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Canadians Remember our Veterans Sea Cadets. From there he joined the Royal By Jo Anne Malpass “During times of war, individual acts of Canadian Army Cadets in New Westminster, a youth program administered by the heroism occur frequently; only a few are ever recorded and receive official recogni- Canadian Armed Forces and funded through tion. By remembering all who have served, the Department of National Defence. In 1969, he realized he needed some we recognize their willingly-endured harddirection in his life, so he made the decision ships and fears, taken upon themselves so to join the Canadian Armed Forces and that we could live in peace.” – Veterans served with the Royal Westminster RegiAffairs Canada. ment based in New Canadians will stop to reWestminster, BC. He member on November 11. On also served with the the North Shuswap, there will be Princess Patricia's Canaa ceremony at Lakeview Centre dian Light Infantry in Anglemont with guests asked (PPCLI). to be seated by 10:45 am. In From 1971 to 1974, he Chase, there will be a parade was stationed at an airstarting at 10:30 am and a serbase at Badenvice at 11:00 am in the Chase Soellingen, Germany Community Hall. Services at with the third Canadian Sorrento Memorial Hall start at Mechanized Commando 10:45 am with the Colour Party (3 MECH CDO), a March and Procession of Vetermechanized infantry ans. In Salmon Arm, a ceremobattalion supporting ny at the Cenotaph starts at 10:45 Canada's commitment to am. The public is invited to the NATO. It was manned branch, for entertainment from Veteran Brian Knipstrom served from Canada’s two Eng2pm to 5pm. our country in several uniforms lish speaking infantry One of our North Shuswap over the course of 50 years regiments, to serve with veterans, Brian Knipstrom of Scotch Creek, served our country in several other countries in protecting Europe from the threat of Soviet attack. Although not uniforms over the course of 50 years. employed in an airborne role, the unit beHe first put on a uniform, as a child in (Continued on page 3) 1965, when he joined the Navy League and
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