thenutzine #3

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Photographers : -Dimitris Karaiskos -SurfSalad -Petros Vaxevanakis (P.V.) -Sex House -Kostis Migkos (K.M.)

Content : - Editorial........................................................................................4 -SW Hits again.............................................................................5-16 -Load your bikes.........................................................................32-38 -Shorebreaks................................................................................42

Cover & Words : Petros Vaxevanakis

Design & Edit: Kostis Migkos





Nutzine is something between a nut and a mag. It’s like being on a road trip driving while the others are busting your nuts or like when you are driving and no one is keeping you any company cause they are either sleeping or just reading a mag. I mean nuts are everywhere, you may find them in trees, in lineups, between your legs and they can be pretty busted by drop ins, flats or just by your buddies.In the Nutzine world we get our nuts busted when the car fuels are empty again, or when we go for a second session

and the wetsuit is still wet; sometimes it’s when we decide to change the spot for a better one, only to later see photos of those who decided to stick around and enjoy perfection while we were enjoying more driving; even when they break our car again,even though we’d left the car unlocked this time. It’s like going on a faraway island for the swell, just to see the swell rising on the day of your departure. It’s just like cracking your nuts on your surf experience in Greece. In the long run this is a magazine, made after long driving sessions chasing 1 foot swells and ocean fairytales, having a blast and cracking some nuts. It’s designed according to our influences,creativity and it’s made to feel appealing to us. This magazine is not as easy to spot as a nut but I am telling you it’s a similar experience.





Surf Salad


1 hold the leash 2Spot the pick 3

Drop in or DIE


Surf Salad


Surf Salad



Surf Salad

14 And it hits once again. Rain all over Greece, south west winds and swell hunting; driving the brand new roads, new tunnels towards the same beloved spots, while our velocity reaches nearly 100km to spare us from some gas. Music lies silent as our audio system left its last breath during the previous swell a couple of weeks ago and same old jokes sound like new, once again. I don’t really know what that magic recipe is, the one that secures us with sunshine all across the south west coast line whereas rain and chaos take over the rest of the country. Every single time but we sure love it!

Reaching the first spot, waves are pilling perfectly although still a bit small.We decide to go on a short spot searching to find a small fast leftie and play for a couple of hours before we return to find what we were waiting for! Sun is shining and we rush into our wet wetsuits. Jumping from the dock is always a pleasure and an added butterfly to the stomach and that leftie into the shallow rocky playground is a reason to love surfing in Greece! Everybody is sharing jokes, waves are enough for everybody and there is still time for a third late afternoon session later on.





Surf Salad


AkickintheNut . Loves Hoties








Summer lovers is for sun, summer lovers is for fun, summer lovers are bikinis,north wind swells, colorful umbrellas and random trips! Summer lovers is leaving for a weekend wind swell with a friend and finally returning broke but fulfilled,after 2 weeks of choppy, sunny, salty, yummy waves, bizarre nights, tasty food, red tourists and surreal lifeguards in an island or just in a dream!






32 LOAD YOUR BIKES in crete


photos/ text: Petros Vaxevanakis

Hot Day Dreams & Summer swells

Watching the forecast for hours, eyes going dry and my throat burning in every seep from the fizzy shit that i am su-

cking akwardly with my black, thin straw. I never really liked fizzys but there is this familiar sense of summer vacation in those moodly bubbles that along with the right music travels your stomach and makes you feel so light that you could ever flight to the destination you are day dreaming. Maybe is that extra sugar that stones you or an old childhood memory that brings optimistic feelings and crazy plans on how you will succeed this daydream while carrying a frozen wide smile on your face. F@ck, cell is ringing, back into reallity, but this strong energy is still in my stomach and that silly smile is still stack in my mouth. I am sucking hard all shawls, while keeping my back tooth connected, drying sweaty palms on my boardshort, swallow and answer the phone. It’s a buddy, not your everyday pall, but the face you give a sensire salut whenever you will run on him in a line up or in a hook up bar-girls call them coctail bars. He is probably looking too for a female glimpse to make his attack but he’ll finaly end up with you and your buddies talking outside the bar about how sweet that last swell was and that he should definitely change his board. He is talking casual, fool irrelevant jokes and i keep doing this strange neck while playing with my feet in the cold marble barefoot touching once the whole surface and instantly stepping again only on the sides. Its weird cause i feel so hot but at the same time this murble could freeze every bit of sweet that you have on you just on a sec. Suddenly he pos it out, “hey did you check the forecast...i know its not something big but...”. I instantly inte-rupt him and a proposal is spit on its own from my mouth while it was beeing cooked in my head for ages.So, swell is north and keeps blowing for at least a week, we are only two of us so forget about a car cause its too expensi-ve. We load boards and bikes in my car, stop at a

local shop to buy some tools for bike racks, drive to the port, damp thecar and ship. I ll try to buy student tickets, we ll fix the bike racks on board as the trip is all night long and we ll be in theisland by sunshine where the first spot is just 25km from there! I really change personality whenever i do something new,something spontaneously, irrational, non programmed,something that you don’t know how to do it but you just actually do. Usually its simple, away from indoor places, away from any kind of technology and with no morethan the necessary. I get this feeling like the time is running slowerand that everything is going to be on our side. And thisis what exactly went on this one tool.

So, while waiting fot my buddy to pick me up i note down, with one eye, necessary equipment for the racks and with the

other i am checking again and again the how to tutorial on Korduroy channel. I throw 2 boardshorts, a pair of jeans , 3 t-shirts, flipflops, sunblock, a sweater, my sleeping bug, some music, a book and my moleskin in the backpack, prepare a quick sandwich with all fridge leftovers, for the ship, grab my boardbag and load my bike in his trunk. I have the list ready and we go by a craft store to buy everything: - 4-1” PVC T-joint - 6-1” PVC 90 degree elbow - 4-1.75” diametr hose clamps - 10’ Pvc pipe (schedule 40) - 6’ foam pipe insulation for 1” pipe - PVC cement - bungee cords

Everything roles by the plan. Now i have to explain something about plans. They simply do not work out. In this kind of

cases at least, your plan is improvisation, cause when you decide to be fre, you really need no worries and a certain program

is something to worry about. At the same time, in case you try to think out a solution about the whole trip then i bet my brand new quiver that you will skip out the trip, close the forecast tabs and the vimeo summer teath channel to open your fb profile in order to attend in an event tonight thinking that you might score! Your buddy from the other side is most definitely searching for the same thing, a hypothetical plan to follow cause he doesn’t want too much responsibility. None of the two don’t want to worry too much and that’s the best recipe cause when things get in trouble you give a good lough on the situationand find a last minute solution to keep going. Things work magically in this kind of situations. So, we are on board, we have secured surfboards and bikes in the garage with straps, helped that grandma with her suitcase, cause don’t forget about karma, checked all places to find the best girls company(grandmas karma didn’t pay off that well). Ate that sa-ndwich cause the boiled egg and salami was starting to smell like soaked and the assembling was soon to come to reality! We are both really excited but both playing it really cool like we ve done it a million times.

Parts fit great,glue goes in gently, people think we are either plumbers or conceptual artists, maybe it was the mustache

that i decided to leave, you know it’s the butterfly feeling that i was mentioning above which makes you act like a fool and think that those hair over your lips will make you feel a bit cooler and a bit more free. Construction number one looks awesome, once the glue is dry, it’s a keeper and the sweetest thing is that it took even less that we ever thought.See what i was telling you, everything goes well in those last minute plans. So we continue on racks for the second bike when out of magic, fuck we have run out of pipes. We were so thrilled in the craft shop that although we cut parts for both bikes the owner must have forgotten to put the first cuts on the bag- of course it’s the owner’s fault and not ours! We decide to sleep and find a solution int he morning once we are on the port. There is a shop in the port opening in an hour or so. We grab a coffee and some breakfast and wait for it. Once open we buy everything, fix it, support the other one a bit more with the help of the shop owner too and after an hour we are ready to go. Once on the bike, on your own surf rack device you have this “air” like you have conquered the Antarctica or something. It’s funny cause it’s all PVC

pipes, a couple of tie raps and lots of ducktape, but they seem enough to conquer the whole world at the moment.

On the road people are looking like we have come all the way from Australia

with bikes and we support with our attitudes as much as we can to forget all about bikes n racks n ships when we start reaching the coastline that the swell is already hittind the coast. Sun is burning, my head is on fire, i push the nose a bit and dump my head in the salty water, i should have brought some vaseline, it’s day one and those rushes are already killing me and that leash ..........ooouph that was a good right, i had forgotten how much i love this spot! Night is coming slowly and we are ready to eat the whole island, suffering from starvation, you know what i mean, that feeling in the stomach after a 5 hour session, the best feeling in the world...

Go out there and explore. Go out there and have fun. Go out there and be free even for 10 days... Go out there and SURF!




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AkickintheNut is Social !

SHOREBREAKS : Waves that break right on the beach. Usually not surfable, and more powerful and steeper than a normal beachbreak because the waves shoal and break quickly due to the fast transition from deep to swallow water.

Love :

Loved basically by shortboarders who want to learn snaps and aerials on steeper waves.

Hate :

Hated by all the rest surfers cause it looks close out to them.



Dimitris Karaiskos

The other side! Its not always easygoing!




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