Integrative Urban Planning for Neighborhoods with Mixed Cultural Background | 2016

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integrative URBAN PLANNING FOR NEIGHBORHOODS WITH MIXED CULTURAL BACKGROUND Western Bremen: Corporate Design Concept for Heerstrassenzug

internship report

Anna Khodyreva Matriculation number: 115145

Bauhaus University Weimar – IfEU Model Project Internship Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Philippe Schmidt M.Sc WS15/16

Partner: orange edge Urban Research+Marketing Dr. Stefanie Bremer Henrik Sander

table of contents

partner orange edge Integrative Urban Planning Social City Programme Heerstrassenzug in urban fabric Physical isolation and separation Urban “patchwork” – other structural challenges and problems Social separation tendencies The image of the area IEK Goepelingen Showcase: Corporate Design Concept Scenarios for further development Questionnaire experts Workshop esign Handbook and Street Branding Conclusion The internship and work experience References

5 6 7 9 11 12 14 16 17 19 21 24 26 30 33 33 35


this page intentioanlly left blanc

partner orange edge

In the urbanized world the city fabric tends to become more and more complex and diverse. Urban transformation and planning processes are going far beyond design and require multidisciplinary approach based on collaboration of various stakeholders as well as consideration of local context and innovative visions. Orange edge is working at the junction between research, urban- and traffic planning and participatory design. “Think tank for urban transformation” – that is how the office sees itself. In the process of transformation of spaces the orange edge team provides support for local governments, public institutions and businesses in finding innovative and efficient solutions for complex challenges they are facing. Orange edge works with well-trained and high skilled employees and freelancers. The open office structure and partners network allows it to shape for each project the specific team with necessary competencies. Such working groups suit the needs of the clients and projects, provide deep and thoughtful approach and help to deliver better implementable results.


Key spheres of work: • Mobility rethinking: city and transport • Careful development of city and countryside • Networking/Regionalization/Digitization • Participatory design and Creative economies • Research • Event management and Public communication Dealing with the complexity of urban planning, research and marketing, the orange edge team often acts as urban consultants using wide range of methods from creating the visions for future development to workshops and public discussions. By facilitating municipalities and businesses in the processes of urban healing, renewal or development, the team becomes the mediator between decision-making stakeholders and local users of the places. Such mediation is a vitally important component of Integrative Urban Planning approach.

Integrative Urban Planning


As it was already mentioned above, urban environment is a complex matter, where physical, social and economical strata coexist in close connection and influence each other. When irregularities arise in one component, the others get affected as well. There are no same districts or neighborhoods, thought there are ones with similar problems. This basically means that successful problem solving can be elaborated by working in and with context. That is what integrative approach to urban planning aims for. Based on discursive participatory procedures and involving the agents outside the administration or other executive institution, it brings together diverse local factors and actions to provide solid framework for urban environment transformation or improvement (Robert Sander, 2006). Integrative Urban Planning is an approach, which guides and ensures the balanced and responsive development of urban fabric relying on spatial,

temporal and factual coordination and linkage of diverse policy areas and planning resources (Tatjana Mrdenovic, 2011).

spatial, temporal and factual coordination and linkage of diverse policy areas and planning resources Currently the implementation of integrative planning approach in German realities is possible due to financial support of such Urban Development programmes as Social City in which Bremen participates together with other cities.

Social City Programme

The Social City programme was established in 1999 by federal and state government of Germany for counteracting increasing socio-spatial division of German cities. It supports disadvantaged neighborhoods and


neighborhoods with specific social, economic and urban problems in their development, stabilization and enhancement processes (Städtebauförderung des Bundes und der Länder. 2014)



The main objective of the programme is to improve the housing and living conditions of the residents in problematic areas. Funding for Social City is generally shared by federal, state and local governments in equal proportions. In Bremen case the federal government and two municipalities – Bremen and Bremerhafen provide one third each. The grants are provided based on Integrated Action Plans (see below) and the idea is to combine these budgets with other urban development programmes and private investments.

actors themselves and also external specialized departments, and organizes participation process for residents.

improvement of social cohesion and integration of all population groups

INTEGRATED ACTION PLAN: an important tool for local development is IHK (Integrated Action Plan or Integrierte Hadlungskonzept), which is annually updated by district managers. Integrated Acton Plan is the document, which contains description of problems and potentials of the area and derived projects (Der Senator Für Umwelt, Bau Und Verkehr - Soziale Stadt, 2016).


Specifically in Bremen the Social City programme presence is characterized by locally-oriented public spaces actions, mediation work, pooling of resources and intensive involvement of residents in participation. The following instruments of neighborhood development deserve particular attention: NEIGHBORHOOD MANAGEMENT: in each area the programme is coordinated by district manager, who is the most important contact person in and for the district. He controls the local project development process, facilitates networking between local

Unlike other urban development programmes, with the Social City the municipalities have a chance to get financial support for not only construction or development (physical) measures, but also for more “soft” tools for achieving social cohesion and creating vibrant neighborhoods. Summarizing, Social City itself tackles the three main spheres

land city district management residents social inclusion

improvement of living environment, infrastructure, quality of housing

development of internal communication

PUBLIC FORUMS: everyone who is interested in development of his neighborhood is welcome to attend local public forums (so called Stadtteilsitzungen), which are organized by district managers and moderators. Participants have an opportunity to collectively discuss current development of their neighborhood and suggest projects for implementation.

improvement of social cphesion and integration of all population groups

urban development

In the foreground the programme has urban investments in the living environment, infrastructure and the quality of housing. But it stimulates the municipalities to improve social integration infrastructures (intergenerational justice, family-friendly, welcoming culture (Wilkommenskultur)) via creation of spaces for strengthening co-existence in the neighborhood. For example the construction of the neighborhood educational center, the renovation of playgrounds and valorization of public spaces and squares could be mentioned.

Within the participation in Social City programme, the Integrative Urban Planning approach is currently implemented in the area around Heerstrassenzug in Western Bremen, which is strongly affected by spatial and social disintegration. Recovery of the “missing links” between spaces and cultures is possible through the Corporate Design Concept, which will give the residents the common idea of their neighborhood and unite their actions in space. The specifity of the case lies in the mixed cultural background and the consequences of migration process taking place there since the beginning of XX century.

Heerstrassenzug in urban fabric The area for renewal is situated in the Western part of Bremen. Approximately 8 km long road consists of Oslebshauser-, Gröpelinger- and Waller- Heerstarsse. Altogether they form so called Heerstrassenzug, which represents very different urban spaces. Historically and for recent development this street plays an important role: former “Chaussee” was the starting point for the gradual growth of the settlement and today it is not only the main axis for internal circulation, but also

an intensively used connector between Bremen North and Northern Suburbia. In addition Heerstrassenzug was always an important economic focus of Western Bremen being developed as a commercial street (starting with a variety of villas, townhouses and tourist cafes appearing here in XIX century). Currently the district of Heerstrassenzug represents serious social inequalities and the overall reason for that is a strong desintegration of the area in both spatial and social levels.



Bremen West


Recreational area Blockland

District Burglesum

Barrier Hafenrandstrasse + Industrial port-tracks Barrier A27 + Railway

Barrier A281


Grรถpelinge Heerstrass


Physical isolation and separation Unlike any other district in the City of Bremen, Heerstrassenzug area is enclosed with strong physical barriers. On the North-West the highway A281 separates Heerstrassenzug from Burglesum district, while at the SouthEast Nordwestknoten (B6) shapes the strong border with the city center. Moreover, the district is squeezed between the railway and industrial port-tracks, which block the access to the recreational areas in the North and waterfront in the South. As a consequence of such spatial isolation the area lacks physical and functional links with the surrounding and hardly benefits from dynamic development recently generated by Überseestadt – one of the largest development projects in Europe, which includes office,

Recreational area Waller Feldmarksee


residential and commercial spaces at the former port terrain (Überseestadt | Augen Auf, 2016). In addition, the area itself is divided into two parts by Heerstrasse. The separation effect is increased by the tram line tracks and transit oriented usage of the main street. According to the traffic flow evaluation on the Gröpelinger Heerstrasse there are about 19,000 vehicles per day - a significant part of it is transit. The heavy traffic flow enhanced by tram tracks is a significant burden for the residents. Crossing the street is only possible at the traffic lights for both cyclists and pedestrians. Due to that, especially children and families, elderly and disabled people tend to walk along only „their“ side of the highway.

Barrier Nordwestknoten (B6)

Heerstrassenzug WallerHeerstrasse


Urban “patchwork” – other structural challenges and problems

Gröpelingen neighborhood is characterized by a small-part urban patchwork. It has a high proportion of old buildings and various architectural “jewels”, which give a considerable potential to the area. But they are missed among strong urban irregularities: non-uniform design of the road body, uneven floor heights, buildings’ decay, underused and partly abandoned land and visible dirtiness. In many spots the gradual devaluation of the buildings and complexes is going on. So the existing number of “settlement treasures” requires professionally accompanied upgrading, renewal and expansion to bring to the light that outstanding urban potential.

Devaluation and the decline of attraction were also contributed by the tradingdown effect. Long-term structural changes in retail and service sphere and opening of several big trade centers nearby during the last two decades (Waterfront, Sander Center) brought non-positive consequences. The low economic power of the area was moving downward and the smaller sub-spaces vacancy influenced attractiveness of former storefront. Diversity and quality offer of small-scale vendors along Heerstrasse has visibly decreased, while the dominance of discounters, amusement arcades and betting shops grew. Along with that the street lost its social function as a meeting point and place for communication.


Heavy traffic + barrier effect of the highway

Trading-down effect + declining attraction

Urban irregularities + lack of attraction pionts


Social separation tendencies

Apart the urban spatial barriers, visual and economical decay, complex social separation tendencies are evident in Heerstrassenzug district. According to the statistic data by the end of 2014, the amount of foreigners in Western Bremen was one third of the total population of the area. The most meaningful groups have Turkish, Bulgarian and Polish background. Further come groups from Serbia and Montenegro, Portugal, Romania, Ghana and Italy as well as more than 40 other nationalities (Bremen Kleinräumig Infosystem, 2014).

background rose to 80% and higher. Persistent social and ethnic segregation expanded with the increasing amount of people with migrant background and foreign mother tongue, low income and solidified unemployment, with belowaverage qualifications. In 2005-2012 Heerstarssenzug district demonstrated one of the highest growth rates of the population with migration background (9,8% in Gröpelingen and more than 5% on Oslebshausen, which is two times more than in the municipality as a whole) (Freie Hansestadt Bremen, Der Senator für Umwelt, Bau und Verkehr, 2014).

In the beginning of the XX century the establishment of port industry in the area attracted the first flow of immigrants - guest workers from Germany, Italy and Eastern Europe, and later flow of Turkish workers. That caused rapid growth and development of the district. The shipyard crisis and the closure of the main enterprise AG “Weser” turned things upside down and brought serious consequences. Gröpelingen became a problem district. During last decades while the amount of population with migration background was only increasing and the median income was dropping to more than a third below reference value, established families of middle-class - in particular German, tend to leave the area. This process enhanced imbalance and in some parts of the district the rate of minors with migration

Moreover, the good internal networking habits inside communities (especially Turkish) make it possible to get by without knowledge of German in the everyday life. The specifity of for example Muslim cultural family-raising principles and the isolated from external connections place of women in the society retards and sometimes baffles the integration process from inside of national communities (Valeriy Achkasov, Marya Rozanova, 2013). The physical visibility and the opportunity to benefit from already existing network of specific migrant milieus prevent integration from outside and leads to the reunification of other people with the respective cultures. Segregation is increasing and the actions of residents both with German and foreign background are becoming more limited too.

1752 Bulgaria western bremen 318 306

Ghana italy



1399 poland 387 360 509

portugal Romania serbia & montenegro

6064 turkey population with migration background

30 438 90 094 total population median income below reference value middle class leaving the area

migant milieus become more visible

The image of the area


Physical isolation and separation, urban irregularities and cultural and social segregation illustrate disintegration tendencies, which are finalized by another “missing link” - negative image of the street. This aspect was not proved empirically, but it has played a central role in all previous stakeholder discussions and workshops. The negative image is based primarily on the social and economic problems of the district and is widely communicated through the media. This is a barrier which is stated „in the heads“, and which can only be changed with appropriate opposite impressions and experiences.

negative image - barrier to be stated "in the heads“

Although many exemplary and successful private and public initiatives, actions and projects in the cultural and educational spheres (the library/ Stadtbibliotek West and educational center Qvartiersbildungszentrum) are run here in order to promote integration and to strengthen the position of the area within the city during last two decades, this process of creating links has not become sustainable so far. There are different approaches, which target scattered spots around the neighborhood, and what missing - is a common, cross-stakeholder strategic linkage and a gearing of both urban and social storylines.

physical isolation and separation urban irregularities cultural/social segregation

"missing links“

IEK Groepelingen Since 1990 the renovation and improvement of the district is run with the help of various support programmes for Urban Development: EU programme URBAN, state programme WiN (Wohnen in Nachbarschaft), federal state programme The Social City (Soziale Stadt) and a Quick Start Programme Bremen (Sofortmassnahmenprogramm Bremens). The application for the Social City programme should be based on the design oriented plan of actions. For Heerstrassenzug’s case those documents are POP (The ProjectOriented Action Programme for the West Bremen) and IEK (Integrated Project Development Concept for Gröelingen).


Based on four key problem spheres: street as a lifeline, urban structure, social cohesion and education and employment, the Integrated Project Development Concept defines objectives and strategies for further development in those spheres in order to recreate the missing links. Accordingly the document is divided into four project families where each includes several “ingredients” organized as collection of the projects (Freie Hansestadt Bremen, Der Senator für Umwelt, Bau und Verkehr, 2014). pop | Kapiteltitel 2

pop stärkt ...

Anlage 1

Integriertes Entwicklungskonzept Gröpelingen Grundlage für den Einsatz von Städtebauförderungsmitteln (Soziale Stadt, Stadtumbau West, Städtebaulicher Denkmalschutz) und des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) Stand: 06.08.2014


... den Bremer Westen



design oriented plan of actions

Showcase develop Heerstrasse as a lifeline and flagship

Settlement treasures counteract weaknesses of urban design and help the „gems“ shine

Überblick über alle Projektvorschläge

Macramé close „missing links“ between spaces and cultures

(vgl. auch räumliche Lage S. 81)



Corporate DesignKonzept HOT.SPOT Freizeit HOT.SPOT Begegnung HOT.SPOT Drehscheibe HOT.SPOT Erholung

Denkmalschutz Humann-Viertel / Beratungsstelle Siedlungsschätze

Freiraumnutzung Wohlers Eichen Qualifizierung Wegeführung Ballspielplatz Stoteler Straße Quartierstreffpunkt Greifswalder Platz BürgermeisterEhlers-Platz Spielhaus Bexhöveder Straße Quartiersplatz Bromberger Straße


Tracks and pathways improve participation in education and employment


Gröpelingen bewegt!

Lokales Förderzentrum

Grün-blaue Wege

Exzellenz-Kampagne Schule-Beruf

Heerstraßenkreuzung Oslebshausen

Netzwerkförderung Lokale Ökonomie

Wegweiser im Grünzug West

Öffnung QBZ

Verknüpfungen zur Überseestadt

Öffnung Campus Ohlenhof

Naherholungspark West

Aufwertung von Schulhöfen Aufwertung von Schulen

Showcase: Corporate Design Concept

Heavily loaded mainly with transit traffic street, which is a strong physical barrier difficult to overcome, the lack of high-quality usage distribution and design, trading-down processes with high turnover of businesses, lowcost stores and vacancy strongly contribute to consolidation of the negative image of Heerstrasse and consequently the surrounding area. Taking into consideration the fact that the main street is basically “the faceâ€? of the neighborhood, the Showcase family of projects aims to develop Heerstrassenzug as a lifeline and showcase for the whole district. The elaboration of strong common identity on the one hand and making this public space welcoming and inviting for getting to know the area in more details on the other would recreate a missing strategic linkage on physical and social levels (Freie Hansestadt Bremen, Der Senator fĂźr Umwelt, Bau und Verkehr, 2014).

In order to achieve harmonic and highquality urban design and increase the quality of stay the four selected spots (HOT.SPOTs) should be developed as anchors for local areas of attraction: leisure, meeting point, junction point, recreation. The corporate design concept is needed to create a framework for this spotted development in particular and overall long-term urban design improvements in general. This is the part, the orange edge team is commissioned for by the municipality of the city of Bremen. Taking into consideration the significant percentage of public actions, which are the necessary part of Integrative Urban Planning approach, and the profile of the Client, each step of the process requires to be coordinated with municipality. The creation of corporate design concept is executed through several stepwise phases:


Überblick über alle Projektvorschläge


(vgl. auch räumliche Lage S. 81)

corporate design concept



Corporate DesignKonzept HOT.SPOT Freizeit

Field studies: evaluation of the site to get the impression of the area and atmosphere

Scenarios for further development to frame the material for conversation with the residents to show the variety of possibilities

evaluation of the residents’ opinion to specify the list of problems and particular needs which are not visible to external observer

Workshop for professionals to examine the range of problematic fields and define the measures and possibilities for improvements

Design Handbook verbalization and visualization of directives in each selected field

HOT.SPOT Begegnung HOT.SPOT Drehscheibe HOT.SPOT Erholung

Denkmalschutz Humann-Viertel / Beratungsstelle Siedlungsschätze

Freiraumnutzung Wohlers Eichen Qualifizierung Wegeführung Ballspielplatz Stoteler Straße

Quartierstreffpunkt Greifswalder Platz BürgermeisterEhlers-Platz

Spielhaus Bexhöveder Straße Quartiersplatz Bromberger Straße

Scenarios for further development After observation of the existing situation in the street, collecting visual materials, analyses of the visual quality of the environment, socio-demographic structure and development climate, the six possible scenarios for Heerstrassenzug were created, visualized and later used for questioner action. A lot of data and statistics have already been collected during previous projects, so the main goal of the orange edge team here was to get acquainted to the atmosphere of the district and get their impression of the area. The special case of this step is upsidedown approach. As the residents had already been experiencing many previous participatory design events, which did not bring strong visible changes, it was decided to attract their interest by using visualized scenarios to start a conversation. The proposed


scenarios emphasized various aspects and focal points of the possible development directions based on social, national, economical, ecological and artistic trends.

upside-down approach show the ideas first to start a dialogue Using the photo of existing situation in the Heerstrasse as the base, six scenarios were elaborated in collage technique. During the process of reviewing the images in municipality of Bremen, the set-up of each was adjusted according to the existing development plans and regulations.

current situation


Bremer Westen - Corporate Design Konzept Heerstraßenzug

DIE ZUKUNFT DER HEERSTRASSE... Szenario 1. Ökologischer Stadtumbau, Cycle-Boulevard

Bremer Westen - Corporate Design Konzept Heerstraßenzug


DIE ZUKUNFT DER HEERSTRASSE... Szenario 1. Ökologischer Stadtumbau, Cycle-Boulevard

Szenario 1. Ökologischer Stadtumbau, Cycle-Boulevard

sustainability Szenario 2. HistorischSUSTAINABILITY, orientierte Qualifizierung des Stadtraums oriented on using healthy building materials and technologies, enrichment of urban greening and landscape, promotion of ecological modes of transportation and cycling culture.

Szenario 2. Historisch orientierte Qualifizierung des Stadtraums

Szenario 2. Historisch orientierte Qualifizierung des Stadtraums

Szenario 3. Veränderung durch starke Investorentätigkeit

Historical styles recovery

Szenario 3. Veränderung durch starke RECOVERY OFInvestorentätigkeit HISTORY, by creating the visual linkages with the past through

historical local architecture and landscape design, restoration of remained “architectural jewels” and image of port city.

Szenario 3. Veränderung durch starke Investorentätigkeit

Szenario 4. Neue Mitte mit neuen Kulturen

Szenario 4. Neue Mitte mit neuen Kulturen

Strong investments

Szenario 4. Neue Mitte mit neuen Kulturen STRONG INVESTMENTS – the significant, but delicate and careful, transformation of the street to contemporary metropolitan-style urbanized area with modern architecture and relevant lifestyle.

Szenario 5. Temporäre Veränderung durch kreatives Engagement

Szenario 5. Temporäre Veränderung durch kreatives Engagement

Szenario 3. Veränderung durch starke Investorentätigkeit

Szenario 4. Neue Mitte mit neuen Kulturen

23 Szenario 4. Neue Mitte mit neuen Kulturen

Szenario 4. Neue Mitte mit neuen Kulturen

Mixture of syles Szenario 5. Temporäre Veränderung durch kreatives Engagementthe multicultural atmosphere by means of MIXTURE OF STYLES, to emphasize eclectic fusion of styles, colors and ornaments, where each nationality present in the neighborhood can find a response of its mother country.

Szenario 5. Temporäre Veränderung durch kreatives Engagement

Szenario 5. Temporäre Veränderung durch kreatives Engagement

Szenario 6. Veränderung durch strategische Deregulierung

street festivals and events

Szenario 6. Veränderung durch strategischeAND Deregulierung STREET FESTIVALS EVENTS – for enriching the livability of the street, attracting more internal and external attention and promoting cultural exchange.

Szenario 6. Veränderung durch strategische Deregulierung

Die Visualisierungen stellen zugespitzte Szenarien dar. Sie dienen der Ermittlung von Meinungsbildern im Rahmen des Stadtentwicklungsprozesses Heerstraße. Sie sind keine abgestimmten oder beschlossenen Entwürfe. Die Bilder sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Das Urheberrecht liegt beim Büro orange edge. Die Bilder dürfen nicht politisch, kommerziell oder medial verwendet werden.

Die Visualisierungen stellen zugespitzte Szenarien dar. Sie dienen der Ermittlung von Meinungsbildern im Rahmen des Stadtentwicklungsprozesses Heerstraße. Sie sind keine abgestimmten oder beschlossenen Entwürfe. Die Bilder sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Das Urheberrecht liegt beim Büro orange edge. Die Bilder dürfen nicht politisch, kommerziell oder medial verwendet werden.

light art and installations

LIGHT ART AND INSTALLATIONS the der scenario, which can create additional value Die Visualisierungen stellen zugespitzte Szenarien dar. Sie–dienen Ermittlung von Meinungsbildern im Rahmen des Stadtentwicklungsprozesses Heerstraße. Sie sind keine abgestimmten oder beschlossenen Entwürfe. Die Bilder sindand urheberrechtlich and attraction to the district by bringing in something totally new moderngeschützt. making Das Urheberrecht liegt beim Büro orange edge. Die Bilder dürfen nicht politisch, kommerziell oder medial verwendet werden. the street itself the exhibitional space.



After approval of the six scenarios, the local public campaign in the Heerstrassenzud area was conducted in order to figure out the opinion of the residents – WHICH NEW IMAGE DOES THE STREET NEED? As the “Image” can be obtained only through creative interviewing techniques, the visualized scenarios have been supplemented with simplified mental maps and associative images.

which new image does the street need? Three days of questionnaire on the site and parallel online-questionnaire have allowed getting broader picture of the image of Heerstrasse. In total 430 respondents (220 on-site and 210 online) were not only asked about their feelings and impressions of the neighborhood, problems and routine, but also were offered to reflect on the proposed scenarios. It was found out, that among three investigated parts Gröpelinger Heerstrasse has the most negative image – 70% of respondents do not like the atmosphere and prefer not to visit this space often. Oslebshausen is treated more neutrally and in Walle the majority of positive spots and aspects were mentioned. What was even more important about those meetings with people – is that it helped to enlarge the list of topics for the discussion with professionals. The following topics app eared to be of the high importance:

1. Maintenance and cleannes 2. Social structure and culture 3. Role as transport area 4. Visual appearance 5. Business structure and culture 6. Security 7. Stay quality of public spaces Among the proposed scenarios the most appealing were Sustainability- and Historically oriented visions. Mixture of building styles was interesting for property owners and open-minded respondents. The attitude to the Strong investments direction of redesign was various – in general positive, but often the image was considered to be too cold, too modern and not inviting. Opposite to that, the Street food proposal got the highest rate, though there were also neutral and skeptical opinions. The visualization of possibilities generated great interest. Most people corresponded in their desire to see the street green, clean, well-maintained, pedestrian-friendly, warm, familiar and matching to locals and a bit more suited to young generation.

Bremer Westen CD Konzept + Rahmenplanung + Hot.Spots

orange edge sbca a.yoo, Hamburg

1.1 Ankündigungsmaterial Roll-Up Display



!! Nicht alle Motive auf dem Poster

Interviewer-Karten mit Mood-Pictures

Bremer Westen - Corporate Design Konzept Heerstraßenzug beauftragtes Büro: orange edge - Lüneburger Straße 16 - 21073 Hamburg Tel.: 040 839 86 231 Mail:


an alle Grundstückseigentümer, Geschäftsleute, Ladenbetreiber, Mitglieder des Gröpelingen Marketing e.V. oder Interessierte

14. Dezember 13:15 - 14:15 2015 Uhr Gröpelinge n Marketing Liegnitzstr e.V. aße 28237 Brem 63 en

Hamburg/Bremen, 7.12. 2015

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, in vorangegangenen Stadtplanungsprozessen ist immer wieder das eher unattraktive Erscheinungsbild des Heerstraßenzugs im Bremer Westen beklagt worden. Viele wünschen sich, dass ein Aufwertungsprozess in Gang gesetzt wird. Der Senator für Umwelt, Bau und Verkehr hat daher die Arbeit an einem „Corporate-Design-Konzept“ für die Straße beschlossen. Mit der Bearbeitung ist mein Büro orange edge beauftragt. Um uns zunächst ein Meinungsbild zu erstellen, wollen wir mit Grundstückseigentümern, Geschäftsleuten und Ladenbetreibern entlang der Straße in einen Dialog kommen. Dazu möchte ich Sie sehr herzlich zu einem ca. einstündigen Gespräch am 14. Dezember in die Räumlichkeiten des Gröpelingen Marketing e.V. einladen. Ich werde Sie über die Ziele und geplanten Arbeitsschritte des „Corporate-Design-Konzepts“ informieren und Ihnen denkbare Gestaltungswege für einen Imagewechsel vorstellen. Ebenso möchte ich mit Ihnen diskutieren, welche Elemente der Straße (Straßenprofil, Fassaden, Gestaltung Schaufenster, Sauberkeit im Straßenraum, Licht-Konzepte) für ein verbessertes Erscheinungsbild besonders wichtig sind. Über Ihre Teilnahme würde ich mich sehr freuen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Dr. Stefanie Bremer

... so, oder anders?


respondents on site online respondents


220 210

total 430

Bremer Westen CD Konzept + Rahmenplanung + Hot.Spots


orange edge sbca a.yoo, Hamburg

1.1 do Ergebnisse not like the atmosphere

prefer not to visit this space often

Image insgesamt


neutral image

negative image Negativ

Neutral bis positiv

Oslebshausener Heerstraße

Gröpelinger Heerstraße

Waller Heerstraße

„Die Oslebshausener Straße ist doch gar nicht mehr Teil der Stadt.“ Mann, 32 Jahre, Erzieher

„Den ganzen Abschnitt vom DIAKO- Krankenhaus bis zum Woolworth können Sie vergessen! “ Frau, 48 Jahre, Sekretärin


neutral/positive image

„Am liebsten fahre ich nur durch.“ Mann, 47 Jahre

experts Workshop Ando Yoo Landschaftsarchitektur Bernstorffstraße 99 D-22767 Hamburg

sbca GmbH im Aufbau Haus Prinzenstraße 84.2 10969 Berlin

information about the existing situation and figure out the shape for realistic implementable solutions. The event was concluded with in-depth plenum. The moderators brought together the results and key messages on a keyword board and Senate Building Director closed the workshop with summary and prospective vision speech.


0421. 361-4602

Senator für Umwelt, Bau und Verkehr Referat 72, Stadtumbau Contrescarpe 72 28195 Bremen

As the result of the collective work the defined range of working fields and approaches is summarized in the Catalogue of Measures.


The central part of the whole event was the discussion in specific working groups, when invited experts could explore the possibilities of implementation of transport, environmental, social and economic aspects of improvements in the Heerstrassenzug area, reflect on collected during public survey

orange edge Stadt- und Verkehrsplanung, Mobilitätsforschung Lüneburger Straße 16 21073 Hamburg

040. 3296 9170

030. 69 53 70 8-0

As the following step came the workshop for professionals – the representatives of Building and Urban Affairs, Urban Development, Landscape, Traffic Planning, Climate Protection and other departments of the Senate for Environment, Construction and Transport (Municipality of Bremen), representatives of local Police Station, local Sport, Educational and Trade centers, Politicians, representatives or owners of local Housing Companies and other formal actors.

040. 839 862 31


At the moment the first version of the Measures Catalogue is in the process of approval in the municipality of Bremen. After the confirmation the directions stated in this document will become the framework for the Design Handbook.

programm Fach-Werkstatt



03. Februar 2016 14:00 — 19:00 Uhr

QBZ QUARTIERSBILDUNGSZENTRUM Morgenlandstraße 43 28237 Bremen


Moderation Martin Kohler, sbca

IMAGE-AKTIONEN, LOCAL EMPOWERMENT Moderation Adrian Judt, orange edge



measures catalogue

Moderation Henrik Sander, orange edge


VERKEHRSRAUM StreetGESTALTUNG and landscape design + STRASSENGRÜN Long-term slowing down the traffic on the street (redirection of transit traffic, introduction of 30km/h zone, creation of spots to interrupt constant traffic flow)


Long-term elimination of parking lots along he street (replacement by green spaces) Introduction of premium bicycle lanes along the street (adaptation of crossroads, Ab 13:45 Uhr design, connection with existing bicycle paths) Ziel der Werkstatt Registrierung

Vorsondierung der Kerninhalte Development of public transport stops as multimodal stations 14:40 —15:30 Uhr 14:10 —14:40 Uhr für das Handbuch und den Regieplan + INPUTMATERIAL Street as alley with green cross connections (creation of green axes, preservation of

14:00 —14:10 Uhr

historical and typical Bremen front yard zones)

Opening and increasing visibility of Waller- and Oslebshausener Moderation Martin Parks Kohler, sbca

IMAGE-AKTIONEN, LOCAL EMPOWERMENT 01 Einführung Sally Below, sbca Berlin

16:30 —16:45 Uhr

03 Tischdiskussion Sondierung der Umsetzungs02 Vorstellung Untersuchungsraum Heerstraße, möglichkeiten aus orange integrierter Sicht Konzeptansatz und Kernergebnisse der Befragung Moderation Adrian Judt, edge

Alle + Moderation

Dr. Stefanie Bremer, orange edge, Hamburg


18:00—18:30 Uhr

19:00 Uhr Ausklang Ende der Veranstaltung


+ INPUTMATERIAL Moderation Henrik Sander, orange edge


Facades, brands and uses

Moderation Ando Yoo, Philipp Wetzel, ya+oe

Inspiration survey (mapping of already existing investments on the street)

GESTALTUNG VERKEHRSRAUM 05 Resümee 04 Vertiefungsplenum (Fish-Bowl) Bewertung der

Creation of a design manual for improvement Arbeitsergebnisse, Rückschlüsse für Handbuchof quality of architecture, facades and + das STRASSENGRÜN Senatsbaudirektorin showcases in selected sections ofTeilnehmer the street (manual ofProf. anDr. advisory Ausgewählte + Moderation Iris Reuthernature, combining examples of local and international contexts, description of funding opportunities) Establishment of local construction culture and urban development advisory spot (where investors, clients and initiators can get a direct connection to the specialized personnel, who can communicate the objectives and content of the design manual)


Ab 13:45 Uhr

Registrierung Best façade award (for he best architectural design in the street) 14:10 —14:40 14:00 —14:10 Uhr Highlighting the activeUhr actors

14:40(creation —15:30 Uhr and “engines” of the street of brochure about local personalities who stimulate the development of the street) + INPUTMATERIAL

Exclusion of gambling halls from land-use plans Elaboration of rules for advertising system 01 Einführung Sally Below, sbca Berlin

16:30 —16:45 Uhr


02 Vorstellung Untersuchungsraum Heerstraße, Konzeptansatz und Kernergebnisse der Befragung

03 Tischdiskussion Sondierung der Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten aus integrierter Sicht Alle + Moderation

Dr. Stefanie Bremer, orange edge, Hamburg

16:45 —18:00 Uhr

18:00—18:30 Uhr


19:00 Uhr Ausklang

Ziel der Werkstatt

Vorsondierung der Kerninhalte für das Handbuch und den Regieplan

29 Moderation Martin Kohler, sbca

IMAGE-AKTIONEN, LOCAL EMPOWERMENT Moderation Adrian Judt, orange edge


Cleanness, order and safety

Moderation Henrik Sander, orange edge

New building of Police station (to strengthen the IMAGEpresence of police and of the image of NEUE FASSADEN, STARKE MARKEN, socially controlled urban space) TRÄCHTIGE NUTZUNGEN Cleanness + Security for main attraction pointsModeration (complex Ando approach to security, Yoo, Philipp Wetzel,safety ya+oe and cleanness with concept bins, cleaning schedule, regulatory policies, marketing and awareness campaigns) GESTALTUNG VERKEHRSRAUM


Closure of gambling halls (as they are often the source of criminal and crime) Mobilization and attraction of rental culture and rental milieus (to avoid downgrading) Extension of opening time and increase of amount of outside catering (to strengthen the social control in the street)


Ab 13:45 Uhr


Improvement of the entrances to the parks (solve the situation with dark entrances) Elaboration of uniformed design principles for outside advertisement

14:00 —14:10 Uhr

14:40 —15:30 Uhr

14:10 —14:40 Uhr

Elaboration of uniform lightning concept for the street Ziel der Werkstatt


Establishment position in policing authority (to provide the immediate reaction Vorsondierung derof new Kerninhalte to rules violation) für das Handbuch und den Regieplan 01 Einführung Sally Below, sbca Berlin

03 Tischdiskussion Sondierung der Umsetzungs02 Vorstellung Untersuchungsraum Heerstraße, Moderation Martin Kohler, sbca möglichkeiten aus integrierter Sicht Konzeptansatz und Kernergebnisse der Befragung

Alle + Moderation

Dr. Stefanie Bremer, orange edge,


16:30 —16:45 Uhr

Cleanness, order and safety 16:45 —18:00 Uhr

18:00—18:30 Uhr

19:00 Uhr

Ausklang + INPUTMATERIAL Moderation Adrian Judt, orange edge


Ende der Veranstaltung

Selection of District Ambassador (various occupational categories can be trained as SAUBERKEIT, ORDNUNG UND SICHERHEIT district’s ambassadors of the neighborhood)

Moderation(to Henrik orange edge Establishment of rules for mobile construction/building allowSander, the initiative actions and projects in public spaces on a common basis)

NEUE FASSADEN, STARKE MARKEN, IMAGETRÄCHTIGE NUTZUNGEN 05 Resümee 04 Vertiefungsplenum (Fish-Bowl) Bewertung der

Points of Arbeitsergebnisse, attraction consultant (to find for each point of attraction/HOT.SPOT the Rückschlüsse für das Handbuch Senatsbaudirektorin permanent contact person as a focal point for exchange practical knowledge and Moderation Philipp Wetzel, ya+oe Ausgewählte Teilnehmer + Moderation Prof.Ando Dr. Iris Yoo, Reuther maintain network of actors)


Interest groups (as a common platform for bringing residents together) + STRASSENGRÜN Mediafacade (to set up the mediaboard in the Ohlenhofplatz with the information relevant to inhabitants of the area)

Ablauf Ab 13:45 Uhr

Registrierung 14:00 —14:10 Uhr

14:10 —14:40 Uhr

14:40 —15:30 Uhr


Design Handbook and Street Branding

Design Handbook is going to be the document, whose overarching mission is to assist the municipality and local actors in the long-term urban development process of Heerstrassenzug area and create physical, cultural and other cross-stakeholders linkages through the common idea of the place. The objectives of the Design Handbook are:

Connection of different initiatives, projects and actions Improvement of visual environment and physical conditions Assistance for municipality in simplification of some bureaucratic procedures and making them more transparent Taking into consideration the whole complexity of the defined problems and solutions, the content of the Design Handbook should be divided into two

main parts – Design Manual and Action Book, which will respectively refer to physical and operational approach to improvements. For example, Design Manual will contain the guidelines for architectural and landscape design, traffic and pedestrian infrastructure improvement, uses management, maintenance of the street and cleanness standards. The Action Book will be more oriented on event management and improvement of communication process, providing description of procedures and assistance within them. Such structure of the Design Handbook should make it a useful tool for both authorities and local residents and initiators and cover both top-down and bottom-up approaches. On top of it, the unification of people and actions in places is going to be supported by creation of the unique brand for Heerstrasse. At the moment the first draft of the extended and short logo is designed (which was used during the experts workshop). The main idea is to create the links in social and cultural structure using the name of the street as canvas and adding over it the elements of foreign languages (alphabets), which have similar sounding. As the GrÜpelingen district already has its own logo, the logos for two other districts (Oslebshausen and Walle) were proposed in order to complete the picture.


Design Manual


Action Book

Design Handbook


drafting process for street branding Logo symbol of unity and openness for new ideas, ways, lifesyle

Street Name the name of the street, which describes integration of different cultures and a delicate but beautiful combination, complementation and cooperation STRASSE straight and simple, „german style“, background, to which various contextual changes are applied

existing Gröpelingen logo

proposed logo for Walle

proposed logo for Oslebshausen

Conclusion Integrative urban panning is a complex matter and the example of Heerstrassenzug development project reveals only a part of it. Nevertheless, the project illustrates how the participatory design tools provide solutions, which are closer to reality and more responsive to existing problems. It also illustrates the “ping-pong” principle of required constant coordination and approval,


which is of vital importance when the client comes from authorities. In this case the orange edge team is in fact the external agent, which generates the discursive participatory procedures, the mediator which arranges the dialogue between stakeholders and the creative engine, which can bring to the area the fresh common vision.

The internship and work experience For the internship, the project was already running and the first phase of observational field studies was completed when the intern (Anna Khodyreva) joined the team. The first introduction to the site was based on the collected visual material, virtual tours and was later complemented by personal visit to the site during further stages. The intern participated in desk evaluation and designing scenarios for future development of Heerstrasse with the focus on o cultural integration. The next inclusion into the workflow was at the stage of the preparation for the experts

workshop. The intern was responsible for designing the layout and setup of the event, coordination of the venue, designing and producing the “tools” for the workshop and documentation of the workflow during the process (including photo and video reportage). Together with that the intern was creating the first drafts for the Design Handbook and developed the street branding concept and the first logo – extended and short version, which was complemented by designing the supplementary logos for two districts in the project area.

The specifity of working in a small team means that one becomes involved in all the stages and parts of the process. For me personally it was a great and diverse experience… Anna


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anna khodyreva | 2016

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