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We’re Having a Winter Festival Submitted by Debbie Seymour Chamber Executive Director The fun-filled North Shuswap Winter Festival on Family Day Weekend, February 16 and 17 is just two weeks away. Across the North Shuswap, we will see bed races, curling, chili cook off, snow pitch, snow sculpting, skating, story telling, face painting, dancing and other entertaining activities for all ages. Many individuals, organizations and businesses have joined with the North Shuswap Chamber to put the festival together. Each has taken on an event. We are so thankful for all the support from the community and looking forward to the weekend! This amazing group has organized 13 events being held throughout the North Shuswap beginning with the Quaaout Lodge and their Cultural Event-C7istkten Story Telling with Bannock on Stick followed by Archery, all along the North Shuswap to the Lakeview Community Centre where the centre’s volunteers are being joined by the team at St. Ives Resort to host an all ages Games Day. Along the way, we are sure there will be an event that will spark your interest and participation. Most activities are all ages with the intent of providing inex-
pensive fun and festivities for our families and community. There will be opportunities to satisfy your hunger as well. The North Shuswap Lions will have their food trailer at Rose Clifford Park during the Snow Pitch Tournament, drop by the Hub for the Chili Cook Off, there will be a concession open during the Family Dance at the North Shuswap Community Association, the Celista Fire Department will have the fire on with hot dogs and hot chocolate available, Celista Estate Winery is serving up hot dogs and hot chocolate and the Anglemont Fire Department Association, joined by St. Ives Resort will be barbequing burgers and hot dogs at the Lakeview Community Centre. Free registration for the team events is ongoing. The contact information for organizers is listed in the Winter Festival Schedule on page 11 of this issue of the Kicker. If you have any questions, we encourage you to get in touch with them. In the meantime, we are hoping for snow and cooler temperatures! Please note: Squilax-Anglemont traffic in Scotch Creek will be detoured via Imai Rd and Butters Rd. on Feb. 17 from 9 am to 1 pm for the bed races.
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...Kick-Back!! By Editor Jo Anne Malpass Valentine's Day on February 14 originated as a Western Christian feast day honoring one or two early saints named Valentinus, and is recognized as a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance in many regions around the world, although it is not a public holiday in any country. Martyrdom stories associated with various Valentines connected to February 14 include a written account of Saint Valentine of Rome’s imprisonment for performing weddings for soldiers. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. According to legend, during his imprisonment Saint Valentine restored sight to the blind daughter of his judge (or jailor), and before his execution he wrote her a letter signed "Your Valentine" as a farewell. A different account claims Valentine was the Bishop of Terni, also martyred on the outskirts of Rome on the 14th of February (around 273). Because of the similarities of these accounts, it’s thought they may refer to the same person. Saint Valentine of Terni is considered the founder of the Christian community of Terni and was its first bishop. Apparently, saint Valentine loved roses and used to give them to young fiancées to wish them a happy union. One day, Valentine heard a couple fighting, he gave them a rose and spoke to them
helping them to reconcile. After that, there was a procession of people wanting his blessing for new families. In Slovenia, Saint Valentine or Zdravko was one of the saints of spring, the saint of good health and the patron of beekeepers and pilgrims. A proverb says that "Saint Valentine brings the keys of roots". Plants and flowers start to grow on this day. It has been celebrated as the day when the first work in the vineyards and in the fields commences. It is also said that birds propose to each other or marry on that day. The day first became associated with romantic love within the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. In 18thcentury England, it evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards known as "valentines". Many people give cards (second biggest event for greeting card companies), flowers or gifts to their spouse or partner. They may also arrange a romantic meal in a restaurant, a night in a hotel or go to a party or dance. Even if you think Valentine's Day is just a way for greeting card, chocolate companies and florists to make money, you can always just use the occasion as a reminder to let the important people in your life know you love and appreciate them.
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Kicker Office: 250-955-0534 Email: kicker@kicker.ca www.facebook.com/shuswapkicker Deadlines & Contact info Pg 39 Bulletin (NSCA) … .. . .. Calendar of Events .. . . ... Church Listings…….. ... Classifieds ............ .. .... Clubs & Organizations .. Chamber News . . ….. .. Fire News ............. .. .... First Responders ... .. .... Health Centre Society ... Historical ……. .... .. .... Lakeview Centre ... .. .... Letters to the Editor . .... Lions Club News .. .. .... RCMP News ........ .. .... Sidekick................. .. ....
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CSRD Board Meeting Highlights Items dealt with at the Columbia Shuswap Regional District January Board meeting included: Newsome Creek Erosion, Sorrento The Board received several communications from staff and citizens and responses from the Ministry regarding Newsome Creek erosion in Sorrento. The Board supported two resolutions: to take $25,000 from revenue earned from Structural Protection Unit (SPU) deployments from 2018 as matching funding from Emergency Management BC (EMBC) to undertake a remediation work plan and ravine stabilization assessment on Newsome Creek at Caen Road; And to make applications under the applicable federal and provincial funding programs identified in the Ministry's letter to pay for the remediation works required to address the current safety, erosion, and stability issues along Newsome Creek at Caen Road. Commercial Recycling in the Recycle BC Program - The Board authorized staff to send a letter to the Minister of Environment requesting the Recycle BC Stewardship Program be amended to include commercially generated recycling. Asset Management - All Areas Community Works Fund - In accordance with Policy No. F-3 “Electoral Area Community Works Fund – Expenditure of Monies” the Board passed two resolutions: 1) access to the Community Works Fund in the amount of $110,000, from the 10% All Areas portion of the Community Works Fund allocation to implement the recommendations within the CSRD’s Asset Management Five Year Resource
Plan; and 2) an amount of $90,000 on an annual basis in 2019 through to 2023, from the 10% All Areas portion of the Community Works Fund be allocated to implement the recommendations within the CSRD’s Asset Management Five Year Resource Plan. Bristow Road Boat Launch - Crown Foreshore Tenure Application - The CSRD currently holds a Licence of Occupation (LoO) over a portion of the Crown foreshore of Shuswap Lake directly in front of Bristow Road in Celista. The ten-year licence expired in 2018 and a renewal is required. Maintaining the current foreshore licence in front of Bristow Road will complement existing planning for the proposed boat launch. The Board supported a resolution to renew and a copy will now be submitted with the renewal application document for the foreshore tenure. Radon Exposure - Lindsay ForsmanPhillips, CAREX Canada; Micky Leung, Health Canada and Chantal Wilson, Little Bear Engineering attended as a delegation to inform the Board of Radon Exposure in the Interior region of BC. Radon is a tasteless, colourless, and odourless gas produced by the decay of uranium naturally present in rock and soil in Canada. Outdoors, radon levels are generally low; however, radon can enter buildings and homes through cracks and openings in foundations, making levels indoors much higher, especially in basements and lower floors. Radon gas emits alpha radiation, which damages cells in the lungs when inhaled. St. Ives Street Lighting Service Area Amendment Bylaw - The Board adopted this bylaw to increase the annual parcel tax requisition from property owners within the service area up to $10,000. CSRD staff recommended the increase to provide some stability for the function over the next several years.
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Kickin’ it up with Jay at NorthShuswap.Info
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ards and benefits, tourism and trails, a If you don't plan, it won't happen Planning... you do this every day. community theme/concept, updated You plan a trip to the grocery store, you community plans and planning issues. I plan your next vacation, your retirement, want you to come out and lay out your your kid’s birthday party. It should be no thoughts for the future of the North different for a community. Shuswap. This is not a time to bring up We actually have a plan! The Area F your problems or issues, if you have Official Community Plan. Search for it those, give me a call. This open house is on the CSRD website. It was adopted in about building for the future. 2009 and since, has had just a few minor Other things coming up are the updates. In reality it's a Scotch Creek Water Syshigh level, feel good tem grant. We're not sure overview document when we'll hear about with little in the way of that but likely in the next direct actionable ideas. few weeks. That will lead March 9, 2019 And for the most part, to a referendum on a new what ideas are in there system if we're approved. 1pm to 4pm have not been accomAlso, we're trying to set North Shuswap plished. What we need up a study of community Community Hall are concrete plans on issues at the CSRD. Here how we want to move Bring your ideas about we're looking at what forward. There are opwhat you would like to services they provide us, portunities coming to see in our community in what our benefits are, the North Shuswap in where we have frustrathe coming years the not too distant futions and challenges and ture. Some will be welcomed, some not how to make things better. That likely so much. We are starting down a road to won't get started until the fall. different things, better things, and we So, put March 9th on your calenneed to be ready. dar for a get together at Celista Hall, On March 9th I've reserved Celista and bring your ideas. Hall from 1pm to 4pm for a community I'll leave you with a saying from a Town Hall meeting. I believe we need to great modern philosopher... talk about a number of issues that will “If you don't know where you are affect and direct our actions over the going,you'll end up someplace else.” next 5 to 10 years and beyond. Things ― Yogi Berra like our neighbour - the forest, its hazSee you out there!
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Public Hearings for Scotch Creek Zoning Amendments By Jo Anne Malpass Public hearings for two properties applying for amendments to the Scotch Creek/Lee Creek Zoning Bylaw were held Jan. 22 at Scotch Creek Fire/Community Hall with Columbia Shuswap Regional District Area F Director Jay Simpson and Senior Planner Dan Passmore presiding. The Pine Grove RV Park Owner's Association has applied to rezone the property at 1131 Pine Grove Road, Scotch Creek from C1 – Commercial – 1 zone to RR – Resort Residential. While the current C1 zone allows for a campground, the use is limited to temporary accommodation in tents or recreational vehicles. Some of the owners would like to expand the use of the park to allow park models on a more residential basis. Speaking to the amendment were property owners from the RV Park and from the neighbouring Shuswap Lake Resort condominium strata. Condo owners expressed concern about the present entrance gate to the RV Park, which is located part way through the condo parking lot. Concerns were not just about congestion but about the safety of children biking or crossing the area to get to the sidewalk. The two developments share a sewer system and water treatment. The issue of overloading the sewer system with more occupants was raised by several condo owners. Many said they believed that allowing park models could lead to more people using the RV park on a regular basis. Because of potential or unforeseen consequences, one owner urged the CSRD to not grant the amendment until the other issues were dealt with. Owners at the RV Park said the amendment would not change the park usage but was needed to comply with CSRD bylaws to allow for overhead structures and park models, many of which already exist, because owners believed it was a permitted use. It wouldn’t change the number of people or traffic into the park because there are a limited number of lots. (Continued on page 7)
(Continued from page 6)
Some of the RV owners said a discussion needs to happen about safety and sewer. It was proposed to have the condo and RV park boards meet and work together to resolve the issues. One Scotch Creek resident said, and many agreed, that most of these types of problems have arisen in Scotch Creek because of poor planning in the past which led to overcrowding. The other public hearing was for Scotch Creek/Lee Creek Zoning Amendment (Yakashiro). The owners of Strata Lot 8, 1022 Scotch Creek Wharf Road, have applied for a Rezoning amendment to create a sitespecific amendment to the R1 zone for the subject property only, to allow for a parcel coverage of 82.2%, as
well as setback variances that will permit a proposed new house to be constructed on the property in place of the former house. Development Services staff noted the unique attributes of the Anchor Bay strata, in a report to the CSRD Board, that beyond the dimensions of Lot 8, there is an additional 2.6 m strip of limited common property. One neighbouring property owner expressed concern that the house would be closer to other properties than it is now but was shown it would be rebuilt on the same foundation. Planner Dan Passmore said the results from the public hearings would be submitted to the CSRD Board for consideration at its February 21 meeting.
Scotch Creek, BC Office 250-955-0307 Cell 250-851-1483 al@northshuswap.com www.northshuswap.com
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RCMP Report Fled from Check Stop On December 31, 2018 members of the Chase RCMP Locally owned and operated, serving you since 1986 Detachment and South East District Traffic Services were SCOTCH CREEK 250-955-2253 conducting a check stop at the intersection of Squilax Angle7 DAYS A WEEK - 8AM TO 8PM mont Rd and Little Shuswap Lake Rd in Lee Creek, BC. Liquor Store At approximately 10:25pm, a Post Office 9am - 5pm (CLOSED Sundays & Holidays) male driving a GMC truck approached police officers and came to a stop. When police directed the man to park his vehicle, as he was being requested to provide a sample of While Quantities Last! his breath, the man fled the (NO Rain checks available & All Sales are Final) area in the truck. Police later located the truck, parked, and arrested a 49-year-old Chase area man. He was released on a Promise to Appear in Kamloops Provincial Court. Large Hot Beverage with a Missing Snowmobiler Ham & Cheese Rollup $4.99 On January 1, 2019 at 9:20 or Breakfast Burrito $3.99 pm, the Chase RCMP were 8am - 11am or while quantities last advised of a missing snowmobiler on Crowfoot Mountain, Celista, BC. Members of the Crowfoot Mountain Snowmobile Club were searching for a man who did not contact family as planned. Members of Feb 11th - 14th the Snowmobile Club located the man, who had gotten his Lobster Tail $9.99 each snowmobile stuck, shortly Prime Rib Roast CP $8.99 lb after midnight. The man was (see in store for more specials) assisted, and all involved returned safe and uninjured. Chocolate Dipped Strawberries Owl Okay Valentine Cupcakes On January 6, 2019 at 6:25 Valentine Parfaits pm, Chase RCMP were advised of a two-vehicle collision occurring on Squilax AnSparkling Wine or Champagne $6.99 & Up glemont Road near the interBaileys Chocolate Cherry 750 ml $26.49 section of Holding Road in Yellow Tail Pink Lee Creek, BC. Police deter750 ml $11.99 mined that the driver of a SuRoses by the Dozen zuki Swift stopped in the Mixed Bouquets westbound driving lane to Potted Plants pick up an injured owl from the roadway. The driver had placed the owl in the passenger seat and was returning to Meat • Produce • Bakery • Deli • Lotto Meat • Produce • Bakery • Deli • Dairy the driver’s side when a west• Post Office • Movie Rentals Lotto • Post Office • Flowers/Plants bound Hyundai Sante Fe • Flowers/Plants Gift Certificates • Gift Cards ••Liquor Store
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drove into the Suzuki from behind. The 250-679-3221 collision CRIMESTOPPERS caused the Su- 1-800-222-8477 zuki to hit the driver who was still outside of the vehicle. The driver of the Suzuki was injured and transported to the Royal Inland Hospital by Ambulance for treatment. The driver of the Hyundai was uninjured. While the members were assessing the collision, the owl woke and flew away. Snowmobile Collision On January 11 at 12:50 pm, Chase RCMP received a report of a snowmobile collision occurring in the Bird’s Nest Cabin area of Crowfoot Mountain, Celista, BC. Police were advised a male had injured himself when he flew off his snowmobile, striking the handlebars. BC Air Ambulance responded and was able to land near the injured man and transport him to the Royal Inland Hospital for treatment. Driving Impaired On January 13 at approximately 7:15 pm, members of Chase RCMP conducted a traffic stop with a black Dodge Ram on Squilax Anglemont Rd at Holding Road in Lee Creek, BC. The driver, a 38-year-old Scotch Creek resident, was found to be driving while impaired by alcohol. The man was issued a 90-day immediate roadside prohibition and his truck was impounded for 30 days. School Bus/SUV Collision On January 22 at approximately 6:55 am, Chase RCMP received a report of a twovehicle collision on Squilax Anglemont Road in Celista BC. Celista Fire Department, BC Ambulance Service and (Continued on page 9)
…SideKick Focus on Kicker Advertisers and Supporters They offer complete custom By Jan Penner JAYKEL Landscaping and work that might include retaining walls, patios, lighting, Design is a well-established water features, or anything local business, owned and else their customers have in operated by Roy and Amber mind. This, in addition to the Phillips. While Roy is the installation of main planner trees, shrubs and and installer, plants, provides Amber does help Ph: 250-955-0118 JAYKEL Landsometimes on Cell: 250-804-3349 scaping and Desite, as well as Jaykellandscaping.com sign customers seeing to the with an outdoor books and office living space that meets their duties. Amber also provides property checks for customers individual needs and desires. With a large network of who are seasonal or vacationing. Both are long-time resi- family and friends, Amber and Roy’s favourite pastime is dents of the North Shuswap, spending time with people. happy to call Celista their They have horses which allow home. Roy and Amber are proud them to trail ride and Roy enjoys hunting and fishing. He to offer their customers well thought out and executed land- is also a member of the Celista scaping plans. Whatever you Fire Department and has been may desire in the way of out- Chief for the better part of the door beautification, JAYKEL last 5 years. If you are in the market for Landscaping and Design can a change to your outdoor make your vision a reality. They believe in doing it right space, give Roy and Amber the first time, so they take care Phillips a call and find out to ensure that initial work in- what JAYKEL Landscaping and Design can offer you. cludes provisions for electrical, water, or any other special Give them a call or check out supports your finished project their Facebook and Web pages. The Kicker would like to might need. The Phillips love to take a thank Roy and Amber Phillips “raw canvas” and build from and JAYKEL Landscaping the ground up to create a fin- and Design for their continued ished landscape that is pleas- advertising support over many years. We wish this local ing to the eye and unique to business continued success. those whom it will surround.
RCMP Report continued (Continued from page 8)
Chase RCMP Responded. Investigation determined a westbound Ford Escape had begun to skid on the snow and ice covered roadway when it crossed the centre line and collided head on with an eastbound school bus. The school bus was occupied by the driver only. Both drivers were treated on scene by ambulance for minor injuries and released on scene. Squilax Anglemont Road was closed for a short period of time while the vehicle and debris were cleared. Anyone with any information regarding these investigations, or any other crime, is asked to contact the Chase Detachment at (250) 679-3221 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
Ph: 250-955-0118 Cell: 250-804-3349 Fax 250-955-0108 jaykel@live.com
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Chamber News
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volvement. Look for schedules and advertisements on page 11 of this issue of the Kicker and our webpage. www.northshuswapbc.com Tax Workshop - The Chamber is hosting a Tax information workshop Feb 7, 9am at the Scotch Creek Firehall. This is a free event to attend and would benefit anyone wanting to learn about taxes. RSVP Debbie 250-804-8097 or email: info@northshuswapbc.com Please, if you are interestWinter Family Festival Our big thing the Chamber is ed in joining the Chamber or focusing on this winter is our would like more information, weekend winter family festi- join us at one of our monthly val. On Feb 16/17 there will meetings and check us out. We would love to hear be spread out activities hapyour story and help one anpening in and around the other build this community in North Shuswap throughout the days and afternoons. The the right direction. Next meeting Feb 25 at Chamber would like everyone to try to participate, join Quaaout Lodge, 6:30 pm in on the fun and encourage start. Bring a friend! others for community inHello everyone, hope you’re enjoying your winter so far. Spring will be here before we know it! We did not host a Chamber in December due to the Christmas holidays, and now we are back on track focusing on future plans and ideas for our community.
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Board Approves Urgent Action Plan for Newsome Creek CSRD Press Release There's simply no time to wait. That's the message from the CSRD Board of Directors as they voted to approve spending $25,000 for a remediation assessment and work plan to address the safety issues of residences located along the banks of Newsome Creek in Sorrento. Directors also voted unanimously to apply for federal and provincial funding to pay for the work needed to address the safety, erosion and ravine slope stability issues along the creek at Caen Road. Both the 2017 and 2018 spring freshets caused significant erosion to the banks in the reaches of the creek below the Trans-Canada Highway in Sorrento, affecting several properties along Caen Road. Stream bank undercutting and slope failures in 2018 resulted in 11 properties needing to be placed on Evacuation Alert. Further stream bank erosion continues to be very likely, especially in spring 2019 when higher stream flows are anticipated. "The issue here is the ur-
gency of the scenario," says Electoral Area C Director Paul Demenok. "We've got homes, properties, businesses and lives at risk here." The $25,000 CSRD contribution for the assessment and work plan will be matched by funds from Emergency Management BC. This CSRD contribution does not cover the costs of any of the actual remediation work, which will exceed the initial $25,000 cost of the study. This is why the Board has also given direction for the CSRD to seek grant funding from other levels of government to pay for any remediation projects in the area. The potential costs were of concern to Directors, as it is the CSRD's position that watercourses are a provincial area of responsibility and that it is the streamflow at Newsome Creek which is undermining the stability of the adjacent properties. "This is terrifying for the folks that live along there… They live it every day," says Board Chair Rhona Martin. "But at this end of things, we (Continued on page 13)
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FEBRUARY 2019 (Continued from page 12)
need to know what we are stepping into. What precedent will this set to be in a position to be expected to take on things we may not be financially able to commit to?" CSRD Chief Administrative Officer Charles Hamilton notes that due to the short time frame, the Board was asked to seek other funding options at the same time as the remediation plan is being developed. He notes the CSRD has received information from the province that it needs to play the lead role in restoring the stream flows, with the assistance of other provincial emergency funding. "While I do not agree with it being our responsibility,
barring a legal challenge, it appears they are shifting the onus onto the CSRD to do something," Hamilton says. Demenok notes it is becoming increasingly apparent that the issues with the creek is broader than just the residences along Caen Road, with the situation linking back to a wildfire in the area in 2009. In response to the situation, residents of the area have formed the Newsome Creek Watershed Action Group and co-hosted a community meeting with the CSRD on Tuesday, January 22 at Sorrento Memorial Hall. Federal and Provincial representatives were invited. For more information on the meeting, see www.newsomecreek.ca.
Donations Supporting Health Centre By Jo Anne Malpass Bob and Evelyn Isley and Ross Creek Country Store wish to thank the locals and tourists who have been dropping off bottles, cans and used books at the Store in Magna Bay. In 2018, proceeds from the donations totalled $9,000, which was given to the North Shuswap Health Centre Society. In 2015, when the Health Centre Society was fundraising to purchase the building it is in, Ross Creek came up with the idea of placing a trailer behind the store, a dry spot for people to drop off their refundable bottles and cans, with the proceeds going to the Health Society. Along with a donation from the
business that year, proceeds from the refundables were given to the Society as they came in. They decided to keep track of the amount the next year. Because of the community’s support, they are proud to report the N.S. Health Society received $6,550.00 in 2016 and $7,700.00 in 2017. They also have a spot in the store where people can donate their used books and others purchase them for a donation of $1. All these donations go to the Society, as well. Ross Creek Store would like to give a special thank you to Doug Kilback at the Scotch Creek Bottle Depot for picking up and sorting the refundables.
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Liht News Release Liht Cannabis Corp. is pleased to announce that the temporary orders issued from the British Columbia Securities Commission (“BCSC”) on November 26, 2018 have not been extended against Liht. As previously announced, the Company was named as a respondent in temporary orders issued by the executive director of the BCSC in connection with distributions to certain individuals connected to the BridgeMark Group. The respondents named in the temporary orders were restricted from purchasing and distributing securities in reliance on the consultant exemption to distribute securities without a prospectus. The executive director of the BCSC sought an extension of the temporary orders pending the conclusion of the BCSC’s investigation into the respondents’ reliance on the consultant exemption. On Dec. 7, 2018, the BCSC held a hearing to consider the extension re-
quest and, on Jan. 15, 2019, the BCSC issued a decision approving the extension request in the case of certain of the respondents. As a result of the decision, Liht is no longer subject to the temporary orders or the terms of the extension request. (The temporary orders still apply to the BridgeMark Group and four companies, Cryptobloc Technologies Corp., New Point Exploration Corp., Green 2 Blue Energy Corp. and BLOK Technologies Inc.) The BCSC’s investigation is continuing. Liht will continue to co-operate with the BCSC in its investigation. In another release Liht reports construction of the first of ten, 10,000 sq. ft facility, (“Building 1”) in Celista is now complete to lock-up. The construction of the second facility’s foundation is now complete (“Building 2”). “The prefabricated structure was delivered on January 7 and construction will proceed to schedule.”
Elite Nail & Colour Studio Chase BC
250 668-0798
Gift Certificates Available 822A Shuswap Ave, Chase, BC
250●679●3118 Mike O’Reilly - Owner
Mon to Fri 8am - 4:30pm
Clayton Saunders
Certified Glass Technician
Now Offering “Volume Lashes”
Margaret Falls to Remain Closed By Jo Anne Malpass When the trail does open again, past The trail to Margaret Falls will re- visitors will notice a significant change main closed this year due to failed fa- with new trail, trail routes, bridges and cilities and significant safety concerns, falls viewing area. The new goal is a Ministry of Environment spokesman early summer of 2020.” told the Kicker. Phil McIntyre-Paul, The trail closed Executive Director in 2017, after spring of the Shuswap run-off conditions Trail Alliance said and mudslides in the Alliance is sorry the canyon deabout the continued stroyed sections of closure but underthe trail. The spring stands the challenge freshet in 2018 from a technical brought untypically trail building pointhigh water levels of-view. “The entire that further damcanyon was aged the trail infrascoured, and trail structure, damaged and bridges desome of the works stroyed. And floodthat were done in the ing will happen fall of 2017 and creagain in the future, ated additional damso we should take age to new areas in heart that BC Parks the Margaret Falls is trying to reCanyon. establish the trail so The creek altered it is sustainable to its alignment in nufuture water events. merous locations It’s an expensive and during the flood challenging rebuild.” events, damaging The Margaret Falls bridges, felling Canyon is part of trees, destroying Herald Provincial sections of trail, and Park on Sunnybraeundermining supCanoe Pt Road, a porting soils. There Top: In 2015 before the flooding. popular destination Bottom: After the 2017 flooding. Photos was considerable campground and day courtesy of Shuswap Trail Alliance bedload scour with -use area. The park some erosion cuts as covers 79 hectares of deep as 1.5 meters, said the Ministry. beach and forested uplands, and boasts Approximately 95% of the trail and a 128-site campground, boat launch associated facilities were lost or deand large day-use area. stroyed. McIntyre-Paul said there is some After the water receded in 2018, good news. The upper Reinecker Creek good progress was made but the origi- trails are still accessible from Herald nal plan of June 2019 will not be Park, so visitors to the Park and achievable, said the Ministry. CleanCampground will still be able to expeup, repairs and reconstruction will con- rience and explore the surrounding fortinue after spring melt freshet this year. est and natural ecosystems. The upper “We are working closely with the Herald’s trail was closed for a time last project engineers and applying recom- spring but opened after the creek flow mendations related to anchoring tech- receded and necessary repairs were niques, armouring, deflection points completed. and other protections and reinforce“As well, the rest of the Shuswap ments, to reduce future impacts. Trails system awaits exploration.”
Da n ce F itne ss Drop-in’s welcome $8 at Celista Hall
10:30am to 11:30am Tuesdays & Fridays Low Impact - Great Energy
Nancy Parkinson (250) 679-8233
Open Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
North Shuswap
Health Centre Society www.NSHealthCentre.ca
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for all your electrical needs
By Gail McNeil-Oliver Executive Director Hello February! February is seen as the month of transition and we have some great transition taking place at the North Shuswap Health Centre!!
with us at NSHC!
Dr. Alison Leighton & Dr. Dinesh Mistry will be in clinic! Monthly rotation will start in March! Keep an eye on our clinic calendar at: facebook@northshuswaphealth Exciting News: (click ‘contact us’) or Two Doctors will be working www.nshealthcentre.ca Now that February is here, spring should be just around the corner. We have survived the holidays and are now two months into a new year. Maybe we have even incorporated a healthy new habit via a New Year’s Resolution?! But February can also be a difficult month for many who feel the February blues. Experiences with low energy and down spirits is common for many Canadians. Winter depression can also be more severe for some people who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which can have a significant impact on day-day activities. SAD is a type of depression that has a seasonal pattern and it may be time to see your family doctor if you are struggling to cope with these symptoms: - A persistent low mood - A loss of interest in everyday activities - Irritability, feelings of despair, guilt and worthlessness - Feeling lethargic and sleeping longer than normal - Craving carbohydrates and experiencing weight gain SAD is linked to reduced exposure to sunlight which affects the body’s internal clock. So, when our circadian sleep rhythm is disrupted by the lower winter light levels our hormones are also affected. The production of melatonin which makes us sleepy may increase and the production of serotonin which affects our mood, appetite and sleep may decrease from the lack of sunlight. But there is help! Your family doctor can assess your mood, lifestyle, diet, sleep patterns and any changes in your thoughts or behavior that oc(Continued on page 17)
(Continued from page 16)
cur with different seasons. Treatments can include: Lifestyle changes, including getting as much natural daylight as possible, exercising and managing stress Light therapy with a special light or light box to simulate sunlight exposure Talk therapy and/or medications to help balance hormone production The word February comes from the Latin word ‘Februarius’, meaning to purify. The Romans celebrated the purification with great festivals and so should we! Get out for some winter activities to combat the 28 days of February like feeding the birds, enjoying a coffee or tea outside, going for a walk or attending events at the Winter Festival! Being active outside and being social with others are great ways to deal with the grey days of February. And if you are feeling some February blues, just getting daylight by sitting in front of a window on a not so sunny day will help to improve your mood. Could even be time for that one resolution that you never quite incorporated yet, like getting more exercise or eating more salad to help you purify and celebrate February! Have a healthy & happy month!
SWC Looking for Community Representatives SWC Media Release The Shuswap Watershed Council (SWC) is inviting residents of the Shuswap to apply to become a community representative on the Council. Up to three community representative seats are available, each for a three-year term beginning in April 2019. The SWC membership consists of representatives from the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, Thompson -Nicola Regional District, Secwepemc Nation, City of Salmon Arm, District of Sicamous, Regional District of North Okanagan, BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, and BC Ministry of Agriculture. There are also three community representatives currently, whose terms are up for renewal this spring.
The role of SWC members is to provide direction and oversight for its water quality and safe boating and recreation programs. The diverse membership of the SWC enables input and perspectives from various organizations and jurisdictions across the Shuswap watershed. “Applicants should live or work in the Shuswap, have a keen interest in water quality and safe boating, and have a solid track record of working with committees,” explains Erin Vieira, program manager for the SWC. Anyone interested in applying for a community representative position is invited to visit www.shuswapwater.ca to learn more about the role and to fill out an Expression of Interest form.
#2 – 3874 Squilax Anglemont Rd, Scotch Creek
250-955-0660 for Appointments • • • •
Foot Care Nurse - Feb 22nd Manual Osteopathy - Feb 8th Dental Hygiene - Feb 9th Lab- Blood Collection, ECGs Wed & Fri 8am to 1pm • Nurse Practitioner Patients Call 250-679-1420
Call 250-679-1393 to book with Public Health Nurse
Dr. David Van de Vosse February 4 -8 Dr. Dinesh Mistry March 11 - 15 Dr. Alison Leighton March 27 - 30
First Responders “911 … What is your emergency?”
Al Christopherson’s
Real Estate View Cell 250-851-1483
e-mail: al@northshuswap.com website: www.northshuswap.com
I’m glad to see the topic of Scotch Creek water and sewer back on the table. Some say the tax increase will be a hardship, and for some it may be. My focus is on the potential increase to Scotch Creek property values and the jobs, the services and the potential of new development it will bring to the North Shuswap residents. Scotch
Creek has been stagnant for a decade because getting a commercial building permit was difficult because there was no water or sewer system. Having either a water or sewer system, or both, will cause stalled plans to go ahead and make our community grow. Jobs, housing options, services and opportunities are all things you should consider as a benefit.
Disclaimer: Al Christopherson is affiliated with CENTURY 21 Lakeside Realty Ltd. and the opinions expressed herein are his own and not those of the company.
Submitted by Karen Boulter Slips, trips and falls lead to many injuries. In fact, falls are the second-leading cause of unintentional death in homes and communities. The risk of many of these fall-related problems, rises as we age. Icy, wet winter conditions further contribute to potential hazards. In order to help prevent falls, there are a few simple practices we can follow. Wear shoes with good support and slip resistant soles. Clear pathways, tread carefully and avoid icy patches whenever possible. Clean up spills immediately. Flatten or remove loose area rugs. Secure electrical and extension cords. Always close lower drawers and upper cabinet doors. If you have small children, install gates at the top and bottom of stairs (unlatch the gates to pass – do not climb over them). Use handrails whenever possible. Periodically, check the condition of walkways and steps and repair damages immediately. Remove tripping hazards (paper, boxes, books, toys,
clothing and shoes) from stairs and walkways. Ensure adequate lighting both indoors and outdoors. Never stand on a chair, table or other surface that has wheels. If you need to climb a ladder, be sure it is stable, on a solid firm base. Also, make sure someone else is within hearing distance, in case you fall and require help. Face the ladder, climb one rung at a time using three points of contact. Ensure an extension ladder is not too vertical (1 foot away from the surface it rests against for every 4 feet of ladder height). Use a tool belt so your hands are free to grip the rungs. Do not lean or overreach – re-position the ladder closer to the work instead. Tie down a ladder in windy or inclement weather. These simple practices, which we sometimes decide not to bother with because, it will take longer or we feel are not necessary because we’ve done it so many times without a problem, can truly (Continued on page 19)
Shuswap Lake
Scotch Creek Office: 250-955-0617 Cell: 250-299-9599
*Mobile Patrols *Mobile Patrols
*Alarm Response *Alarm Response
*Interior Safety Checks *Interior Safety Checks
We offer Vacation Rental Management. From bookings to cleaning. We do it all…. Give us a call!
S A VSEA V o nE IoNn SIUNRSAUN RC AEN C E b y ubsyi nugs ionugr ol iucre nl isceedn sceodmcpoamn yp atnoy dtoo ydoou ry owuere w k leye khloyu sheo ucshee cckhse c k s
(Continued from page 18)
make the difference in preventing all the slips, trips and falls that occur every year. If you do have a mishap that requires an ambulance, call 911. BC Ambulance will assess the information you provide and call our North Shuswap First Responders as soon as they have dispatched the ambulance. Let’s make our world a safer place. ‘Together We Make a Difference.’ If you are interested in learning more about becoming a First Responder, please contact Phyllis Shrum at 250 -955-2949 or pshrum52@gmail.com to find out what you can expect to learn and prepare for, while volunteering with NSFR. If you are interested in joining our FR Society, please email Catherine McCrea at cm.nsbc@gmail.com If you would like to borrow home care medical supplies such as crutches, walkers, walking casts, shower chairs, etc, free of charge, from the First Responders Society, please contact Don Devine at donedevine@gmail.com or call 250-955-2101 to make arrangements and find out more about what we have available. To order your green with white reflective address sign, just $35, please contact Margaret Needham at 250-679-2334 or ma.needham49@gmail.com today. These signs are invaluable when we are trying to find you in an emergency situation. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Celista – North Shuswap
MLS® 10172476
Donna Smith-Bradley Realtor®
Lakeview - Beach Access! Fine home of 2700 sqft with 3bedrooms & 2½ bathrooms. Bedrooms down and living area up. Main floor is open design, vaulted ceiling & large covered deck with Lakeview. In-floor heat, gas & wood fireplaces and Beach Rights.
Peace & Tranquility Off the Grid
Al Christopherson Personal Real Estate Corporation
Office: 250-955-0307 Cell 250-851-1483 al@northshuswap.com www.northshuswap.com
Seymour Arm
Seymour Arm on Shuswap Lake. This lot is a great place to enjoy the laid back lifestyle. This 0.4 acre lot in Dasnier Bay and would be a beautiful spot to build your summer home, use your RV or enjoy the Office: 250-955-0307 ext.206 other seasons out at Shuswap Direct: 250-819-0551 donna@century21lakeside.com Lake. #23-1055 Blueberry Road
MLS® 10137069
Restaurant - Buy or Lease - Scotch Creek
Cynthia Bentley
Opportunity awaits for the right person! Buy or lease this restaurant in the heart of Scotch Creek. It has been fully renovated with many upgrades including an approved water system. Covered outdoor patio area and a window for drive through.
Personal Real Estate Corporation
MLS® 10173244
Jeff Tarry
Anglemont Inn
Personal Real Estate Corporation
Cell/Text 1-250-572-2888 Email: sold@jefftarry.com www.jefftarry.com
Beautiful, comfortable, even cozy! 10,000 sq. ft. Lodge overlooking breathtaking Shuswap Lake. Quiet, relaxing or exciting and rejuvenating. Something for everyone. RV sites. Great for family reunions. Great lake view. 16 rooms, library, games room and private sleeping cabin. Call Jeff for more information.
Office: 250-955-0307 Direct: 250-955-2256 cynthia@century21lakeside.com www.cynthiabentley.com
7387 Estate Drive, Anglemont $995,000
MLS® 10173686
LAKEVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE SOCIETY Anglemont and Surrounding Area Lakeview Centre Membership fees: $20/yr (per person) 7703 Squilax Anglemont Rd Anglemont, BC V0E 1M8 Hall Bookings/Games Room: Jim 250-682-6235 or 250-955-2218 (msg) Email: lccspres@gmail.com www.lakviewcommunitycentresociety.com
By Carmen Tayles Lakeview Centre is very excited to present our North Shuswap communities with up and coming events at our community centre for all ages! Valentines Dinner Love is in the Air at Lakeview Community Centre on February 9. The Lions Club and Lakeview Centre are excited to present a special dinner to celebrate Valentines Day. This will be a fun event with special drinks and dance lessons. Doors and the bar open at 5:00 pm. Dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. Pasta dinner with choice of Meat Sauce or Chicken Alfredo Sauce, Caesar Salad, Garlic Toast, followed by a special dessert. Tickets will be sold at Ross Creek Store or from the Lions Club at upcoming meat draws. They are $20.00. FMI or to volunteer to help, contact Dolores Beck at dcoildolores@gmail.com. Monthly Breakfast Bring the family and join us every 2nd Saturday of each month from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. A delicious hot breakfast is only $7 adults, $3.50 children. Mark your calendars! February 9 breakfast sponsored by Lorna
of Better at Home. Thank you, Lorna for your sponsorship! There are two ways to sponsor a Breakfast event; the sponsor can supply food and workers to prepare and serve or simply make a cash donation (usually $200.00) and the Centre will organize the rest. To sponsor or volunteer to help with the Monthly Breakfast, please contact Dolores Beck at dcoildolores@gmail.com. Winter Festival - North Shuswap Chamber on Family Day Weekend Feb 16 & 17. Special events along the North Shuswap from Scotch Creek to Anglemont. At the Lakeview Hall on Saturday, February 16 10 am - 2 pm, Carpet Bowling upstairs with Shuffleboard, Darts, Pool, Air Hockey and Foosball Mini Tournaments downstairs. Also, from 11 am - 1 pm, the Anglemont Fire Fighters Association will be sponsoring and cooking hot dogs and hamburgers. Donations gratefully accepted. We look forward to seeing you! The Lions Club - Meat Draws February 23. Doors and Bar open at 2:00 pm, draws from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Bring your friends and win some meat for your freezer! NEW!! Chess Drop-In Saturdays, 2 pm - 4 pm.
The 2018 Fall Carpet Bowling winners are The Lakers: Gordon Lea, Dolores Beck & Denis Chow (skip)
Proud Supporter of the Community 825 Shuswap Ave, Chase BC
Cosmetics & Skincare • Pharmacy • Fresh Meat & Produce • Dairy Goods •
with dips Available by Order Through the Produce Department
Chase Pharmacy 250-679-8611 Mon to Sat 9am - 6pm Sun & Holidays 10am-4pm
Chase Grocery 250-679-3553 7 days a week 8am - 8pm
Scotch Creek 250-955-0601 Mon to Sat 9am - 5:30pm Sun & Holidays 10am-4pm
Celista Coffee House
Custom Home Renovations
They had us singing and By Tatiana Speed dancing with our feet tapping. Wow what a night at the This month, February 16, coffee house! We had one of the highest turn outs of musi- we have another outstanding cal talent that I have seen thus local favourite, our very own far. So many amazing musi- Jon Treichal, to grace the stage. cians showed up that we had to February Feature “Jon is a long time North Shuswap make extra time Jon Treichal and Kamloops resslots to give ident who pereveryone an forms regularly opportunity to with a confusing play. The caliarray of singers bre was excepand cotional! conspirators in a Our open truly wide range of mic was folmusical styles. lowed by the Rarely performing grooviest and solo, Jon digs most vibin’ through his repercountry music toire to find just band, the TenSaturday the right mix of old nessee Walker. February 16 and new songs for They brought Doors open at 7 (Continued on page 23) the house down!
(Continued from page 22)
the occasion, from jazz standards, blues and folk to modern pop and classic country you never know what to expect from this versatile guitarist.” This man has become something of a legend in these parts for his incredible guitar playing and skill. Come see a master at work and join us for a night of live local music!
When and where: February 16 at the Celista Hall Doors open at 7:00 pm Open mic sign-up at 7:00 pm Volunteers come between 5:30 and 6:00 pm. We are always looking for volunteers. If you feel called to join us, give me a call 778 985 5343 or just show up at the hall and we'll put you to work :)! See you all there!
Phone (250) 955-6211 Cell (778) 257-0580
Local MLA and Opposition Leader hear from Shuswap Business Community BC Liberal Caucus Shuswap MLA Greg Kyllo was pleased to welcome BC Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson to Salmon Arm early in January to hear the concerns of key local groups who contribute much to our provincial economy. Kyllo and Wilkinson held roundtable events with the agriculture, construction, real estate and roadbuilding industries. Representatives in attendance shared their views on how the current government’s economic policies are affecting them. “We heard a lot of concern about the NDP government’s new and increased taxes, and how these measures will hurt our hardworking farmers, ranchers
and builders,” says Kyllo. “Meanwhile the NDP’s Speculation Tax, which doesn’t actually address speculation, is already putting the freeze on housing projects in this province. And the roadbuilders in particular aren’t happy with the NDP’s Community Benefits Agreements, which are shutting numerous companies out of the bidding process for major public infrastructure projects.” Kyllo says the NDP government should rethink its damaging tax schemes and unfair union agreements, which will only hurt the local and provincial business community and the many workers relying on good jobs to support their families.
Enquiries: lakesidefitnesscenter@gmail.com Located at The Hub in Scotch Creek 4119 Squilax-Anglemont Rd.
Shuswap Septic and Site Preparation Septic Design & Install Septic Repairs, Inspections & Location All types of Excavation Steven Rogers R.O.W.P. 250.803.3456 s-rogers@live.ca www.shuswap-septic.ca
ROBIN D. BRISTOW Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA,CA) Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
Toll Free Number for my North Shuswap Clients:
1-844-549-0723 Email: robin@rb-cpa.ca In home and at business appointments available Serving the North Shuswap since 1996 Accounting & Tax | Business Advisory | Fraud Investigation
Scotch Creek Subdivision - Coming Soon Scotch Creek Developments has applied for a subdivision of their Osprey Landing property on Osprey Place in Scotch Creek. When approved, the first phase will consist of 42 bare land strata single family residential lots plus a remainder for future phases. The Official Community Plan identifies Scotch Creek as a Primary Settlement Area. As a condition of development, all rezoning and/or development applications in Scotch Creek must provide proof that they will be connected to or are already connected to a community sewer system and a community water utility. The lack of these two systems has held back development in Scotch Creek for several years. Scotch Creek Community Sewer System To solve the problem of a lack of a community sewer system, Scotch Creek Sanitary Services (SCSS) has obtained a parcel of land from the Scotch Creek Development property and had it rezoned for
parameters identified in the definition. Therefore, SCSS can provide the necessary assurance to the CSRD that the Owner will be connected to or is already connected to a community sewer system prior to their rezoning or development appliThe treatment plant will be a phased cation being accepted. Membrane Reactor Plant treating sewage Scotch Creek Community Water Utility to a Class A standard (close to clean waScotch Creek Waterworks obtained ter standards). It will be phased to service right of ways in Scotch Creek for wells the rezoning or development properties and a reservoir. The right of ways have that require it as a condition of develop- been sold to the CSRD to be used by the ment. Only those owners or developers CSRD for the possible extension of the who want or need connection to the sys- Saratoga water system. The extension of tem will pay for it. There will be no re- that system is being studied by the quirement for existing home owners to CSRD to become a full community water pay or connect. system. The definition of a Community Sewer Scotch Creek Developments will proSystem in the zoning bylaw “…is a sew- vide an interim water system sized to serage collection, treatment and disposal vice 50 lots in and around their developsystem serving 50 or more parcels situat- ment. The interim water system will be ed within the community intended to be designed to tie into the community water serviced”. This sewer system meets the system when it is built. a Commercial Wastewater Treatment Facility and a Commercial effluent dispersal area. SCSS will commence construction of the plant and disposal field to initially service the proposed Osprey Landing Subdivision.
For further information about the subdivision contact; Peter Kingma kingmapete@gmail.com
For further information on the sewer system contact: Lorne Davidson ldavidson@civic-consultants.com
For general inquiries contact the Planning or Utilities Dept. at the CSRD 250-832-8194.
Lions Club News By Pat Anderson A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! Thanks Jo Anne Malpass for your very positive article in the January Kicker on how the North Shuswap Lions Support Youth. With the very warm weather in early January we had to postpone the Farrells Field skating party from January 12th to the 26th with hopes that the weather got a bit colder. We are changing the venue for the Lions weekly Meat Draw and 50/50 from the Scotch Creek Community Centre to the Hub commencing February 2. It will continue at the Hub on February 9 and 16 and will return to Lakeview Centre on February 23. For the remainder of the season we will continue to hold the Meat Draw and 50/50 on alternate weeks between the Hub and Lakeview Centre starting on March 2 at the Hub. This decision was made in consultation with Karla Bennett and Amanda Chypiska who have operated the food and beverage
concession at the Scotch Creek Community Centre for the past year. Without their drive, persistence and help, the Lions would not have been able to carry on with this event. Both the Lions and the community say “Thank You Karla and Amanda”. We would also like to thank the CSRD for their financial assistance in providing the North Shuswap Community Hall and especially to Larry Morgan for his advice and leadership. February will be a very busy month for our Lions Club. Our club is co-hosting with Lakeview Centre a Valentine’s Dinner on February 9 at the Centre. In addition to an excellent pasta dinner complete with Caesar salad and dessert, you can enjoy the Silent Auction, a 50/50 Draw or be able to win two $50 Gift Certificates to the Hub Restaurant. As well, you can participate in a Romantic Dance Lesson being taught by Connie and Tom. All this for only $20 per person; it doesn’t (Continued on page 26)
Lot Clearing and Tree Removal
Contractors Ltd. Frank 250-955-2924
Mini Excavator for Hire
Lions Club News continued (Continued from page 25)
Contact Rob at 780.886.4071
robp@celistacabinetry.ca @celistacabinetry
get any better. Advance tickets only are available from any Lions member or at Ross Creek Store. The Lions Club will be actively involved in the Winter Festival being held on February 16 and 17 sponsored by the North Shuswap Chamber of Commerce. On the 16th the Lions will be providing hot dogs by donation at the Snowpitch Tournament being held at Imai Park. On the 17th the Lions will be hosting the First Annual FourPost 100 Bed Races on Squilax Anglemont Rd. in front of the Hub Restaurant. Ideas for bed design, important race information and registration forms can be obtained by contacting Ted at 250-955-6384 or teddanyluk@gmail.com Information can also be obtained by opening the Upcoming Events link on the North Shuswap Chamber of Commerce website at www.northshuswapbc Final date to return registration forms is noon Tuesday, February 12.
Residents need to be aware that on Sunday, February 17 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, traffic will be detoured away from Squilax Anglemont Rd between Imai Rd and Ashe Rd. Those travelling through can use Imai Rd and Butters Rd. In December, we approved a $1,000 donation to the Salmon Arm Secondary School Jazz Combo Band to compete at Music Fest, a national music festival in Ottawa. Two members of the band are youth who live in the North Shuswap. This band was invited to the Ottawa festival as a result of winning Gold at both the BC Interior Music Festival and the Shuswap Music Festival. We also approved $600 to fund music lessons for youth in cooperation with the Celista Coffee House. The North Shuswap Lions are very pleased to welcome our two newest members Ed and Catharyne Stauffer. Come and join the fun. BECOME A LION! Contact Lion Ted 250-955-6384.
250 955-6541 Located On Bragg Road, Celista Proudly Serving the North Shuswap Area for over 33 years • Specializing
in Computer Controlled and Electronic Vehicles • Government Licensed Technician • Warrantee approved service on all new vehicles • Approved location for most extended warrantees • Complete Auto & Light Truck Maintenance and Repair • Tires – Brakes – Tune-ups Government Vehicle Inspection Facility
Kickin’ Tech News Understanding Wifi John Seymour Lakeside Technical Solutions
that have the technology built in. Cellular WiFi is a totally different animal. Those signals are generated by cell phone carriers such as Telus or Bell and at much lower frequencies (700 MHz – 2600 MHz). Lower frequencies allow the signal to travel much further and through most obstacles. Any device that has a SIM card inside can access these signals for a cost. When you purchase a smartphone plan, you will also decide on your ‘data’ plan for Internet access. Historically, cellular data plans are expensive and have usage limitations, meaning that the more you use, the more you pay. This is why your adult children and grandkids always want to connect to your home WiFi when they visit. The world of WiFi is changing rapidly especially where cellular is concerned. Within a year or two, new technology will roll out that will greatly increase the speed of cellular data, which will translate into even more devices that rely on high Internet speeds such as driverless vehicles, robotics and artificial Intelligence. This new technology, called 5G and not to be confused with the 5GhZ signal generated by your home router, is about 100 times faster than the current 4G (LTE) currently in use. If you have any questions or comments about WiFi, feel free to get in touch.
WiFi is everywhere and many of us use it every day to access the Internet with our smartphones, tablets and computers. The Internet has become such an important part of our daily lives that we have come to expect access everywhere we go. As time goes on, it will become an even bigger part of our lives as it integrates into more of our home devices and also into the cars we drive. In this article I hope to provide information in simple terms that will help you to better understand the basics and future of the technology so that you can be in a better position to exploit its benefits going forward. When we talk about WiFi, we can be referring to the wireless in your own home or to the cellular wireless all around us all, almost everywhere we go. In your home, it is your router that generates the wireless signal you connect to for your Internet access. Your router is either connected to the equipment installed by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or completely integrated into their equipment. Most modern routers are capable of generating wireless signals on two frequencies. One is 2.4GHz, which has been the standard for many years. If you have what’s called a ‘dual band’ router, you will also have the option of generating a 5GHz signal as well. The 5GHz band is faster but has a lesser (250)955-0816 johnseymour@Lakesidetech.ca range and can only be acwww.lakesidetech.ca cessed with newer devices
Thinking of renting out your property? Or looking for a place to rent? Charlotte Hall PROPERTY MANAGER
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February 16 & 17
By Jan Penner scope was made from boxOur featured item in the wood which he himself, January Kicker was a real turned. Ironically, Laennec stumper. We had a lot of died from the infamous chest guesses including an air disease Tuberculosis in horn, hat stand, cane holder, 1826. ashtray, spittoon and more As with any invention, but unfortunately none were over time the stethoscope correct. The feaLast Month’s Thing has changed in tured item was a construction. Stethoscope Stethoscope. Variations of Knowledge that wood and metal steththe sounds produced oscopes were created, by the human body as well as some which give clues as to what utilized, wood, metal is happening to a paand cloth or rubber tient internally, has tubing. Different verbeen evidenced sions of the in written matestethoscope Name That Thing rials back into included modthe seventeenth els with flared century B.C. chest and/or Hippocrates listening bases. himself advoEventually, the Email: kicker@kicker.ca cated placing original monCall: 250-955-0534 the physician’s Or drop answer in one of our drop aural stethoboxes at SuperValu in Scotch Creek, ear to a paSunnyside Supermarket in Celista, or scopes gave Ross Creek Store in Magna Bay tient’s chest to way to the binhelp detect aural, which in HINT: 8” - 10” long Entry Deadline - Feb. 15 sounds indicattheir own ways ing fluid in the evolved into chest. A young French med- the stethoscopes used today ical practitioner, Rene Laen- by modern medical personnec, is credited with invent- nel. ing the first device to assist Our pictured stethoscope with this procedure. would have been found in In 1816 Laennec had a the medical bag of doctors young, female patient. He around the early 1900’s. was uncomfortable with Many an early settler would placing his ear to her chest have been profoundly grateand instead, used a sturdy ful to have it and the doctor, collection of sheets of paper available to diagnosis and rolled into a tube to listen to assess ailments and injuries her heart. Not only could he in and around the communihear chests sounds, but he ties of the early Shuswap. discovered they were ampliHere is our item for next fied. By 1817, he had creat- month. Get your guesses in ed the “Stethoscope”, named and you could be the next from the Greek for ‘I see’ winner of the $25 prize. and ‘the chest’. His stetho-
Registration Spots Filling for Lewiston Ultra 250-955-0868 For your convenience we post our price Self Serve Gas Station • Propane (auto, cylinder, RV’s) • Diesel • Bulk Oil Sales • ATM Open 7 Days A Week Mon to Sat 7 am-8 pm ~ Sun 8 am-8 pm
By Jo Anne Malpass Registration spots are filling up fast for the Lewiston Ultra, a 60 km solo and relay (2 and 3 person) mountain trail event between Salmon Arm and Sicamous set for September 28. The event is to keep Lewiston James Olstad’s memory and Legacy alive, help raise awareness for spinal muscular atrophy, educate and ultimately help fund and find a cure for this Genetic Disease. The Lewiston Ultra website says the race is capped at 300 participants. This point to point ultramarathon will journey through the impressive traverse with approximately 1800 meters elevation gain, rich with pristine single track and incredible viewpoints. “The race starts at Klahani Park in Salmon Arm and will bring participants into the inviting South Canoe trail system. Runners will journey to the Larch Hills Nordic Chalet and into the gorgeous Larch Hills Traverse to experience seven distinct sections, pristine single track and remarkable viewpoints overlooking Shuswap and Mara Lake(s). The final kilometers will bring you down flowing switchbacks and into unique private trails on Splatsin First Nation land. Once you pop out of the woods, the finish line is a short jaunt on Old Spallumcheen road and into the impressive lake front Hyde Mountain Golf Resort. We encourage you to stick around for post-race eats and bevies supported by Secure Energy Services and Hyde Mountain Golf Resort. The finish line will host vendors and sponsors, runners’ reprieve, raffle prizing, community connection and much more! In 2019, we are introducing The Lewiston Ultra Wine Tour! Visit three family owned and operated awardwinning vineyards including Larch Hills Winery (official winery) while in the Shuswap for The Lewiston Ultra. The Lewiston Ultra is inspired by Lewiston James Olstad and community. Lewiston reminded us all to squeeze a little harder, love a little longer and savor the moments we tend to wish away. Lewiston was small and mighty and encouraged community to rise up, persevere and run towards your roar.” For registration and more event information go to http:// thelewistonultra.com or visit the Lewiston Ultra Facebook Page.
By Tod Wilson
What’s the buzz in the North Shuswap for February? It’s the North Shuswap Winter Festival of course! You’ve probably seen reference to it a number of times in this month’s Kicker. The Chamber of Commerce along with the North Shuswap Community Association, the Lions Club and many, many other local groups have been enthusiastically planning events all along the North Shore during the Saturday and Sunday of the Family Day long weekend. The NS Community Hall and grounds will be hosting events on both days. On Saturday, February 16th, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, there will be a ‘Coffee Can Curling Tournament’. This tournament is all about having fun. Coffee Can Curling traces its origin back to the early days of curling, using rocks that have been made from concrete formed in coffee cans. Last year, I had the opportunity to throw a few rocks on the rink at the Hall. It wasn’t difficult and was a ton of fun, especially since there was no sweeping involved. You don’t need any curling experience to sign up. Anyone can play, that’s why it’s a fun tournament. Just reach out to Lindy Baird Lindy.Baird@td.com (250) 574-5035 to enter your team. Last year Glenn Hobbs and his group of volunteers built a beautiful rink on the upper parking lot at the same location which the Farmer’s Market uses in the summer time. Well they are hard at it again this year. There were a number of lessons learned from last year. Like, the parking lot has a tilt and water easily
ran off the rink. It’s difficult to make ice if the water doesn’t stay in place. This year sand was brought in to level the parking lot surface. Bonus, this sand will be available for sandbagging in the Spring. Getting water to flood the rink was problematic. This year, volunteers installed a supply line from the Hall making flooding much easier. Everything needed to make another great rink… well almost. The one thing we haven’t had any control over has been cold and snow. They’re the essentials to a great rink. Fingers crossed for better ice making conditions. The alternate location for the Coffee Can Curling Tournament will be Farrell’s Field, and this will be tournament day decision. The closing event for the Winter Festival will be at the Hall, where your community association will host a Family Dance on Sunday from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. This will be a wonderful way to wrap up the weekend festivities. Music will be provided by DJ Jodi Evans! Doors to the hall open at 4:00 pm and if you have younger children, Michelle Cyr and helpers will be doing face painting. The Hall will have an open snack concession during the dance, however since this is a family friendly free event for all ages, alcohol will not be served. We are looking forward to a great turnout. There’s always something happening at the Hall. Check-out our website and event calendar at www.northshuswapcommunityhall.ca.
North Shuswap Community Hall - 5456 Squilax Anglemont Rd. Celista, BC, V0E 1M6 Hall Bookings: Kim; 403-819-0863 or Lynn; 250-679-4017. Email: info@northshuswapcommunityhall.ca Online: www.northshuswapcommunityhall.ca Membership fees: $20/family, $10/individual
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Don’t forget to check the Kicker on Facebook! Post comments and “like” us to get regular updates. Tell us what you think. Email us with your suggestions and news tips or events.
D CLOSE 9 & 8 b Fe
Lakeview Probus Seeks New Members
Thank you to whoever has been shovelling the Lion’s trail and other walkways in Scotch Creek. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Submitted by Gary Koo Lakeview Probus has been up and running since June 2018 and we already have 80 members! The Club wants to grow more and invites residents of Sorrento, Eagle and Wild Rose Bays, White Lake, Blind Bay, Chase and North Shuswap to join. This new chapter was created after membership in the Copper Island Club was capped at 130. Probus is an organization that provides fellowship op-
portunities for retired and semi-retired people to foster interests, social events and friendships. Clubs provide opportunity to meet new people, listen to interesting speakers, share in various activities and events, set up interest groups. Club success is entirely up to its membership. The Club originated in the UK in 1966. A spin off from Rotary Clubs, there are now 4,000 clubs worldwide and (Continued on page 33)
Walkers in Scotch Creek
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(Continued from page 32)
250+ in Canada with more than 36,500 members We meet on the first Thursday of each month at 10:00 am at Blind Bay Hall - coffee is on at 9:30 am. The next meetings are Thursday, February 7th and March 7th. For more information about the local club, call Doug Brown at (250) 803-8930 or Ellie McGillivray at (250) 5177439, or visit www.probus.org.
Letters to the Editor Re: Nearly 6 in 10 Canadians polled call lack of new pipeline capacity a 'crisis' The poll results are due to the continuous, misleading pro-pipeline publicity from the Alberta government and the oil industry. Many economists and journalists have explained how it is a myth that increasing the export of low-value bitumen will raise the price. If this were true, the diluted bitumen that currently flows in the existing pipeline would be exported now to Asia instead of to the United States. The age of oil is waning, as the price and efficiency of electric vehicles continues to improve. A good example is the decision of GM to end production of many gasoline vehicles as it plans to produces more electric vehicles. The reason Alberta wants to increase pipeline capacity is so it can continue to expand bitumen production, which would add yet more carbon to the atmosphere and increase global
warming, as well as further exacerbate air, water and soil pollution in Northern Alberta. Bitumen can now be made into pellets that can be transported safely and its best use would be for paving roads. As scientists continue to insist, Canada and the entire world need to phase out oil, gas, and coal production and focus on alternative energy sources in order to mitigate climate change before it is too late. Canadians need to pay more attention to the real climate crisis as evidenced by the rapid increase of storms, wildfires, heat waves, ocean acidification and other harmful impacts rather than be swayed by pro-pipeline propaganda. Jim Cooperman, President, Shuswap Environmental Action Society
Dr. Wayne Quinn Dr. Melanie Keith Chase Chiropractic Clinic at Chase Wellness Centre Clinic hours 8:30-5:00 Mon-Tues-Wed 830 Thompson Ave, Chase, BC 250-679-2900
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Re: January Kicker - MLA Greg Kyllo Applauding Referendum result I dare say that all those politicians applauding the Referendum result continuing the antiquated ‘first past the post’ system, applaud it because they worry more about their political clout than about what is fair for the people. Proportional Representation would cer-
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tainly curtail the ‘first past the post’ powers and influence and this, for now, is not acceptable to them. This FPTP certainly does not reflect a fair and impartial opinion of the voter(s). Vera Gottlieb Switzerland
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North Shuswap residents raise awareness, challenge stigma of dementia Ben Rawluk, Communications Coordinator, Alzheimer Society of B.C. Passionate voices come together in North Shuswap to challenge attitudes and stop stigma and say, “Yes. I live with dementia. Let me help you understand.” “Talk to people on the dementia journey and learn about their challenges,” says Maxine Albertson, when asked what people can do to challenge the stigma associated with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Maxine’s husband Phil was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2016. Change is one constant of the disease. While he’s always valued his technical skills – rebuilding his own vehicles and overseeing home renovations going back to 1979 – Phil has had to accept that he can’t do everything he used to be able to do. However, the accomplished musician is still able to enjoy singing and playing the guitar. Phil has found that music has helped him in his experience of the journey. There is more to Phil than his disease, and he has lots of life left to live. That’s the premise of the Alzheimer Society’s continuing nationwide campaign: Yes. I live with dementia. Let me help you understand. While there is no question that dementia is a challenging disease, it’s just one aspect of a person’s life story. The campaign kicked into high gear during Alzheimer’s Awareness Month (January). It showcases the unique and diverse stories of individuals living with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia across Canada. The aim of the cam-
paign is to change attitudes toward the disease and erase the stigma. Life continues after a diagnosis of dementia. “We’re turning the conversation over to the experts,” says Tara Hildebrand, Support and Education Coordinator at the Alzheimer Society of B.C.’s Central Interior Resource Centre, which serves the North Shuswap. “We believe sharing the stories of Canadians living with dementia will fuel a more open, supportive and inclusive dialogue about dementia and give confidence to others who have this disease to live their best lives.” Research shows that stigma associated with dementia is rampant. In a survey commissioned by the Alzheimer Society last year, one in five Canadians said they would feel ashamed or embarrassed if they had dementia while one in five admitted to using derogatory or stigmatizing language about dementia. In addition to helping Canadians better understand dementia, Alzheimer’s Awareness Month provides a platform for people like Phil and Maxine to define who they are as individuals, rather than being defined by the impact of the disease. Throughout the remainder of the year, North Shuswap residents are invited to visit the campaign’s dedicated website to learn more about the people getting on with their life in spite of dementia, get tips on how to help end stigma, test their own attitudes towards the disease and download other useful resources. To learn more about the campaign and get involved, visit ilivewithdementia.ca.
Christmas Bird Count Up By Claudette Carlsen We had good weather for our Christmas Bird Count and 11 people showed up to count as well as the Salmon Arm Club, who went to White Lake and surrounding area to help us. Our species count was down a bit - 54 species but the individual count was up - 3163 individual birds (last year 1568). Perhaps having open water was a reason. The highlight of the day was the large number of robins and varied thrushes. There were 229 robins and 132 thrushes which is very unusual for a winter count. Also, there were a larger amount of Canada Geese – 179 – as opposed to 121 last year. The Pine Grosbeak count was down
from 64 last year to only 2 this year – other than that the count was similar to last year. On January 13, 2019 we counted swans and eagles on the lake from St. Ives to Sorrento and got only four swans at Sorrento and three Eagles. Of interest was the count from Kamloops to Chase on the Thompson River. The swan count was 246 and the eagle count was 57. The swan count was a little down from last year’s 300 but I think that open water is probably keeping them up country. I have been in Agassis during the winter and the fields there were a sea of white impressive to see. Thanks to the counters and to the people who let me come to their bird feeders on my route. ®
Thank you to Karen, Nadja and Candis Penaluna for donating beautiful Christmas Baskets at the December 22 Lions Club Meat Draw. Every year when the Lions held the Christmas Meat draws at the Copper Island Inn, Karen would donate baskets to be raffled off. Even after the loss of her Business last year, Karen held on to the tradition and donated baskets for the Christmas Meat draw. Karen is a very generous lady and is missed by her community. Thank you Karen.
#6-7732 Squilax Anglemont Rd. - Anglemont Enjoy all that the Shuswap has to offer. This unit is nicely appointed with a galley kitchen with eating bar, a full bathroom, two bedrooms and a spacious dining room which opens onto an awesome 6' x 18' covered deck with storage locker & great views. MLS® 10148579
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Reino Keski-Salmi Loppet Submitted by Pat Danforth After 35 years, the annual Reino Keski-Salmi Loppet has raised $415,490 and seen over 15,750 skiers with “heart rate up” skiing on the trails of the Larch Hills. The affiliation that Dr. Brian Ayotte initiated between the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Reino Keski-Salmi Loppet in 1984 is unquestionably a “win-win” for heart health and the Heart 250-955-2981 cell 250-803-2981 and Stroke Foundation. $6672 was raised this year. A fresh 2cm snowfall and quickly warming temperatures Family business for over 80 years at Larch Hills on Saturday, January 19 challenged the waxing Over 25 years experience expertise of many skiers preparing to set out on the 1km to 34 km distances of the 35th Annual Loppet. 510 registrants including keen racers, “fun” skiers, young, older, male, fe male, “locals” and visitors came to enjoy the well-known event. This year, they were also enamoured with the bright, newly renovated chalet that was positively christened with loppet exuberance and reconnecting friendships. Skiers fur thest from home came from Newfoundland, as well as Washington State, Montana, Ontario and Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. The inspiring participation of almost 250 children A.C.I. Certified Concrete Technician is a reflection of our vibrant youth ski programs. The youngW.C.B. insured est skier was 1-year-old Henry Wallensteen, with 3-year-old Guaranteed workmanship Kelsey Klapstein the youngest to finish. Dr. John Henderson, References available at 83 and young at heart, was the eldest participant. The post Loppet celebrations enjoyed by participants included warm BBQ beef on a bun and hot soup lunch at the 6245 Line 17 Magna Bay chalet, followed by a community center swim, Appy Hour, Award Ceremony and a Pizza Social. 250 volunteers and 34 local sponsors proNorth Shuswap Community Association (NSCA) presents: vide race organization, food and drinks, photography, safety, medical care and encouragement. This is truly a community event. Spirit of Volunteerism awards were given to Eileen McDonald and Brian Wallace for their many years of providing a outlying Aid Station and to Dr. Alison Howatt, the Chief Medical Officer for the past 9 years. Race results, information and video can be found at www.skilarchhills.ca and ( except stat holidays) follow the link to Reino Keski-Salmi North Shuswap Community Hall in Celista Loppet
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School News By Jan Penner As this issue comes out, we have finished our Ski/ Skate programs for another year. It was great to see the students who participated having such a great time developing and honing what can be life-long skills. Our hope is to encourage active healthy lifestyles while providing unique opportunities for our students. A huge thanks to our PAC for their monetary contributions, especially for covering the bussing costs to Silver Star and Chase. Our new area trustee, Mr. Marty Gibbons, came for a visit in mid-January. He popped into classes and spent some time with our PAC before heading to Salmon Arm to join fellow trustees at the North Okanagan Shuswap Teacher’s Association meeting. It was nice to have the opportunity to meet Mr. Gibbons and to introduce him to our school. February 15 is a Professional Development Day, and together with Family Day on February 18, means students have a 4-day weekend. If our weather shifts into seasonal by then, we may be able to spend family time outdoors indulging in some kind of snow sport. If not, then the important thing will simply be spending time together with
those we love and support. Pink Shirt Day falls on February 27th this year. Wear pink and show your support for anti-bullying. Bullying happens to children and adults alike. Be aware and help stop bullying behaviours, which can cause so much angst and pain, both physical and mental. Be the solution, not the cause! Our hundredth day of school falls on February 12 this year. Such amazing things happen for our students in such a short time! Division 5 will be celebrating the day with activities focused on doing things 100 times, counting to 100, and sharing our 100 Day projects. The last day of school before Spring Break is March 15th. Please be aware of children in playgrounds and park areas during the vacation. The first day back is April 1st – no joke! Lots of drivers are slowing down for the school zone, but many still are not. A Big Thanks to those of you who have been stopping to ensure classes crossing to the beach access can do so safely. We appreciate your courtesy and care! Our bus drivers do their best to ensure they keep traffic flowing. Please remember to observe their lights – Yellow is caution and Red is STOP!
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The Kicker goes on a Bavarian Cruise Ron & Lorrie Schrader went on a fantastic Bavarian Cruise and the Kicker went with them! Top left: In Prague, Czech Republic with Lorrie standing in front of the Gothic Powder Tower in Old Town Square. The Powder Tower originates from 1475 and is one of the original 13 Gates of Prague. Top right: Lorrie standing on the deck of the Swiss Crystal River Boat on the Danube with Emperor's Jubilee Church in the background. This is in Vienna. This Church is also called St. Francis of Assisi and Mexico Church. It's a Basilica-style Catholic church built between 1898 and 1910.
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Thanks to the neighbour (sorry I forgot your name) who clears my driveway. I appreciate it. . . . .. .. . .. . Shadow
North Shuswap Christian Fellowship
Worship & Sunday School, 10:30 am Potluck 3rd Sunday after service 4079 Butters Road, Scotch Creek Pastor Lloyd Peters
St. David’s by-the-Lake Anglican/United Church Sunday, 11am 5518 S-A Rd, Celista worship@stdavidschurch.info Rev Brian Smith
The Kicker was also spotted at the Puerta del Sol public square in Madrid, SPAIN…. Apparently sneaking into Celia Nord’s suitcase!
Shuswap Community Church Sorrento Campus Sunday, 10:30 am At Sorrento Memorial Hall 1159 Passchendale Rd. 250.835.4004
Catholic Services Our Lady of the Lake Blind Bay Sunday, 11: 15 am Chase Sunday, 9:00 am
Contact Us at The INGREDIENTS • 1 can crushed tomatoes • 1/2 C. red wine • kosher salt • Pepper • 1 can whole peeled tomatoes • 4 clove garlic • 2 medium carrots • 1 large onion • 2 sprig fresh rosemary
7320 Estate Place, Anglemont, B.C. V0E 1M8 • • • •
DIRECTIONS 1. In a 5- to 6-quart slow cooker, whisk together the crushed tomatoes, red wine, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. Add the whole tomatoes, breaking them up with your hands. Stir in the garlic, carrots, onion, and rosemary. 2. Stir in the stew meat. Cook, covered, until the beef is cooked through and shreds easily, 6 to 8 hours on low or 4 to 5 hours on high. 3. Twenty minutes before serving, cook the pasta according to package directions. Remove and discard the rosemary. Skim any fat that has risen to the top. Using a fork, break the meat into smaller pieces, then stir into the cooking liquid; fold in the parsley. Serve the beef ragu over the pasta and sprinkle with the Parmesan.
DELIVERY Mar 1, Apr 5
Ph: 250-955-0534 Fx: 250-955-0515 Web: www.kicker.ca
1 1/2 lb. lean beef stew meat 12 oz. pappardelle or other wide noodles 1/2 C. chopped fresh flatleaf parsley 1/4 C. Grated Parmesan or Romano cheese
Sr. Publisher: Jan Wojciechowski Publisher: Tracy Wojciechowski Editor/Writer: Jo Anne Malpass Writer: Jan Penner Advertising & Classifieds: Cindy Korchinski & Catalina Montgomery EMAIL CONTACT INFO Advertising: advertising@kicker.ca Classifieds: classifieds@kicker.ca Editorial: editorial@kicker.ca General Inquires: kicker@kicker.ca
Got a favourite recipe you would like to share? Email it to kicker@kicker.ca Or fax it to 250-955-0515
Subscriptions: $60.00/yr (+gst) Drop boxes: SuperValu - Scotch Creek, Sunnyside Supermarket - Celista, Ross Creek Store - Magna Bay or 7320 Estate Place Anglemont. @shuswapkicker @shuswapkickerscoop #shuswapkickerscoop
DID YOU KNOW …. When you catch sight of your beloved and your heart starts racing, that's because of an adrenaline rush, Here's how it works: The brain sends signals to the adrenal gland, which secretes hormones such as adrenaline, epinephrine and norepinephrine. They flow through the blood and cause the heart to beat faster and stronger. Brain imaging of people who said they were "madly in love" found activity in the area of the brain that produces the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine and norepinephrine are closely related. Dopamine gives you that focused attention, the craving, the euphoria, the energy and the motivation, in this case the motivation to win life's greatest prize.
NORTH SHUSWAP • Stand Up Comedy Night - Fri. Feb. 1st, 8pm •Anglebay Entertainers Chorus practice –
at the Hub in Scotch Creek. Starring James Uloth (and guest). Guaranteed to leave you in stiches! James has played over 3000 shows in 4 different countries. For tickets call the Hub at (250) 955-2002 •NS Lions 50/50 and Meat Draw - Moving to the Hub starting Feb 2. Feb 9, 15 at the Hub. Feb 23 at Lakeview Centre. 3-5 pm. •Moms’ Morning Out - Feb 4, 9:30-11:30am. Moms and tots 4 and under. Coffee & goodies while little ones play. NS Christian Fellowship. •Tax Information Workshop - Feb 7, 9am at the Scotch Creek Firehall. Free event for anyone wanting to learn about taxes. RSVP Debbie 250 804 8097 or info@northshuswapbc.com •Rise N Shine Family Breakfast – Feb. 9, 8 to 11 am at Lakeview Centre. Sponsored by Better at Home. Great place to meet friends and enjoy a yummy breakfast. •Valentine Dinner and Dance – Love is in the Air at Lakeview Community Centre on Feb. 9. Bar open 5pm. Pasta dinner 6pm. Door Prizes, Silent Auction, 50/50 Draw and a Romantic Dance Lesson by Connie & Tom. Advance tickets from any Lions member or at Ross Creek Store FMI - Doris at dcoildolores@gmail.com •Valentine/Friendship Dinner - Feb.14, 5pm at NS Christian Fellowship. Catered by Ross Creek. FMI Phyllis 250-955-2949 •Sweet Soul Burlesque - Fri. Feb. 15, 9pm at the Hub in Scotch Creek. Vibrant, critically acclaimed burlesque troupe from Vancouver. Sweet Soul strives to break the mold by creating fun, ground-breaking burlesque events of high production value and unequaled sassiness. FMI & tickets call the Hub (250) 9552002 •Celista Coffeehouse - NS Community Hall Feb 16 for coffee, treats, friendship and amazing music. Doors open 7pm. Open mic 7:30. Feature is Jon Treichal. Volunteer to help set up at 6pm. •Creative Classes by Cathy Olszewski Tuesdays from 6 to 8 pm at Lakeview Centre. FMI Cathy at 403-465-1724 or wildwesttradingpostbowness@gmail.com •NS Chamber Meeting - Feb. 25, 6:30pm at Quaaout Lodge. Bring a friend.
Every Wed @ 1pm. New members welcome. Pig n’ Whistle Show April 2019. Call Alison at 250-955-2588 or join at our next practice. •The Fun Hypnotist - Feb. 23, 8pm at the Hub. Comedic Hypnotist Gavin Hooper. Educational and outright hilarious. Tickets at the Hub. •Town Hall Meeting - March 9, 1 - 4pm at NS Community Hall, Celista. Discuss the direction for our community with CSRD Area F Director Jay Simpson. •Kids Klub - Every Tuesday, 2pm to 3:30pm at Celista School for grades K-4. Crafts, bible stories, snacks and fun. FREE FMI 250955-0071 SOUTH SHUSWAP •Spring Market Feb 2 - 10am - 3pm. Blind Bay Hall. 20 local vendors. Variety of products & creations •NimbleFingers Registration - opens on Wednesday, January 30th at 9am for NimbleFingers 2019! Aug 18-30th in beautiful Sorrento, BC. FMI: www.nimblefingers.ca For more South Shuswap events see the South Shuswap Scoop scheduled to deliver on Feb 8 CHASE •Chase Fish & Game Annual Banquet - Sat. Feb. 2. Adams Lake Recreation & Convention Centre. Happy Hour 5:50 pm. Banquet 7pm. Music by Tanner Dawson D. Tickets at Millers Cabin or call Vickey 250-955-2374 •Ski Skmana Events - Feb.16- Family Day, 11am to 3pm. March 21 - AGM, 7pm. FMI skiskmana@gmail.com or (250) 679-2309. SALMON ARM •Annual Shuswap Trail Alliance Fundraiser/ Dance - Feb 1, 6:30 pm - 1:00 am at SASCU Community Centre. Shawn Lightfoot Band, DJ Partico Patrick Ryley, catering by DeMilles, the Barley Station's new Trail Head IPA, bar tending by the Firehall 3 team, Silent Auction table, wine pull, 50/50 draw, plus more best-of-theyear photos from Shuswap Trails. FMI www.shuswaptrails.com. • HD Live from the Met - Georges Bizet, “Carmen” Feb. 2, 9:55 am at Salmar Classic. Then in Mar 02 9:55 am Gaetano Donizetti “La Fille du Régiment”
NORTH SHUSWAP WINTER FESTIVAL BC Family Day Long Weekend February 16-17 ANGLEMONT Feb. 16 - All ages games day, 10am - 2pm. Lakeview Centre. Carpet bowling, Shuffleboard, Darts, Pool, Air Hockey, Foosball Mini Tournaments . Susan Murray-BC Emergency Health Services/Community Paramedicine on site to take blood pressure and check oxygen/sugar levels etc. Anglemont Fire Dept. BBQ at the Lakeview - hot dogs & hamburgers 11am - 2pm. CELISTA Feb. 16 Curling Tournament All Ages 9am – 5pm. NS Community Hall. If no ice, Farrell’s Field Ice Rink, 9am-1pm Snow Sculpting 11am-3pm Celista Estate Winery. Theme is “Under the Sea”. Celista Estate Winery Open House with hot chocolate & hot dogs. 11am-3pm Family Skate Farrell’s Field Ice Rink, 1-4pm . Fire, hot dogs & hot chocolate. Feb. 17 Face Painting 4pm NS Community Hall Club Room Family Dance-DJ Jodi Evans 5 – 7pm, NS Community Hall SCOTCH CREEK Feb. 16 - Snow Pitch Tournament 9am– 5pm Imai Park & Rose Clifford Park. Lions providing hotdogs by donation. Feb. 17 Bed Races - 9am - 1pm. Rules, PreRegistration Form and info contact Ted at 250955-6384 Chili Cook Off 12pm – 2pm at the Hub Detour on Sun, Feb. 17 from 9 am to 1 p.m. away from Squilax Anglemont Rd using Imai Rd and Butters Rd. SKMANA Feb.16 - 11am to 3pm. Open House, snow shoe, ski and Kids Activities at Skmana Lakes Forestry Recreation Site. A limited number of kids x-country skis available to try. QUAAOUT Feb. 17 - C7istkten Story Telling- 1:302:30pm. Including Bannock on a Stick (max 50 People) Archery 2:30-3:30pm (max 20 People) at the Quaaout Lodge-Drop in by donation
For more events in and around the Shuswap check out North Shuswap Events on Facebook or Shuswap Culture: http://shuswapculture.ca/ Event organizers can submit details admin@shuswapculture.ca
ACROSS 1. Seaweed 5. Binge 10. Shade of blue 14. Cleave 15. Mission 16. Breathing organ 17. Castrate 19. Tardy 20. Bovine 21. River horse 22. Novices 23. Replies 25. Anagram of "Peril" 27. Reverence 28. Profligates 31. Come from behind 34. Comportments 35. 52 in Roman numerals 36. Egg-shaped 37. Demands for payment
38. Fender blemish 39. Do it yourself 40. Means 41. Soft creamy candy 42. Ravenous 44. G 45. Consecrate 46. Not devious 50. In progress 52. Anaglyph 54. A sizeable hole 55. Match 56. Awkward 58. Strip of wood 59. Outsider 60. Smell 61. If not 62. Darlings 63. Heredity unit
41 12
DOWN 1. Betel palm 2. A tart fruit 3. Chews 4. Commercials 5. Escort for a woman 6. Inexpensive magazines 7. Harvest 8. Rules of evidence 9. French for "Summer" 10. Akin 11. Argued 12. "Do ___ others..." 13. How old we are
18. Requiring much chewing 22. Cans 24. Bulwark 26. Focusing glass 28. River muds 29. Jewelry 30. Location 31. Was a passenger 32. Keen 33. Idlers 34. Small 37. Life stories 38. Affaire d'honneur
Puzzle 1 - Easy
40. Weight loss plan 41. Stench 43. Dress 44. Putting surfaces 46. Yellowish-brown 47. Lyric poem 48. Also called Peter 49. Cubic meter 50. Adept 51. A young horse 53. Dogfish 56. Knave 57. Soak
Answers on page 46
Puzzle 1 - Medium
Regularly Scheduled Events
To add a meeting/event call 250-955-0534, Fax 250-955-0515
NORTH SHUSWAP CELISTA COMMUNITY HALL 5456 Squilax Anglemont Rd • BINGO - Monday (except stats). $1000 Progressive Jackpot (must be legal age). Doors open at 6. Games start at 7. FMI Sue at 250-5177240 (license #92155) • Coffeehouse - 3rd Sat. Oct to May. Set-up at 6pm. Doors open 7pm. Open mic at 7:30pm FMI Tatiana Speed - 778-985-5343 • Community Association - 3rd Tues. at 7pm. • Craft & Needlework every Wed, 10-2. FMI Gerry 250-517-7111 (from 2nd Wed in Sept to 2nd Wed in June) everyone welcome. • Historical Society - meeting 2nd Thurs at 2pm. • Lions Club - meet 2nd & 4th Thurs 7pm • NIA Dance Fusion Classes - Tues & Fri 10:30am -11:30am. FMI Nancy Parkinson 250679-8233 • NS First Responders Society - meet 2nd Tues. of the month at 1pm • N.S. Players - meet 2nd Tues. of the month, 7pm. • Zumba - Tues & Thurs 9am to 10am. FMI Julie 250-679-8502 LAKEVIEW CENTRE ACTIVITIES 7703 Squilax-Anglemont Rd, Anglemont • Anglebay Entertainers Chorus practice - Wed. 1pm, Pig n’Whistle Show Apr 2019. Call Alison 250-955-2588 • Artists Group - Tuesdays 10am to 2pm. FMI Alison 250-955-2588 • Bridge Night - Wed 7 pm. • Carpet Bowling - Mon & Thurs 10-12. FMI Blair Scranton 250-955-0032. • Chess - Sat 2-4pm • Country Gardener’s Club - 3rd Wed, 1:30pm3:30pm. Sept - May • Crafts - Tues. morn 10am to 2pm. FMI Dolores 250-517-9618. Tues eve. 6pm -8pm FMI Cathy 403-465-1724 • Cribbage (drop-in)- Thurs 1-3pm • Dance Lessons - Wed. 7-8:30pm. FMI Tom & Connie 250-679-2166 • Fitness Classes - Mon-8:30am, Wed& Fri-9am, Thurs 5pm. FMI Carmen@carmentayles.com • Rise N Shine Family Breakfast - 2nd Sat. 8-11am • Table Tennis - Mon & Thurs. 1pm-3pm. FMI Dennis 250-955-2899 OTHER NORTH SHUSWAP ACTIVITIES • Business Lunch Talk (BLT)- 3rd Thurs 12pm to 1pm at pm at North Shuswap Christian Fellowship Church. 4079 Butters Road. Scotch Creek • Chamber of Commerce Meetings - 4th Mon of the month, Location to be announced • Fitness classes at Quaaout Lodge - Mon, Wed, Fri - Yoga at 8:30am and Aquafit at 10am. FMI 250.679.3090 • Lions Club Meat Draw & 50/50 Draw Alternating Saturdays at Lakeview & Scotch Creek Fire Hall. 3-5pm. • Neighbours Seniors Club - Wed. 12 to 3pm. Lunch, games, entertainment, coffee/dessert & fellowship. N.S. Christian Fellowship FMI Marion 250-679-2369 / Sherri 250-955-0036. • NS First Responders - 1st & 3rd Thurs, 7pm at Celista Fire Hall. • NS Health Centre Society - Call Carol 250-3193088 or Kris 250-955-0383 for meeting information. • Pickleball - at the tennis court in Scotch Creek. Every day at 9am. FMI Bonnie 250-371-7567
• The Shuswap Nature Hikers meet Fridays to
hike the North and South Shuswap trails. To join, contact them from their website: http:// www.thethirdhouse.ca/contact/hikers.php .SOUTH SHUSWAP • Blind Bay Garden Club - 3rd Wed. 10:15-12pm South Shus. Library. FMI 250-835-2351 or 778-490-5008 • Notch Hill Town Hall Assoc. - 1st Mon. at 7pm (bank holiday 2nd Mon). Info 250-803-5206 • Probus Club of Copper Island - 2nd Thurs.10am (coffee, 9:30) at Cedar Heights Community Hall. FMI Mike Murrell at 250-675-4495 • Shuswap Rock Club - First Tues of the month (Sept - June) 7:30 pm at Sorrento Drop in Society. Saturday workshops 1-4 pm. FMI 250-675-2849 • Shuswap Wood Carvers - Wed 9am to noon at Sorrento Drop in Centre. FMI Ken 250-675-3316. • Sorrento Lions Club Meat Draw - Fridays 5-7pm at Copper Island Pub in Sorrento. 50/50 draw FMI Wayne, 250-675-2616 • The Arts On-Site with Lady Nature meet Mondays at 9am to create outdoors in the forest, near Sorrento-Blind Bay. FMI: 250-6755097, www.thethirdhouse.ca/theartsonsite • TOPS Sorrento #4369 - meets every Wed from 8:15 to 10:00 am at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church. 2740 Fairway Hills Rd. 250-803-5206 BLIND BAY MEMORIAL HALL 2510 Blind Bay Rd,250-675-3139. Email: blindbayhall@gmail.com Facebook: Blind Bay Community Hall and Reedman Gallery Website: blindbaymemorialhall.ca • Blind Bay Painters - Tues. 9:15am - 3 pm. FMI Gail Boden; gailboden@telus.net • Blues Jam Session - 3rd Tues. 7pm, 250-675-2865 • Talana Twirlers - Mon. 6:30 -7:30pm (new dancers) & 7:30 to 9:30 (mainstream dancing) Nancy Alison 250-803-9096 CARLIN HALL - 4051 Myers Rd., Tappen To book call 250-835-8577. web: carlinhall.net • Tues: Beginner acoustic jam - 7pm to 9pm. • Wed: Intermediate acoustic jam - 7pm to 9pm • Coffee House 1st Sat. Oct - June, 7pm SOUTH SHUSWAP LIBRARY Blind Bay Market. 250-675-4818 www.orl.bc.ca/branches/south-shuswap • Knitting & Crocheting Group: 1st & 3rd Friday, 10 am – Noon. Bring a project! Meet new friends • The Writers’ Nook: 2nd & 4th Wednesday from 10am – 12pm. All welcome! • For a full list of adult and children’s events visit the library or check out their website. EAGLE BAY COMMUNITY HALL 4326 Eagle Bay Rd. • Quilting Mondays 10-2 (Bring Lunch). FMI call Inez: 675-4531 • Crafts Wednesdays 10-2 (Bring Lunch). FMI call Dot: 675-4282 • Fitness - Tues. & Thurs. 9-10. Sharon: 675-2408 • Darts Fri7:15 pm. FMI call Alan: 675-5403 • Coffee House 4th Sat of the Month, except Dec & June - Aug. 7:30pm. FMI Gaetane 675-2178 SORRENTO DROP IN SOCIETY 1148 Passchendaele Rd. • Mon: AA Sorrento Group 8pm, Glee Club 9:30am • Tues: Crib -1:30pm, Men’s Snooker - 1pm, Meals to Wheels 2nd & 4th Tues. at noon • Wed: Carvers - 9am, Cards 1pm, Snooker 6pm • Thurs: Quilting - 10am, Men’s Snooker - 1pm • Fri: Ladies Snooker- 1pm • Sat: Scottish Country Dancing 9:30am - 250-675-3518
or email kicker@kicker.ca
SHUSWAP LAKE ESTATES COMMUNITY CENTRE: 2404 Centennial Dr, Blind Bay FMI call 250-675-2523 • Mon: Line Dance - intermediate 1-3pm, Sponge Ball 9-12pm • Tues: Ladies Bridge 1-4pm, Good Time Quilters 1st & 3rd, 9am-3pm, Sponge Ball 9-12pm • Wed: Line Dance (beginners) 10-11:30am, (Advanced) 1:30-3pm. Ballroom Dance 7-9pm. Lego Club 2nd Wed 6:30-8pm • Thurs: Play Group 9-12pm, Shuswap Pipers1-4pm • Friday: Sponge Ball 9-12pm, Youth Group (Gr. 57)6:30-7:30pm - (Gr. 8 & up)7:30-9:30pm, Scrappy Quilt Chics 9-3pm CHASE Fish & Game Club - 3rd Mon. 7:30pm at Chase Creekside Movie Night - Chase Community Hall, Thurs, minimal admission, concession, FMI 250-319-6302. Parkside Estates - Public Bingo Wed. 1pm, FMI 250-679-4477 Ext. 5 Taoist Tai Chi - Chase Community Hall on Tuesdays from 10-11am and Thursdays from 9:3011:30 am. FMI Judy 250-679-5425 CHASE CREEKSIDE FOR SENIORS 542 Shuswap Ave - FMI Sharron 250-679-1183 • Mon: Exercise for guys/gals, 8:30am / Bridge (with lessons), Canasta & Snooker, 1pm • Tues: Bingo, 1pm • Wed: Exercise for guys/gals, 9am / Canasta & Snooker, 1pm / Jam session 7pm • Thurs: Wood carving, 9am (lessons & help avail.) • 2nd Thurs: Monthly General Meeting, 1pm • Fri: Cribbage, 1pm • Exercise for guys/gals, 9am • 2nd Fri: Mini-Crib, 10:30am register, 11am start • 3rd Fri every other month (starting Oct 2015): Full course meal, 5pm. Happy hour, 4:15 CHASE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION 515 Shuswap Ave - 250-679-3536 • Mon - League Darts 7pm • Tues - Meat draw, 4-6:30 / Pool,3:30 / Fun darts • Wed. - 3rd Wed of every month Branch General Meeting 7 pm. (except July & Aug) • Thurs - Regular Crib (downstairs) 7pm / League Darts (upstairs) 7pm • Fri - Open 1pm to 8pm • Sat - Meat Draw, 50/50, Fun Darts - 2pm • Sun. - Giant Crib on the first Sun. of every month, 10:45 am. All other Sundays closed. SUNNYBRAE COMMUNITY HALL - 3585 Sunnybrae Canoe Pt. Rd. • Tues & Thurs: Karate 6pm (250-835-8875) • Mon & Fri: Badminton (250-835-4625) • 2nd Sat: Coffee House (except June to Sept) • 4th Wed: General Meeting 7:30pm SUNNYBRAE SENIORS HALL • Sunnybrae Painters/Crafters Mon 9:30am (except statutory holidays) FMI 250-835-8539 • Wed Quilters 1st & 3rd (250-835-8255) • Potluck dinner and Meeting 3rd Tues, 5:30 pm (except July/Aug) • Shuswap Needle Arts Guild meet 1st & 3rd Thursday, 10am to 4 pm (Sept. to Jun) FMI Jo (250)-832-9308 or Sharon (250)-832-4588.
Adams River Salmon Society.. info@salmonsociety.com Anglemont Estates Waterworks
After Hours emergency 1-877-996-3344 Regular hours 250-832-8194 Anglemont Ladies Golf.. Bev Shea 250-955-0365 Anglemont Men’s Golf Club.. Rob MacDuff at 250-505-2781 Artistic Community.. Lynn Erin 250-955-6234 Arts Council for the South Shuswap.. Karen Brown 250.515.3276 AWE Society.. email: awesociety7@gmail.com. Baseball Club.. Mike McManamna.. 250-819-0522 or 250-955-0688 Blind Bay Garden Club…Susan 250-835-2351 Camp Grafton.. Judy MacPherson 250-374-5115 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE North Shuswap - Angela Lagore 250-320-2012 South Shuswap - Karen Brown 250-515-0002 Chase - 250-679-8432 Chase Fish & Game Club.. Helen 250-679-8019 COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS Lakeview Community Centre ♦Hall Bookings ..Jim Dingeldein 250-682-6235 NS Community Association.. Tod Wilson 250-253-6253 ♦Hall Bookings – Kim Morgan 403-819-0863 or Lynn - 250679-4017 Seymour Arm Comm. Assoc.. Bob Reimer 250-833-7610 Sorrento & Area Community Association (SACA) – Barry Stokes, 250-675-3306 Country Kids Play School.. Alanna Stearns 250-679-3005 Country Gardens Garden Club.. Chris Trueman 250-955-6467 CRIMESTOPPERS.. 1-800-222-8477 Crowfoot Snowmobile Club.. 250-682-3350 CSRD - Area F Director.. Larry Morgan 250-955-2567 FIRE DEPARTMENTS Anglemont - Graham Lucas - 250-318-7157 Celista - Roy Philips - 250 - 804-3349 Scotch Creek/Lee Creek - Mike Engholm - 250-320-0768 Skwlax - Keith Power - 250-679-4472 Fire Services Coordinator - Sean Coubrough, 250-833-5955 FIRST RESPONDERS NS First Responders Phyllis Shrum 250-955-2949 NS First Responder Society.. Catherine McCrea cm.nsbc@gmail.com SS First Responders.. Debbie Edwards - email: backacher@telus.net. Girl Guides .. 1-800-565-8111 Heart & Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon.. Cynthia Bentley 250-955-2222 HEALTH SERVICES NS Health Centre Society.. Kris Jensen 250-955-0383 Scotch Creek Clinic - 250-955-0660 Chase Medical Clinic - 250-679-1420 Chase Health Centre - 250-679-1400
SS Health Services Society - Sue McCrae 250-675-3562 Sorrento Health Centre – 250 803-5251 Sorrento Health Centre Society – Marilyn Clark, 250-675-2449 Historical Society.. Loretta Greenough 250-955-6431 Imai Ball Park Foundation.. Brian MacDuff 250-955-0981 JPW Road Maintenance.. Attendant 1-877-546-3799, Main office (Armstrong) 250-546-3765, Celista yard (answering machine) 250-955-2231 Karate Club.. Dale Cundy 250-682-3094 Lions Club.. Pat Anderson 250-955-2432 Needle Bugs Club.. Gerry Kendall 250-955-6279 NS Art Group.. Alison Elmes 250-955-2588 NS Cemetery.. Doug Prigmore 250-955-6454 or Loretta Greenough 250-955-6431 NS Christian Fellowship.. 250-955-2545 NS Craft & Needlework Club.. Gerry 250-955-6279 NS Elementary School.. Rob Ellis 250-955-2214 NS Players.. Judy Weller 250-955-0744 Okanagan Regional Library.. North Shuswap.. Lee Carreiro 250-955-8198 South Shuswap.. Leigh Schaffer.. 250-675-4818 Parents Advisory Committee.. Angela Simpson 250-377-5406 Parks Commission Contact.. CSRD 1-888-248-2773 RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION Anglemont - Marian Zackery 250-955-0359 Magna Bay - Alan Nunn 250-679-2565 or 604-522-3346 Scotch Creek - Mary Stewart 250-955-2967 St. Ives - Miki Andrejevic 780-405-5571 School District # 83 Official Trustee Mike McKay trusteefeedback@sd83.bc.ca Seymour Arm Snowmobile Club.. Markus Schrott, 250-307-4360, seymoursledding@gmail.com Shuswap Community Foundation .. 250-832-5428 www.shuswapfoundation.ca Shuswap Environmental Action Society.. Jim Cooperman 250-679-3693 Shuswap Hospice Society.. 250-832-7099 Shuswap Lake Aero Modelers.. 1-866-293-3851 www.slams.ca Shuswap Needle Arts Guild.. Gerry 250-517-7111 or Sharon 250-832-4588 Shuswap Rock Club.. Pat or Gail Bowden 250-675-2849 Shuswap Theatre Society.. http://shuswaptheatre.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Shuswaptheatre/ Shuswap Volunteer Search & Rescue.. Luke Gubbles 250-8031095, shuswapvsar.org Shuswap Waterfront Owners Association (SWOA) info@SWOA.ca, web: www.SWOA.ca Skmana Ski club .. skiskmana@gmail.com / ski-skmana.com South Shuswap Canada Day Committee.. Tammy Packer 250-463-2495 shuswapcanadaday.ca Ta’Lana Twirlers .. Nancy Alison 250-803-9096 Taoist Tai Chi .. Judy 250-679-5425 Victim Services.. Guy Ramsay 250-679-8638 Whittlers Club.. Marian Zackery 250-955-0359
$7 up to 25 words; .20¢ each add’l word. $2 for box-around. Single Column Display Ads - First inch is $12 then $2.25 per 1/4” after (pls tx). E-mail classifieds@kicker.ca CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE.
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Large basement walkout room for rent. Shared accommodations. Full use of house & Hot tub. Includes Satellite TV & WIFI. On the lake with beach area. $775 per month or can be rented weekly or monthly. Available immediately. Call Mike 250-803-3263 Two bedroom house for rent in Anglemont 900 sq feet. Rent is $700 plus utilities and is Negotiable for a trades person looking to do some work for discount rent. Tim at 403-681-4016 or email at tgm68lp@gmail.com
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$7 up to 25 words; .20 ₵ each add’l word. Display ad, First inch is $12 then $2.25 per 1/4” after (pls tx). Drop ads at one of our boxes: Scotch Creek SuperValu, Sunnyside Supermart in Celista, Ross Creek Country Store in Magna Bay or 7320 Estate Place, Anglemont BC, V0E 1M8. Questions call 250-955-0534 March Deadline - February 17 at noon * must be paid in advance*
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Kalynchuk , John William May 28th, 1933 - December 13th, 2018
Miss me, but let me go. When I come to the end of the day, And the sun has set for me, I want no rights in a gloom-filled room. Why cry for a soul set free? Miss me a little, but not too long, And not with your head bowed low. Remember the love we once shared Miss me, but let me go. For this is a journey we all must take, And each must go alone. It is all part of the makers plan, A step on the road to home. When you are lonely and sick at heart Go to the friends we know. And bury your sorrows in doing good deedsMiss me, but let me go. John passed away December 13th, at the age of 85 years old. He is survived by his loving wife of 47 years, Maureen, and his two sons, Evan (Maya), and Graem (Amy). And his three grandchildren Sadie, Madelin and Deakin. Predeceased by his oldest son Aaron. A memorial service will be held in the spring of 2019, as he is to be laid to rest at the Celista Cemetery, in the North Shuswap where he called home. Always a jovial man, with a funny and caring heart. He will be sadly missed, by all who knew him.
North Shuswap Library
Located at the Centre in Scotch Creek
3867 SquilaxAnglemont Rd.
250-955-8198 Open: Tues Noon - 5, Wed & Fri 11 - 4, Sat 11 - 4
TRANSFER STATION Scotch Creek Seymour Arm Fri - Tues 8am - 2pm
Saturday 1pm - 5pm
Closed Wed & Thurs Christmas, New Years & Remembrance Day - Closed
Closed Statutory Holidays
Sudoku - Easy
Bawtree, Alfred (Alf) Harold The family of Alf Bawtree regret to announce his passing on the 21st of December 2018. Born on June 14th, 1930, to Harold and Caroline Bawtree of Ashton Creek BC, Alf was the youngest of six children Phyllis May (Cec), Edith Bawtree, Leonard Bawtree (Ruth), Jean Cleator (Bob), Noelle Bieber (Clarence). He grew up working on the family’s mixed dairy farm and in the bush cutting poles and ties with family and neighbours. After completing high school he attended UBC where he received a BSA (Animal Husbandry) in 1952 which led to a career and lifelong passion for grasslands and range management. He was well respected as a rangeland specialist receiving several recognition awards for his efforts. He remained involved in both professional and non-professional associations promoting education in the field, particularly in natural resource science. Alf moved to Kamloops where he met Kathleen (Kay) Mary Sutherland and they were married in 1960. Alf and Kay raised 2 sons Hugh and Bruce. Alf was always active and encouraged and helped his sons and others to play soccer and hockey. Alf and Kay were also very involved in the Kamloops Outdoor Club and the Naturalists Club and were recognized for their knowledge of wild plants. Later Alf joined the Vintage Car Club after the purchase of a 1932 Rockne. After retiring in 1988, they moved to Magna Bay in about 1991, onto a property they had purchased earlier. Alf and Kay were always community minded and were involved with many groups including St. David’s Church and the Lakeview Community Centre. Alf was predeceased by Kay in 2014. He is survived by his sister Jean Cleator, sister-in-law Ruth Bawtree, sons Hugh Bawtree (Kathie Aitken), Bruce Bawtree, grandchildren Morgan Bawtree, Janell Bawtree, Kirsten Bawtree, and many nieces and nephews. A service is tentatively planned for March 23rd.
Sudoku - Medium
Working Together To Prevent Crime Chase Detachment Office 250-679-3221
If you have any tips on local crime call
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