa Hospital Central de la Defensa Gomez Ulla Glorieta del Ejército S/N Madrid 28047
Basic Task of the Military Medical Service
Medical Directorate, with 2 Military Hospitals and Preventive Medicine Institute Blood Centre Aerospatial Military Medical Centre Pharmaceutical Directorate with a Military Veterinary Directorate with a Military Veterinary Centre
Aviation Medicine Centre, Madrid Diving Medicine, Cartagena Military Centre of Pharmacy Military Centre of Veterinary
Field Deployments
One Medical Brigade One deployable Role 3 Two Air MEDEVAC units
Afghanistan: one Role 2 Lebanon: one Role 1 Atalanta, Indian Ocean: one Role 2 afloat Irak: one Role 1 Central African Republic: one Role 1 Djibouti: one Role 1 Dakar (Senegal) one Role 1 Libreville (Gabon): one Role 1