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Barbora Kleinhamplová v svojem filmu in instalaciji obravnava bolezen neoliberalizma skozi metaforično potovanje, tako daleč navzven, kot tudi v notranjost mehanizmov gradnje luksuznih jaht in izdelave zdravil. Antropološko poročilo o sanjskih, toda v-nočno-moro-spremenjenih poskusih srednjega razreda, da zajame ugotovitve vrtoglave raziskave, pri čemer povabi gledalce, da svojo potencialno slabost pojmujejo kot del nečesa večjega: nismo bolni samo mi ali oni. Vsa ladja se trese v slabosti in nelagodju. Mirnost je komaj mogoče razločiti od vrtoglavice, pospeševanje pa samo še poslabšuje morsko bolezen celotne posadke in tudi same palube, na kateri plujejo izmučena telesa in misli. Za tiste v bolečinah se to, da bi samo čakali, dokler ladja ne razpade in nato začeli graditi novo, boljšo, ne sliši kot rešitev. Lahko, da bo to trajalo preveč časa. Lahko, da se to sploh ne bo zgodilo. Čas lahko prinese nepopravljivo škodo. Lahko, da ocean ne bo prav gostoljubno okolje. A vendar, oni so tisti, ki so na krovu, drugi pa se utapljajo. Vedno več receptov za različna zdravila očitno ne more prinesti strukturnih sprememb. Simptomi se ponavljajo, kopirajo in širijo na večino ladij, ki plujejo po nemirnih morjih. Zaspanost, omotica, nelagodje, nemir, ponavljajoče se zehanje, slabo počutje, slabost, bledica, znojenje, glavoboli, utrujenost, bolečine v prsih ali tesnoba, palpitacije, nespečnost, apatija. Blažiti simptome je očitno lažje, kot pa iskati vzroke zanje. Vsi sodelujejo. Celo zdravniki so bolni. Delavci v tovarnah zdravil so bolni. Razlike so večinoma ekonomske. Le redki si lahko privoščijo mehanizme, ki bi zaščitili njihovo plovilo pred vsesplošno bedo. Nekateri si lahko privoščijo, da niso zdravi. Nekateri si lahko privoščijo zdravnike in tablete. In vendar se njihovo stanje v resnici ne izboljša. Večina si prizadeva in plačuje za to, da ladja ne bi razpadla. Zvečer se usedejo in gledajo, kako pospešuje, počiva, stagnira. Naučili so jih verjeti, da je bolezen njihov osebni problem, zato jo je treba zdraviti individualno. Ne vedo, koga ali kaj drugega naj krivijo za to. 

In her film and installation Barbora Kleinhamplová addresses the sickness of neoliberalism through a metaphorical voyage both far ashore and into the mechanisms of building luxurious yachts and the fabrication of medications. An anthropological report of a middle-class dream-turned-into-nightmare attempts to capture the findings of a dizzy exploration, inviting viewers to consider their potential nausea as a part of something bigger: It’s not just them or us who are sick. The whole ship trembles in nausea and discomfort. Stillness can hardly be distinguished from vertigo and acceleration boosts motion sickness of both the crew and the very deck carrying the tortured bodies and minds. For those in pain, it doesn’t sound like a solution to just wait for the boat to fall apart and then start building a better one from scratch. It might take too much time. It might never even happen. Time might bring irreversible damages. The ocean might not be very accommodating. Still, they are the ones on board, while others are drowning. More and more prescriptions of diverse medications clearly aren’t capable of bringing structural change. The symptoms are reoccurring, copy-pasted, spread out on most of the ships sailing turbulent seas. Drowsiness, dizziness, discomfort, restiveness, repetitive yawning, malaise, nausea, pallor, sweating, headaches, fatigue, chest pains or tightness, palpitations, insomnia, apathy. Reducing symptoms has proven easier than searching for causes. Everybody participates. Even the doctors are sick. The workers in the drug factories are sick. The differences are mostly economical. Few can afford mechanisms that will excerpt their watercraft from the widespread misery. Some can afford not to be well. Some can afford the doctors and pills. And yet, they don’t really get better. The majority is working for and paying for the ship not to fall apart. In the evening, they sit down and watch it speed up, recess, stagnate. They are taught to think that sickness is their personal problem and therefore has to be treated individually. They don’t know who or what else to blame it on. 


Sickness Report, 2018 instalacija, kratki film / installation, short film (Full HD, 17’ 05’’)

Sickness Report, 2018 instalacija, kratki film / installation, short film (Full HD, 17’ 05’’)

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