Understanding PCOS

PCOS is a complex situation and we understand it. You must be having many questions. We are here to answer your questions. But before anything, I would like to tell you that PCOS is common, and you are not alone. We know you might be feeling overwhelmed, and that’s okay, but don’t you worry, I can be reversed as long as you focus on being as healthy. It is a journey, and we are with you on this journey.

3 What is PCOS? What are the symptoms of PCOS? How is PCOS diagnosed? Does PCOS affect my emotional wellbeing? Will PCOS affect my fertility and chances of getting pregnant? How can I treat my PCOS condition? What’s on your head?
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine system disorder af fecting about 12-18% of women in the reproductive age. PCOS symptoms and causes include irregular periods, excessive male-type hair growth, thinning of scalp hair, acne, obesity, difficulty in losing weight, dark patches of skin and infertility. A healthy women’s body
What is PCOS?

Women body with PCOS PCOS affects the body’s biological process and manifests itself physically and mentally. Let’s try to understand how our body changes in PCOS. Can you spot the difference? Mark the differences on the paper.

Hormonal changes especially an in crease in androgens, the male hor mones result in acne, facial hair, an increase in body hair, and hair thinning.
Cystic ovaries Irregular Periods Physical
Imbalanced HormonesUnderstandingChanges the differences
In PCOS, two hormones (androgens and insulin) are imbalanced which causes problems in reproductive health and also increases anxiety.
Hormonal changes result in ovaries not releasing eggs which become cysts. In a few cases, ovaries can be completely normal as well.
As the release of eggs is improper, women experience issues with the menstrual cycle. Periods can be irregular, scanty, or even no periods.

Anxiety/ depression Weight Gain In the explanation above, we can see that PCOS reflects in women's physical, repro ductive, as well as health.
In PCOS, hormonal balance causes the body to move into weight storage mode thus increasing weight, especially in the abdominal region.
Mental challenges may arise due to a combination of hormonal influences and dealing with the PCOS symptoms.
ReproductiveHealthPhysicalHealth MentalHealth

What are the symptoms of PCOS? Anxiety and Depression Mark the symptoms that you are experiencing. This will help you and your doctor track your health better. Irregular Periods Difficulty in Pregnancy or Infertility Sexual health challenges High risk of Diabetes Scalp Hair thinning Facial Hair and Acne Low Self esteem and poor body image Mood Fluctuations

9Visit https://conquerpcos.org/ for more information and support for PCOS PCOS symptoms will varies for every woman. If you wish, you can draw your symptoms here. We all are imperfectly perfect. Accept your body and yourself.

How is PCOS diagnosed?
The first step of the diagnosis is to reach out to the people around you. Communicate clearly to your doctor.
Which one were you able to find quickly Path C right!!!
That is why It is necessary to have Clear communication for the doctor to diagnose you correctly. So instead of keeping information to yourself or communicating the wrong medical history, have open communication with the doctor.

11 You may go through the below mentioned tests for the diagnosis. Each test is linked to the symptom it attempts to identify. In the presence of any two of three test positives, PCOS is diagnosed. Cystic or Enlarged Ovaries Physical changes like acne, facial hair and weight gain. Blood Test Physical ExaminationSonography

12 Does PCOS affect my emotional wellbeing? causesofimbalanceThehormonesPCOS 1 4 2 3

13 Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by these problems? Not able to stop or control worrying Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless Little interest or pleasure in doing things If you answer often to any of the questions below, start to take action Stay connected for your mental health • Talk to people • Seek family support Seekhealthmedical Follow healthy lifestyle • Be as active as possible • Eat healthily Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge

Pregnancy is difficult but not impossible. There are many treatments and alternatives available. With the right treatment, you will be able to conceive. PCOS affect my fertility and chances of getting

PCOS can be reversed and managed with constant efforts. It is a long journey that requires small changes in your lifestyle. Live a healthy lifestyle Follow doctors advice How can I treat my PCOS condition?

16 We are here to help you in the journey. Scan the QR code to get PCOS support and information.

17 YOU CONQUERCANPCOS Content Credits for the project : https://www.monash.edu/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/1429772/ ASK-PCOS-Evidence-based-information-for-women-with-Polycystic-ovary-syndrome.pdf