24 Aug 2014
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24 Aug 2014
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24 Aug 2014
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VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT (Date of publication 22th August 2014) Human Right Awareness Center (HURAC) Rolpa, is a non government organization working in Rolpa District with a mission to develop equitable society where everyone claim and exercise for their rights. HURAC is implementing integrated project (Child protection, Education and Livelihood) in partnership with Save the Children. At this moment HURAC Rolpa is looking for competent and eligible Nepali citizens for the Livelihood Officer to be based in seven VDC (Korchabang, Ghartigaun, Talabang, Kareti, Jedbang, Gairigaun and Jaulipokhari) of Rolpa. Key Roles and Responsibilities: I. Coordination and cooperation with DDC, DADO, DLSO, small cottage and industry office and project related stakeholder II. Need identification through households survey III. Implementation Livelihood activities under the integrated project IV.Field visit as per project requirement, monitoring project activities V. Ensure the monthly plan and completion of activities in field level. VI.Ensure the field level support to groups, farmers and beneficiaries. VII.Leading assessment in the operational area for livelihood interventions. VIII. Regular monitoring activities as community level. IX.Prepare and submits monthly basis project tracking report based grant requirements. Minimum qualifications: I. Bachelor degree in B.Sc in Agriculture or other related subject II. A minimum of 2 years of experience in related field working III. Good skills and ability for planning and implementation for project activities and report writing. IV. Excellent computer literacy in word, Excel and power point are required.
Interested candidates meeting above criteria are requested to apply an updated CV with minimum two referees, Passport size photo and cover letter no later than 28th August 2014 by 5:00 PM in following address via post or email.
Human Right Awareness Center (HURAC) Liwang-5, Pipalchautara Email: rolpahurac@gmail. Ph. 086440146 (Only short listed candidates will be called for further process. Candidates from disadvantaged community and female are encouraged to apply.)