North Shuswap Kicker September 2018

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Serving the North Shuswap, Sorrento, Blind Bay, Chase, Adams Lake & Seymour Arm. Between 3500 - 7500 distributed (depending on time of year).

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Salute to the Sockeye Interpretive WalkAbouts with Salmon SociBy Darlene Koss ety guides, Fisheries and Oceans Canada The Adams River Salmon Society This is the year ~ 2018 ~ every 4 years is (DFO), BC Parks - Park Rangers, Little the dominant year for the Sockeye to return Shuswap Lake Indian Band, Secwepemc to their spawning grounds. Fisheries, and Pacific Salmon Foundation. This year’s event for the Salute to the Lots to see, lots to do, lots to learn and Sockeye will begin on Friday September experience first hand. 28 and will run through till Sunday October Salute to the Sockeye: 21, with The kick-off to the the Opening Cereopening of the mony taking place Salute to the SockSunday September eye is now less 30 at 1:00pm. than a month Special Note away. Another from President Don special and unique Paterson: In adevent will be the dressing the conrenaming of the cerns for the salmRoderick Haigon, the whole comBrown Provincial munity must assume Park to the responsibility for Secwepemc First Image shared from The Adams River Salmon Society the response to the Nations name photo credit: Bruce Moffat challenge. Everyone Tsútswecw Prois in, no one is out. vincial Park Please come to Tsútswecw Provincial Park (meaning many tributaries or many rivto share your ideas and help call the salmon ers). Everyone is invited to join in this Rehome. naming Ceremony and Celebration with the Preparations are well underway for the Haig Brown family, the Little Shuswap 2018 Adams River salmon spawning season Lake Indian Band, BC Parks and The Ad(mid/late September thru late October) in ams River Salmon Society and provincial the traditional territory of the Secwepemc and federal guests. First Nations people. The Adams River The Opening Ceremony and the Official Salmon Society volunteers are fine tuning Renaming Ceremony of the Park will occur the following events: on September 30 at 1:00pm. Dignitaries 2018 Salute to the Sockeye Events, the from all orders of government, including Shuswap Salmon Symposium, assisting with First Nations, have been invited. The festi(Continued on page 3) the Wild Salmon Caravan Events and the SCOTCH CREEK

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