The Bugle August 2014

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The Bugle

August 2014

A fortnightly celebration of people and places on the Upper South Coast of NSW

Serving the communities of Kiama, Gerringong, Jamberoo, Kiama Downs, Gainsborough and Gerroa

Local awarded New Colombo Plan scholarship University of Wollongong civil engineering student, Tom Wilkinson, has been selected as one of the first beneficiaries of Australia’s New Colombo Plan. Tom will be heading to Singapore in January to study at Nanyang Technological University for one semester, followed by an industry placement there. The $65,000 scholarship is part of the Government’s plan to lift knowledge of the Indo-Pacific in Australia by supporting Australian undergraduates to study and go on regional internships.

“I’m very excited to be chosen as an ambassador for Australia and look forward to making the most of this incredible opportunity,” says Tom, who did his HSC at Kiama High in 2011. He is one of 40 young people from around the country who will be off to study in Singapore, Japan, Indonesia and Hong Kong. The New Colombo Plan aims to deepen Australia’s relationships with the region, both at the individual level and through expanding links between universities and businesses.

New look Bugle: Tell us what you think Welcome to the new look Bugle! This edition is a bit of a trial, to see what your reaction is to the idea of a bigger and better fortnightly round-up of what’s happening in our region. Over the last five years, the Beachside Bugle has built a loyal following because of its engaging style, reliability as an information source, local focus and entertaining content. But increasingly there is just so much going on it is hard to cull events down to suit our monthly schedule and space constraints. Our new format will allow us to include more features designed to help strengthen our community and encourage you to get out and get involved. Of course in order to continue this free service, we’ll have to attract advertisers wanting to promote themselves to our community. These will typically be local businesses looking to bring themselves to your attention in a way that provides you with something interesting to read! Your feedback will be greatly appreciated. Either pop in to the Little Blowhole Cafe and talk to us, call on 4232 4990 or

Inside this issue Acknowledging another way to healing p3

Lantern festival at Kiama Farmers’ Market p4

Tom receives his scholarship from Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Gov.-General Peter Cosgrove

Red Cross kicks up its heels Back in August 1914, nine days after the outbreak of World War I, the Australian Red Cross was established (initially as the Australian Branch of the British Red Cross Society). Hundreds of thousands of volunteers signed up during WWI, and the ladies of Kiama, Gerringong and other South Coast towns were amongst the first to enlist and to do their bit to comfort the wounded. Since then, as part of the world's largest humanitarian movement, they have played their part as the Red Cross has been woven into the fabric of Australian life - whether it's immediate response to natural disasters, the vital blood service, or their everyday work to help vulnerable people.

Wrap with Love p5

Red Cross Day at the Kiama Showground during WWI (Source: Australian War Memorial)

As part of the official Centenary celebrations, the Kiama branch is looking to celebrate all those years of hard work and achievements with a gala dinner dance. Dubbed the ‘Dance of the Century’, the night will feature music from The Dan Usher Band, and catering by the Little Blowhole Café.

Masked ball unmasked p6

It is an opportunity for you to show your appreciation for their good work, while having a great time, showing off your dancing skills. Details: Sat 16 August, 7pm, The Kiama Pavilion. Three course dinner, live music and dancing $50 BYO To book, call Fran Stubbs on 4233 2765

4 Tingira Cres, Kiama weekdays 9-4 (closed Weds) weekends 8-4 or see us at Kiama Farmers’ Market on Wed 2-5

Food made from scratch, coffee made with care

t 4232 4990

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