ELISAVA - Master in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture - Tracing Boundaries

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OUNDARIES Minimal nets

Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015



Jordi Truco - Director ADDA

Mike Weinstock - Architecture of Emergence

Roger Paez - Professor

Ferran Vizoso - Animal Architecture

Pau de Sola Morales - Professor

Jérome Noailly - Research in Bioengineering

Marcel Bilurbina - Professor

Mireia Ferrante - Cybernetics

Fernando de Lecea - Professor

Jordi Truco - Hypermembrane, modular complexity

Marilena Christodoulou - Professor

Javier Peña - Active Materials Passive systems

Lorraine D. Glover - Professor

Sylvia Felipe - Geometry of Natural Patterns

Architect ETSAB. MArch Emtech AA. HYBRIDa

Architect ETSAB. MArch GSAPP Columbia

Architect ETSAB. Phdw. Hardvard

Architect ETSAB. Master Arts Digitals Pompeu Fabra

Architect ETSAUN. Master Advance Design and Digital Architecture-ELISAVA

Architect Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Master Advance Design and Digital Architecture-ELISAVA

BArch Pratt Institute School of Architecture. Intermediate Architect at Tsao & Mckown Architects

Architect, Director AA Emergent Technologies and Design


PhD Biomechanics & Mechanobiology

Architect and Philosopher

Director ADDA. Architect ETSAB. MArch Emtech AA. HYBRIDa

Chemical Scientist, PhD in Intelligent Materials

Architect, Partner HYBRIDa






Advanced Design and Digital Architecture


Catalogue of families 44 Moving boundary line 48 Internal control points 49 Internal control curve 54 Changing points in the boundary line 55 System proliferation 56 Creation of the module 57 Movement in the module 62 Movement in the proliferation 63

BIO MIMETICS Emergence in natural systems Emergent Behaivor 13 Growth and Form 17 Genetic vs Generative 23

29 BIO DESIGN LABORATORY Minimal Nets Case Study, River Basento Bridge | Sergio Musmeci


69 ABIOTIC ARCHITECTURE IN URBAN FRINGES La Sagrera | Barcelona Data collection and site study 71 Mapping parameters 75


93 OPERATIONS ON THE MAP La Sagrera | Barcelona Program distribution 95 Site Intervention 96 Program distribution - train station 101 Train Station Parasite 103 Program distribution - social connections 110




Shortest walk from hight density point 83 Semiological field 88

Comfort Conditions 118 Sensors 120



ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

BioDesign laboratory (ADDA) focuses interest on observing how biological organisms achieve complex emergent structures from simple components. The structures and forms generated by natural systems are analyzed and understood as hierarchical organizations of very simple components (from the smallest to the largest), in which the properties arising in an emergent manner are rather more than the sum of the parts In our constantly developing society, with its demanding market, the use of new production technologies in fields such as engineering is becoming more frequent, and research is conducted to create state-of-the-art materials, such as composites, which open up new possibilities of use and performance, and contain the logic of living materials. In the field of architecture, even more rightly, we are forced to regain this sensitivity in observation and research, and learn the lesson of nature on the act of formalizing and metabolizing. Our objective is to learn and explore this knowledge to then transfer it and apply it to the design process of architecture and spaces.


BIO MIMETICS Emergence in natural systems



ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

[EMERGENT BEHAVIOR] Cybernetics is a broad field of study which analyses how digital or biological processes information reacts to information or changes and how it can be changed and improved. One of the concept studies of cybernetics is emergence. Physicists, scientists, artists and systems theorists define emergence as the way how complex systems and patterns arise out of multiple relatively simple interactions. Psychologist G.H. Lewes was analyzing the difference between result and emergence; both of them seem to be the sum of certain components. Although, according to the psychologist, every resultant can be resoluble into its components, because they are homogeneous and commensurable, so cannot be reduced to their sum or difference. Although, later on two types of emergency were defined and according to them emergent property was diminishable. First type of emergence is weak emergence. It is a type of emergence in which the emergent belonging is reducible to its individual components.

Second type is strong emergence in which the emergent belonging is irreducible to its individual components. American biologist and complex systems scientist Peter Andrew Corning widens the definition of emergence. He writes that emergency is not driven by specific rules and laws, which in fact have no casual efficiency. In other words, rules and laws do not generate anything. Good example is a chess game: here you cannot use the rules to predict history; also you cannot reliably predict the next move. The reason is that the system includes more than the rules. It also includes players and their movement by movement decisions which are chosen among various different options. Another example would be paths which urban planners or architects are designing for public or private spaces. They are equal to the rules in the chess game. Although, pedestrians always pick their own route and usually form a different path.



ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

Emergence in Nature Physicists describe emergence as a property,

The topography of the surface of the earth

law or phenomenon which happens at macroscopic

emerges from the interaction of tectonic forces that

+ Dunes created by wind or water. +flocks of birds

but not at microscopic scales, despite the fact that

act on the land form below and the weathering and

+ Termite Mounds

macroscopic system can be viewed as a very large

erosional forces that act on it from above. Exchanges

group of microscopic systems.

of energy and material animate the morphological

Although it is said that crystalline structures and hurri-

Emergent property usually is more complicated than

processes within differing climatic regimes, acting on

canes have self-organization phases:

non-emergent properties which generate the reaction.

small particles or grains at a very small scale but pro-

+First order emergent structure happens as a result of

The term emergence in physics is used not to empha-

ducing large forms and complex behavior over much

shape interactions.

size the complexity but to separate which laws and

larger dimensional scales. The forms of the surface

+ Second order emergent structure involves shape

concepts apply to macroscopic and which to micro-

develop until they are poised at the critical threshold

interactions changing with a time for example, chang-

scopic scales.

of change so that small changes in the flow of energy

ing atmospheric conditions.

One classic example would be color. Elemental parti-

and material may initiate a rapid change of form.

+ Third order emergent structure is a result of shape.

cles have no color, because they don’t absorb or emit

Geomorphological processes generate feedbacks at

specific wavelengths or light. Although, when they are

varying time and dimensional scales that act upon

1. The typical crescentic dune forms under steady

arranged in groups of multiple atoms that they can

other systems.


absorb or emit specific wavelengths, when it is said

Emergence can be found in many phenomenon in

they have color.

nature + Hurricanes – the shape of weather phenomena is an emergent structure + Crystals - molecules driven by motion within beneficial natural environment


2. If, however the wind direction changes, one horn

In a flock of starlings, the behavior of the

is extended in the new axis of the wind, whereas the

flock emerges from the desire of the individual birds


other recedes and a new, slightly receded bulge forms.

to avoid collisions while staying close to neighbors.

birds to find those which fall into its environment.

Positive feedback occurs because the behavior of

Possible improvements:

3. If the wind returns to its main direction, this new

each bird affects its neighbors and vice versa. Craig

bin-lattice spatial subdivision. Entire area the flock

extended horn is still more prone to extending than the

Reynolds’ boids simulations show similar behavior.

can move in is divided into a large number of bins.

receded one and forms a sand attractor.

Two researchers have proposed possible relationships

Each bin stores which birds it contains. Each time a

between boid-like swarming behavior and aspects of

bird moves from one bin to another, lattice has to be

4. If the wind again blows from the secondary axis,

multicellular organisms.


this tongue is encouraged to grow. If it reaches a

Basic models of flocking behavior are controlled by

• Example: 2D(3D) grid in a 2D(3D) flocking simu-

point t at it allows it to move out of the wind shadow

three simple rules:


of the original crescentic dune, it receives the sand

1. Separation - avoid crowding neighbors (short

• Complexity: O(nk), k is number of surrounding bins

stream flowing to the leeside and the critical moment

range repulsion)

to consider; just when bird’s bin is found in O(1)

of transformation form crescentic to linear formation

2. Alignment - steer towards average heading of

is reached.


Lee Spector, Jon Klein, Chris Perry and Mark Feinstein

3. Cohesion - steer towards average position of

studied the emergence of collective behavior in evolu-

neighbors (long range attraction)

tionary computation systems.

5. If the two directions prevail, the process is iterated

A basic implementation of a flocking algorithm has - each bird searches through all other

so that eventually a great chain develops. Algorithmic complexity: Sand dunes emerge at a scale intermediate between

In flocking simulations, there is no central control;

hurricanes and flocks of birds. Interactions between

each bird behaves autonomously. In other words,

grains of sand and surface winds are much more com-

each bird has to decide for itself which flocks to con-

plex than interactions between the far more numerous

sider as its environment. Usually environment is de-

air and water molecules in hurricanes, yet grains of

fined as a circle (2D) or sphere (3D) with a certain

sand interact far more simply than birds in a flock.

radius (representing reach).


ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

Bernard Chazelle proved that under the assumption

Yet the interaction between just two birds is incom-

phenomena with no lasting structure. But much emer-

that each bird adjusts its velocity and position to the

parably more complex than interactions between two

gent behavior is mediated by persistent changes to the

other birds within a fixed radius, the time it takes to

sand grains or air molecules.

local environment. Sand dunes and termite mounds

converge to a steady state is an iterated exponential of height logarithmic in the number of birds. This means

are persistent physical structures that organize the Termite Mounds

that if the number of birds is large enough, the con-

behavior of the very entities that build them. That is, emergence often gives rise to stigmergy structures.

vergence time will be so great that it might as well be

Termite mounds appear to be constructed by “intelli-

Stigmergy structures are emerging too, based on per-

infinite. This result applies only to convergence to a

gent” cooperation. The sometimes elaborate galleries

sistent structures such as databases, wikis, and blogs.

steady state. For example, arrows fired into the air at

and chimneys control air flow to manage temperature

the edge of a flock will cause the whole flock to react

and humidity inside the nest. But individual termites

more rapidly than can be explained by interactions

have no more notion of how to build a nest than a

with neighbors, which are slowed down by the time

starling does of how to lead a flock. Individual ter-

delay in the bird’s central nervous systems—bird-to-

mites cannot even perceive the overall shape of a nest


(the workers are blind) let alone direct its “design.”

Flocks of starlings involve hundreds, perhaps thou-

Instead, termites respond to very local chemical cues

sands, of birds. But you can observe clear flocking

left behind by other termites and to temperature/hu-

behavior from a couple of dozen starlings or four or

midity and airflow cues that are affected by the shape

five pelicans. Even the largest flocks of starlings -- re-

of the nest, wind currents, the amount of heat gener-

portedly 5000 birds or so -- are many orders of mag-

ated within the nest and other local phenomena. The

nitude less numerous than the elements involved in

termite’s behavior affects the shape of the nest and

hurricanes or sand dunes. There are billions of sand

the shape of the nest affects the termite’s behavior. In

grains in just the top millimeter of a large sand dune

that sense, the nest is a bit like a flock of starlings in

and orders of magnitude more air and water mole-

very slow motion.

cules in a hurricane than grains of sand in the Sahara.

Flocks of birds and hurricanes are real-time dynamic 15


ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

[GROWTH & FORM] Inspecting a sunflower head, one may notice first the diamond-shaped seeds that tile the disk. Families of spirals catch the eye, and if one counts the numbers of spirals in each family, one typically arrives at successive members of the Fibonacci sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ... The spiral families seem to blend into each other so that lower members of the Fibonacci sequence are observed near the center of the disk and higher numbers as one works one’s way out. Yet, there is a self-similarity in that locally the pattern is nearly the same throughout the disk. The arrangement of elements such as seeds on a sunflower, leaves on plants, bracts on a pine cone, or aeroles on cacti, is referred to as phyllotaxis, and it has long been observed that only a few classes of phyllotactic patterns are commonly observed in nature. The same Fibonacci-spiral pattern, for example, is commonly observed on pine cones and cacti. Why is it that only a few patterns dominate? And what chemical or physical mechanisms are behind the formation of these patterns?

Through mathematical models for the formation of phyllotactic patterns based on biochemical and biomechanical mechanisms, we suggest ways to understand both universal aspects of phyllotactic patterns as well as how interacting mechanisms can cooperate or compete to produce the array of patterns seen in nature.


Within science, we introduce ‘fractality’ as a watchword for a new way

Fractal Systems

of thinking about the collective behaviour of many basic but interacting units, be

A Fractal System is a complex, non-linear, interactive system which has the abil-

they atoms, molecules, neurons, or bits within a computer. To be more precise, our

ity to adapt to a changing environment. Such systems are characterised by the

definition is that fractality is the study of the behaviour of macroscopic collections of

potential for self-organisation, existing in a nonequilibrium environment. FS’s

such units that are endowed with the potential to evolve in time. Their interactions

evolve by random mutation, self-organisation, the transformation of their inter-

lead to coherent collective phenomena, so-called emergent properties that can be

nal models of the environment, and natural selection. Examples include living

described only at higher levels than those of the individual units. In this sense, the

organisms, the nervous system, the immune system, the economy, corporations,

whole is more than the sum of its components.

societies, and so on. In a fractal system, semi-autonomous agents interact according to certain rules of interaction, evolving to maximise some measure like fitness. The agents are diverse in both form and capability and they adapt by changing their rules and, hence, behaviour, as they gain experience. Fractal systems evolve historically, meaning their past or history, i.e., their experience, is added onto them and determines their future trajectory. Their adaptability can either be increased or decreased by the rules shaping their interaction. Moreover, unanticipated, emergent structures can play a determining role in the evolution of such systems, which is why such systems show a great deal of unpredictability. However, it is also the case that a FS has the potential of a great deal of creativity that was not programmed-into them from the beginning. Considering an organisation, e.g., a hospital, as a FS shifts how change is enacted. For example, change can be understood as a kind of self-organisation resulting from enhanced interconnectivity as well as connectivity to the environment, the cultivation of diversity of viewpoint of organisational members, and experimenting with alternative “rules” and structures.

The formation of the seeds creates three different spirals; gently sloping (21), steeper spirals (34) and very steep spirals (55) – all of these are consecutive Fibonacci numbers. The Golden Ratio (1.61803…) is the best solution to this, and the Sunflower has found this solution in its own natural way. 18

ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

Cause and Effect For many years scientists saw the universe as

terns and iterations. A theory that maintains that the

informs the interactions of the agents. For example in

a linear place. One where simple rules of cause and

universe is full of systems, weather systems, immune

an ecosystem if a virus starts to deplete one species

effect apply. They viewed the universe as a big ma-

systems, social systems, etc. and that these systems

this results in a greater or lesser food supply for others

chine and thought that if they took the machine apart

are complex and constantly adapting to their environ-

in the system which affects their behaviour and their

and understood the parts, then they would understand

ment. Hence fractal systems.

numbers. A period of flux occurs in all the populations

the whole. They also thought that the universe’s com-

in the system until a new balance is established.

ponents could be viewed as machines, believing that

+ Complex Adaptive Systems

For clarity, in the diagram above the regularities, pat-

if we worked on the parts of these machines and made

These can be illustrated as in the following diagram.

tern and feedback are shown outside the system but in

each part work better, then the whole would work bet-

reality they are all intrinsic parts of the system.

ter. Scientists believed the universe and everything in it could be predicted and controlled. However hard

+ Properties

they tried to find the missing components to complete

Fractal systems have many properties and the most

the picture they failed. Despite using the most pow-

important are:

erful computers in the world the weather remained - Emergence

unpredictable, despite intensive study and analysis ecosystems and immune systems did not behave as expected. But it was in the world of quantum physics

Rather than being planned or controlled the agents in

that the strangest discoveries were being made and it

the system interact in apparently random ways. From

was apparent that the very smallest sub nuclear parti-

all these interactions patterns emerge which informs

cles were behaving according to a very different set of

The agents in the system are all the components of

the behaviour of the agents within the system and the

rules to cause and effect.

that system. For example the air and water molecules

behaviour of the system itself. For example a termite

in a weather system, and flora and fauna in an eco-

hill is a wondrous piece of architecture with a maze of

+ Fractal Theory

system. These agents interact and connect with each

interconnecting passages, large caverns, ventilation

Gradually as scientists of all disciplines explored these

other in unpredictable and unplanned ways. But from

tunnels and much more. Yet there is no grand plan,

phenomena a new theory emerged – fractal theory,

this mass of interactions regularities emerge and start

the hill just emerges as a result of the termites follow-

a theory based on relationships, emergence, pat-

to form a pattern which feeds back on the system and

ing a few simple local rules. 19

- Co-evolution

good enough will trade off increased efficiency every

oceans, waterfalls, etc. with their infinite beauty, power

All systems exist within their own environment and they

time in favour of greater effectiveness.

and variety are governed by the simple principle that water finds its own level.

are also part of that environment. Therefore, as their environment changes they need to change to ensure

- Requisite Variety

best fit. But because they are part of their environment,

The greater the variety within the system the stronger

- Iteration

when they change, they change their environment,

it is. In fact ambiguity and paradox abound in fractal

Small changes in the initial conditions of the system

and as it has changed they need to change again,

systems which use contradictions to create new pos-

can have significant effects after they have passed

and so it goes on as a constant process. ( Perhaps it

sibilities to co-evolve with their environment. Democ-

through the emergence - feedback loop a few times

should have been Darwin’s “Theory of Co-evolution�)

racy is a good example in that its strength is derived

(often referred to as the butterfly effect). A rolling

from its tolerance and even insistence in a variety of

snowball for example gains on each roll much more

political perspectives.

snow than it did on the previous roll and very soon a

Some people draw a distinction between complex

fist sized snowball becomes a giant one.

adaptive systems and complex evolving systems. Where the former continuously adapt to the changes

- Connectivity

around them but do not learn from the process. And

The ways in which the agents in a system connect and

- Self Organising

where the latter learn and evolve from each change

interact to one another is critical to the survival of the

There is no hierarchy of command and control in a

enabling them to influence their environment, better

system, because it is from these connections that the

fractal system. There is no planning or managing, but

predict likely changes in the future, and prepare for

patterns are formed and the feedback disseminated.

there is a constant re-organising to find the best fit

them accordingly. Fractal systems are as well adaptive

The relationships between the agents are generally

with the environment. A classic example is that if one

as evolving.

more important than the agents themselves.

were to take any western town and add up all the food in the shops and divide by the number of people

- Sub-optimal

- Simple Rules

in the town there will be near enough two weeks sup-

A fractal systems does not have to be perfect in order

Fractal systems are not complicated. The emerging

ply of food, but there is no food plan, food manager

for it to thrive within its environment. It only has to

patterns may have a rich variety, but like a kaleido-

or any other formal controlling process. The system

be slightly better than its competitors and any energy

scope the rules governing the function of the system

is continually self organising through the process of

used on being better than that is wasted energy. A

are quite simple. A classic example is that all the wa-

emergence and feedback.

fractal systems once it has reached the state of being

ter systems in the world, all the streams, rivers, lakes,


ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

- Edge of Chaos

+ Conclusion

Fractal theory is not the same as chaos theory, which

Fractal systems are all around us. Most things we take

is derived from mathematics. But chaos does have a

for granted are fractal systems, and the agents in ev-

place in fractal theory in that systems exist on a spec-

ery system exist and behave in total ignorance of the

trum ranging from equilibrium to chaos. A system in

concept but that does not impede their contribution to

equilibrium does not have the internal dynamics to

the system. Fractal systems are a model for thinking

enable it to respond to its environment and will slowly

about the world around us and a model for predicting

(or quickly) die. A system in chaos ceases to function

what will happen.

as a system. The most productive state to be in is at the edge of chaos where there is maximum variety and creativity, leading to new possibilities. - Nested Systems Most systems are nested within other systems and many systems are systems of smaller systems. If we take the example in self organising above and consider a food shop. The shop is itself a system with its staff, customers, suppliers, and neighbours. It also belongs the food system of that town and the larger food system of that country. It belongs to the retail system locally and nationally and the economy system locally and nationally, and probably many more. Therefore it is part of many different systems most of which are themselves part of other systems.



ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

[GENERIC vs. GENERATIVE] Applied research to study connectivity with different strategies

Applied research examines a specific set of circumstances, and its ultimate goal is relating the results to a particular situation. That is, applied research uses the data directly for real world application. The proposal is to reach the ultimate goal by applying three different empirical methodologies or strategies and compare them when the goal is achieved. + Goal The goal is to predict a specific behavior in a very specific setting with 3 Strategies to reach from Point A to Point B. These 2 points in any case need to have a topographic difference between them. Process - Investigating the most efficient way to reach from point A to B. - Establishing the usage of the connection. - Researching on possible spectrum of strategies. - Formalizing the process for the selection of the studied strategies. - Problem solving with the strategy application

- Comparison of different results.

Strategies (Broad ideas for the variations) + Genetic study

+ Generative growth


Generative Systems Generative Systems design is a process in

tem: “A group of interacting, interrelated, or interde-

hibiting emergent properties. These properties are not

which the material and medium is algorithmic. Algo-

pendent elements forming a complex whole.” (Marius

the same as those of individual agents.

rithms manifest dynamic and emergent behaviour.


Therefore this new paradigm, allows us to model

Both models are described using different Modeling

the complexity of material and architectural systems

Techniques :

through the Agent-Based Model under the Bottom-Up

Generative Systems propose to shift the focus from static models towards a computational logic, what-

approach. This model will be useful to understand the

Bruce Sterling calls Processuality. Processuality is a

Static Models (Top-Down modelling) VS Algorithm as

evolution of large scale socio-technical environments

postmodern change in design perception, inspired by

a Model (Bottom-Up Approach).

such as the Living City.

the craft of software. The world is rich with proces-

Static Models are shaped through Top-Down Mod-

suality- the growth of plants, boiling liquid, chemical

elling techniques. In this paradigm, we assume that

Forms Generated by Code (Form Follows Data). Forms

patterns- processuality is all around us.

we know how a system works or behaves. This mod-

Generated by Sensing. (Form Follows Behaviour).

These Generative Systems allow us to establish rela-

el manifests some features : the system description is

Lev Manovich counterposes in his Info-Aesthetics

tions between patterns, structures, processes, forms

static and we have a good understanding of the sys-

Manifesto, Bauhaus aesthetics versus Information

and to model evolutionary behaviours. These tech-

tem is in its entirety, and we also understand exactly

aesthetics. He describes this as an Industrial Society.

niques enable to simulate real-world phenomena.

how system components interact with each other.

Bauhaus aesthetics were articulated through the slo-

In contrast, the ‘Algorithm as a Model’ is shaped

gan “Form Follows Function”. Manovich explicits in

The models we propose are articulated around differ-

through Generative Science Paradigm. This paradigm

his Manifesto how new info-aesthetics emerge in com-

ent descriptions of the system concept. The first one,

builds understanding from the bottom-up. Phenome-

temporary culture. This new aesthetics of information

Static Models operate under the definition of a Closed

na can be described in terms of interconnected net-

culture manifests itself more clearly in computer soft-

system: “An isolated system having no interaction with

works of simple Agents. An Agent is a persistent thing

wares, algorithms, generative softwares. In this new

an environment [...] a System whose Behaviour is en-

that has some state we find worth representing, and

info-aesthetics culture a new slogan emerges, “Form

tirely explainable from within, a system without Input.”

that interacts with other agents and serves to mutually

Follows Data“. In this new stage Manovich defines

(Marius Watz).

modify each other´s states. (Nicolik, I.)

Form as a Distributed Representation, an Emergence

The second model we propose, Algorithms as a Mod-

Systems are composed of interconnected agents


el is articulated around the description of Open Sys-

which, as a whole, generate complex behaviours, ex-


ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

Forms Generated by Code (Form Follows Data). Forms

formal structures which evolve in real time according to

Generated by Sensing. (Form Follows Behaviour).

the dynamic behaviour of different systems. In this way

Lev Manovich counterposes in his Info-Aesthetics Mani-

formal processes are dynamically modelled through

festo, Bauhaus aesthetics versus Information aesthetics.

these generative processes.

He describes this as an Industrial Society. Bauhaus aesthetics were articulated through the slogan “Form Fol-

Generative Fabrication : From Code to Atoms.

lows Function”. Manovich explicits in his Manifesto how

We set out to explore the concept of Generative Fabri-

new info-aesthetics emerge in comtemporary culture.

cation and in so doing we extend Generative Science

This new aesthetics of information culture manifests

Approach to the field of Personal Fabrication.

itself more clearly in computer softwares, algorithms, generative softwares. In this new info-aesthetics culture

Generative fabrication explores how generative algo-

a new slogan emerges, “Form Follows Data“. In this

rithms design can be combined with digital fabrication

new stage Manovich defines Form as a Distributed Rep-

to produce physical objects which are the result of dy-

resentation, an Emergence Process.

namic software systems.

“Form Follows Data”, defines a new paradigm in which data structures encode the form of systems through a

The use of digital fabrication technology connects para-

computational logic. An algorithm designed through

metric software processes and explores new ways of

generative processes is fed by data sets. These data sets

organising the manufacturing workflow – turning bits

generate dynamic patterns, forms and evolutionary be-

into atoms. This overlap between technologies generate

haviour in the systems.

new ways of digital fabrication.

We propose to implement the above concept, exploring “Form Follows Behaviour” through the deployment of different sensing technologies, which will generate dynamic data structures. These sensing systems generate 25

Formal system A formal system is broadly defined as any

tionality requires a complete knowledge and antici-

A formal system for architecture can be divided into

well-defined system of abstract thought based on the

pation of the consequences that will follow on each

analysis system and a design system, both presented

model of mathematics. Formal systems in mathemat-

choice. Since these consequences lie in the future,

as frameworks that utilize constructive and evocative

ics consist of symbols, grammar, axiom schemata and

imagination must supply the lack of experiences feel-

modes of interpretation. We believe that the system


ing. It requires a choice among all possible behaviors;

can be completely formalized only when a certain as-

The observed phenomenon can be taken as the prob-

in actual behaviors only a very few of all these possi-

pect of the system no matter how small acts a variable

lem to be explained. This can be done either by defin-

bilities ever come to mind. It is important that the as-

which can be flexible depending on social, site or oth-

ing a system with a set of rules or by phenotypic data

sumption of full knowledge and rationality is applied

er conditions.

analysis. We can define this problem in two levels;

into optimization techniques, so that it is possible to

first by recognizing the deep ontological problems in

apply systematic reasoning rules for effective decision

deciding what constitutes an object or in what sense it

making. This can be programmed into computers.

‘exists’ while the second being more tractable, where

A program is a formal system that has some number

we take its existence into consideration without its on-

of variables and that can be manipulated to generate

tological grounding.

predictions about the behavior (outputs) of some nat-

In formal systems, theorems need not be thought of

urally occurring system that is intended to model. The

as statements they are merely strings of symbols and

role of the computer is to enable the scientist to deal

instead of being proven theorems or strategies are

with more complex theories than those whose conse-

merely produced as if by a machine according to cer-

quences could be determined by examination or by

tain typographical rules.

manual computation. This is usually demonstrated in

The possible strategies have to be listed down and

mathematics, linguistics and philosophical approach-

one has to determine all the consequences that fol-


low upon each of these strategies. After doing this,

A formal system is based upon a portion of reality,

evaluating these set of consequences is important to

and seems to mimic it perfectly, in that its theorems

streamline the results.

are isomorphic to truths about that part of reality. The

It is impossible for the behavior of a single, isolated

utilization of a formal system could be in the form of

individual to reach any high degree of rationality. Ra-

an optimization technique which organizes it better. 27





They are form active tension systems which transmit only tensile forces and shape according gto applied forces into minimal nets. Minimal surfaces have gradually been translated from the field of mathematics into the architectural design research due to their remarkable geometric properties. The simulations of soap films or protein folding are only some of the many applications in various fields. Characterized by the interaction between the geometry and forces within a material system; Form Finding focuses on the relationships between the components more than the component itself. The aim of the study is to understand how tension works un the basic cable systems and gradually proceed to more complex configurations. For a cable system to be in tension and structurally active, there needs to be an equilibrium of tensile forces throughout the system. The system’s shape and extent must be the part of the solution which is defined through the displacements of particular boundary points and pre tensioning forces. The final form is the resultant of equilibrium of forces.



ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

[CASE STUDY] River Basento Bridge | Sergio Musmeci

The mathematical interaction between force and function led to the formation of the Sergio Musmeci Viaduct. The Basento Viaduct, a bridge built in 1969 in Potenza (Italy), is a continuous surface minimized in its area while maximizing its structural function. Sergio Musmeci managed to create a magnificent concrete surface whose aesthetics directly derived from its efficiency studied using analog models and form-finding techniques.


Abstract The Bridge on the River Basento and poly-

Sergio Musmesci Bridge on the Basento (Potenza)

merized concrete space frames are some of the ideas

Awards The projects and plans of the works of Musmeci are

of Sergio Musmeci, minimal structures browser. The

Graduated in Rome with a degree in Civil

contained in archival “Musmeci and Sergio Zanini Ze-

theoretical and practical work of Musmeci challenges

Engineering (1948) and Aeronautical Engineering

naide�, which in 1997 was declared of great historical

those who believe that the relationship between math-

(1953), Sergio Musmeci (Rome, 1926-1981) is con-

Archival Superintendence for Lazio and subsequently

ematics and architecture is only theoretical. Musmeci,

sidered one of the most daring structural engineers of

acquired in 2003 by the Ministry of Heritage and Ac-

was one of the civil and aeronautical engineers more

the 20th century. The years of his training in the offices

tivities cultural collections of twentieth century archi-

offenders twentieth century. Along with his contempo-

of Riccardo Morandi and Pier Luigi Nervi had a signifi-

tecture of MAXXI.

raries Frei Otto, Eladio Dieste, and his mentor Luigi

cant influence on his work and personal interests; in

In 2003, the bridge on the Basento was declared a

Nervi, derived forms of the stresses incurred in differ-

1953 he began working with Zenaide Zanini, a col-

monument of cultural interest by the Ministry of Heri-

ent materials and structural systems, usually through

laboration that would last the rest of his life. Professor

tage and Culture.

extensive studies with large-scale models, reversing

at the Faculty of Architecture in Rome, he is the author

the typical design process arbitrary geometry first pre-

of scientific publications on structures with minimum

scribing specific problems or conditions before they

absolute weight and other topics related to the inves-

see the issues structural. The final form was the result

tigation of forms derived from incomplete structural

of optimization, which ensured maximum efficiency in


performance and minimal material usage.

Designer, won in 1970 one of six first prizes ex aequo to the international competition organized by ANAS to the bridge over the Strait of Messina and realized, at the beginning of the seventies of the twentieth century, the bridge on the Basento, in Potenza, where he concretized his theories on the structural minimum.


ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

Development of the structural form “... I’ve always been convinced that a structure can be designed to give through their own form, comprehensive information about their own role and moreover I know no other way to load a structural form of communication with potential ... “Sergio Musmeci The concrete structure is modeled in an alternation of concave and convex shapes that form four arches, light and alternately touching the ground or soil under the driveway, as supported by the tips of the fingers of one hand. Musmeci said his Basento River Bridge was not resolved as an arc, in terms of structural template, but as a vault, or rather as a membrane evenly compressed reinforced concrete with 30 cm thick, excluding the ribs along the edges, which were meant to be used as a walkway for pedestrians, meeting the requirements of the minimum structure, mathematical and technical problem Musmeci subsequently analyzed in his book “The static structures”


Description of the Bridge Developing the bridge is formed by the

certain construction criteria, geometric and struc-

combination of two superimposed structures, each

tural logic, exploring the world of three dimensions

designed with different criteria.

and escaping the formal limitations imposed by the

+ Upper structure

classical systems of representation in the plane. Mus-

The upper structure is composed of an inclined plat-

meci ignored inherited structural forms and leaned on

form projected wheeled vehicular traffic. This require-

the scientific contributions of the present to find that

ment common to any proposed bridge is performed,

structural form more suited to the specific needs of

completely determines the final shape, other solutions

the model. The result obtained was a surface structure

static diverting most suitable from the standpoint of

with a static form unconventional, to assess it from

the economy of the material. Bending stresses appear-

an aesthetic point of view, it is essential to have some

ing on the platform produced, as mentioned above,

static sensitivity.

stress concentrations in some areas of the material, with the dispersion of the voltage values indicative of the quality of the structural design. Musmeci The proposed platform rests on a lower structure 32 through specific support. + Bottom Structure To the bottom of the bridge structure were not architectural constraints determine its general form from the initial phase of the design process. Just as other architects structuralists, such as Antonio Gaudi or Felix Candela, Musmeci used to design this structure


ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

The structure The structure consists of a double-curved surface 30 centimeters thick, which describes in space four equal arcs 69.20 m span supported on bases 10.38 square meters per side, each one of which rests field. There can be decomposed structurally as a single object, this feature makes it particularly resistant against possible differential settlement or seismic vibrations, so common in the mountainous region of Potenza. While the resulting shape was too complicated so it can be decomposed into industrializable repetitive elements and calculation methods used were too complex, the overall cost of the structure was similar to other conventional solutions.


Model Study The structure consists of a double-curved

in the structural form to unexpected actions. The

surface 30 centimeters thick, which describes in

break was reached when the weight and overload

space four equal arcs 69.20 m span supported

increased 100% the original value

on bases 10.38 square meters per side, each one

The tests for measuring the electrical voltage were

of which rests field. There can be decomposed

performed in a model methacrylate two sections,

structurally as a single object, this feature makes

with a scale of 1:100. In math, we know that the

it particularly resistant against possible differential

minimal surfaces are surfaces with a mean cur-

settlement or seismic vibrations, so common in the

vature of zero, including, but not limited to the

mountainous region of Potenza. While the result-

surfaces of minimum area subject to various con-

ing shape was too complicated so it can be de-

straints, ie minimizing the surface area. For the

composed into industrializable repetitive elements

bridge Basento minimum area is unique and de-

and calculation methods used were too complex,

velops at a length of 280 meters.

the overall cost of the structure was similar to other


conventional solutions.

Model methacrylate

Construction Photos highlight the contrast be-

“... The shape is determined by contours designed

tween the projected concrete forms in situ and

so as to exclude any bending stress. The results

the orthogonal design of metal scaffolding “Inno-

of the calculations have been checked with mod-

centi-tube” used for mounting.

els consisting of blowing soap bubbles and highly

The strange behavior of the structure was tested

stretched rubber and finally verified with static

in a 1:10 scale model made of micro-concrete

tests on a model of methacrylate and other mi-

reinforced. The rupture was induced by the Insti-

crocemento model built in Bergamo by ISMES,

tute of Modeling and Experimental Structures of

Experimental Institute for models and Structures,

Bergamo, manifesting an excellent performance

in Bergamo“.

ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

Materials The resulting forms of calculations performed by Musmeci were too complicated to carry them out in industrialized repetitive modules, but nevertheless did not exceed the final cost to a more conventional long. To reduce overall costs was chosen as a structural concrete, easily molded, the two principal curvatures being equal and opposite, to thus control the geometry and simplify the use of single elements to the shuttering Concerning the economy of the material, the conditions to be studied have edges of the structure to prevent the occurrence of bending stresses. Thus all parts of the structure would be subject to the same state of tension.





ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

[FORM FINDING] Minimal Nets

Minimal surfaces have gradually been translated from the field of mathematics into the architectural design research due to their remarkable geometric properties. The simulations of soap films or protein folding are only some of the many applications in various fields. 43


Studies of basic connections and possibilities

[PARALLEL PLANES] Basic studies of one point


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ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

[INTERNAL CONTROL POINTS] An element was introduced to control the spaces - negative and positive created through the nets. This element was a nut of 3mm dia since it provided enough friction to stay in place and could be moved easily to change the positions Each nut had 2 to 4 connections depending on the cpmplexitiy of the prototype. A series of experiments were undertaken to understand the changes these elements were making on the spaces given different boundary conditions




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ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015



The control points are now continuous to reduce the number of variables and create more continuous spaces. This allows more control over the spaces and configurations of the volumes created


ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

[CHANGING POINTS ON THE BOUNDARY LINE] We created a simple machine that changes the length of the strings. the change in lengths creates a pattern corresponding to displacement on the circular motion.


[SYSTEM PROLIFERATION] Stationary changes | Change one boundary condition Experiments with proliferation; combining different configurations to achieve results to observe the relationships between modules and spaces created.


ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

[CREATION OF THE MODULE] Physical form finding | techniques and experiments

Generating an optimized module to be flexible to be architectonic in characteristic; va configuration which is reactive and adaptable to diiferent conditions and proliferations is the aim of this series of experiments.



Combinations of basic connections

The simple connection using XY Axis for the first combination and XZ axis for the second combination. The internal boundaries are introduced (as shown in the pic below) The tension generated through this configuration helps in defining the movement of the boundary conditions. The anchor points are defined and 3 points are left unanchored; the movement of these three points will be studied in further experiments


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[MOVEMENT IN THE PROLIFERATION] The internal frame is now continuous. The modules are arranged in the specific pattern to create the desired movement of the boundary conditions from the configuration. There are 2 kinds of movements possible : 1. When the Z axis is rigid; the boundaries in X and Y axis are displaced (as in the previous experiments). (When all axes are bendable, there is little movement in the Z axis in Y direction and X axis in Z direction) 2. When the X and Y axes are rigid, the Z axis is deformed.


ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

[MOVEMENT IN THE PROLIFERATION] There are 2 kinds of movements possible through this configuration. 1. When the Z axis is rigid; the boundaries in X and Y axis are displaced (as in the previous experiments). (When all axes are bendable, there is little movement in the Z axis in Y direction and X axis in Z direction) 2. When the X and Y axes are rigid, the Z axis is deformed. This deformation is studied and parametrisized in the following experiments.


[MOVEMENT IN THE PROLIFERATION] The actuation points being the midpoints of the internal boundaries, there can be linear actuators which change in length attached to them. When the X and Y axis are rigid, the deformation of the Z axis is much larger. The X and Y are kept less rigid to restrict the movement to 5 degrees of deflection. Following configuartions can be achieved through 5 degrees of deflection.





ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015


“Cartography is a practice which, in its efforts to describe reality, is revealed to us as partial, specific and concrete interpretation. Any representation of reality is simply one possible representation of reality, one manner [intentional or not] of reducing reality to one limited aspect , making certain traits or characteristics evident. But it is precisely by virtue of this partiality, specificity and limited quality, that the mapped reality becomes apprehendable”. Roger Páez i Blanch, Operative Cartographies and Behavioural Maps



ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015


The region of La sagrera is clearly divided into two distinct neighbourhoods by an urban scar in the site which exists for several decades. Since this region was never developed, the two neighbourhoods were never fully conneceted and developed separately giving different charachteristics to each.

Sant Marti has a lot of industries and vacant plots which are currently used for parking and temporary storage for the contruction of the upcoming train station of La sagrera. These places will eventually be urban voids and are key points for potential development

Establishing more connection points and focusi ng on potential areas of development which can compliment the development of the train station are the key objectives



ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015


The two main Target groups in the site 1.Local Residents and 2.Passengers using the La Sagrera Train station in the future. We established the infrastructure and amenities already available or proposed on site. We gave values to the amenities depending on the amount of people using it and the number of hours in the day it is used. These values indicate the density of people using the specific amenity.




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ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015





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To analyse the radius of impact of the existing amenities on the density of movement of the pedestrains, a series of following maps were created. Wherever the pedestrians using these amenities crossed, the value given to the amenity previously was given to the crossing point.



These values then added when more than one type of amenity was accessed through the crossing point to analyse the highest density points in the site

Given sum of values from the activities


PEDESTRIAN MOVEMENT | CROSSING POINTS ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015




The six points with the highest amount of movement on site











CULTURAL AND SPORTS CENTERS ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

SHORTEST WALK | URBAN LOOP The shortest walks are superimposed to get an optimised route in the neighbourhood which can be the highlighted through various interventions to mark an ideal route in the city for social interactions. “Highlight the social landscape and the city will react” - Kevin Lynchh ( Image of the city)





As investigated across disciplines, scientific theories and mostly quantum physics are based on shaky grounds, as they contain ‘unobservables’ i.e. space, time, potentials, fields, waves with no reference to matter. On the other hand, we acknowledge that emergence stems from complexity; from the invisible and unsettling potentiality fields between the transitional states of transformation and exchange. Consequently, we may argue that such a condition of emergence calls not only for new modes of presentation, interaction and aesthetics in relation to the issue of boundary, but also, of understanding reality per se. The construction of this language must proceed step by step, oscillating between syntactical and semantic advances. This is made possible via parametric 88

agen-based modelling that realizes the signifying relations as associative functions that systematically make agent behaviours dependent on architectural features. At the same time the pragmatic layer is anticipated as the (never fully predictable) social appropriation process that commences when the design spaces are finally utilized and re-utilized. Morphological features, as well as colours and textures that, together with ambient parameters (lighting conditions), constitute and characterize a certain territory can now influence the behavioural mode of the agent. Since the ‘meaning’ of an architectural space is the (nuanced) type of event or social interaction to be expected within its territory, these new tools allow for the re-foundation of architectural semiology as parametric semiology. The semiological project therefore implies that the design project systematizes

all form-function correlations into a coherent system of signification. A system of signification, in turn, is a system of mappings (correlations) that map distinctions or manifolds, defined within the domain of the signified (here the domain of patterns of social interaction), onto the distinctions or manifolds, which are defined within the domain of the signifier (here, the Attractor points being the amenities and the High density points on the Node being the Repellers) This system of signification works if the programmed social agents(pedestrians) consistently respond to the relevantly coded positional and morphological clues in such a way that expected behaviours can be read off the articulated environmental configuration.

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ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

[BOUNDARY CONDITIONS & CONECTIONS] The field conditions when superimposed on the Optimized node gives the area of impact of the field on the urban fabric. The highlighted area in the second map is the selected area of intervention. It connects 2 high density points in the loop and covers the urban void in the centre of the site.



OPERATIONS ON THE MAP La Sagrera | Barcelona




These field lines represent the connection between the high density points and the Attraction points. The effect of these lines on the site conditions are studied and the physical possibilities shortlisted. These connecting pathways are mediators between the amenities/infrastructure and the points with highest density of movement of people. These pathways are intervened to informalise the infrastructure and create a seamless flow from the enclosed amenities to the more open socially interactive areas. For example, the schools are connected to the more socially interactive areas like the church and the old age homes to encourage more social interaction between diverse age groups. The open spaces connected to the schools have libraries, open and informal study areas, etc. The high density points connected to the open spaces have retail spaces and iterant spaces. 94

ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015





The area of intervention - Connecting bridges, highlighting facades as markers, parasiting exisiting buildings and creating a seamless connection between the two neighbourhoods through the train station.


Creating pathways in the site to hint direction to the optimised Loop to promote social interaction

PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015


Proposed landscape zone in the urban void to promote the 2 neighbourhoods to interact and gather in the social landscape that used to divide these two zones

Guidelines in the site for future intervention for other architects to develop in synchrocity and create more connections in the site.




Typologies and sections


ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015




The two high density points are connected through the intervention. The church , school, train station and parkland form the key development points which are connected through a series of social spaces with different program.


ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015





ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

[TRAIN STATION PARASITE] Social transitions and connections to the upcoming La Sagrera Train Station


[PROPOSED INTERVENTION] The “Parasite� to the train station is an extension to the proposed stationat la sagrera to include the dire need of connectivity in the site. The two entry/exit locations from the train station are weaved through an interesting spacial mediator where there are many iterant spaces for exhibitions, festivals and interactive museums. This structure becomes a cultural and social hub in a train station which has a high density of movement, yet doesnot affect its functioning. It is proposed as a seed for future development as the further interventions proposed are arbitary to the growth and development of this Train station.




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ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

[SOCIAL CONNECTIONS] Social transitions and connections to the upcoming La Sagrera Train Station



ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015

[MORPHOLOGIES] Program Distribution Rambla | Seating areas Parasite | Balconies



ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015


[MORPHOLOGIES] Program Distribution Connector Bridge Community Terraces | from residentil buildings









ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015



The concept of the sensoring of the structure parasiting the train station is the arrival of the train is the trigger for the actuation. The number of people is predicted on that basis and depending on the waether forecast, a preprogrammed configuration is achieved.

Coldest day, low density 120

Average day, low density

Warm day, high density

Hot day, high density

ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015


The Ribs are manipulated with the angles of intersections in the boundaries. The structure can be made more or less porous depending on the weather and comfort conditions pre-determined. The angle of incidence of the sun plays a major role. During Summer, the direction of the ribs is against the sunlight making the structure less porous, hence restricting the entry of sunlight. Whereas in winter, more sunlight in allowed to enter the structure.


[ROOF STRUCTURE - CONFIGURATIONS] Solar tracking - The module is fixed with flexible solar panels on the internal boundaries. The actuators are programmed to track the solar position to optimise the solar gain to generate power for the parkland and the train station landscape. Density - Depending on the number of people (calculated by the number of trains), the Roof structure in the train station configures itself to maintain the internal temperature depending on the volume and porosity


ELISAVA | Masters in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture | 2014-2015


1. Douglas Hofstadter: Gödel, Escher, Bach: An eternal golden braid. Vintage Books: New York (1989) 2.Terry Winograd & Fernando Flores: Understanding Computers and Computers: a new foundation for design. Addison – Wesley (1987). Chapter 2, “The rationalistic tradition” 3. Roger Penrose: La Nueva mente del Emperador. Grijalbo-Mondadori (1991). Capítulo 2 “Algoritmos y máquinas de Turing” 4. Patrik Schumacher, The Autopoiesis of Architecture, Volume 1: A New Framework for Architecture. London: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2010. 5. Emergence: The connected lives of ants,brains, cities and software. Penguin books(2001) 6. On Growth and form. Dover publications, inc. New York(1992) 7. Emergent technologies and design - Mike Weinstock 8. George Stiny: “Introduction to Shape and Shape Grammars”. Environment and Planning B, 1980. 9.Noam Chomsky: Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. March 15th 1969 by MIT Press. Goldberg, David. Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989. 10. Caldas, Luisa Gama. “An Evolution-Based Generative Design System: Using Adaptation to Shape Architectural Form.” Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001. 11. Derix, Christian. “Genetically Modified Space.” In Space Craft: Developments in Architectural Computing, edited by David Littlefield, 46-53. London: RIBA Publishing, 2008.


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