How to Make Some Extra Money Online from Home? With inflation on the rise, it never hurts to make some extra money without spending a lot of time. It can be quite a valuable addition to your monthly budget, and help take care of many small expenses. However, you also need to ensure that you are serious about what you do, as although it’s just some extra money, it still isn’t easy money. You may have to work in an organized and focused way, though it may not be very tiring or time consuming. With that said, the below given seems to be some of the best ways to make money online. YouTube Surprised? So you didn’t know that your favorite video streaming site can also make you some extra money? Well, YouTube offers an advertising program that allows users to monetize the videos they upload. The payout rate depends on a number of factors, with the most important one being the country your visitors come from, but you can get paid roughly around $1 to $3 for every 1000 views your videos get. However, the type of videos you can upload have to qualify quite a few conditions, so make sure you keep them in mind while coming up with an idea. Elance eLance is a freelancing site that connects freelancers and clients. You can find a wide range of jobs on the site, ranging from content writing to coding and much more. The pay you can get per hour or per contract tends to go up with your experience and performance on the site. Amazon Kindle Publishing Do you think you can write an ebook that people will enjoy reading or help them with something? If yes, you may want to give Amazon’s Kindle publishing platform a go. You are free to decide your own price and profit you make from each sale, but you will also have to take into account the tax they charge on each sale. Given how interesting or useful your ebook is, you may get a few to a lot of sales every month, and given that you won’t have to do anything after publishing a book, it will be completely passive income. Hence, that also makes it quite scalable, as you may simply keep writing useful and interesting books every month, and the income would just keep growing. A final word There are also several other ways of making some extra money, just as Kartikeya Sharma points out in their reports, but the above given seem to be some of the best and easiest ones.