Welcoming Our 2024 Season Guests
June 30 Rev. Deborah Finley-Jackson, Ph.D.
Family of Faith AME Church, St. Thomas, USVI
July 7 Daniel J. Allen, Ph.D. La Salle University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
July 14 Rev. Shannon Kershner
Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Georgia
July 21 Rev. Dr. Leslie Callahan
St. Charles Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
July 28 Rev. Dr. Brandon Thomas Crowley
Myrtle Baptist Church, West Newton, Massachusetts
August 4 Rev. Dr. Otis Moss, III
Trinity United Church of Christ, Chicago, Illinois
August 11 Rev. Dr.Howard John Wesley
Alfred Street Baptist Church, Alexandria, Virginia
August 18 Rev. Dante Quick, Ph.D.
First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens, Somerset, New Jersey
August 25 Rev. Dana Allen Walsh
South Church, Andover, Massachussetts
September 1 Rev. Dr. Aliya Browne
President, Union Chapel Board of Trustees, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
Union Chapel Board of Trustees
Rev. Dr. Aliya F. Browne, President
Heidi Bryan, Vice President
Stephanie Parker, Secretary
Kamla Branche, Treasurer
Robert Jennings, Sexton
Rachele Browne
Brenda Bryan
Cindy Carter
Alvin R Johnson
Louise Johnson
Kathleen McGhee-Anderson
Ginny McIntosh
Roger Morris
Kevin Myatt
Jeanna Shepard
Andrew Skeen
Ann Stewart
Ed Trayes
Diane Welburn
Lois Jean White
Sabrina Williams
Trustees Emeriti:
William Adams
Joann Kidd
Anne H. Parsons
Richard Taylor
July 21, 2024 Reverend Leslie Callahan,
Services will be streamed and available for watching on Facebook, YouTube and through our website www.UnionChapelMV.org
A nnouncements
Today’s floral arrangements on the altar are placed ...
The Bryan family dedicates these flowers in memory of Brantz M. and Majorie H. Bryan, James H. Bryan, past president of Union Chapel, and Joan K. Bryan. Love from all their children and grandchildren.
In memory of Emilie and Baldwin Farmer, Sr. Lovingly, Cynthia, Sabrina and family
To sponsor a Sunday Service in the Chapel please visit www.unionchapelmv.org, or contact Heidi Bryan 214-549-7235/508-687-9725
o ur m usic t his m orning
The Prayer was originally recorded in solo versions by Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli for the 1998 film Quest for Camelot. Dion and Bocelli recorded a duet version the following year. The Prayer won a Golden Globe award in 1999 and was nominated for both a Grammy and an Academy Award. In 2008, Dion released a live version duet with Josh Groban. The beautiful setting of Langston Hughes’ Prayer is from Genius Child, a cycle of ten song settings of the poetry of Langston Hughes by Ricky Ian Gordon (b. 1956). The cycle was commissioned in 1992 by soprano Harolyn Blackwell and featured on her debut recording Strange Hurt. The poem was first published in 1927 in Hughes collection Caroling Dusk.
Ava Brown, soprano, is a twenty-four year old opera singer who has performed all over the country. In 2022, Ava graduated with her BA in vocal performance from Oberlin Conservatory of Music. She is currently living in Los Angeles where she is pursuing her Master’s degree and is working closely with a conservatory where she leads masterclasses for young performers. Ava has won multiple awards, such as the Schmidt Vocal Arts national competition where she earned first place. She has studied at multiple programs, including the Boston University Tanglewood Institute and Boston Conservatory’s summer program. Ava has been coming to the Vineyard every summer for her whole life and is excited to continue sharing her voice with the Union Chapel community.
David Behnke, baritone, is a graduate of the Master’s Degree Opera Program at Yale. He was a resident artist with the Tri Cities Opera Company and performed with music festivals across New England. After a career on Wall Street, he moved full time to Martha’s Vineyard in 2013. David has appeared with the Island Theater Workshop (Beast in Beauty and the Beast and Emile in South Pacific), has been an active recitalist performing opera, art song and Broadway, and has appeared as a frequent soloist with various Island organizations. He performs regularly with the Wicked Good Music Revue at the MV Playhouse
Order of Service
PRELUDES: Be Attentive, O My Soul (Partita) Johann Pachelbel
INTROIT: This is the Day Les Garrett
Womanist Celebration Awards | Dr. Stacey Floyd-Thomas
Sabrina Williams
Next week in worship - Special Guests: Alexander Wright and the Problematics Jazz Sextet
“God of hope, we have sensed your spirit walking with us as we open a new door in our lives, felt your urging when we were reluctant to say yes to a new adventure. Come among us today. Open our eyes to truth wherever it may be found. Allow us to hear the siren song of knowledge and understanding.”
*HYMN: #71 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Lobe den Herren ANTHEM The Prayer
Carol Bayer Sager and David Foster (Italian lyrics by Alberto Testa and Tony Renis) Ava Brown, soprano; David Behnke, baritone
PRAYER RESPONSE O Thou That Hearest Prayer
J. Burton, Wm. Peek
OFFERTORY Prayer words: Langston Hughes music: Ricky Ian Gordon Ava Brown, soprano
*DOXOLOGY #34 Old Hundredth
HYMN #427 You Are My All in All
SCRIPTURE Mark 16:1-8
SPEAKER “Telling the story”
Rev. Leslie Callahan
Dennis L. Jernigan
*HYMN: #496 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms Showalter
POSTLUDE Fugue in G Major
Johann Sebastian Bach
*Please stand if you are able | Music Director: William Peek, Jr.