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Umetnost Ive Tratnik vključuje številne medije, sliko, skulpturo, risbo, kolaž, fotografijo, video, tekstilijo, instalacijo in zajema različne umetniške prakse, performans, sodobni ples, gledališče. Ko ustvarjalno večplastnost poveže v celoto, posamezna dela zaobjamejo ves prostor v enovit, oseben, samosvoj izraz, ki mu ne najdemo primerjave. Erupcija geste presega specifike posameznih elementov razstave in se seli z ene forme na drugo, s stene na sliko, z risbe na ekran, se pojavi kot kolaž ali performans, skače iz statične na dinamično pripoved, vendar ostaja vsebinsko začrtana in začarana v kompleksni zasnovi. V formi in v prostoru se odvija notranja dinamika, ki hkrati ‘lepi’ likovne elemente v sliko in jih ločuje, ki slike plasti v enovito umetniško krajino in jim podaja individualne naslove, ki z povsem originalnim, samosvojim, značilnim avtorskim pečatom postavlja Ivo Tratnik na scela avtonomno, razpoznavno in specifično mesto in jo stežka primerjamo s čemerkoli, kar se dogaja v slovenski pa tudi svetovni umetnosti. Zdi se, da prisostvujemo kontinuirani borbi mnogih idej, predstav, porivov, ki se naenkrat znajdejo skupaj, sobivajo, živijo v navidezni resničnosti, ko tako hoče umetnica. In v to vlije ne samo sebe, ampak ponotranji svet in iz njega ustvari svetove, polno svetov, v katerih skuša zaobjeti celotno človeško zgodovino in jo ponuditi v avtohtoni futuristični ‘preobleki’, na kateri pa kmalu opazimo, da je drugačna, da nekaj ne ustreza, da je popačena in seveda metafizična, zgodi se nekakšen palimpsestni kolaž v (pre)brisani resničnosti. Iva Tratnik je vnesla nekakšno ‘nelagodno svežino’ na (slovensko) umetniško sceno, ko nas primarna lepota umetniških del očara, a to je samo trompe-l’oeil, ki preslepi naše oko, medtem ko se vzpostavlja kompleksna, obsežna in vpijoča struktura, v kateri se velika oljna in akrilna platna, risbe, tekstilije, kolaži, fotografski in video portreti, skulpture in instalacije, najraje iz recikliranih materialov, znajdejo skupaj in nam uprizorijo svojstveno predstavo v različnih medijih.
Art works by Iva Tratnik employ a variety of media including painting, sculpture, drawing, collage, photography, video, textiles, installations, etc., and stretch across different fields of artistic practice, including performance, contemporary dance, and theater. Once these layers of creativity melt into a single piece of art, highly individual works are created, which embrace and transform the entire exhibition space into a consistent, personal, and highly original artistic expression beyond comparison. The eruption of gesture transcends the specifics of the individual exhibited elements, shifting from one form to another, from walls to paintings, from drawings to digital screen; appearing as a collage or performance; jumping from static to dynamic narrative, and yet remaining faithful to the subject matter, and captivating in terms of the complexity of its concept. In terms of both form and space, there is an inner dynamics that unfolds in front of us, ‘pasting’ and separating visual elements into the painting at the same time, layering them to form a uniform artistic landscape, and labeling them with individual titles, which through a highly original, unique, and typical artist’s mark, place Iva Tratnik into a fully autonomous, recognizable and specific position, which is difficult to compare to anything found on the Slovene or even global art scene. It feels as though we are witnessing a continuous battle of ideas, representations and urges, which suddenly find themselves together in one place, co-existing and living inside a seeming reality, when the artist wants them to. Iva Tratnik not only pours herself into her works; she internalizes the world around her and creates other worlds from it, a multitude of worlds, actually, through which she attempts to embrace the entire human history, and offer it to us in an autochthonous futuristic ‘disguise’ – about which we soon notice that it is different, that something does not fit, that it is distorted and, of course, metaphysical: what happens is a kind of a palimpsest collage inside a (skillfully) erased reality. Iva Tratnik has introduced a kind of an ‘uneasy freshness’ to the (Slovene) art scene: the primary beauty of her works enchants us, and yet, it is but a trompe-l’œil that tricks the eye, while at the same time a complex, extensive, intense structure is established, merging together large oil and acrylic canvases, drawings, textiles, collages, photographic and video portraits, and sculptures and installations mostly made from recycled materials – to put on a unique, one-of-a-kind show for the audience in various media.
70 Modra V. V. / Blue V. V., 2017 tekstilni kolaž na lestonit / textile collage on hardboard