North Shuswap Kicker - November 2019

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Remembering Canadian Armed Forces in Afghanistan served in Afghanistan. He served in the By Jo Anne Malpass The theme for Remembrance Day at Canadian Armed Forces from 1990 to Lakeview Centre in Anglemont this year 2014, when he was honourably released is Canadian Armed Forces in Afghaniin Nova Scotia. stan. The war took the lives of 158 CaHe served in the Royal Canadian Arnadian soldiers and wounded more than mour Core, Royal Canadian Dragoons 1,800 others. Canada spent an estimated and the Lord Strathcona Horse Armoured $18-billion fighting in regiments, as a tank crewAfghanistan and trying man, recognisance crewto reconstruct the man and ended his career country. as a tank commander. “The Canadian flag His first overseas tour was lowered for the last was in Somalia in 1993 time by our military in with the airborne regiAfghanistan on March ment on a coalition mis12, 2014. This mission sion to help stabilise the involved more than country from civil war 40,000 Canadian and deliver humanitarian Armed Forces personaid. His second tour was nel—our country's largPeacekeeping in Sarajevo est deployment since (former Yugoslavia), the Second World War. where he received the Our brave men and commander’s commendawomen in uniform not Sgt. Rick Dickson served two tours of tion for going above and only took part in danbeyond the call of duty. duty in Afghanistan gerous combat operaHe was sent again to the tions in Afghanistan, they also undertook former Yugoslavia for peacekeeping and many humanitarian and nation-building humanitarian aid, then to northern Afinitiatives to help the people of the war- ghanistan as a recognisance armour patorn country.” Veterans Affairs Canada trol commander in operations against Sgt. Rick Dickson of Anglemont was terrorism and his last tour was in south(Continued on page 3) one of the brave men in uniform who


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