South Shuswap Scoop November 2016

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8th Edition

November 2016

Sprokkets and Dreamcycle Drawing Attention food magazine earlier this spring for being By Jo Anne Malpass one of the Top 15 Cafes in the Pacific Dreamcycle Motorcycle Museum and Sprokkets Café on the Trans-Canada Hwy Northwest and were part of a café to café and Balmoral Road in Blind Bay, has been ride program hosted by Northwest Motorreceiving rave reviews and is being noticed cycling Sound Rider. Rider Magazine, a US based magazine for the sport, road and by international media outlets. touring motorcycle rider, did a 6-page It was recently featured in “For the Ride” Magazine’s top 10 café racer haunts. spread on the museum and on riding in the This is a Triumph magazine out of the U.K. Shuswap area. On-line with review worldsites rate wide disit as extribution, cellent exploring with comthe moments torbike like “a lifestyle. must see, “Not all great Dreamcyle Motorcycle Museum and Sprokkets Café is located at the top a great of Balmoral Road at 3096 Trans-Canada Highway, Sorrento, BC stop for motorbike any bike advenenthusiast, an absolute Gem of a find, tures involve long distances and long, friendly and informative staff, delicious winding miles of tarmac. Sometimes a homemade food and well worth the visit.” quick Sunday ride and a decent breakfast Dreamcycle owner Mark Lane says in will do just fine.” his website, he built the museum to “move Sprokkets Café was the only café in on with a dream that has been coming toCanada featured; the others were in the gether over the course of my whole life. United Kingdom, Indonesia, Australia, USA, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, When I was younger (under 20) I bought Belgium, Thailand and South Africa. (Continued on page 2) They also won an award from a Seattle

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