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SKIN je interaktivna instalacija, v kateri imajo obiskovalci možnost uporabe vmesnika GSR (Galvanic Skin Response), ki meri vlažnost njihove kože. Nihanje vrednosti je pokazatelj psihološkega ali fi ziološkega vzburjenja, kot je stres ali sprostitev. Vrednosti se iz vmesnika GSR prenesejo v računalnik, kjer služijo preoblikovanju zvoka in podobe interaktivnega prostora. Obiskovalci so vabljeni k ustvarjanju avdiovizualnega okolja s pomočjo lastnih čustvenih in fi zioloških parametrov.
SKIN is an interactive installation, in which visitors have the opportunity to use a GSR (Galvanic Skin Response) interface, which measures their skin’s moisture. The variations of these values are an indication of psychological or physiological arousal, such as for example appearance of stress or relaxation. The values received from the GSR are further transmitted to a computer in order to transform the sound and the images of the interactive space. Visitors are invited to create an audiovisual environment from their own emotional and physiological parameters.
SKIN, 2012/2014 interaktivna audiovizualna instalacija / interactive audiovisual installation