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Stronger Together

Editors Message

The Kidney Foundation is with you for life, beside you on your journey with kidney disease. This spring we launched our new public service announcement. Many volunteers stepped up to join us on set so that our message can make an even bigger difference for others, Jason was one of those volunteers, check out his inspiring story on page 10.


Remember you are not alone, there are programs and services that can help; there is a community who will surround you with understanding and compassion. Check out kidney.ca/withyou to see the PSA and more stories from our community.

One of the programs we’re most proud of is Peer Support. Group meetings continue to be an important way to build community, connect with others and to feel supported. From transplant to living with reduced kidney function, caregivers, parents of paediatric patients, young adults and those on dialysis, there is a group to meet your need. Check out the schedule at kidney.ca/supportmeetings.

Webinars and forums are also highly effective ways to share the expertise of renal professionals and those with lived experience. Our national forum in March was filled with information to help live your best life with kidney disease. In this issue, we’ve compiled stories and information highlighting the impact of kidney disease on the entire family. Patient partner, Shilpa, shares her story of family planning, while Brennan and his mother Tina share how they are planning for Brennan’s transition from care at the paediatric hospital to adult kidney care.

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Meera Chawda provides an easy step by step guide to a mindfulness body scan (page 8) and Tarmara Farhat shares how what we eat can impact how we feel (page 18).

Beginning this spring, we’ve returned to host some of our most recognized events, including the annual Gala in Toronto, Celebrity Men in Windsor, and a Murder Mystery event in Hamilton. As we look forward to the fall, we’re excited to see the return of the Kidney Walks to local communities throughout September and October (page 13). The walks are the Foundation’s largest community fundraiser, but at the core, the walks are also a place where families connect, where people can see first-hand that they aren’t alone in their experience. We hope you’ll consider joining us!

Trish Reynolds Editor

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