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“ Shemrez Nauman Afzal
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broader context of diverse socio-political interest groups? Taimur: Communism is the struggle for a classless society. As such it can only develop out of an advanced capitalist society. In Pakistan, however, we still have many stages to cross because we continue to harbor many remnants of pre-capitalist societies. Religious extremism is one example. Hence, in our context, we must make an objective appraisal of all the forces in our society and proceed from that point. That is why I wrote my Phd dissertation on the class structure of Pakistan. Laaltain: You have been a vocal critic of religious extremism. Which course of action, according to you, should the state and we the people follow to tackle it? Taimur: First, we have to clarify to the masses that religious extremism is the most dangerous enemy that Pakistan faces today. This threat exists as a result of decades of state support to jihadi organisations that are today out of control. Second, we must support the democratic dispensation in the country against the forces of religious extremism, especially those forces that are fighting a life and death struggle; for instance the Awami National Party. Last but not least, we must make this a people's resistance. That means that all people must understand that we can only win this war through unity against these forces of darkness and ignorance. As the famous slogan goes, the people united shall never be defeated.
The words of Blaise Pascal quoted in the movie “Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction� resonate alarmingly before those of us who live with the reality of terrorism everyday in Pakistan.
'T Ahmad's years as a Pakistani civil servant in these areas and later as a minister in the Pakistani embassy in Kabul have provided him a rare insight and understanding of a land that has for centuries been resistant to the forces