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V begunskem centru v Beogradu, kjer begunci z Bližnjega in Srednjega vzhoda in Afrike prehajajo na pot v zahodnoevropske države, je umetnik zbiral urin beguncev in iz njega napravil obrtno/craft pivo po priljubljenem belgijskem receptu. Pivo je bilo namenjeno izvozu v države prvega sveta in konzumaciji s strani publike in avtorja v okviru performativnega predavanja, ki ga je bilo s predstavitvijo video dokumentacije celotnega proizvodnega procesa, od begunskega stranišča do končnega pakiranje dokončanega izdelka, izvajal na LADA – Live Art Development Agency v Londonu. Konzumacija tako proizvedenega piva je odprla problem statusa beguncev in človeškega telesa, ki pod določenimi pogoji predelave postane mobilno in sprejemljivo tudi v tistih državah kapitalističnega centra, kjer so meje za begunce trdno zaprte. Umetniški projekt ‘Integracija: Nezakoniti ljudje’ je bil premierno predstavljen v LADA novembra 2017. Todorović je v formatu tega dela pokazal odprta politična vprašanja, ki se soočajo s skritimi socialnimi simptomi, ki se nam tu razkrivajo – o abjektnem, o statusu enega fiziološkega postopka in moči fiktivnega v umetnosti, aktivno odražajoč položaj držav drugega sveta v globalnih političnih okoliščinah. “Ob koncu mojega projekta so nekateri, ki so ostali dlje, vedeli, da izdelujem pivo, zato so bili pripravljeni pomagati, to je, da lulajo v pisoar za moj projekt. Na koncu je bilo potrebno samo štiri dni za zbiranje urina. Po eni strani sem to moral imenovati konec, ker se je dogajala zelo odprta vojna z Zdravniki brez meja. (…) Zbral sem le 10 litrov urina, čeprav to ni mala količina, sem v prvem trenutku pričakoval veliko več, če bi lahko v centru ostal dlje časa. (…) Te težave so simptomi nečesa, kar težko artikuliram, nekaj, kar se nanaša na skrivnost naše države. Kaj je problem, če se begunci odločijo, da se polulajo tu ali tam? (…) Kdo lahko pove, kje je pravo mesto za lulanje? Kaj pomeni ‘lulanje’ v tem kontekstu?“ 

In a refugee center in Belgrade, where refugees from the Near and Middle East and Africa pass through on their way to Western European countries, the artist collected urine from refugees and made craft beer from a popular Belgian recipe. The beer was intended for export to the first-world countries and for consumption by the audience and the author as part of a performance lecture, which was with the presentation of video documentation of the entire production process, from the refugee toilet to the final packing of the finished product, presented at LADA – Live Art Development Agency in London. The consumption of beer produced in this way has opened up the problem of the status of refugees and the human body, which, under certain processing conditions, becomes mobile and acceptable also in those countries of the capitalist center where the borders for refugees are firmly closed. The art project ‘Integration: Illegal People’ premiered at LADA in November 2017. Todorović, in the format of this work, presented open political issues that confront the hidden social symptoms that are revealed to us here – about abjective, about the status of a physiological procedure and power of fictional in art, actively reflecting the position of the second world countries in global political circumstances. “At the end of my project, some people who stayed longer knew that I was making beer, so they were willing to help, which is to pee in the urinal for my project. In the end, it only took four days to collect urine. On the one hand, I had to call it the end because there was a very open war with Doctor Without Borders. (...) I collected only 10 liters of urine, though it is not a little amount, at the first moment I expected much more, if I could stay in the centre a bit longer. (...) Those problems are the symptoms of something I can hardly articulate, something that relates to the secret of our state. What is the problem if refugees choose to pee here or there? (...) Who can tell where the right place is for peeing? What does ‘peeing’ mean in that context?” 


68 Integracija / Integration, 2017 Projekt nezakonitih ljudi / Illegal people project

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