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CHOOSING LOVE How to Cope With Fearful Times

relationships that lead to greater happiness and connection in our lives. Compassion in action helps us step outside our own busyness, distraction and even pain to help others.


When we do this, we’re choosing love and helping to create a safer, more peaceful and loving world. When we model the practice of these character values as a thoughtful response for our children, they grow up to do the same. Scarlett Lewis is the founder of the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to ensure every child has access to social and emotional education and support. Connect with her at Info@JesseLewisChooseLove.org.

It’s hard to make sense of some of the troubling things we see on TV and read about in the news. Our kids ask us, “Why are these things happening?” It’s an important question and it all comes down to two competing feelings: fear versus love. When we see disturbing images such as school shootings or political opponents attacking one another, it cultivates anxiety, which is epidemic in our society. When left untreated, it can lead to negative outcomes including substance abuse, depression, suicide and violence. Often, we look to those in perceived power to solve these issues. Perhaps what we haven’t conThere is a formula for choosing love. It starts with courage. My son Jesse was a 6-year-old boy who stood up to the shooter that came into his first-grade classroom at Sandy Hook Elementary School and saved nine of his classmates’ lives before losing his own. We all have that courage within us: the courage to be kind, to speak our truth, to do the right thing.

We can only have one thought at a time, so we can shift our thinking by replacing a negative thought with a grateful one. Forgiving helps us to take back our personal power and is a gift we give ourselves. It is the foundation of healthy by Scarlett Lewis

sidered is that these are not political issues; rather, they are issues of the heart and only we can solve them.

So we continue to see pain and suffering played out before us. We feel powerless and this feeds our unease. Our personal safety is a priority and external safety measures sometimes fail. If we don’t feel safe, nothing else matters. There is a solution. The opposite of anxiety and fear is love. When we examine the trajectory of most societal ills, there is often an arc of loneliness, depression, isolation and often abuse. From a young age, we can learn to choose love as a thoughtful response to any situation. When we do this, we take back our personal power. We become part of the solution to the issues we see, and science tells us that others will do the same.



7 A.M. - 6 P.M.


8 A.M. - 5 P.M.


10 A.M. - 3 P.M.



A ft e r m a n y y e a r s i n t h e w e l l n e s s i n d u s t r y , a n d i n t h e m i d s t o f a fa m i l y c r i s i s ,

fo u n d e r J e n n i fe r M a s l e y b e g a n s e l l i n g J e n e r g y B a r s a n d D e t o x e s fr o m h e r

k i t c h e n . W i t h a v i d s u p p o r t fr o m t h e G r a n d R a p i d s c o m m u n i t y h e r c l i e n t l i s t

g r e w , a n d i n 2 0 1 2 S i p O r g a n i c J u i c e B a r w a s b o r n .

w e b s i t e , s i p o r g a n i c j u i c e b a r . c o m , fo r m o r e d e t a i l s ! O N E B O D Y * O N E L I F E

ALL MONTH LONG BVI School of Ayurveda Accepting Applications: Ayurvedic Consultant Certificate Program. Webinar and On-Site Courses, one weekend a month. State Licensed. NAMA Member. The Sambodh Society, Inc. 6363 N. 24th St., Kalamazoo. Info and Catalog: AyurvedaMichigan.org or 269-381-4946.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Social Media Marketing 101 & 102 – Social Media Marketing can be a challenge for the tech savvy and non-tech savvy alike. We are providing students, technology amateurs and professionals a way to better get their messages, services and products out to their target clients and customers. Taught by one of the top social media experts in the Midwest, Mandy Owens. Start with the 8am-Noon session; it is a well-rounded introduction and foundational understanding of social media, for $50. Take the afternoon session from 1-5pm to learn navigation, what to post, how often to post, how to respond to others and how to use automation to save you time, for $50. Take both for only $89. Enrollment is happening now. Call 989-773-1714 to find out more or visit NaturopathicInstitute.org. Detox The Cell to Get Well – 1pm. If you’re suffering from weight loss resistance, digestive problems, hormone dysregulation, depression/mood changes, brain fog and other physical and emotional stressors, then you don’t want to miss this FREE infoal session on thyroid disease and how toxins contribute to disease. Dr. Tabatha Barber will discuss how the toxins in what we drink, breathe and consume triggers cellular inflammation, causing symptoms and manifesting disease. She will explain how to safely and effectively detox at the cellular level to get well. In addition, Dr. Tabatha will be offering testing to see if you qualify for the True Cellular DetoxTM program. Free. PrivaMD, 16986 Robbins Road, Ste 180, Grand Haven. Call 616-213-0253 or visit PrivaMD.org for info.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2 How to Parent Confidently in Uncertain Times – 9am-5pm. This course will help you parent/ grandparent using natural health and commonsense solutions for everyday illnesses and parenting challenges. Parents are on the frontline day in and day out, and it’s hard to know where to turn for trustworthy advice, especially when crisis strikes. From teething to fevers to sleep issues, let’s take a day to expand your parenting resources with safe effective natural remedies. Gain this and so much more from our Midwife Instructor Beth Barbeau, CPM, LM, who has over 30 years-experience and 1,000+ parenting household’s benefiting from her art and science. Seminar tuition: $89. Enrollment is happening now. Call 989-773-1714 to find out more or visit NaturopathicInstitute.org. Access Bars® Certification Workshop – 9am5:30pm. A Bars session can relieve stress, depression, anxiety, heal PTSD, open up the mind and more. Class includes: Access Bars® Manual, head charts, 2 Bars sessions (gifting and receiving), facilitation, clearings and more. After 1 class you will receive a certification from Access Consciousness® and be considered an Access Bars® Practitioner. You will be able to charge for your Bars sessions and gift to friends/family. 1st time class fee: $350/$175 sign up online at LFEnergetics.com or Rebecca

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Energy Share – 6-8pm. Previously known as our reiki share, led by reiki master Jamie VanDam you will learn techniques to connect and amplify your intuitive gifts. With meditation, lecture, and hands on experience you will develop your energetic skillset. Find out what energy work is all about, and have a mini session done. Open to those that know reiki and those that don’t. $10-$35 donations welcome. Register in advance, call ahead day of to find out if there is space for walk-ins The Remedy House, 5150 Northland Dr NE, Grand Rapids. TheRemedyHouse.org. 616-443-4225.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Mind, Body, Spirit Fair – 10am-4pm. Ever wonder where to begin with holistic health? Come sample many different offerings including massage, reiki, ionic foot baths, craniosacral, yoni steaming, angel card readings and more. Sessions available both for adults and kids. We will have info sessions throughout the day about many of these modalities including on discussions on different holistic remedies. A wonderful place to learn and focus your holistic health journey. $25 Adult Tickets, $10 Kids Tickets + mini sessions available for purchase. The Remedy House, 5150 Northland Dr NE, Grand Rapids. TheRemedyHouse.org. 616-443-4225. Full Moon Women’s Circle – 7-9pm. Megan Lendman will guide a circle of women through meditation, story and song. This is a space for sister support and expression. All women are welcome. Limited capacity of 8. Sliding scale donations of $10-35. The Remedy House, 5150 Northland Dr NE, Grand Rapids. TheRemedyHouse.org. 616-443-4225.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 I am at My Best Workshop & Healing – 10am. “I am at My Best” is a creative and healing visionboard workshop. Are you a dreamer or a dream maker? Are you a creator? This workshop includes: creating a clear vision-board set with intentions and manifestation energies, muscle testing and clearing any blockages, create a solid foundation to make your dreams come true and much more. Join Rebecca Stephens and Kris Dibble of Life Force Energetics and special guest: Cheryl Pobuda, Master BEST Practitioner and owner of Your Life Matters Coaching. Tickets are required & space is limited. $150. Simio, 730 Chicago Dr, Holland. LFEnergetics.com/classes-and-events.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9 Spiritual Wisdom on Inner Guidance by Eckankar – 10-11am. What is true inner guidance and how do we hear it? Monthly ECK Light and Sound Service. Free. Dominican Center at Marywood, Rm 4, 2025 E Fulton, Grand Rapids. ECK-MI.org. Family Yoga – 4-5pm. Holland Recreation & Bodhi Tree Yoga have partnered up to offer family yoga. All ages and levels come together to experience this fun & playful yoga practice. Learn postures, breath awareness and creative play through movement and relaxation. This class is an ideal way to spend some family time together that is both fun and enriching. Bring your yoga mats & sense of adventure and we’ll meet you on the 2nd floor in the market view room. $5 or $15 for a family. Holland Civic Center, 150 W 8th St, Holland.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10 Community Yoni Steam – 6-8pm. Join Becky Haderer for a healing women’s circle centered on the practice of yoni steaming. Also called vaginal steaming, v-steam or bajos, all women can benefit from this ancient healing ritual but it is especially healing if you have period cramps, brown blood, clots, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, are healing postpartum or have bladder, yeast or vaginal infections. We will be steaming together but no one will see your yoni and you are not required to steam if you just want more info. Intake forms will be completed onsite to confirm no contraindications before steaming. Class fee of $20. Register in advance, space for walk-ins. The Remedy House, 5150 Northland Dr NE, Grand Rapids. TheRemedyHouse.org. 616-443-4225.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 Pilates Group Reformer – 9am. Pilates Group Reformer is a lengthening, strengthening class on the pilates reformer. The reformer is a magical piece of equipment that speaks to you as you exercise. We will focus on stabilizing movement while we strengthen for a whole-body workout. Limit 3 per class. Online registration required. No prior pilates experience required. Visit Align.Fitness to book your class today. $35. Align Fitness, 11975 E Lakewood Blvd Ste 10, Holland. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Winter Mindfulness Retreat – 2/12 to 2/16. For twenty years, the Bluewater Community of Mindful Living have been offering mindfulness retreats at Song of the Morning. This winter’s retreat will focus on The Fundamentals of Buddhist Practice with special emphasis on the Four Noble Truths, meditation, and basic guidelines for living a happy life. All levels welcome. Donation. 9607 Sturgeon Valley Rd E, Vanderbilt. Programs@SongOfTheMorning.org or 989-983-4107. Keto Clinic – 6pm. With Dr Dan Gleason. Keto cooking and intermittent fasting has many benefits to the body and mind. Learn how in this class. $10. The Gleason Center, 19084 North Fruitport Rd, Spring Lake. Info: 616-846-5410 or online at TheGleasonCenter.com SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Inspire. Topic: Celebrating All Love – 10am1pm. This month’s inspire is about celebrating all love. Free to attend. The Momentum Center, 714 Columbus Ave, Grand Haven.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Food as Medicine: Natural Health 101 – 6-7pm. While all different healing therapies and techniques are so wonderful and supportive, the basis of our health and something we can’t live without is food. Join us for “Food as Medicine” to learn about what is happening in our food system today and why it’s becoming a huge issue and what its connection is to the health (or lack of) in our society today. We’ll touch on different things to look for and what to avoid, what different labels mean and some different food philosophies. Taught by Mallory Feyen, Natural Health Therapist. Class fee of $10. The Remedy House, 5150 Northland Dr NE, Grand Rapids. TheRemedyHouse.org. 616-443-4225. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 HU: The Sound of Soul by Eckankar – 7-8pm. Chanting HU (inward or aloud) opens you to the

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20 RESTART Program with Amanda Chocko – 1-2:30pm. 2/2 to 3/1. A simple, powerful way to give your body a vacation from sugar and processed foods. This 5-week program focuses on how to use real food to boost your energy, cut sugar cravings and feel your best. You will achieve: increased energy, decreased anxiety, more restful sleep, improved digestion, clarity and focus support-accountability-education. $190 includes cookbook, meal plan & materials. Bodhi Tree Yoga and Wellness Studio, 208 W 18th St, Holland. Register Amanda@StillGrooving.com or TheFeelingGroovyProject.com/group-programs.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Advanced Social Media Marketing – 9am-5pm. For those who are already comfortable with social media and want to add marketing skills or for those who took the 101 & 102 classes, this seminar is for you. Instructor Mandy Owens will elevate you to a whole new level of marketing using the momentum and science of social media in your business plan. This creative fun class will inspire and help you meet goals. Seminar tuition: $89. Enrollment is happening now. Call 989-773-1714 to find out more or visit NaturopathicInstitute.org. Community Yoni Steam – 10-11am. Join Becky Haderer for a healing women’s circle centered on the practice of yoni steaming. Also called vaginal steaming, v-steam or bajos, all women can benefit from this ancient healing ritual but it is especially healing if you have period cramps, brown blood, clots, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, are healing postpartum, have bladder, yeast or vaginal infections. We will be steaming together but no one will see your yoni and you are not required to steam if you just want more info. Intake forms will be completed onsite to confirm no contraindications before steaming. Class fee of $20. Register in advance, space for walk-ins. The Remedy House, 5150 Northland Dr NE, Grand Rapids. TheRemedyHouse.org. 616-443-4225. Girls Empowerment Class Series – Noon-1:30pm. 3/3, 3/21. Girls ages 11-16 join together with Becky Haderer-Tamburello for a 3-part class that is informative, spiritual and practical so girls can feel empowered in this modern world. Girls will learn tools to connect with their soul/intuition on a deeper level, how to quiet their minds through meditation, expression through journaling and natural period care. Class series fee is $99. The Remedy House, 5150 Northland Dr NE, Grand Rapids. TheRemedyHouse.org. 616-443-4225.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Family Yoga – 4-5pm. Holland Recreation & Bodhi Tree Yoga have partnered up to offer family yoga. All ages and levels come together to experience this fun & playful yoga practice. Learn postures, breath awareness and creative play through movement and relaxation. This class is an ideal way to spend some family time together that is both fun and enriching. Bring your yoga mats & sense of adventure and we’ll meet you on the 2nd floor in the market view room. $5 or $15 for a family. Holland Civic Center, 150 W 8th St, Holland. Healing Love – 5:30-7pm. Has your heart been broken? Have you been in a bad relationship, unable to heal? Did love betray you? Have you felt you do not understand love? What is love? Where is love? How is love? When is love? Join: Rev. Kris Dibble and Rebecca Stephens in this group healing. You will receive: a guided meditation, facilitation and energy clearing around healing love, wash out the old and allow in the new, dig up the roots from where the hurt resides and cauterize the wounds, heal old wounds, and free yourself. Feel revived, refreshed, and brand new. Love can no longer hurt you. $25, RSVP at LFEnergetics.com/classes-and-events or contact Rebecca@LFEnergetics.com for more info. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 A-MaZentangle: A Tangled Labyrinth – 6:30- 8:30pm. This class will lead you on a journey to create a tangled labyrinth. As your pen fills the paths, find metaphors of your life in the circular twists and turns, giving you moment to pause and reflect while creating this frameable work of art. $30. Dominican Center at Marywood, 2025 Fulton St E, Grand Rapids. Register at DominicanCenter. com or call 616-514-3325. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Natural Health 101 – 6-7pm. This class discusses the roots of Naturopathy including when and why differing philosophies of naturopathy and allopathic (conventional) medicine occurred. A great class for those interested in understanding the practice of Holistic Health Medicine. Taught by Mallory Feyen, Natural Health Therapist. Class fee of $10. The Remedy House, 5150 Northland Dr NE, Grand Rapids. TheRemedyHouse.org. 616-443-4225. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28 The Power of Silence – 2/28 to 3/1. Noise pollution can lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks and impair overall health by raising cortisol levels. Research shows that silence has the opposite effect. It releases tension and allows our nervous systems to rest. This retreat includes light yoga, group experience, walking meditation, and silent eating. $108 plus your choice of lodging. 9607 Sturgeon Valley Rd E, Vanderbilt. Programs@SongOfTheMorning. org or 989-983-4107. Dinner and Movie Night – 6pm. The community is invited to join the free dinner and a movie night at The Momentum Center. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m., followed by a movie at 7 p.m. Free. The Momentum Center, 714 Columbus Ave, Grand Haven.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29 Reiki I & II Certification – 9am-5pm. Introduction to Reiki, become attuned to the universal energy, learn how to give treatment to self and others and meet your reiki guide. Upon completion participants will receive Reiki I & II certifications. Taught by Jodi Jenks, Reiki Master for over 20 years. Class fee is $350. The Remedy House, 5150 Northland Dr NE, Grand Rapids. TheRemedyHouse.org. 616-443-4225. Access Energetic Facelift Workshop – 10am-5pm. Working with the body’s energies and Universal (Life Force) Energies that you and your body have access to and through a gentle soothing touch to your chest, neck, face and head the Access Energetic Facelift® works with the fascia and the cells in your body to restore and enliven the countenance and appearance of your face. After this workshop you will be considered an Access Facelift® Certified Practitioner and be able to charge for Energetic Facelift Sessions and attend Access Facelift® and Bars trades. Class includes a manual, facelift charts, facilitation, clearings, certification and more. Taking an Access Bars® Class/Workshop prior to a Facelift Class is recommended. 1st time class fee is $300. Simio, 730 Chicago Dr, Holland. For info contact Rebecca Stephens Rebecca@LFEnergetics.com or visit LFEnergetics.com.

classifieds Fee for classifieds is $1 per word\per month. To place listing, email content to Publisher@naturalwestmichigan. com. Deadline is the 15th of the month.

VOLUNTEERS Volunteer Instructors – Mental illness is a community issue and it requires a community solution. The Momentum Center for Social Engagement offers social and recreational activities for people with mental illness, addictions and disabilities. We are seeking people willing to share their skill, hobby, vocation, or interest with our members once a month or as often as available. We welcome yoga, tai chi, exercise, dance, self-defense, cooking, sewing, and so much more. Momentum Center, 714 Columbus, Grand Haven. Info: Call Jenna, if you want to be part of the solution, at 616-414-9111 or email Office@MomentumCenterGH.org

The great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been. ~Madeleine L’Engle

Natural Awakenings Magazine of West Michigan

NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Or visit NaturalWestMichigan.com/submitcalendar-event to submit online. No phone calls or faxes, please. Deadline is the 15th of the month prior to publication.


Healers Healing Healers – 12:30pm. Healers Healing Healers is a share, trade, and exchange group. Let us enjoy gathering with like-minded Souls - Healers - who know we need healing too. An ‘inkind’ donation is accepted. Simio, 730 Chicago Dr, Holland. RSVP to Rebecca@LFEnergetics.com. Narcotics Anonymous: Just for Today – 9-10am. Free. Momentum Center Annex, 714 Columbus Ave, Grand Haven. Call Jessica for more info: 616-632-4775. Meditation-Self Realization Fellowship – 10- 11am. Every Sunday we gather to meditate, chant, & explore the wisdom of the Hindu/Yoga tradition as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda. Free will offering. Marywood Center 2025 Fulton, Grand Rapids. Info: Fred Stella 616-451-8041, GrandRapids.srf@ gmail.com, GRSRF.org Sunday Worship and Youth Services – 10:30am. A warm and inviting New Thought Spiritual Community, inclusive and accepting of all, honoring diversity, for those seeking spiritual truth. Unity of Grand Rapids, 1711 Walker Ave. NW, Grand Rapids. Info: UnityGRoffice@gmail.com or 616-453-9909. Celebration Services – 10:30am. Join us each Sunday for our Sunday Celebration Service. Unity is a positive, peaceful path for spiritual living. We offer spiritual teachings and programs that empower a life of meaning, purpose, and abundance in all good things. We seek to discover the “universal” spiritual truths that apply to all religions. Unity Center for Spiritual Growth, 6025 Ada Dr SE, Ada. Info: office@Unitycsg.org or 616-682-7812. Spirit Space Sunday Worship – 10:30am. An interfaith, non-denominational gathering place for worship and spiritual enrichment. Join for inspiring messages called Reasoning’s. Spirit Space, 3493 Blue Star Hwy, Saugatuck. Info: 616-836-1555 or Spirit-Space.org Sunday Series – 6pm. Explore spirituality, universal truths, self-mastery and balanced, positive, loving and joyful living with The Coptic Center and their ongoing offering of enlightening ministers, teachers and guest presenters. Love offering. 0-381 Lake Michigan Dr, Grand Rapids. Info: TheCopticCenter.org MONDAY

Pilates on the Mat – 5:30pm. All levels welcome. This class is the foundation of Pilates exercise. Through a series of exercises, we mobilize the spine and work the muscles close to the joints which serve to improve overall strength, flexibility and well-being. You learn to enhance body awareness and core strength, all while joining breath with movement to stabilize your body. $12-$15. Align Fitness, 11975 E Lakewood Blvd Ste 10, Holland. AlignFitness@Charter.net. Qigong and TaiChi Easy Class – 10:15-11:15am. Qigong and Tai Chi Easy™ are moving meditations which use slow graceful movements and controlled breathing techniques to strengthen the mind-body connection, reduce stress and improve circulation thereby enhancing overall health. Bodhi Tree Yoga & Wellness Studio, 208 W 18th St, Holland. Info: MIbodhitree.com, 616-392-7580. Support Group: for Loss of Loved One Due to Addiction – 6-7:30pm. First Monday of every month. This support group is for those who have lost a loved one due to addiction, including, but not limited to death due to drug overdose, addictionrelated disease, and suicide. Free. The Momentum Center Annex, 714 Columbus Ave, Grand Haven. Info: MomentumCenterGH.org, 616-632-4775. 3rd Monday Support Group – 7-8:30pm. This support group is available for parents, guardians and caregivers of teenagers and pre-teens facilitated by Nicki Kubec, LMSW. Free. Momentum Center, 714 Columbus Ave, Grand Haven. Info: 616-414-9111. A practice of A Course in Miracles – 7-8:30pm. Learn miracle-mindedness. Got joy? This is how to have it. Hint: You already do. All are welcome. Free. Fountain Street Church, 24 Fountain St. NE, Grand Rapids. 616-458-5095. TUESDAY

3 Principles of the Path to Enlightenment – 7-8:30pm. A class based on a text by 14th century master and founder of the Geluk school of Tibetan Buddhism, Je Tsong Khapa, this course explores the spiritual determination to be free, unlimited compassion and the nature of reality. Jewel Heart West Michigan, 1758 N 10th St, Kalamazoo. Reiki Share/Outreach – 6-9pm. 2nd Tuesdays of the month. Free reiki sessions open to the public and all reiki practitioners who would like to help or practice reiki. A reiki session/treatment feels like a glowing, warm energy radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats one with many beneficial healing effects that include reduction in stress, anxiety, pain and discomforts. Reiki sessions creates relaxation, feelings of peace, security and well-being. Unity Church, 2052 Bourdon St, Muskegon. For more info contact 231-329-9184 or Lrosencransphd@hotmail.com. Peer Support Group: for Parents of Children with Disabilities – 7-8:30pm. Third Tuesday of every month. Led by Laura Marcus-Nolan, these meeting are an opportunity to share stories and discover resources with other parents of children with developmental disabilities. Free. Momentum Center Annex, 714 Columbus Ave, Grand Haven. Info: MomentumCenterGH.org. Chair Yoga – 10:30-11:30am. Chair Yoga uses a chair for greater support and stability. With an emphasis on breath, alignment, and moving at one’s own pace, Chair Yoga brings simplicity to the practice and easeful connection with the healing and restorative benefits yoga offers. This class it taught by Kathy Julien. $10 per session. 2025 Fulton St East, Grand Rapids. Register: dominicancenter. com, 616-514-3325. A Course in Miracles – 9:30-11am. A complete self-study spiritual thought system. It teaches that the way to universal peace is by undoing guilt through forgiving others. The Course focuses on the healing of relationships and making them holy. It expresses a non-sectarian, non-denominational spirituality. Unity Center for Spiritual Growth, 6025 Ada Dr SE, Ada. Info: Unitycsg.org. 616-682-7812.


Barre Fitness – 5:45pm. Barre Fitness is a fun, intense, active workout that keeps your body moving for 60 minutes. With a Pilates twist, you work all the large muscles plus the smaller ones that stabilize movement. We use hand weights, bands, balls, fitness circles, ankles tubing, you name it. High reps, small moves - it’s all about the barre burn. Other class times available. $12-$15. Align Fitness, 11975 E Lakewood Blvd Ste 10, Holland. AlignFitness@Charter.net. Chakra Vinyasa Yoga Class – 6:30-7:30pm. Take some time to care for and connect with yourself by slowing down and moving your body through space in an intentional way. Each class will focus on one of the seven main chakras (energy centers/ endocrine glands) located in your body. This is a small class of only seven students max which will create an intimate environment for you to focus on your needs and which will allow you to receive more personalized instruction for deeper growth. The Remedy House, 5150 Northland Dr NE, Grand Rapids. TheRemedyHouse.org. 616-443-4225. Smart Recovery – 6-7:30pm. Recovery through Self-Empowerment: the purpose is to help participants gain independence from any addictive behavior. Individuals seeking recovery should be fully informed about the range of recovery options and free to choose among them. This program encourages participants to take responsibility for their own recovery. The meetings support their capacity to regulate their own behavior. Free. 714 Columbus Ave, Grand Haven. Info: MomentumCenterGH.org. A Course in Miracles – 9:30-11am. A Course in Miracles begins. Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God. As its title implies, the course is arranged throughout as a teaching device. It consists of three books: Text, workbook for students, and manual for teachers. The order in which students choose to use the books, and the ways in which they study them, depend on their particular needs and preferences. Come for a study group. We have an open door policy, meaning guests can come anytime. Guests do not have to attend every week. Love offering. 6025 Ada Drive SE, Ada. Info: Office@unitycsg.org. The Law of Attraction Speaking Club – 6:30- 8pm. Do you want to learn how to apply the law of attraction in your life and in your business? We are a group of like-minded individuals who support each other in our growth. Come to Toastmasters where we provide a supportive learning experience where individuals can become better communicators and leaders. Unity Center for Spiritual Growth, 6025 Ada Dr. SE, Ada. Info: LawOfAttractiontm@gmail. com or 616-516-1479.

Meditation – 6-7pm. Every Wednesday we meet in our meditation room from 6-7pm. We begin and end meditation time with live, native flute music. Join us for the full hour or any part of the time. Call 616-836-1555 for more info or visit our meditation page to learn more. 3493 Blue Star Highway, Saugatuck. Info: Info@Spirit-Space.org.


Chair Yoga – 4-5pm. 2/6 to 3/12. Yoga uses a chair for greater support and stability. With an emphasis on breath, alignment and moving at your own pace, chair yoga brings simplicity to the practice and easeful connection with the healing and restorative benefits yoga offers. $10/session. Dominican Center at Marywood, 2025 Fulton St E, Grand Rapids. Register at DominicanCenter.com or call 616-514-3325. Sacred Self-Care: Well-Being for Every Body – 6-7:15pm. Join Susan Duesbery to care for your whole self (body, mind, and spirit) by committing to self-care as a sacred practice. This free, weekly class will have an inclusive spiritual focus that weaves together meditation, breath work, guided imagery, chair yoga, and deep relaxation. All are welcome. No yoga experience is necessary. Class and parking are free. First Park Congregational Church, 10 E Park Place, NE, Grand Rapids. For info visit SusanDuesbery.com. Restorative Yoga – 7-8pm. Calm the mind and nourish the body with Restorative Yoga. Restorative poses are held on a mat and deeply supported with yoga props. The practice seeks to balance the physical, mental, and spiritual while also experiencing profound rest and relaxation. Taught by Kathy Julien, certified yoga instructor. $10/session. Dominican Center at Marywood, 2025 Fulton St East, Grand Rapids. Info and register: DominicanCenter. com, 616-514-3325. Gentle Yoga – 5:30-6:30pm. This gentle class offers a peaceful session to gradually build strength and range of motion. With this quiet practice, experience how mindful movement and breath work can deliver much needed nurturing, rest, and clarity. Taught by Kathy Julien, certified yoga instructor. $10/session. Dominican Center at Marywood, 2025 Fulton St East, Grand Rapids. Info and register: DominicanCenter.com, 616-514-3325. Restorative Yoga – 12-1:15pm & 7:15- 8:30pm. All levels are welcome and encouraged to come learn gentle yet powerful poses for the body, mind and spirit. Through these postures one will be seeking and finding balance. This balance will recharge, refresh and rejuvenate. Restorative Yoga is an antidote to stress. Bodhi Tree Yoga & Wellness Studio, 208 W 18th St, Holland. Info: MiBodhiTree.com, 616-392-7580.

save the date

Save The Date Events Must be submitted online each month at NaturalWestMichigan.com. Events priced $80 or more require a corresponding display ad. There is a $40 charge per listing, up to 50 words. Current advertisers, distribution sites or nonprofits, use this listing in place of your two free listings. FRIDAY

Dinner and Movie Night – 6-9pm. The last Friday of every month, we offer a free dinner & movie night for the whole community. Anyone can join us- we love making new friends. We’ll be grilling hamburgers and hot dogs to have dinner at 6pm. Feel free to bring a dish to pass, or just come as you are. Then at 7pm, we’ll be starting the movie. Momentum Center, 714 Columbus Ave, Grand Haven. Info: 616-414-9111 or online at MomentumCenterGH.org 3rd Friday Narcan Training and Distribution – 12-2pm. Red Project offers Free Narcan Training and Distribution for those interested. This event is held the Third Friday of every month from 12:00pm-2:00pm. Free. The Momentum Center, 714 Columbus Ave, Grand Haven. Info: 616-414- 9111 or online at MomentumCenterGH.org

What is The Third Testament? – 11am. Introduction to The Third Testament, the life work of Martinus. Live Stream with chat questions. Contact 941-462-3177 or at Info@TheThirdTestament.info. 3rd Saturday Inpire Event – 10am-1pm. Sept-May. Everyone is invited to this collaborative community event. Brunch/lunch served. Registration not required. Momentum Center, 714 Columbus, Grand Haven. Info: 616-502-2078 or online MomentumCenterGH.org Sweetwater Local Foods Market – 9am-12pm. A double-up bucks and bridge card market. Mercy Health Lakes Campus, 6401 Harvey St. Located inside during inclement weather. Muskegon. SweetwaterLocalFoodsMarket.org


Reiki Classes – 9am-6pm. Reiki is a natural physical-emotional-mental and spiritual healing system. Reiki empowers one too immediately to transmit healing energy frequencies directly and at a distant. Reiki energy works on oneself, family, friends, clients, pets, plants and wildlife. Reiki reduces stress, anxiety, depression, headaches, pain and suffering. $75. Unity Church, 2052 Bourdon St, Muskegon. For more info contact 231-329-9184 or Lrosencransphd@hotmail.com.

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SUNDAY, MARCH 1 Advanced Reiki Certification – 9am5pm. Enhance energy work to a new level. Learn how to perform psychic surgery, and how to set up and utilize a crystal grid with energy work. Upon completion participants will receive Advanced Reiki certification. Class fee is $400. Taught by Jodi Jenks, Reiki Master for over 20 years. The Remedy House, 5150 Northland Dr NE, Grand Rapids. TheRemedyHouse.org. 616-443-4225.

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MONDAY, MARCH 2 Reiki Masters Certification – 9am-5pm. Rare class offering. Must have had first attunement at least 6 months to a year prior to Reiki Masters class. Be attuned to the master level of reiki and learn how to pass it onto others. Class fee is $450. Taught by Jodi Jenks, Reiki Master for over 20 years. The Remedy House, 5150 Northland Dr NE, Grand Rapids. TheRemedyHouse.org. 616-443-4225. Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc. Find us @: Natural Awakenings Magazine of West Michigan

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SATURDAY, MARCH 7 Homeopathic Solutions to Behavioral Challenges in Children – 9am-6pm. A review of the major mental, emotional, and behavioral health concerns of childhood, including ODD, ADHD, anxiety, depression and pans/pandas. How to identify the differences of each diagnostically and discuss how to find the closest simulism to the child. Proven remedies and cases will be visited, as well as practice cases. To get the most out of the class, at least three years of homeopathy will be useful but not required. Bring your reference books. Instructor Jackie Featherly, ND. Seminar tuition: $89. Enrollment is happening now. Call 989-773-1714 to find out more or visit NaturopathicInstitute.org.

Healing Yourself to Manifest Luck – 6-8pm. Getting Lucky - Is it possible? Yes... I believe it is. Join me, Rebecca Stephens, as I guide you through a group healing and teach you how to manifest luck - law of attraction works, you’ve got to be willing to heal yourself where you’re not able to manifest what you truly desire. You will receive a group guided meditation, sound healing, cleansing and clearing energy healing, essential oil blends and more. $25. Simio, 730 Chicago Dr, Holland. RSVP to LFEnergetics. com/classes-and-events or Rebecca@ LFEnergetics.com for more info.

Ready to feel like yourself again? Time to Try Acupuncture & Massage Ready to feel like yourself again? Try Ear Acupuncture & Massage!

TuiNa Massage • Ear Acupuncture & Qigong Healing

Raymond Wan LMT, ADS, HHC Owner & Best-Selling Author

SATURDAY/SUNDAY, MARCH 14 & 15 Healing Body, Mind & Spirit Expo – 6th Annual Holistic Expo, Kalamazoo Wings Event Center, professional mediums, intuitive’s, healers & more gathered under one roof. Free lectures, speakers & prizes included w/ admission $10 daily, weekend pass $17, 12 & under free. Visit HealingBodyandSpirit.com to view exhibitors. Kalamazoo.

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616|419|6924 AltCareSolution.com 3790 28th St SW, Suite B Grandville, MI 49418

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SUNDAY, MARCH 8 What Prescription Medicines Do to the Brain and Understanding Cerebral Spinal Fluid – 9am-5pm. Learn the highest level of research and information from one of natural health’s greatest minds, Dr. Richard Olree, as he spells out the chain of events that occur when minerals, vitamins, amino acids and man-made products are taken into the brain. Dr. Olree will explore the 20% of the immune system that lies beyond the gut biome in the Cerebral Spinal Fluid. The entire experience will help you understand how to prevent, clean, and heal from the current intentional and unintentional exposures to neuro-immune toxins. Seminar tuition: $89. Enrollment is happening now. Call 989-773-1714 to find out more or visit NaturopathicInstitute.org.

SUNDAY, MARCH 15 Access Facelift® Practitioner Certification Workshop – 10am-5pm. What if you could rejuvenate, revive, and reverse the appearance of aging on your face and experience similar effects throughout your entire body? Working with the body’s energies and Universal (Life Force) Energies that you and your body have access to and through a gentle soothing touch to your chest, neck, face and head the Access Energetic Facelift® works with the fascia and the cells in your body to restore and enliven the countenance and appearance of your face. After this 1-day workshop you will be considered an Access Facelift® Certified Practitioner and be able to charge for Energetic Facelift Sessions and attend Access Facelift® and Bars trades. Class includes a manual, facelift charts, facilitation, clearings, certification and more. Taking an Access Bars® Class/Workshop prior to a Facelift Class is recommended. 1st time class fee is $300. Simio, 730 Chicago Dr, Holland. For more info contact Rebecca@LFEnergetics.com or go to LFEnergetics.com/classes-and-events.

SUNDAY, MARCH 29 Choices, Choosing, Healing, & Manifesting: A Vision Board & Energetic Healing Workshop – 10am-5pm. What does choice create? Are you energetically healed and able to choose what will create the most for you in your life? Are you clear as to what you would like to create? In this workshop you create a visual vision board to gain clarity, you will receive at least 3 different energetic healing sessions to clear and clean out any blockages, there will be one-on-one facilitation to receive awareness and answers to questions and more clarity around what you are asking for. Snacks and beverages, healing tea, and hemp/CBD oil provided. Special gifts for those attending. $150. Simio, 730 Chicago Dr, Holland. RSVP to LFEnergetics. com/classes-and-events or Rebecca@ LFEnergetics.com for more info.

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SUNDAY, MAY 5 Shamama’s Spring Healing Retreat – Fri 5pm to Sun 1pm. Join us for a weekend of self-exploration, conscious healing and personal transformation. Creativity coach and breathwork facilitator, Michele Lussky, will lead us in the inner guidance work of breathwork meditation, forest bathing, sacred burning, somatic awareness, gentle yoga and labyrinth walks at a beautiful inn located in the Huron-Manistee National Forest. Take time to write, create, or read in the library. This is your time to heal, restore, transform and connect. $450-Shared/$500-Private, 6991 E Hungerford Lake Dr, Big Rapids.



Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email Publisher@NaturalWestMichigan.com to request our media kit.

ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS REBECCA STEPHENS, CFMW, BF, AFF 730 Chicago Dr., Holland, MI 616-510-6525 LFEnergetics.com

“All of life comes to me with ease, joy, and glory!”™ Access Con- sciousness is a different point of view about life. It’s based on the idea that you’re not wrong, that you know, and that consciousness can shift anything. It gives you access to the possibilities that exist when you no longer stick yourself and no longer believe that you are stuck. See ad pages 27 & 29.

ANTI-AGING ASEA, RENU 28 & RENU ADVANCED Jacque Jennings Carter, Independent Associate 269-779-2900 Jacque@advancinglives.biz AdvancingLives.TeamASEA.com

Age better and live younger longer. A breakthrough science, Redox Signaling m o l e c u l e s h e l p c e l l s c o m m u n i c a t e m o r e effectively. Cells perform at peak levels which helps us age more slowly, internally and externally. Protect your cells; detect problems within your cells; rejuvenate cells. Look Better. Feel Better. Live Better. See ad page 27. .

CHIROPRACTIC CARE DYNAMIC FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Ronda VanderWall 4072 Chicago Drive, Grandville 616-531-6050 • DynamicChiro.com

Family owned and operated in the heart of downtown Grandville, Dynamic Family Chiropractic focuses on lifestyle improvements through living a maximized life. A safe and natural approach to health through the combination of exercise, nutrition, detoxification and chiropractic care. LINDA SQUIRES, D.C., P.C. 3368 East Beltline Ct., Grand Rapids 877-866-5133 LindaSquiresDC@gmail.com LindaSquiresDC.com

I am a non-force chiropractor who has practiced 30 years (25 years in the Boston area). I apply myofascial release and energy therapy techniques during treatment and empower patients with exercises to maintain their alignment. Located within Holistic Care Approach. See ad, page 23.

RACKHAM CHIROPRACTIC PLUS Dr. Aaron Rackham, D.C., C.H.T. 9396 SW Greenville Rd., Greenville 616-754-7717 doc-rackham@live.com

We have a unique technique for the treatment of headaches. I am excited to bring to the area a clinic that offers Diverse Holistic Therapies from Acupuncture to Hydro Colonic Therapy and many more services to help you reach your health goals. See ad page 22. THE GLEASON CENTER Dr. Dan Gleason DC & Dr. Dan Weessies, MS, DC 19084 North Fruitport Rd, Spring Lake, MI TheGleasonCenter.com 616-638-6234

An alternative, holistic approach combining chiropractic and kinesiology as well as the latest in metabolic and hormone testing. Cold Laser Pain and Neuro treatments for: spectrum disorders, injuries, chronic pain, and pre/post surgical rehab. See ad, page 6.

COFFEE SHOP / FAIR TRADE GLOBAL INFUSION 143 Diamond Ave. SE, Grand Rapids 616-776-9720 WeLoveChai.com Mon-Fri 9-7; Sat 9-5

An eclectic marketplace of fairly traded handcrafted gifts, decor, accessories and more. Offering coffee and chocolate, bulk loose leaf teas, herbs and provisions. Featuring an extensive tea and coffee bar. See ad page 19.

JUST GOODS GIFTS AND CAFE’ 714 Columbus, Grand Haven 616-414-9111 JustGoods@MomentumCenterGH.org MomentumCenterGH.org

Just Goods Gifts and Cafe’ is located within the Momentum Center for Social Engagement. Fair trade and social cause merchandise. Local baked goods and beverages. Open 9am to 6pm M-F and 10am to 2pm Sat. A creative space for community integration and the end of stigma. See ad, page 9.

COLON HYDROTHERAPY HARMONY ’N HEALTH Mary De Lange, CCT, LMT 1003 Maryland Ave, N.E., Grand Rapids 616-456-5033 • HarmonyNHealth.net

Certified therapist since 1991 offering colon therapy in a sterile and professional environment. Using a holistic approach, colonics relieve constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, poor digestion, back pain, body odor and more. See ad, page 23.


ALTERNATIVE CARE SOLUTION Raymond Wan 3790 28th St. SW, Ste. B, Grandville 616-419-6924 AltCareSolution@gmail.com

Raymond Wan is a Certified Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist, Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Holistic Health Counselor. For more information, visit AltCareSolution. com. See ad page 36.

ENERGY HEALING TONYA NICHOLS, RPH Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner 332 S Lincoln Ave, Lakeview 989-352-6500 Info@THCOFLakeview.com THCOFLakeview.com

Do you feel like you have no energy? Do you feel disconnected and out of balance? Let Tonya help you find your center again. Combining Emotional Clearing with Full Spectrum Healing, Tonya helps her clients to remove emotional, mental, and energetic blocks that are keeping her clients stuck and preventing them from reaching their full potential for a healthy, happy, and meaningful life. See ad page 21.

MOONDROP HERBALS, LLC Cottage of Natural Elements 351 Cummings, NW Grand Rapids 616-735-1285 • MoondropHerbals.com

Your local source for all things natural and botanical. Essential oils, bulk herbs, tea, hand-crafted bath & b o d y p r o d u c t s , r a w ingredients, containers, local artwork, unique gifts. Practitioner discounts. Space rental and artisan consignment. See ad, page 31.

YOUNG LIVING ESSENTIAL OILS Marilyn York Independent Distributor # 489656 877-436-2299 myYL.com/naturalhealth4u

Essential Oils – Revered for thousands of years for their naturally-enhancing support of body, mind, and spirit. Become a Young Living Essential Oils Member/Customer, and/or an Independent Distributor. See ad, page 19.


KEN PORTER CST, CHT 3355 Eagle Park Dr. NE Ste. 107, Grand Rapids 616-262-3848 BodyAndSoulGR.com

Hakomi Therapy can truly change your life. It’s a mindfulnessbased, experiential therapy for transforming the unconscious patterns that keep you from the love, joy, and fulfillment you deserve. Offered with exquisite care and attentiveness.

HEALING SERVICES THE REMEDY HOUSE 5150 Northland Dr. NE, Ste N, Grand Rapids 616-443-4225 TheRemedyHouse.org

We offer natural health solutions and our mission is to provide the highest quality services, education, and products to aid each individual find their own unique pathway to wellness. Natural Health Consultations, Massage, Raindrop Therapy, Reiki, Yoni Steaming, Foot Detox, Classes, Essential Oils, Herbs, Homeopathy, Crystals, Books and more! See ad, page 6.

HEALTH / WELLNESS CENTER PRIVAMD | WELLNESS 16986 Robbins Rd., Suite 180 Grand Haven, MI 49417 616-312-2438 • wellness@privamd.org PrivaMD.org

PrivaMD |Wellness: A relaxing affordable Functional Medicine practice where our patients become family. Our skilled practitioners work with you to create individualized plans which lead to optimal health. We help you with thyroid health, emotional wellbeing, autoimmune and digestive issue relief, find hormone balance + more. Call for a FREE 15 minute consult! See ad, page 16.

THE HEALING CENTER 332 S Lincoln Ave, Lakeview 989-352-6500 Info@THCOFLakeview.com THCOFLakeview.com

N a t u r o p a t h i c / H o l i s t i c Practitioners and retail health s t o r e . N a t u r a l h e a l t h consultations, classes, oils, herbs, homeopathy, hypnosis, foods, candles, crystals, books, CDs, massage, reflexology, emotional clearing, foot detox, DOT/CDL health cards for truck drivers. See ad, page 21.

HUMAN RIGHTS/ SOCIAL JUSTICE MOMENTUM CENTER Barbara@MomentumCenterGH.org 616-502-2078 • MomentumCenterGH.org

Extended Grace is a n o n p r o f i t grassroots social lab that builds community while solving problems. It does so through: Community Conversations including Inspire! and Deeper Dive events and Town Hall Meetings on Mental Illness; Mudita Gifts; Pilgrim Spirit Tours cultural immersion experiences; Momentum Center for Social Engagement; Just Goods Gifts and Cafe’. See ad, page 9.

INTUITIVE COUNSELING INTUITIVE COUNSELOR & ENERGY THERAPIST Susan Duesbery 3355 Eagle Park NE, Suite 107, Grand Rapids 616-204-9756 Susan@SusanDuesbery.com SusanDuesbery.com

Intuitive Counseling and Energy Therapy can assist you in identifying understanding and releasing your long-held, destructive beliefs and thought patterns so that you can live as the successful, vibrant and loving person you are meant to be. Work with me in person, by phone, or online. JUICE BAR SIP ORGANIC JUICE BAR 888 Forest Hill Ave SE, Grand Rapids 616-301-4554 SipOrganicJuiceBar.com

Our menu includes juices, smoothies, raw foods, salads, wellness lattes and teas. We offer 3-day and 5-day raw food detoxes, weekly. Call in or visit our website, siporganicjuicebar.com, for more details. See ad, page 31.

LIFE COACH LIA COACHING AND CONSULTING Pamela Gallina, MA CMC PamGallina@LIAConsulting.org 616-433-6720 • LIAConsulting.org/coaching Pam works with highly–motivated individuals as they aim for their highest self. She assists you in developing a plan for all aspects of your life and will help you to stay motivated while pursuing your personal and professional goals. Begin the work toward achieving your very best life today! See ad, page 23.


HARMONY ‘N HEALTH Mary De Lange, CCT., LMT. 1003 Maryland Ave. NE, Grand Rapids 616-456-5033 • HarmonyNHealth.net

Since 1991, professional, experienced and trained in a complete range of integrative methods. Whether you are seeking relaxation, renewal or treatment for a specific condition, Mary will help find an approach that is helpful for you. See ad, page 23. NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE NATUROPATHIC INSTITUTE OF THERAPIES & EDUCATION 503 East Broadway St., Mt. Pleasant Contact@NaturopathicInstitute.info 989-773-1714 • NaturopathicInstitute.info Educational Programs Offered: Natural Health Program - Four Years (one weekend a month); Massage Therapy Program - One Year (two weekends a month); Holistic Doula Practitioner Program - Six Months (one weekend a month). Individual classes available. See ad, page 13.

THE REMEDY HOUSE 5150 Northland Dr. NE, Ste N Grand Rapids 616-443-4225 TheRemedyHouse.org

We offer natural health solutions and our mission is to provide the highest quality services, education, and products to aid each individual find their own unique pathway to wellness. Natural Health Consultations, Massage, Raindrop Therapy, Reiki, Yoni Steaming, Foot Detox, Classes, Essential Oils, Herbs, Homeopathy, Crystals, Books and more! See ad page 6.

PAIN MANAGEMENT THE LASER PAIN AND NEURO CENTER AT THE GLEASON CENTER 19084 North Fruitport Rd. Spring Lake, MI 49456 info@thegleasoncenter.com 616-846-5410 • TheGleasonCenter.com

Cold laser therapy can provide drug-free pain relief. This noninvasive treatment is for those suffering from arthritis, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, inflammation and other pain syndromes. Our MLS cold laser also treats neurological degenerative conditions like Parkinson’s, ADHD, spectrum disorders and peripheral neuropathy. See ad, page 6.


CARI’S ONEONONE FITNESS TRAINING Cari Draft, Private Personal Trainer & Plant Based Nutrition Coach 616-291-2851 • Cari@EcoTrekFitness.com EcoTrekFitness.com

Regular, consistent exercise is essential and positive lifestyle changes must be a priority; once you find yourself in the stage where you are ready to initiate actual changes…THAT is the time to contact me! See ad page 6. REVEREND/OFFICIANT SERVICES REVEREND KRIS DIBBLE Serving Worldwide & Local Michigan Areas 616-566-0969

Specializing in non-traditional Weddings, Funerals, Blessings, Prayers, Couples Counseling, and End-of-Life Services. SCHOOL / EDUCATION

NATUROPATHIC INSTITUTE OF THERAPIES & EDUCATION 503 East Broadway St, Mt. Pleasant 989-773-1714 Contact@NaturopathicInstitute.info NaturopathicInstitute.info

Educational programs offered: Natural Health Program: four years (one weekend a month); Massage Therapy Program: one year (two weekends a month); Holistic Doula Practitioner Program: six months (one weekend a month). Individual classes available. See ad page 13. SEXUAL HEALING

DENISE RACKHAM Reiki Practitioner 9396 SW Greenville Rd., Greenville 616-754-7717 HolisticHealthPlus@hotmail.com

Is your sex life lacking passion or are you just going through the motion with no sense of pleasure? Let Denise help you unblock the root causes and root chakra through the healing art of Reiki to bring love and passion back into your life. Call Denise to today to schedule your session. See ad page 22.

SKIN CARE MOMMA’S HOME, LLC Amy Furman 140 W Washington Ave, Zeeland, MI 49464 616-951-1397 • MommasHome.com

Momma’s Home passionately believes in luxurious, quality skincare at an affordable price. Our all-natural products are “food for your skin” and are naturally safe for the skin, socially responsible, and environmentally sustainable. See ad page 35. NATURE’S REPAIR Summer Leigh 2885 Sanford Ave SW #45032, Grandville 833-7NATURE • NaturesRepair.org

Nature’sRepair provides a skincare line that truly is 100% natural, 100% food. Made only from the highest quality superfoods from around the world and delicately balanced for healing. Keep your skin young, healthy and radiant. See ad page 40.

THERMOGRAPHY ADVANCED THERMAL IMAGING OF WEST MICHIGAN Julie Bennett 616-724-6368 info@advancedthermalimagingllc.com AdvancedThermalImagingllc.com

Thermography is a safe, tested, painless, and effective procedure providing information for breast cancer risk assessment, breast cancer prevention and early detection, possible hormone imbalance, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes, musculoskeletal inflammation, and neurological problems.

YOGA BODHI TREE YOGA & WELLNESS STUDIO 208 W 18th St., Holland 616-392-7580 Info@MiBodhiTree.com • MiBodhiTree.com We are more than just Yoga. We offer diverse classes, workshops, spa treatments, massage, Reiki and meditation training. We are committed to making you stronger and to live a more peaceful, balanced, purposeful life. See ad page 26.


Coming Next Month Thriving on a Plant-Based Diet

Plus: CBD

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