18 October

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The Bugle 18 October 2014

A fortnightly celebration of people and places on the Upper South Coast of NSW

Serving the communities of Kiama, Gerringong, Jamberoo, Kiama Downs, Gainsborough and Gerroa

Community voices concerns over hospital redevelopment plans While the redevelopment of the Kiama Hospital site into the Blue Haven Centre of Excellence in Aged Care has almost unanimous support, as always some believe the devil is in the detail. In particular, the Hospital Auxiliary is very concerned about the closure of Kiama’s inpatient care, especially rehabilitation beds. “It is a long trip to Port Kembla to visit loved ones, and it will be five to ten years before Shellharbour Hospital is expanded to cater for us,” says Julie Stokes. “Council says that there isn’t enough room on the site to retain the beds, but that is after they have sold off a portion of the land to help with the funding.” She believes that if the Council retained the land, then the plot ratio could allow for the beds’ retention. The Auxiliary has been in discussions with council, the state government and the local health district to no avail. “They are all blaming

each other for the decision that has been made, and there doesn’t seem to be any room to reconsider,” says Ms Stokes. Mayor Brian Petschler says that the decision to move the beds was made by the area health service long before the Council became involved with the site. “There is simply no funding for rehab hospital beds here,” he says. “Blue Haven will continue to offer respite beds under the nursing home funding model.” Council explains that the land being sold off is not suitable for development for aged care use due to fire regulations. However it is suitable for residential development with the right design elements. The expected $1-$2 million profit from the sale of the blocks would help to fund the $58 million project. “Blue Haven has always been a self-contained component of council’s operations,” explains the Mayor,

Kiama Council’s proposal involves: ♦ buying the old hospital site ♦ transferring the existing 20 bed inpatient service to Port Kembla (and eventually Shellharbour) ♦ demolishing all buildings (bar Barroul House) ♦ building a residential aged care facility with over 60% more capacity than the current nursing home ♦ construction of 36 independent living and 22 assisted living units in five buildings around the site ♦ new facilities for existing area health services ♦ selling off eight residential blocks to help fund the development.

Inside this issue Meet the Monday Girls p3

Surf’s up! p2

Two opportunities to help fight MND p5

“And this development will follow the same model and not cost ratepayers at all. Keeping the land is a luxury Blue Haven cannot afford.” A public meeting has been organised by another group of local residents (KRASH Kiama Residents Against Sale of Hospital land), also concerned about the sell off of the land. They believe it is shortsighted, and is to the detriment of the project. “Selling off the land closes off options,” says Craig Summerhayes. “Retaining the land gives the community health and aged care services flexibility to address future needs. Whilst the area cannot be used for

Health, will be launching a community petition about retention of the rehab beds and any lost services. He says they have the support of local GPs who believe aged care (because of fire all such services should be regulations) it could be used retained. for purposes and facilities A Q&A publication prethat would enhance and pared by Council will be complement an aged care/ distributed to residents next health services complex of week. It outlines the prothis scale.” posal and says that more Local residents are at the public feedback will be forefront of the campaign sought once the draft DA is having been aware of the exhibited in February/March plan to sell off part of the next year. site for some time now and However opponents of the have had discussions with sell-off and the moving of council over the proposal, the rehab beds feel this will but their concerns remain. be too late to have their conIn addition, Glenn Kolocerns addressed. meitz, the Labor candidate Details: KRASH is holding for Kiama is planning to its public meeting on hold a ‘Kiama Hospital Day Tues 28 Oct, 7.15pm of Action’ at which he and at the Kiama Leagues Club Walt Secord, NSW OpposiAuditorium. tion Spokesperson for

Local company gains national praise p4

4 Tingira Cres, Kiama weekdays 9-4 (closed Weds) weekends 8-4 or see us at Kiama Farmers’ Market every second Weds

Food made from scratch, coffee made with care www.facebook.com/littleblowholecafe

t 4232 4990 littleblowholecafe@gmail.com www.littleblowholecafe.com

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