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Instalacija 551.35 – Geometrija časa nas seznanja s konceptom tega, kar bi lahko imenovali geometrija geopolitike. Namestitev vključuje 35 izbranih zemljevidov, ki so opredeljevali meje Bosne in Hercegovine v zadnjih 551 letih. Prekrivajoč se na osvetljenem ozadju namesto prikazovanja jasnih in nedvoumnih meja ti zemljevidi dokazujejo njihove premike, odstopanja in nestabilnosti, ki so jih povzročale kolonialne, cesarske, osvajalske, migracijske, vojaške, pa tudi ‘mirovniške’ prenove. Monumentalno zasnovana z namenom, da predstavi ‘objektivne’ meje, ta instalacija vdre v geometrijo toka zgodovine, saj v njej pričakovane in jasne meje nadomesti palimpsest v preteklosti podrejenih in s tem pozabljenih resnic. Palimpsest kot metafora, prestavljena iz besedilne v vizualno domeno, postavlja pod vprašaj sámo linearnost zgodovinskega časa, pa tudi politične in predvsem vojaške strategije organizacije prostora, s čimer izpostavlja ponavljajoče se vzorce ustvarjanja (dis)kontinuirane zgodovine in cikličnosti zgodovinskega nasilja. (Jelena Petrović)
Installation entitled 551.35 – Geometry of Time acquaints us with the concept of what might be called geometry of geopolitics. The installation consists of 35 selected maps which defined the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the last 551 years. Overlapping on a lit background, instead of showing distinct and clear borders, these maps evidence their shifts, deviations and instability caused by colonial, imperial, conquering, migrational, martial, as well as ‘peace-keeping’ redesigns. Monumentally conceived with a view to presenting ‘objective’ borders, this installation makes incursion into the geometry of the course of history, since the expected and distinct borders are replaced with a palimpsest of previously subjugated and thus forgotten truths. Palimpsest as a metaphor, transposed from the textual into the domain of visual, calls into question the very linearity of historical time, as well as political and, above all, military strategies of space organisation, thereby highlighting the repetitive patterns of creating (dis)continuous history and cyclicality of historical violence. (Jelena Petrović)
38 551.35 – Geometrija časa 551.35 – Geometry of Time, 2014 instalacija, lightbox, print na Samba platno installation, lightbox, print on Samba canvas