Packaging Concept

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What is PACKAGING ? • It is something that protects the product. • It serves a practical purpose of helping to store, handle, transport, display and market the product.

How does it protect ? It protects • Temperature • Air • Light • Moisture • Alien aromas • Human manipulation • Biological effect • Mechanical effect

But is it more than just protecting ?

Inforces Branding and Marketing Packaging design is one of the key elements of a marketing strategy for a product as it is the visual face that will be promoted, recognized and sought out by the consumer. Packaging should be • Convenient • Cost Effective • Satisfy customer needs • Communicate with the buyers

Differentiating oneself from the competitors Not only does the packaging visually distinguish Pringles from its competitors, but, importantly, it also reinforces the brand’s unique distinction of uniform shape. It differentiated itself from the myriad of crisp brands through the uniform shape of each crisp in a distinctive package cylinder in a category where every other brand comes in a bag.

Tiffany operates in a competitive luxury jewelery market. And, its trademark blue box provides a recognizable point of distinction sure to bring a smile to the gift recipient. Packaging engages with the customer and can increase or decrease the customer’s satisfaction with the product experience

• Eye Appeal • Aesthetic are the prime factor to motivate “Impulse Buying”

Your package is an intimate connection with your customer. Make it a connection that facilitates, not frustrates, the use of your brand.

Conclusion Your package is an intimate connection with your customer. But, most importantly, your package must reinforce your brand’s distinction. HENCE, Good packaging only protects the protect but Great packaging protects the brand and contributes to the success of the brand.

THANK YOU ! Khushboo Choraria

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