In our 18th Issue, our cover models are Dani and Dannah. These girls definitely know how to preach the word of God. Inside you will read about "What Fashion Means to Me” by Isla and Sadie, and learn about Mint To Be Children’s Boutique, see some amazing pictures from NY’s amazing photographer Dani Diamond and learn about Riley Diary who definitely has a talent in Twinning. Checkout pics from Nashville’s Fashion Show featuring Deanie Couture! We also have an article on our 11 year old Featured Designer: Ashlyn! Want to know "How To Become A Model-Athlete"? Chandler King has some really cool pointers for you! You will also read about a touching Anti-Bullying story about Iman and her “Journey to Self-Love”. Oh and we can't forget our Top 10 Models! This issue we even included a Local Top 10 Models page from Atlanta, Houston, LA, NYC, and San Antonio!!! Also, we are starting to do Local Spotlights on Models, Photographers, Designers, etc all over. In this issue we showcased San Antonio’s Vibrant Cactus