MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE FROM THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT AND THE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 2008 was a remarkable year for The Kidney Foundation of Canada; and we want to share with you a few of the highlights. We were delighted when the Living Organ Donor Expense Reimbursement Program (LODERP) jointly pioneered by our BC Branch and the BC Transplant Society served as a model for a similar program with the Foundation’s Manitoba Branch and the Government of Manitoba. These programs make it easier to become a living organ donor.
It was also a pleasure to see the first set of awardees graduate from the Kidney Research Scientist Core Education and National Training (KRESCENT) program, the cutting-edge training offered by the Foundation in collaboration with the Canadian Society of Nephrology, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and other stakeholders. And we were honored to toast Dr. Paul R. Goodyer, the most recent recipient of the Medal for Research Excellence, recognized the world over for his work on the genetic basis for renal disease. We wish to acknowledge the tremendous contribution of Gavin Turley, the Foundation’s National Executive Director of 15 years, who took his retirement in 2008. We are grateful for the seamless transition he enabled and the rich legacy of his many accomplishments, including the direction provided to kidney research through the Horizons process. The first set of KRESCENT program
The Foundation continues to implement the Leading Change strategic plan, including initiatives to enhance volunteer and community engagement. We are also laying the groundwork for a major philanthropic campaign, in order to make a significant stride forward in reducing the burden of kidney disease.
None of this would be possible without the many volunteers, donors, partners and staff who are dedicated to our common vision. We extend our heart-felt thanks to all of you.
Niloufer Bhesania National President
Paul Shay National Executive Director
Behind you ... all the way
RESEARCH RESEARCH THE ULTIMATE PATIENT SERVICE Since 1964, The Kidney Foundation of Canada has invested over $83 million in excellent, peer-reviewed, renal research and awarded 13 Medals for Research Excellence (MRE). When Quebec nephrologist, Dr. Paul Goodyer, was awarded the 2008 MRE for his world-renowned body of work on the genetic basis for renal disease, he thanked the Foundation while recalling how it had been the first organization to provide him with a kidney research grant.
Getting the right start is often what makes stellar research possible. It’s why the Foundation and its partners* established the Kidney Research Scientist Core Education and National Training (KRESCENT) program in 2005. “Participants dedicate at least 80 per cent of their time to kidney research,” says KRESCENT Program Director, Dr. Kevin Burns. The first set of KRESCENT awardees graduated in 2008. Dr. David Cherney commends the program’s protected time for kidney research. He also notes its practicality: “The research that I do will help in the identification of people who are at risk early in the course of diabetes, the major cause of end-stage renal disease.’’ Dr. Sunny Hartwig, returning to Canada after a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Harvard University, lauds the mentorship and leadership it provides. “You have basic and clinical scientists coming together so you have this benchside to bedside collaboration with a unified goal, which is to improve the future of health care for people with kidney disease.” Investing in research opens the door to innovative treatments and a healthier future for people living with kidney disease.
Left to right, Dr. Paul R. Goodyer, 2008 recipient of the Medal for Research Excellence and Paul Shay, National Executive Director of The Kidney Foundation of Canada.
*The Kidney Foundation acknowledges the generous contribution of the Canadian Society of Nephrology, the CIHR Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes, the CIHR Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health, the Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec, AMGEN, Baxter Corporation, Hoffmann–La Roche, Maple Leaf Foods, Merck Frosst Canada Ltd., Ortho Biotech, Shire BioChem Inc., the Canadian Association of Nephrology Dietitians, the Canadian Association of Nephrology Nurses and Technicians, the Canadian Association of Nephrology Social Workers, the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis and private donors for their support of young investigators through their funding of the KRESCENT program.
What it takes
SERVICES Services TOUCHING MANY LIVES For over 40 years, The Kidney Foundation of Canada has proven its commitment to people affected by kidney disease by providing the best support and resources available. Some of the Foundation’s core services include information and referral, short-term financial assistance, educational material and peer support. Each one of these services can touch many lives, as they touched Will Osler’s... Prior to becoming volunteer President of the Southern Alberta Branch of the Foundation, Will reached out to the KIDNEY CONNECT Peer Support Program when preparing to donate a kidney to his father, Jock Osler.
“It really made sense to me to talk to somebody who had been through the process themselves,” says Will. “The Foundation put me in touch with two donors, and it was really valuable to have their perspective. It helped put my mind at ease.” Now a KIDNEY CONNECT volunteer, Will says “The first questions you get are: What’s it going to be like? What’s it going to do to me? It’s rewarding giving somebody information that they need and want.”
Will and his father, Jock Osler.
Ease the burden
RAISING AWARENESS RAISING AWARENESS IMPROVING OUTCOMES The Kidney Foundation of Canada is committed to raising public awareness of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and its major risk factors, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. We believe doing so is key to reducing the overall burden of the disease on individuals and the health care system. So when Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer’s first report on the state of public health omitted mention of CKD, the Foundation urged recognition of this chronic disease that affects an estimated 2 million Canadians. All federal parliamentarians and senators were sent information kits during March, Kidney Health Month, leading to public statements of support in the House of Commons and the Senate.
“The incidence of kidney disease will not go away by itself; action is needed,’’ noted Hon. Marie-P. Poulin on World Kidney Day, a global awareness event held annually the second Thursday of March.
Photo: Anthony Tirone
The Foundation’s Branches understand the importance of action, and hold numerous health screening and public awareness events at the community level. The Ontario Kidney Health Centre, for instance, has provided blood sugar and blood pressure testing as well as consultations with a health professional to over 6,500 participants, resulting in an educated community aware of CKD risk factors, equipped to make healthy lifestyle choices.
Brian Jacobs gets his blood pressure tested by Elizabeth Bowman at the Kidney Health Centre.
Act on information
ORGAN DOANTION ORGAN DONATION REDUCING BARRIERS With over 3,000 Canadians on the waiting list for a kidney transplant, commitment to organ donation and reducing barriers to living donation remain top priorities for The Kidney Foundation of Canada. In 2008, the Foundation marked a major achievement when the Living Organ Donor Expense Reimbursement Program (LODERP), jointly developed by our BC Branch and the BC Transplant Society in 2006, served as a model for a new program by the Government of Manitoba and the Foundation’s Manitoba Branch. These programs reimburse living donors for accommodation, travel, loss of income, and other out-of-pocket expenses related to their gift of life.
Beverley Everett found out about the Manitoba initiative from a hospital social worker when she became a living donor to her husband, Alfred. “We were always a two income family. So when Bev quit work to take care of me, it was tough,’’ recalls Alfred. “That money came in handy,’’ says Bev. “It helped us a lot.’’ Branches in Quebec and Alberta have already met with their respective Ministries of Health about implementing living organ donor expense reimbursement programs in their provinces, and others are projected to do so. The Foundation also took part in the consultation process that led to the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministries of Health commitment to an integrated national system for organ donation and transplantation in Canada. This system will help donors and transplant recipients find each other; and could significantly improve the rate of organ donation and the lives of people with end-stage renal disease.
Beverley and Alfred Everett know the value of living donation.
Make a difference
Community highlights Community highlights Active communities are healthier At The Kidney Foundation of Canada, we believe proactive community involvement is essential to reducing the burden of kidney disease.
When Judy Caissie’s kidneys failed, her cousin Tanya donated the organ that transformed both their lives. Today, Judy volunteers with the Foundation’s New Brunswick Branch. It’s her way of saying thanks, and more. “By doing so, I hope to spread the message to others that such a gift as Tanya’s is not a luxury.’’ Dr. Michel R. Pâquet, a Quebec nephrologist, is a member of the Foundation’s National Organ Donation Committee, providing valuable expertise and insight. He also runs marathons and meets with politicians to rally commitment to organ donation and reducing barriers to living donation. Such volunteers help the Foundation hold hundreds of events, including walks, runs, and patient symposia; and they help develop programs that target “at risk” populations, like the Manitoba Branch kidney health school curriculum which addresses the growing incidence of kidney disease among the First Nations people. Designed in the culture, language and environment of Oji-Cree with participation from the community, its preliminary results are very positive.
Judy (left) volunteers with The Kidney Foundation thanks to Tanya’s gift of life.
With donor support, even more can be achieved. The Kidney Foundation of Canada/Pfizer Canada – Cardio-Renal Research Award, established in 2008, is funding research into cardiovascular complications of kidney disease and helping to address a leading health issue. Committed communities are proving that our vision of kidney health, and improved lives for all people affected by kidney disease can become a reality!
Get involved
THANKS Thanks To Our Endowment Fund Donors In 1994, The Kidney Foundation of Canada introduced endowment funds to provide a pool of permanent resources for our work. The principal amount of these gifts is invested, and the revenue generated is used to finance research and programs for Canadians living with kidney disease. We are extremely grateful to all those individuals and groups who have established the following endowment funds. FOUNDER’S CIRCLE The James Aitken Research Endowment The Shirley Alison Bettess Research Endowment The Nathan Block Research Endowment The Mayor Don Cousens & Aline Cousens Endowment The Charles & Adeleine Hill Endowment The Suzanne MacLean Transplant Research Endowment The Arthur Malott Memorial Endowment The Agostino Monteduro Endowment The Gladys Penfold Endowment The Michel Perron Research Endowment The Patty Read Endowment The Royal Canadian Legion, Mount Pleasant Branch, No. 177 Endowment The Trillium Stabilization Fund PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE The A.J. Casson Endowment The Dr. Sandra Cockfield Endowment The Jack Guignon Patient Services Endowment The Daniel Hall Mitchell Endowment The Robinson Endowment Fund BENEFACTOR The Colter Family Endowment The Jeanie Allan Morgan Endowment The Storeimage Endowment The Donald & Barbara Copan & Helen (Nellie) Thomson Endowment PATRON The AGM Members Endowment The Marcia Bell Research Endowment The Molly So-Fun Chong Endowment The Ida B. Eagles Endowment The Margaret-Ann Irwin Endowment The Robert Kay Endowment The Ronald E. Kelter Research Fund The Kerry Talmage Memorial Endowment The David Watson Bike Canada for Kidney Fund PARTNER The Basic Science Endowment The D.E.A.R. Berry Endowment The Ontario Branch Campaign Endowment Fund The Esther Lam Endowment The Minnie Renkema Family Endowment The Jean-Claude Robichaud Memorial Fund The Turley Family Endowment The Xandra Fund Endowment
ASSOCIATE The Dr. Daniel G. Bichet Endowment The Marjorie Ann Cramer Endowment The Peter & Suzanne Davis Research Endowment The Deloitte & Touche Research Endowment The Vivian Doyle-Kelly Endowment The John N. & Sophia Economides Endowment The German New Brunswick Association Research Endowment The Joanne Kappel Endowment The Reginald Steers & Andrée Thériault Steers Endowment The Alison Walker Memorial Trust Fund SUPPORTER The Niloufer and Mike Bhesania Endowment The Janet Bick Research Endowment The Scott, Randy & Ross Brower Memorial Endowment The Andrey Cybulsky & Daria Trojan Endowment The Danièle & Robert Deslauriers Family Endowment The Tetiana M. Gerych & George Sawchyn Endowment The Betty Jarvis Endowment The Channing and Iris Kyer Memorial Fund The Denis A. Marquis & Marie Fragasso Endowment The Dr. Pierre Nantel Endowment The Justin Poy Research Endowment The Dr. Rankin Endowment The Rudy Senft Endowment The Bob Smith Endowment The Patrice Waché Endowment FRIEND The Harold W. Ashenmil Endowment The Frances Ashfield Endowment The Pierrette & Pierre Beauvais Endowment The Jim Biles Memorial Research Endowment The May Bostock Endowment The Philippe Bouchard Endowment The Michel Bouvier Endowment The Branch Executive Directors Endowment The Robert Glen Brown Memorial Endowment The Sherry Buckle Endowment The Jian Shiang Chum Endowment The Jacques & Monique Davignon Endowment The Denyse Demers Endowment The Dr. Colette Girardin Endowment The Scot DeJong & Alexya Heelis Endowment The Louise & André De Léan Endowment The Yvon Dupuis Endowment
The Eastern Ontario Branch Emeritus Council Endowment The Edmonton Volunteers Research Endowment The Eugene J. Erler Endowment The Fort Employee Benefits Endowment The John & Mary George Endowment The Geoffrey N. Hendy Endowment The Vera Margaret Henricksen Endowment The Baby Jacob Endowment The James Klotz Endowment The Daniel Lajeunesse Endowment The Guy Langlois Endowment The Chantale Lauzon Endowment The Dr. Serge Lemay & Dr. Tomoko Takano Endowment The Alice & Edward Leon Endowment The Marrero Endowment The Ina Swedler McCarthy Endowment The Barry & Mary Catharine McDonnell Endowment The Dorothy McElroy Endowment The Morris Family Endowment The Bertha Ngai Endowment Fund The Linda Pellas Endowment The Pigeon Endowment The Dr. Basil M. Plumb Research Endowment The Danielle Poulin & Michel Girard Endowment The Quebec Branch Staff, Volunteers & Friends Endowment The Ken Raby Memorial Endowment The Demetre & Elizabeth Sakoyannis Endowment The Hart Selbstaedt Memorial Fund The Paul Shay Endowment Fund The Dan Sparks Research Endowment The Sylvain Thibault Endowment The Robin Timmerman Endowment The Gavin Turley Scholarship Fund The Gord and Shelley White Endowment
Investing in the future
Treasurer’s Treasurer’s Report Report A very solid financial position I am pleased to share the financial results for The Kidney Foundation of Canada for the year ended December 31, 2008. The Foundation continues to build on its strong financial position. This year, it raised more than $18.3 million in net revenues from public support and other revenue sources, representing an increase of 6.1% from the previous year. Expenditures on medical research, programs and support services, combined with strategic investments, totaled $18 million, a 3% increase from the previous year. This has resulted in a surplus of $294,302. Our investment portfolio is well balanced and diversified. Like most portfolios, it did not escape the dramatic downturn in the financial market. We continue to use a conservative long-term investment mix and are confident the portfolio should do fairly well when the market recovers. We are maintaining the reserves required to ensure that future commitments to our programs, such as medical research, are met.
In 2008, the Foundation made strategic investments in several areas to enhance its operations such as fundraising capacity and support services. These included the acquisition of new systems for accounting, budgeting, and improved online presence. These investments strengthen the Foundation and will ultimately result in an increase of the resources devoted to the delivery of our core mission. The Kidney Foundation of Canada finished 2008 in a very solid financial position and with strengthened systems. I would like to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to our donors, volunteers and staff who have contributed to these very positive financial results in support of our mission.
Denis Marquis National Treasurer Dr. Michel R. Pâquet runs and rallies in support of The Kidney Foundation of Canada and the community we represent.
Strengthening for positive growth
FINACIAL STATEMENTs Financial Statements BALANCE SHEET 2008 2007 ASSETS Cash and short-term deposits $ 2,977 $ 2,299 Interest and sundry receivable 653 1,065 Prepaid expenses 899 932 Capital assets 1,845 504 Investments 14,695 16,297 Total assets $ 21,069 $ 21,097 LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ Deferred contributions Deferred contributions - Capital Assets Deferred contributions - KRESCENT program Total liabilities $
1,694 $ 2,651 879 1,385 6,609 $
The Kidney Foundation of Canada Summary Financial Statement Data (in thousands of dollars) as at December 31, 2008
1,505 2,652 1,552 5,709
FUND BALANCES Contributed land $ 335 $ Invested in capital assets 631 504 Restricted for endowment 7,118 8,050 Internally restricted 3,433 4,325 Unrestricted 2,943 2,509 Total fund balances $ 14,460 $ 15,388 Total liabilities and fund balances $ 21,069 $ 21,097
STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS 2008 2007 REVENUE Public support $ 9,967 $ 9,238 Corporate & individual donations 4,173 4,028 Bequests and in memoriam 3,319 3,001 Investment income 845 989 Net revenue $ 18,304 $ 17,256
The Kidney Foundation of Canada Summary Financial Statement Data (in thousands of dollars) year ended December 31, 2008
EXPENDITURES Medical research $ 4,944 $ 4,794 Patient services 2,464 2,542 Organ donation 496 552 Public education services and communications 2,573 2,186 Foundation development 1,396 1,525 Other fundraising expenses 3,874 3,876 Support services: management and general 2,263 2,016 Total expenditures $ 18,010 $ 17,491 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures $ 294 $ (235) The above information has been extracted and summarized from the 2008 Audited Financial Statements. The complete set of statements audited by Deloitte & Touche LLP can be requested from The Kidney Foundation of Canada, or found on our website at
Very positive financial results
CONTACTS CONTACTS National Board of Directors National President Niloufer Bhesania Immediate Past President Denis Marquis Treasurer Denis Marquis Secretary Sean Lawson Vice Presidents Bill Podolsky Kathryn Richardson
Directors Karl Benne, Director-at-Large Faye Clark, President, New Brunswick Branch Peter Davis, President, Ontario Branch Tetiana M. Gerych, Director-at-Large Cathy Gillis, President, Nova Scotia Branch Andrew MacRitchie, Director-at-Large Ken Merkley, President, British Columbia Branch Robert Nelson, President, Prince Edward Island Branch Will Osler, President, Southern Alberta Branch Rick Pattee, Director at-Large Claude Pigeon, President, Quebec Branch Donn Pirie, President, Manitoba Branch Gord Read, President, Northern Alberta and The Territories Branch Jason Silver, President, Newfoundland and Labrador Branch David Stack, President, Saskatchewan Branch
National and Branch Offices National Office 300-5165 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, QC H4A 1T6 514-369-4806 / 1-800-361-7494 Paul Shay, National Executive Director
Ontario Branch 700-15 Gervais Drive Toronto, ON M3C 1Y8 416-445-0373 / 1-800-387-4474 Jim O’Brien, Executive Director
British Columbia Branch 4940 Canada Way, Suite 200 Burnaby, BC V5G 4K6 604-736-9775 / 1-800-567-8112 M.Y. Lorraine Gerard, Executive Director
Quebec Branch 2300 René-Lévesque Blvd. West Montreal, QC H3H 2R5 514-938-4515 / 1-800-565-4515 Miklos Fulop, Executive Director
Northern Alberta & The Territories Branch 10642-178 Street, Suite 101 Edmonton, AB T5S 1H4 780-451-6900 / 1-800-461-9063 Heidi Erisman, Executive Director
New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Branch 42 Durelle Street, Suite 2 Fredericton, NB E3C 1N8 506-453-0533 / 1-877-453-0533 Tim Fox, Executive Director
Southern Alberta Branch 6007 1A Street SW Calgary, AB T2H 0G5 403-255-6108 / 1-800-268-1177 Joyce Van Deurzen, Executive Director
Nova Scotia Branch 6960 Mumford Road, Suite 15 Halifax, NS B3L 4P1 902-429-9298 / 1-800-889-5557 Doris Cameron, Executive Director
Saskatchewan Branch 1-2217 Hanselman Court Saskatoon, SK S7L 6A8 306-664-8588 / 1-888-664-8588 Joyce Van Deurzen, Executive Director
Newfoundland and Labrador Branch 66 Kenmount Road, Suite 303 St. John’s, NL A1B 3V7 709-753-8999 / 1-800-563-0626 Theresa Horvath, Coordinator
Manitoba Branch 1-452 Dovercourt Drive Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1G4 204-989-0800 / 1-800-729-7176 Valerie Dunphy, Executive Director
Charitable Registration Number: 10756 7398 RR0001
Past Presidents
2004-06: Patrice Waché, QC 2001-04: Peter Davis, ON 1999-01: Mary Lou Karley, ON 1997-99: Marcia Bell, BC 1995-97: Owen B. Brown, NL 1993-95: Vivian Doyle-Kelly, QC 1991-93: Mary Catharine McDonnell, NS 1989-91: Neil Bronsch, AB 1988-89: Alfred Coll, ON 1986-88: Doris Norman, NB 1985-86: Kenneth R. Hughes, MB 1983-85: Howard McNutt, NS 1981-83: Barry S. Arbus, ON 1979-81: Stephen A. Stein, ON 1977-79: Ben Vanden Brink, AB 1976-77: David Ornstein, QC 1974-76: Roger P. Kerans, AB 1970-74: Harold Ashenmil, QC 1964-70: Arthur Boidman, QC