bazzle - ISSUE 001

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She walks in beauty, like the night Of many cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes; - Byron

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bazzle: ‘A visual aesthetic that is exuberant, elegant and eclectic’

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E D I T O R I A L This is bazzle. welcoming you onboard to the first of our many adventures. we seek journeys to unknown destinations where trees blossom and waters are roaring. we are not likely to keep calm. we are not likely to breathe easy. we bang our heads to the insistent resonance of visionary artists. This is a journey to a mysterious place where artists will challenge your minds with substance and vision. and they will make your beating chamber hungry for more! we are a busy herd, the human race, always in a hurry to the next level of our own created game called life. sometimes it moves so fast, that all beautiful things pass by unnoticed. either we cant remember the little things because of our over stimulated minds or, we might just be too occupied with ourselves to notice the beauty in the things that has vision and value. that is why we have captured this moment in time for the first volume of bazzle. so feel free to dive into the darkness and close your eyes. explore a world that is never standing still. focused on its craft, experimenting to move beyond what has been done before.

The Crew Kim Kelly Make Up Artist Social:

Jik Reuben Shoot and Lighting Assistant Social:

w Stefan Ramdial Behind The Scenes Social:

Mikhail Jathan Lighting Social:

Contributors: Sound :: LimeFaceX Writing :: Moira Elise, Gladstone Taylor Special thanks :: Cruise Pedley



.​​ . . or is it an inner phenomenon that naturally exudes making one beautiful whether acknowledged or not? But, does Beauty have to be acknowledged to be real? If I feel beautiful does that mean I am beautiful? Who determines what or whom is beautiful? I believe that real beauty begins on the inside and finds it way out for the world to see and admire . . . if it wishes! Too often, we measure our God given beauty by false standards created by persons or systems that have no foundation in value, or substance. And we insist on trying to measure up to ridiculous standards that say . . . to be beautiful must you weigh 110lbs! have long flowing hair! have a ‘straight’ nose! have long slender legs! wear designer clothes! and the list goes. Let’s forget about all that foolishness because real beauty is: feeling great about oneself, being confident, enjoying being different, creating ones own style, being healthy and finding ones inner peace! These attributes have nothing to do with the values of strangers but all to do with who we really are! So, let’s review our own personal criteria of ‘being beautiful’ and effect the changes that will reveal our inner beauty and to hell with those falsely imposed standards. You are beautiful so, to thine own self be true.

Lessons of Shining Gladstone Taylor

What we learned from the sun, Was how to make shadows shrivel beneath us like scared lizards, How to nurture a universe, How to give life, How to be purposefully bold, How to be radiant without fear but with love, The Sun, taught it’s people how to be beautiful.

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