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Peru’s Path to High-Quality Coffee Production

Peru’s specialty coffee production has surged due to the Cup of Excellence competition, driving international recognition and boosting exports from £5.6m to £36m between 2016 and 2019.


Since 2000, Peru has been producing high quality coffee and over that period of time the compounded investments have fueled the development of specialty coffee in the country and earned its recognition with the introduction of the Cup of Excellence in 2017.

This event has attracted global buyers and expanded the domestic market with 300 specialty coffee shops and 100 roasting companies now in Peru.

Dwight Aguilar, a top Peruvian coffee producer, has won the Cup of Excellence twice, in 2018 and 2021, allowing him to invest in his farm and equipment.

Hesaid,“Ihavebeendedicatedtocoffee farming for more than 20 years, and beforetheCupofExcellence,thisactivity wasnotprofitableduetothelowpricesof coffee.WhatIearnedwasbarelyenough to feed my family.”

His coffee has been bought by companies like Maruyama Coffee, Supremo Coffee, Harrods, and now Khipu Coffee too.

For Peru to meet rising demand the competition is bringing consistent quality and diverse coffee profiles are needed, particularly in regions like Amazonas and San Martín in the North of Peru.

This has led to organisations like Central Cafe y Cacao, responsible for bringing the Cup of Excellence to Peru to suggest an agenda of genetic enhancement of traditional varieties to fight leaf rust, pest resistance, and state financing for specialty coffee expansion.

Producers and professional organisations alike must continue to develop and supply global markets and support organisations like Rikolto, an Non Governmental Organisation who have been working with sustainable food systems, having trained manycooperativessince2011,helpingthem meet international demands.

In short, Peru’s high-quality coffee success stems from investment, Cup of Excellence recognition, and industry professionalisation.

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