Khor Yong Cheah
When I was young, adults often
asked "What are you want to be?" And my answer was wanted to be a inventor. But found in high school, I not suitable for study at science class. So choose the class transfer, transfer to the art class. This is a great turning point, my initial dream of becoming a Inventor is leaving away from me further and further. The invention can only be to have the opportunity to do some science and engineering students. But have the arrangement of the god, let the revolution of The Times, is also a revolution in my life. It let me back to the childhood dream, let me once again have the opportunity to interpret a dream. Industrial design is also constantly changing society, make everything better. What people need to design? And why do design exists in human life? It is conceivable that it is necessary to design, but also inseparable with human life. Design is a kind of idea; is a kind of change. Historically, people try to change and use all things around you, let oneself live people will own materialization, produce all kinds of instruments. Since the original, a stone knife into outer space on the rocket, it is proved that the activities of human behavior, can’t without design. Design is full of people's thought and conception, the creation of more than just equipment, also has created the human civilization, you are my future. So the design is a very great human activities, it means change. Let people have a more comfortable and better future. Knowledge is limited. Imagination is unlimited,
Basic Information
About Me
E-mail Cell Phoness ate Birth Date rests Interests ang g Languages
yo +886 923-663 068 1991/01/24 din Fishing Watching Movies, Reading, Chinese, Teochew, Cant Cantonese, English, Malaysian and Taiwanese wan
Painting and De Design
Use of software
Adobe Illustrator, ust strat t Photoshop, Work Solid Wor Works, AutoCAD,3D MAX, Powerdirector and wer erd rd
Education 2007-2009 2011-2015
Malaysia, lay aysia Jit Sin Independent High School ays aiw iwa wa National Cheng Kung University Taiwan, Industrial Design Department
Employment en nt Record 2011/11
2012/10-12 /10- 2 2013/07-09 2013 9 2 2013/10-12
Taiwan, The art center design of the exhibition hall for the university's 80 anniversary Taiwan, Tainan Municipal Arts Center exhibition hall layout China, Work as an intern in Det Industrial Design Company Taiwan, Create “Lehoo� brand, Product planning and brand image building
Sketch 3D Modeling Drawing
As the industrial design students, I
can to master all kinds of painting techniques and modeling. Design and develop a wide variety of products, make the society more convenient and full of aesthetic feeling.
and present, can let people know more about my ideas and product concept.
Once the use of 3 d modeling software, painting a variety of products, such as smart faucets, tea table, tape machines, cars, etc.
3D Modeling
3D modeling can better express ideas
In addition to the industrial
design, I am also good at painting figures, animals, still life sketch, etc. At the same time, to be able to master the pencil, charcoal drawing, watercolor painting, ink painting and markers art.
Vacuum Cleaner Design
Pro d u c t D e s i g n
Carton Design
n g i s e D t Produc
Chinese Style Design
Image board Found some chinese style, get a simple shape and relaxing. I try to found some chinese style from the interior, And design some chinese style furniture to match the interior’s style. I get some simple chinese style shape from the reseach.
Product Design
Product Design
Table Lamp Design
Image board Try to found some feeling, who person need it at the dark night. In the dark night, in the house; alone in the room, Fear and loneliness devours you, But this small humble lamp is like a guard against the cold and lonely night. It shines a light onto the lonely and scared heart of yours, bringing u hope.
Product Design
Chair Design
Image board A busy office, sometimes you need a personal space, have a good rest. Designed for office workers, suitable for work and nap in the chair, Provide comfort and personal private space to rest.
Nap bad posture will cause to · The lungs are oppressed · The respiratory tract were · Eyes or ears are oppressed · Arm radial nerve discomfort · Spinal nerve muscle discomfort · Intestines and stomach indigestion · Discomfort of heart head blood-vessel
The correct nap posture · Help digestion · Body won't feel uncomfortable · More energetic after waking up · Chinese doctors believe that, nap can supplement the yang.
Nap bad posture will cause to · Einstein thought, refreshing nap every day to help him, Make him more creative. · Because of long-term insomnia, napoleon used to nap to fill sufficient spirit. · Winston Churchill said : “ Don't think that napping might delay work, this is a fool stupid idea, on the contrary, after a rest, you can add the workload. ”
Nap time · 6 minutes - began to enhance memory · 40 minutes - shallow sleep, lack of sleep · 60 minutes - a deep sleep, a complete sleep cycle ·10 - 30 minutes - is best
Create a rest space with board, tie-in pillow and hat. Can let users fell peacefully to sleep, and don’t be worry about sleeping gaffes
Product Design
Designed for office workers, suitable for work and nap in the chair, Provide comfort and personal private space to rest.
Infiniti’s Gift Design
Brand 品牌核心 ·以創造頂級性能為目標,採用有別於現有品牌的識別標誌、產品力與駕馭 體驗,打造全新的頂級豪華性能品牌。 ·以顧客為中心的服務哲學。 ·Dynamic Adeyaka的優雅、雍容象徵貴族般的當代日式豪華所呈現的藝術 型態,與INFINITI的設計精神結合。無論是靈感啟發、設計或造車工藝,運 用先進科技是INFINITI一貫理念,讓INFINITI不只是一個夢想,更傳達使車 主理想駕馭樂趣的品牌價值。
·男性為最主要的目標使用主群。 ·大約 30歲以上,有一定的經濟消費能力。 ·為未來(80與90後)新一代,具年輕心態的高檔消費者所設計。
Bubbles Diagram 有爆發力 安全感 仿生的 年輕的 可摺疊 有速度感 幾何組合 INFINITI 有科技感 有品味的 可變化的 金屬質感 炫酷的 可拆裝的 流暢線條
Product Design
Product Design
Lehoo Brand Design
Logo 品牌形象 ·Lehoo的概念來源於台語的你好,加上對話框形狀的Logo, 代表向身邊的朋友打招呼,營造出親切和友善的品牌形象。
Sketch & Planning
Try to do it
Product Design
Facebook Fan’s pages
Product Design Product Design