၁၀။ ပစၥည္းလႊဲေျပာင္းျခင္း အက္ဥပေဒကို ျပင္ဆင္သည့္ ဥပေဒ

Page 1

ypรถnf;vTJajymif;jcif; tufOya'udk jyifqifonfh Oya'

ypönf;vTJajymif;jcif;tufOya'udk jyifqifonfh Oya' (2013 ckESpf? jynfaxmifpkvTwfawmfOya'trSwf 10/) 1374 ckESpf? waygif;vjynfhausmf 3 &uf ( 2013 ckESpf? rwfv 29 &uf )

jynfaxmifpkvTwfawmfonf þOya'udk jy|mef;vdu k o f nf/ 1/




Oya' [k ac:wGifap&rnf/ 2/

ypönf;vTJajymif;jcif; tufOya'yk'fr 54 wGif 'kwd,yd'k Ef Sihf

wwd,ydk'fwdkYüyg&Sdaom " one hundred kyats" qdkonfh pum;&yfukd "one






tpm;xdk;&rnf/ 3/

ypönf;vTJajymif;jcif;wGif - tufOya'yk'fr 57 (u)





wGiyf g&Sad om


Government of India or " qdkonfh pum;&yfukd y,fzsuf&rnf/ ( c ) yk'frcGJ (u) yk'frcGJi,f (1) wGif yg&Sdaom "The Government of the Union of Burma" ဆိုသည့် စကားရပ်ကို " The Government of the Republic 1

of the Union of Myanmar" qdkonfh pum;&yfukd " The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar" qdkonfh pum;&yfjzifh tpm;xd;k &rnf/ ( * ) yk'frcGJ (i) wGifyg&Sdaom " the High Court " qdkonfh pum;&yfudk " the High Court of the Region or the High Court of the State"


pum;&yfjzifh tpm;xdk;&rnf/ 4/




yk'rf cGJ


wGifyg&Sdaom "in any of the following towns, namely, the towns of Yangon, Mawlamyine, Pathein and Sittwe, and in any other town which the President of the Union may, by notification in the Gazette, specify in this behalf," qdkonfh pum;&yfudk y,fzsuf&rnf/ 5/

ypรถnf;vTJajymif;jcif;tufOya'yk'fr 59 wGiyf g&Sad om "one

hundred kyats" qdkonfh pum;&yfudk " one hundred thousand kyats " qdkonfh pum;&yfjzifh tpm;xdk;&rnf/ 6/

ypรถnf; vTJajymif;jcif;tufOya'yk'fr 69 yk'frcGJ (1) yk'frcGJi,f

(*)wGifyg&Sdaom '', Situate within the towns of Yangon, 2

Mawlamyine, Pathein , Sittwe or in any other town or area which the president of the Union may, by notification in the Gazette, specify in this behalf " qdkonfh pum;&yftpm; "Situated in any town of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar" qdkonfh pum;&yfudk tpm;xd;k &rnf/ 7/

ypönf; vTJajymif;jcif;tufOya'yk'fr 104 wGiyf g&Sad om " the

High Court " qdkonfh pum;&yfudk " the Supreme Court of the Union "qdkonfh pum;&yfjzifh tpm;xdk;&rnf/ jynfaxmifpkor®w jrefrmEdkifiHawmf zGJUpnf;ykH tajccHOya't& ußGEykf f vufrSwf a&;xdk;onf/ EdkifiHawmfor®w jynfaxmifpo k r®wjrefrmEdkiif Hawmf


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