November Kicker 2016

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Serving the North Shuswap, Sorrento, Blind Bay, Chase, Adams Lake & Seymour Arm. Between 3500 - 7500 distributed (depending on time of year).

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Remembering Women on the Homefront well as raise the children, while the husBy Jo Anne Malpass Canada’s contributions during the war bands and sons were off at war. years would have been very different if it Mothers and children worked side-bywere not for the vital roles women played side on the farm to ensure it survived and on the home front. prospered, with responsibilities like plantVeterans Affairs Canada says the war ing, harvesting, caring for livestock and effort encommanaging the passed all Canafinances being dians, and womadded to women did their fair en’s normal farm share and more, chores. achieving and Canadian sacrificing a Women’s Instigreat deal in the tutes (WIs) and cause of peace other women’s and freedom. groups did their Home life part, as well. could be chalHelping neighlenging during bours was a part North Shuswap Women’s Institute 1943 of their members’ daithe war years. RaPhoto credit: North Shuswap Historical Society # 00742 ly lives and, during tioning was in effect during both the First wartime, their and Second World Wars, making it hard to “neighbourhood” expanded to include obtain sugar, butter, eggs and other scarce those in the military. Making quilts, bandfood items that were needed to help feed ages and clothing for the men overseas the men fighting overseas. Goods such as were just a few of their wartime projects. rubber, gas, metal and nylon were also dif- These groups sent books, newspapers and ficult to come by because they were need- special treats to military hospitals overseas. ed for the war effort. They also held “send-off” and “welcome The North Shuswap was a farming and home” parties for servicemen from their logging community and many farm women area. The WIs had a “Central War Chariwere faced with the reality that they had to ties Fund” that raised millions of dollars maintain the family farm themselves, as during the Second World War.

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Yard Care

Serving the North Shuswap since 1996

Irrigation Blow-outs House Checks

Leslie or Dale Jones


Pit Run Drain Rock • Road Materials • Crush Products

Sand & Gravel Top Soil • Blasted Landscape Rock

we build rock walls

(Continued on page 3)


Hours of Operation


Friday, Saturday, Monday 9am to 4pm Sundays & Stats 10am to 4pm

“The Friendly


Store” 250-955-0646

Winter Coat Exchange

WE DON’T JUST RECYCLE BOTTLES we also take . . .

light fixtures • power tools • sewing machines • small appliances • household paint • electronics • and much more •

*Please remove all caps

3871 Squilax Anglemont Hwy Scotch Creek, BC V0E 1M5

Al Christopherson

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Masters Hall of Fame

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