mazine latin american

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w e n g n i t i c x e e h t f o r o t a e r w c e n e g v n i a t i g c e x e m e O egave creator of th ABS Om mesh Atletic Body Suit ABS t i u S y d o B c i t mesh Atle

I sat down with Omegave creator of the exciting new mesh Atletic which will surley be a new favorite on IMVU. A creator on Imvu since November 2010 he is truly breaking ground with his mesh and outfits.

Me senté con el creador Omegave de la nueva malla Atletic, la cual sera un nuevo favorito en IMVU. Un creador en IMVU desde noviembre de 2010 es realmente inovador con sus mallas y ropa.

What inspires you when creating, rooms, furniture and clothing? My wife inspires me a wonderful woman who gives me the apollo.

¿Qué te inspira cuando creas habitaciones, muebles y ropa? Mi mujer me inspira, es una mujer maravillosa que me da el apoyo.

What are your aspirations on imvu? Innovate to grow with each passing day in this virtual world.

¿Cuáles son sus aspiraciones en imvu? Innovar para crecer con cada día que pasa en este mundo virtual.

Where do you see yourself in the next 2 to 3 years on this site?. I like to see in a good position within the users, creators and developers, to be at its height Thank you Ome for the interview and we look forward to great things from you in the very near future.

¿Dónde te ves dentro de los próximos 2 a 3 años en este sitio?. Me gusta verme en una buena posición dentro de los usuarios, los creadores y desarrolladores, para estar a su altura. Gracias Ome por la entrevista y esperamos grandes cosas de ti en un futuro muy cercano

ABS IS HERE ! ! ! Last month was the unveiling of a new mesh. The ABS created by Omegave. This mesh is a ground breaking mesh. Finally someone has come out with a mesh that that incorporates the legs of the powerfit and the big butts that so many women on imvu love. Omegave has done this by proportioning the mesh so that it is more true to life. The mesh comes in two sizes, ABS and ABSxl.

Check the catalogs of Kherany and CarolinaCutiePie for the fabulous outfits in both ABS sizes also type abs in the search area of the catalog to find other designers using this mesh and Big ups to my partner and friend Omagave. Look for more exciting mesh from Omegave in the very near future.

Joined IMVU August 1,2007-creator about a year (can’t remember the date) I am from and still live in North Carolina-I could not find products in certain colors and/or styles I liked and wanted so I decided to hooked on it..My best friend is my inspiration...he will give me his honest opinion about something...He has not been wrong on most products..I sew,read,do puzzles and color (sounds silly)...I like to see what I can do with colors..I have no favorite recipe as I like to add or take away ingredients to foods for that special dish...(you did not ask this but-)About me- I am a breast cancer survivor of 2 1/2 years..I was blessed with loved one to keep me going (in R/L and IMVU) during that time... I am still standing and want anyone else of have a loved one facing this battle to stand and keep fighting! Life is a precious thing...I enjoy learning the creating business on IMVU...I have see the worst and the best on IMVU (the best is worth it)I plan to be on IMVU for a long long time..I am having too much fun to leave...I am Beyond

Me uni a IMVU en Agosto 1, 2007. Como creadora alrededor de un año (no recuerdo la fecha). Soy de Carolina del Norte y aun vivo ahi. No podia encontrar productos en ciertos colores o estilos que me gustaran y que quueria, asi que decidi experimentar, me gusto y segui. Mi mejor amigo es mi inspiracion... ek siempre me da su honesta opinion sobre algo. El no se ha equivocado en muchos productos. Me gusta coser, leer, hacer rompecabezas y colorear (suena gracioso) gusta ver que puedo hacer con los colores. No tengo receta favorita me gusta quitar o añadir ingredientes a la comida para ese plato especial...(tu no preguntastes esto pero...) Sobre mi, soy sobreviviente de cancer del seno hace 2 1/2 años... Fui bendecida con seres queridos que me ayudan a seguir adelante (en real y en Imvu) durante ese tiempo. Todavía estoy de pie y todo aquel que tenga un ser querido que enfrenta esta batalla que se ponga de pie y siga luchando! La vida es una cosa preciosa ... me gusta aprender el negocio de la creación en IMVU ... He visto lo mejor y lo peor de IMVU (lo mejor vale la pena) tengo la intención de estar en IMVU por mucho, mucho tiempo .. me estoy divirtiendo demasiado como para dejarlo ... yo estoy más all

El nombre de mi primer avie era KhadijahPR, hace pocos meses adopte el apellido de mi esposo stevanzombie (al que amo un monton), ahora soy KhadijaPRzombie, pero me pueden decir Khadi. Mi nombre real es Elsie, solo unos cuantos amigos cercanos lo saben. Naci en la tropical isla del encanto, Puerto Rico, localizada en el mar Caribe. Vivi mis primero 7 años en NYC, USA y nos regresamos a la isla,

My first avie name was KhadijahPR, but few months ago I added my husbands last name stevanzombie (which I love tons) now it’s KhadijahPRzombie, but u can call me Khadi. My real name is Elsie, just few friends know it. I was born in the enchanting and tropical Island of Puerto Rico, located in the Caribbean Sea. I lived my first 7 years in NYC, USA and we came back to the island, since then I still live there. I’ve been in Imvu for about 2 1/2 yrs. I have made great friends thru those few yrs, I love my friends even if we dont chat as often as we should, but I specially met a crazy and silly german which is my dearest friend, daylight44 (Nate). lol... I started here as a Model, then with some help of my friend Kher, I tried to start developing and have done few things (female clothes, hair, pics, furniture, stickers and rooms). I have good sense of humor. I always try to be ME. Well I guess thats about all ...for now. haha. Have a great day or night!

desde entonces sigo viviendo en ella. He estado en IMVU por 2 1/2 años, Me hice de grandiosos amigos atraves de esos años, apesar de que ya no chateo con ellos como antes siempre los mantengo como amigos. En especial conoci una alemana media lokita que en la actual es una de mis mejores amigas, DAYLIGHT44 (Nate) Comence como modelo y despues con ayuda de mi amiga Kher, intente crear y logre hacer varios productos (salas, muebles, cabellos, ropa, zapatos, stickers y cuadros). Tengo buen sentido del humor, siempre trato de ser yo misma. Bueno creo que eso es todo... por ahora. jajaja. Tengan todos un grandioso dia o noche!

Products ABSxl



Just a few tips this month on giving your avi that real life look. This month I’m going to give you the names of a few of the best skin developers. These developers in my opinion have some of the most realistic skins on imvu. Enjoo is by far one of my favorite skin developers. Her shades range from the ivory to beautiful chocolate browns and I own most of them. For graphics I prefer her skins as they work very nicely for graphics especially in ambient rooms. Enjoo also does a sepia color great for black and white pics. I’ve used it in Kherany’s catalog and the pictures are fabulous. Great for vamps. Also, tops on the list is Jesika767. She does a fabulous line of skins that have that dew kissed look. I love the lipstick and make up options that Jes offers. Imandysa, what can I say, her skins are awesome, she also offers a wide range of shades from light skins to dark and I love her wet lips and cleavage options. Like enjoo she does some of the best breast on the sight. Again this is just my opinion

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