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Sunnybrae Community
Sunnybrae Seniors: Building a Volunteer Community
By Alice Hidber
We are happy to update you on two projects we have in progress. The project “Happy Days Are Here Again”, includes replacing facia and painting the outside of the hall. A small feature garden is included, and installation will proceed this spring.
Amity Contacting has been awarded the contract for hall improvements and they are contributing “in kind” for this project as well. This project is being scheduled for completion June 30. With the charitable partnership of the Cedar Heights Community Association our grant application to the Shuswap Community Foundation Grant has made this project possible.
The project committee is scheduling and assigning volunteer tasks that are short in duration. If you have an hour or two and would like to bring your talents to be part of this project, there are several small but important tasks that will make a big difference in beautifying the hall. Volunteering is open to all ages and if you would like to come down and participate as a family, bring your kids. We have inside as well as outside tasks to complete. If you are curious to know what small task you can help with, message the Sunnybrae Seniors FB Group or email
An Easter Basket filled with chocolates was third Sunnybrae.srs@gmail.com with your prize in the Sunnybrae interest. Seniors raffle. The second project, “I Don’t Need Your Rocking Chair!” is a computer literacy program. A New Horizons Grant for Seniors is making this program possible. Over the next several months, volunteers will take care of the important details to roll out the literacy program. Stay tuned for news as this unfolds.
The Sunnybrae Seniors have been so fortunate in having an enthusiastic board and wonderful volunteers. It is not just one person; it is the community that comes together to make these projects happen.
We have had a successful raffle ticket sale as well. The prize draw was held on March 31 and first prize of an original oil painting by local artist Terry Goodrick was awarded to Aldena Nielsen. Second prize of handmade quilted placemats with spring flowers was awarded to Helen Crandall and third prize of the Easter Basket chocolates was awarded to Michelle Goodrick.
Thank you to everyone who supported this important fund raiser by selling or purchasing tickets. During the pandemic, fundraising activities have been difficult to initiate so this is particularly significant.
We would also like to thank Barbra Fairclough for her support with our New Horizons Grant application. Thank you to the CSRD for a recent Grant in Aid that will assist us until we can resume full fundraising activities.
To volunteer please send an email to Sunnybrae.srs@ gmail.com or call 778-981-0334