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Cedar Heights
April 2021 Cedar Heights Community Association
“Where neighbours become friends”
By Shaunne Letourneau
Did someone just call “BINGO?” On March 17th Cedar Heights held a St. Patrick’s Day themed music trivia Bingo. Over 60 people participated via Zoom and had to put their music knowledge to work to identify Irish songs and those from the 50’s, 60’ and 70’s. The first game winners needed a straight line and the second game was for a full card. The happy winners were Bryan Lowes, Barb Lane, Kathleen Irvine, Barb Shellop and Rennie Heare for the straight-line games and Sherri and Don Mitchell, Lorraine McCulloch, Sheila Armstrong and Russ McLeod for the full card games. Everyone enjoyed listening to the music and some participants were seen dancing to the beat or just gyrating in their seats!
And the hammer comes down and the auctioneer yells SOLD! While it may not be as exciting as a live auction, the newest fundraiser at Cedar Heights is an online auction. There are currently over 80 items listed varying from furniture to decorator items. Closing dates on bidding varies by item. Everyone is welcome to bid and donations of items is also welcome. To view the items and place a bid go to www. cedarheightscommunity. ca Click on the auction link and just scroll down to see the items and to place a bid. If you have items you’d like to donate, information on how to do this is also on the website. To connect to the auction team, email chcaauction@ gmail.com
While COVID-19 has put a damper on our indoor program and events over the past year, we are planning for a return of the outdoor programs – Bocce, Golf and Pickleball. Of course, all provincial guidelines will be followed. Stay tuned next month for opening dates and any specific guidelines for these sports.