SYCA-Cambodia's Battambong 2009 Project Report

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Project Report Workshop: “Education—Means towards a Difference” Organized by Sunburst Youth Camp Alumni of Cambodia (SYCA‐Cambodia)

Location: Monivong High School,

Battambong Province

Duration: 1 day—May 30, 2009 Report written by Ms. Srun Sovan Contact: 012 678 670


Activities Date 7:00-8:00

8:00-9:00 9:00-9:30 9:30-11:00

11:00-12:00 11:30-1:00 1:00-3:00

Activity - Registration - Opening Speech by School Principal, Mr. Sok Chantreavuth - Introduction to the workshop - Icebreaking Plenary Presentation: “Future Goal” Break & Refreshment Plenary Presentation: “Scholarship Opportunities” Undergraduate Major Consultation Lunch Parallel Discussion: 1. Leadership 2. Teambuilding 3. Strategies to Effective Learning 4. Volunteerism

3:00-3:30 3:30-4:30 4:30-5:00

Break & Refreshment Group Presentation Closing

Facilitator(s) Ms. Chua Sandy

Mr. Chua Hong Mr. Chuck Sovannara Mr. Him Sophal Mr. Suon Sokha

1. Ms Chua Sandy Mr. Oeng Siev Tong 2. Mr. Yi Longdy Mr. Him Sophal 3. Mr. Bun Chamroeun Mr. Chua Hong 4. Ms. Srun Sovan Mr. Chuck Sovannara Ms. Chua Sandy Ms. Chua Sandy

The program started at 7:30 in the morning after 30 minutes of student registration and arrangement. A brief opening speech was given by the school director, Mr. Sok Chantreavuth as invited by Ms. Sandy, our MC and also guest speaker from ANZ Royal Bank. Our workshop was divided into 4 sessions: 2 parallel sessions in the morning and another 2 plenary in the afternoon with “Major Counseling” activity in between.

1. Plenary Presentation: “Future Goal”—Hong and Sovannara

The workshop kicked off at around 8:40 in the morning with a presentation on “Future Goal” in which Mr. Chua Hong and Mr. Chuck Sovannara were the presenters. Participants were asked a few questions about their goals and later invited to share with their friends. After some interactions with the participants, our presenters went on to talk about setting a SMART (S, Measurable, A, Realistic, T) goal. Throughout the SYCA‐Cambodia

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presentation, participants were encouraged to reflect if their goals with the lesson learnt. An icebreaking game—flying a folding paper plane in which goals were written—was also played during this session.

2. Plenary Presentation: “Scholarship Opportunities”—Sophal and Sokha In the second session which was about scholarship opportunities, students were provided with information about undergraduate scholarship available home and in abroad. Our presenters were Mr. Suon Sokha who was responsible for local scholarships and Mr. Him Sophal the international ones. Students were informed of availability of various scholarships, their requirements, procedures as well as some tips on application’s preparations.

3. Major’s Consultation In addition to presentations to help students set SMART goals and to inform students about various scholarship opportunities, SYCA also prepared “major’s counseling” session in which participants could ask our alumni, most of whom are university students ourselves, some information about various undergraduate majors and some advice on choosing major for their undergraduate study. Those major’s consultation included English, Economics, Tourism, Marketing, Business Administration, Accounting, Finance and Banking, Law, Tourism and International Studies. Because of lack of resource persons, SYCA cannot cover all the undergraduate majors teaching in university. Some students hoped for consultation about studying Agriculture and Health Science. However, many students said they had received a lot of information about their prospective major of study at university.

4. Plenary Discussion After a merry lunch shared amongst SYCA and the participants, our program continued at 1.30. 4 parallel sessions were introduced and each participant chose one out of the four. The four parallel sessions were Leadership, Teambuilding, Strategies to Effective Learning, and Volunteerism. 4.1 Leadership—Sandy and Tong The Leadership training session was facilitated by Ms. Chua Sandy who was our guest speaker from ANZ Royal. The session comprised of discussion of definition of leadership and characteristic of good leaders. Games were also included so as to provide students with practical experience in leadership 4.2 Team building—Longdy and Sophal Team building session aims to give the student the overall concepts revolving around the word “team”. During the session, students were asked to reflect and give ideas on what “team” means so that they can better understand it SYCA‐Cambodia

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needs to work well in teams, for the best results. Basically, the whole session was designed to explore the ideas of the four components that tremendously figures in teamwork, which are trust, encouragement, accountability, and morality. Besides, one of things that made this session sparkle quite remarkably is the fact that the 2 hour that we had was not just about the facilitator giving speech and sharing his experience; a great deal of time was also devoted to allowing the participant to enjoy themselves out of various team-building activities, creating the environment that the students had so much fun that they almost did not recognize that they were learning a lot at the same time. 4.3 Strategies to Effective Learning—Chamroeun and Hong Participants in Strategies to Effective Learning session were taught about some useful ways to prepare themselves for their life as a university student such as Time Management and Memory and Learning Style. For the first part, participants were asked to describe about their own perspectives and techniques regarding the topic. Then tips were given by the facilitators about how to manage time to study effectively. For the second part, the session began with the participants being asked to do a short multiple-choices test to find out what type of learner they are. This made it easy for them to follow the different methods of learning style and approaches to enhance their memory skill, which were later informed by the facilitators. 4.4 Volunteerism—Sovan and Sovannara Volunteerism was all about various definition, pros and cons, and how to find volunteer work. This session mainly aimed to inspire participants to be interested in community involvement. It was rather an information/knowledge sharing rather lecture because students discussed the topic together with some comments and tips from the speakers. Motivation to volunteer was most stressed as we believed in its potential to influence students to volunteer. At the end of the session, students were so inspired that they decided to do a role play so that they could share with other participants.

5. Presentation of the Participants


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The organizers believed that knowledge can be best enhanced when shared amongst other. For this reason, participants from each of the 4 topics were required to demonstrate what they had learnt. 3 out of the 4 groups chose to do a presentation while the last one did a role play. From the presentation, we could see that participants learnt a lot from our parallel sessions. II.

Financial Statement



Expected Expense

Actual Expense

Necessity for the Workshop 1 A4 Paper USD 2 USD 3.50 2 Flip Chart USD 10 USD 2 3 Pen USD15 USD 0 4 Notebook USD 30 USD 0 5 Folder USD 15 USD 4.45 6 Marker USD 5 USD 3 7 Sellotape USD 2.5 USD 3.30 8 Backdrop USD 20 USD 0 9 Lunch-Box USD 150 USD 80 10 *Refreshment USD 75 USD 35 USD 324.5 USD 131.25 Sub-total Accommodation, Transportation and Meals for Organizers 11 Accommodation USD 150 USD 90 12 **Bus Ticket USD 225 USD 92.50 (Round trip: PPBB) 13 **Meal USD 150 USD 137.5 USD 525 USD 320 Sub-total ***Administrative Cost 14 Photocopying and USD 10.60 Printing 15 Phone Card for USD 5 Communication 16 Local USD 2.5 Transportation 17

Pre-trip preparation (1 round trip bus ticket, 6 meals, 1 nightaccomodation ) 18 ID Card 19 T-shirt 20 Media Coverage Sub-Total Total Expense

USD 849.5


USD 1.5 -USD 8 -USD 15 -USD 30 -USD 10.55 -USD 2 USD 0.8 -USD 20 -USD 70 -USD 40 -USD 193.25 -USD 60 -USD 132.5

-USD 12.5 -USD 205 USD 10.60 USD 5 USD 2.5

USD 31

USD 31

USD 2 USD75 USD 15 USD141.1 USD 592.35

USD 2 USD75 USD 15 USD141.1 - USD 257.15

Because 5 out of 15 organizers were busy and unable to join our program in Battambong, the expense regarding bus ticket, food, and accommodation were reduced. * Expense for 70 people **Expense for 10 round-trip ticket ***Administrative Cost was not mentioned in our previous proposal SYCA‐Cambodia

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Media Coverage

Original Text from Raksmey Kampuchea Daily, 13 June 2009

RkumyuvCnkm<úCaEdlFøab;manbTBiesaFn_enAsigðburIEckrMElkBt’manbTBiesaFn_cMeNHdwgdl;sisSanusisS PñMeBj-- yuvCnExμrmYyRkummansmaCik15nak; EdlBYkeKsuT§Et)ancUlrYmkñúgkmμviFIe)aHCMrMu enARbeTssigðburICMnan;epSg²Kña)anbegáItyuT§nakarmYy KWCYypþl;Bt’man bTBiesaFn_ nigcMenHdwg EdlBYkeKmaneTAdl;sisSmFümsikSananakñúgTIRkugPñMeBjnigenAtamextþ. Cak;EsþgkalBIcugEx]sPa¬30]sPa ¦qñaM2009 knøgmkenHeday)ankarCYy]btßmÖ eRCamERCgBIsalaRkugraCFanIPñMeBj nigFnaKar ANZ Royal Bank CaCMnYyfvikanig smÖar³sikSaenaH RkumyuvCn km<úCa enH man»kas)anerobcMsikçasalamYyeRkamRbFanbT :karGb;rM³ vifIeq<aHeTAkan;kar pøas;bþÚr : enAÉviTüal½yRBHmunIvgSTIrYmextþ)at;dMbgedaymansisS mFümsikSacMnYn60nak;cUlrYm. yuvnisSit lI sIuvhYgEdlFøab;cUlrYmkmμviFIe)aHCMruMenAsigðburInaqñaM2007CamYyyuvCn Gas‘an100nak;enaH)anniyayR)ab;GñkkaEstrsμIkm<úCakalBIéf¶TI12mifuna2009fa karerob cMsikçasalaenaH KWmancMenHdwg bTBiesaFn_dl;sisSmFümsikSafñak;]tþm TIpSarkargarRBm TaMgkareFIVbTbgðajGMBIrebobeFVIkargarCaRkum nigkarsμR½KcitþcUlrYmkñúgkic©karsgÁm. cMEnkyuvnisSit b‘un cMerIn EdlCasmaCikerobcMsikçasalaenH)aneLIgsMEdgmtifa b¥Ún mancitþeRtkGry:agxøaMgEdl)anEckrMElknUvBiesaFn_EdlmanTaMgkñúgRsuknigbreTseTAdl; sisSCMnan;eRkay ehIysgÇwmfa BYkKat;nwgeRbIcMenHdwgTaMgenHeTAGnuvtþedIm,IPaBeCaKC½yna éf¶GnaKt. Éb¥ÚnRsI vtþI sisSsalaviTüal½yRBHmunIvgS )anbeB©ajeyabl;pÞal;xøÜnfa b¥ÚnmancitþrIk ray:agxøaMg Edl)ancUlrYmkñúgkmμviFIenaH. BImunmkminFøab;mankmμviFIEbbenHerobcMenAsala rbs;b¥ÚneT. sikçasalaenHpþl;nUvBt’manCaeRcInEdlkñúgenHBIkareRtomxøÜneGaykøayCanisSit mhaviTüal½y. b¥Únk¾manKMeragpgEdrnwgEckrMElknUvGVIEdlb¥Ún)anecHdwg bnþeTAdl;mitþPkiþrYm fñak;eTot. CaBiesssUmeGaymankmμviFIsikçasalaEbbenHCaerogral;qñaM. IV.

Evaluation and Results

It can be concluded from participants’ evaluation that our workshop was a success. Out of 46 students and a total score of 5, there were 21, 24 and 1 students who scored our program 5, 4 and 3.5 respectively. Many of them asked us to conduct another similar workshop at their school next year. A few suggested that we did it nation-wide. In total, objectives and expectations from that workshop were met. SYCA‐Cambodia

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Figure 1: Participants’ Evaluation


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Figure 2: Participants’ Evaluation


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