Fall 2020 Kidney Community Newsletter

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FALL 2020


A new Executive Director for the Quebec Branch page 2


A fresh new look for the donatingakidney.ca living donation website page 8


A new Kidney Foundation chapter in Lanaudière page 10


Patient services continue despite the COVID-19 crisis pages 6 and 7


The Foundation awards a COVID-19 research fellowship page 13

WORD FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The personal information you have provided is used only to send you this newsletter. If you no longer wish to receive it, please e-mail us at infoquebec@kidney.ca or call us at 514 938-4515. Dear readers: Help enrich our newsletter by sharing your experiences with kidney disease or transplants! Please send a text of up to 300 words, along with a high-resolution photo, to infoquebec@kidney.ca. CONTACT US: The Kidney Foundation Quebec Branch 2300 René-Lévesque Blvd. West Montreal, Quebec H3H 2R5 TELEPHONE 514 938-4515 or 1 800 565-4515 FAX 514 938-4757 E-MAIL infoquebec@kidney.ca Circulation : 10,000 copies The newsletter is published three times a year by the Quebec Branch of The Kidney Foundation. Distributed in English and French to all people suffering from kidney failure, these publications provide valuable information on the Foundation’s services and activities, including the latest news about kidney disease and organ donation. The opinions expressed herein are those of the respective authors. Moving? Write us at: infoquebec@kidney.ca. Articles may be reproduced provided that proper credit is given.

THE QUEBEC BRANCH HAS A NEW EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR August 17 was the day I enthusiastically joined the energetic and welcoming team of the Quebec Branch of The Kidney Foundation. Taking the helm of a charity in the unusual context of the COVID-19 pandemic was quite the challenge, but I am up to the task and have great people supporting me. I am a seasoned management leader with nearly 20 years of fundraising experience. My career and achievements have focused mainly on two areas: development—philanthropic, business and economic—and marketing communication. As I know someone with kidney disease who recently had a kidney transplant, I feel particularly compelled by the Foundation’s mission and identify with its values. I bring to the Foundation creativity and innovation, a passion for people and inclusive leadership, a wide-ranging background and an entrepreneurial spirit.

mission it first undertook nearly 60 years ago. Until we can meet in person, I encourage you to get in touch with me to share not only your needs, concerns and expectations, but also your aspirations, plans and recommendations. I also hope you will let me know if you have time and energy to give to our various committees, events or campaigns—we will find a way to turn your investment into pleasure and a sense of satisfaction. I would also like to reach out to people of generations Y and Z who want to make an impact in the community—our doors are always open for you. And last but not least, I encourage you to spread the word in your own communities to help us expand our network of volunteers, partners, collaborators and donors. Doing so will help put the Foundation in a better position to increase its research funding and improve quality of life for people with kidney disease. Until next time!

I am therefore driven by a strong desire to team up with all of you throughout Quebec to enable the Foundation to pursue the important and vital

P.S. Remember to take good care of yourself and your loved ones.

Francine Labelle Executive Director The Kidney Foundation, Quebec Branch

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THE 2020 KIDNEY WALK: A RESOUNDING SUCCESS, ADAPTED FOR THE TIMES The pandemic made it impossible to hold the Kidney Walk and Tour de rein cycling event in their usual formats. But thanks to the involvement and fundraising efforts of the hundreds of people who turned out on foot and on wheels, the Kidney Walk still managed to raise over $260,000 to help the Foundation pursue its mission. In trying times like these, patients need our help more than ever. The Kidney Walk is a major source of revenue that we use to support patients when they need it most. With patients now facing uncertain financial and health situations, we know that the needs will only continue to grow. Although most of the Walks have gone virtual, leaving participants to walk the Walk solo, the Gaspé and St. Eugène d’Argentenay events were held in person while complying with the official health measures.





Proud partner of the Kidney-car Program

A BIG THANK YOU goes out to all participants and donors who took part in these special editions of the Kidney Walk and Tour de rein event. December 31 is the deadline to officially close off your fundraiser on the Kidney Walk web site www.rein.ca/marchequebec.

Les néphrologues du Québec Caisse Desjardins de la Pointe de la Gaspésie Uniprix Martin Gagnon et Vicky Fournier

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Five members of the social committee at Morneau Shepell took part in the Montreal Kidney Walk with their team, Les Moucreins, in support of their co-worker Julie-Anne Le Blanc whose father suffers from kidney failure. Due to pandemic restrictions, the 18-member team walked in groups of up to three people and raised $2,165, exceeding its goal many times over. Julie-Anne’s father has been at Hôpital de Saint-Hyacinthe suffering from kidney failure since June and undergoes dialysis treatment every other day. He also has to undergo blood transfusions, which leave him exhausted. At 75, he is not eligible for a kidney transplant. JulieAnne’s grandfather died of kidney failure at 81, so she JULIE-ANNE LE BLANC wasn’t entirely surprised to find out that she herself had kidney stones.

PONTIAC KIDNEY WALK – RANDALL RUSSELL, KIDNEY TRANSPLANT RECIPIENT Throughout the pandemic, The Kidney Foundation has continued to encourage organizing committees across the province to hold virtual RANDALL RUSSELL Kidney Walk events to raise funds to respond to the needs of people living with chronic kidney disease. During a pandemic, these needs only grow. The Foundation has also continued raising awareness of the importance of spotting kidney disease early on and of signing the back of our health insurance card to indicate support for organ donation. Thanks to an incredible donor (my wife), I had a kidney transplant in September 2017.


For Julie-Anne, it was important to participate in an event like the Kidney Walk to “support kidney disease treatment and research.” She learned more about the Foundation and the Kidney Walk at Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont when she was being treated for her kidney stones. “We were able to make a difference in the community by raising funds and walking for one of our colleagues,” says Katherine Ioanna, Julie-Anne’s co-worker, who came up with the idea of getting involved in the Walk. The five members of the company’s social committee certainly enjoyed their Walk experience and are ready to don their shoes again for next year’s Walk, which, with a little luck, will take place under more normal conditions.

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Congratulations to the Saint-Eugène d’Argentenay Kidney Walk! Held September 19 in accordance with health regulations, the event raised an amazing $17,600. The Foundation would like to highlight the commitment and dedication of the organizing committee led by Lisette Sauvageau, whose husband had a kidney transplant over 20 years ago. We would also like to thank Honorary Chair MarieClaude Tremblay, General Manager of the Caisse du Nord du Lac-Saint-Jean, for supporting us this year.



“To support The Kidney Foundation, I’ve been taking part in the Kidney Walk for the past four years with the generous backing of my family and friends. I was diagnosed with the disease in summer 2015 after three visits to the emergency room. They kept me so they could do further tests. After the nephrologists at Hôpital de Chicoutimi examined me, they immediately installed a catheter so that I could start dialysis. I was already in end-stage renal failure and had water in my lungs. A biopsy and other tests revealed that I was secreting blood. The pneumologist, nephrologist ANDRÉ LAFORGE and cardiologist decided to induce a coma and transfer me to the hospital in Quebec City. The staff in the ICU didn’t know if I would wake up. My wife then had to decide whether to continue or stop my treatment. After ten plasma treatments and dialysis every other day, I was diagnosed with Wegener’s autoimmune disease. I woke up seven days later and couldn’t remember a thing. A week after that, I took my first walk outdoors with a physiotherapist. Then, five days later, I was back at Hôpital de Chicoutimi for what would be the first of my three weekly, two-hour-long hemodialysis treatments. By August 2018, I had been on dialysis for several years, and my wife of 50 years, aged 74, decided to undergo tests to see if she could donate one of her kidneys to me. All the tests came back positive. The transplant was scheduled for March 27, 2019, at the hospital in Quebec City. My wife was there for four days, and I got to leave after 11 days. Neither of us had any lasting effects and we are continuing our journey together. She gave me the most wonderful gift: life itself. This year, I walked 10 km in the Kidney Walk. Thank you to all the participants and generous donors.”



Gisèle Odermatt, Honorary Chair of the 2020 Gatineau Kidney Walk, got involved with the Kidney Foundation because she has a close personal connection to kidney disease: her husband Klaus had a kidney transplant in 2016 after three years of home dialysis treatments. “My kidneys were sick. It’s a silent disease, and there’s no pain. In the end, by the time your kidneys have almost stopped working, you feel very tired and not in a great mood,” said Klaus. After spending a week in Montreal for his kidney transplant, he returned home and did his follow-ups at Hôpital de Hull. “The funds raised during the Kidney Walk will help the Foundation pursue its mission of delivering essential patient services, funding kidney research and promoting organ donation, which is so essential for many people on the waiting list,” said Gisèle.

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In these difficult times, the Foundation is by your side

The health, wellbeing and safety of patients, whether they are transplant recipients or on dialysis, are our biggest priorities. This is why it’s so important that we respond to the growing needs of our kidney community, which is being severely impacted by the pandemic. The Kidney Foundation has put in place measures to stay close to patients and remain ready to respond quickly and effectively to their needs. Many dialysis and transplant patients are in precarious financial situations and having a rough time. Once the second wave is over and the Universal Compensation Program (UCP) comes to an end, patients’ needs will be even greater. The Foundation is and will be here to help them get through it. We wish a warm thank-you to all the healthcare professionals involved with the Foundation for their continued commitment to providing the best possible care to kidney patients despite the current challenges.

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Here are some examples of the services available to patients in response to the pandemic: Phone support – When the pandemic started, we recorded a special message for the Foundation’s main phone line to provide patients with a number to call to reach the coordinator of the Patient Programs and Services Department. Emergency fund at medical centres – During the first two weeks of the crisis, we contacted all the social workers and head nurses who manage The Kidney Foundation’s emergency fund. We sent them money so that they would have enough on hand to help patients if the demand for emergency funding increased. We have been contacting hospitals in high-risk areas on a weekly basis for updates on how they are managing their patient care situation. All hospitals have implemented procedures to ensure that patients receive their treatments as safely as possible. The dialysis centres follow the recommendations of Quebec’s health department, the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS).


Organ donation – On March 26, Transplant Québec announced the temporary suspension of kidney and kidney/pancreas transplant activities involving both living and deceased donors. The only two exceptions were kidney transplants in medical emergencies and cases involving double transplantation, such as kidney-heart or kidney-lung transplants. In August, live donor transplants resumed. We have been closely monitoring the situation so that we can respond effectively to patients’ needs. Special COVID-19 Webinars – The Kidney Foundation has conducted three webinars in French to inform patients about the effects COVID 19 can have on people in their situation: “COVID-19 and Dialysis,” in collaboration with Dr. PierreAntoine Brown, Dr. Rita Suri and Dr. Louise Roy; “COVID-19 and Transplantation,” in collaboration with Dr. Isabelle Houde and Dr. Marie-Chantal Fortin; and “COVID-19 – How to deal with it,” with the participation of five social workers—Caroline Landry, Lydia Boivin, Amélie Lapointe, Marc-Alain Garon and Émilie Lapointe—as well as Rachel Solyom, a lawyer specializing in civil law. Facebook group for young patients to replace Summer Camp – Due to the cancellation of the Kids’ Summer Camp, The Kidney Foundation has created a private Facebook group where young people can keep in touch while giving their parents a break. Tutoring program for kids in elementary and high school – The COVID-19 health crisis has strongly affected young patients and their families, whose situations are often challenging and precarious at the best of times. Many kids with kidney disease

attend an adapted school or one for disabled children. They are at greater risk of suffering from attention deficit and learning disorders, which often progress as kidney function declines. The current crisis has greatly affected young patients’ ability to learn. Since March, they haven’t been getting the same amount or quality of education as usual. They experience a learning delay due to their health status and the time some have to spend on their treatments. Furthermore, the crisis is also affecting their parents financially. It is for these reasons that The Kidney Foundation has partnered with the tutoring agency Succès Scolaire to help young patients catch up on their schooling.

In these difficult times, the Foundation is by your side and our programs and services will remain available to you. If you need advice and information, reach out to our program coordinator Philippe Vincent at 514-883-8985 or philippe.vincent@kidney.ca.

“I benefited from the Foundation’s emergency fund, which helped me a lot during this pandemic. I’ve been off work since February 2020 because of my worsening kidney failure symptoms. I’m currently experiencing a lot of stress and my physical and psychological wellbeing have been compromised. The Foundation’s generosity and the support I’ve received from social worker MarieJosée Langevin helped me get through this crisis.” - Michel Ghazal

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Launched in 2014 to answer questions from people considering becoming a living donor to help a loved one, the Kidney Foundation’s donatingakidney.ca website was recently given a fresh new look. Now with a more modern image and smoother navigation between the different sections, this site entirely dedicated to living donation provides all the information potential donors need to make the most informed choice possible. Becoming a living donor is one of the biggest decisions a person might ever make, which is why proper guidance is so important. Often, when we ask ourselves questions about a specific subject, our first reflex is to look for the answers online. But when you do that, there’s no knowing whether what you find is accurate or misleading: there’s so much information out there that it can be hard to separate fact from fiction, especially when it comes to health matters.

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Developed by The Kidney Foundation, the donatingakidney.ca living donation website’s content has been verified by health professionals and nephrologists. Thanks to the comprehensive information the site provides, potential donors are equipped to make a reasoned, well informed decision. If you’re considering donating one of your kidneys to a loved one and have questions, visit donatingakidney.ca to learn about the various steps in the process. If you have more specific questions after perusing the site, contact Philippe Vincent from our Patient Services Department at 1 800 565 4515, ext. 222, or philippe.vincent@ kidney.ca. He’ll be able to answer your questions and guide you through the process. We hope you enjoy your visit!


GIFT OF LIFE HUMANITARIAN AWARD: A BEAUTIFUL WAY TO RECOGNIZE AN EMPLOYER WHOSE EFFORTS SUPPORT ORGAN DONATION The Gift of Life Humanitarian Award aims to recognize the humanitarian efforts of companies that have in some way facilitated a kidney transplant or donation for one of their employees. This award is particularly relevant today given that around 800 Quebecers are currently on the province’s organ donation list. Of this figure, 70% are awaiting a kidney. Though 301 kidney transplants were performed in 2019, nothing can be taken for granted when it comes to organ donation. Consequently, the Foundation continues striving to raise public awareness and wishes to remind everyone of just how vital organ donations are for people on the waiting list hoping for a new kidney.

Once all the criteria have been met, we’ll contact you to start the awarding process. It’s that easy! What better way to recognize the support you or someone you know received during the donation or transplant process! *As at December 31, 2019

Nominating your company is as easy as 1-2-3. Go to kidney.ca  under About Us  Recognition Programs,fill out the form and send it to us at infoquebec@rein.ca.

ARE YOU FAMILIAR WITH THE KIDNEY FOUNDATION’S LIVING DONOR RECOGNITION PROGRAM? Every year, healthy people donate one of their kidneys to help someone suffering from advanced renal failure, someone whose only chance at renewed health is a transplant.


Donating a kidney to provide a better quality of life to someone who is suffering is an act of great generosity, one we think deserves to be recognized. If you’re a living donor, you could receive a medal* in recognition of your life-affirming gesture. To find out more, contact Philippe Vincent, Coordinator of Patient Programs and Services, at 1 800 565-4515, ext. 222, or philippe.vincent@rein.ca

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The Kidney Foundation has recently established a new chapter in Lanaudière, which joins the Foundation’s eight other regional chapters in Quebec. Led by president Richard Parent, the Lanaudière chapter covers the entire Lanaudière administrative region. Its mission is to ensure The Kidney Foundation’s presence throughout the region, serve and represent the patients of the region’s two nephrology centres, recruit volunteers and organize fundraising activities. With an active presence in the kidney community, the chapter plays an indispensable role in raising awareness about and preventing kidney disease, as well as promoting organ donation. Follow the Lanaudière chapter on Facebook.


Richard Parent (centre), kidney transplant recipient and president of the Lanaudière Chapter of The Kidney Foundation, with Gabriel Ste-Marie, Member of Parliament for Joliette and a volunteer at the 2019 Joliette Kidney Walk.


VOLUNTEER AT THE NEXT SAGUENAY KIDNEY WALK We need you! Join our extraordinary team of volunteers who help keep the Kidney Foundation going. A wide range of opportunities available throughout the year allow you to get involved and put your talents and skills to good use helping people with kidney disease. We are currently seeking volunteers to help us organize the September 2021 Saguenay Kidney Walk.

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Volunteers make it possible for the Kidney Foundation to fund vital research, help patients and defend their rights, and promote kidney health and organ donation. The Kidney Foundation’s biggest strength is you! If you’d like to volunteer for the Foundation, contact development officer Nathalie Saulnier at 418 690-6629.





In many respects, 2020 is a special year for the Foundation: the Quebec City Chapter Golf Tournament is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, while Fernand Dufresne, Chairman of the Board at Preverco Inc., is celebrating 10 years as the tournament’s chair. Due to the current health crisis, this year’s tournament has been cancelled, as we wanted to avoid exposing our partners and friends to the coronavirus. But because kidney disease doesn’t take a break and patients’ vulnerability has only been exacerbated by COVID-19, we need your help now more than ever. We are appealing to your generosity to support our efforts. Quebec is getting back on track in all respects—the economy, education, culture—and we’re doing the same, inviting you to put your shoulder to the wheel to help us make this 25th edition a success against all odds! Your participation will enable the Kidney Foundation to pursue its mission of funding medical research, delivering services to people with kidney disease and giving them access to high-

quality healthcare, while raising awareness and encouraging the public to sign their organ donation card. By becoming a partner, you can play a part in the golf tournament’s success. To donate, fill out the donation form. You will receive a tax receipt for 100% of the value of your donation. For more information, contact Maryse Néron at 418-683-1449 or maryse.neron@rein.ca Honorary chairs • Fernand Dufresne, Chairman of the Board, Preverco Inc. • Nancy Avoine, managing partner, Quebec City Office, EY • Jean-Maurice Vézina, Private Wealth Management • Charles Deblois, Groupe Deblois et Tremblay, RBC Dominion Securities Organizing committee • Caroline Plante • Simon Desmeules, nephrologist, Hôtel-Dieu de Québec

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DRIVEN BY GENEROSITY? DONATE YOUR CAR TO THE KIDNEY FOUNDATION! Every year, thousands of vehicles are recycled by The Kidney Foundation through an original program that takes old vehicles off the road to raise funds for kidney disease research and the services delivered by the Foundation, all of which aim to improve quality of life for people living with the disease.

DON’T WAIT! Donate your car today by completing the form available online at kidneycar.ca or by calling us at 1-888-228-8673.

It’s also an eco-friendly thing to do! We guarantee that if your car doesn’t qualify for resale, it will be fully recycled in accordance with the industry’s strict environmental standards. Towing is free and you’ll receive a $300 tax receipt from The Foundation. In some cases, following an evaluation, higher-value cars may be deemed suitable for resale. If that happens, they may be resold, at which point the vehicle’s former owner will receive an income tax receipt for more than $300 depending on the assessed value at the time of donation.

SEEN OUR KIDNEY CAR ADS ON OUR SOCIAL MEDIA? Join us on Facebook and Instagram and remember to share with your contacts!

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COVID-19 RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP AWARDED TO DR. RITA SURI Nephrologist Dr. Rita Suri, Associate Professor and Director of the Division of Nephrology at McGill University, as well as Scientific Chair of The Kidney Foundation Grant Review Committee, has received, together with two other investigators, a $476,333 research grant to study the impact of COVID-19 on hemodialysis patients.

There are 24,000 Canadians living with kidney failure who must receive regular hemodialysis treatments to stay alive. This involves coming to the dialysis unit 3 days every week, for 4-5 hours at a time. While this is burdensome, the COVID-19 pandemic has made life even more difficult for hemodialysis patients. As they cannot self-isolate, they are at higher risk of infection than others. If they do get infected, this may not be easily identified because they may not have typical symptoms or may deny them for fear of being denied dialysis. Yet, due to their underlying medical illnesses, dialysis patients are at risk of becoming quite ill from COVID-19. The precise risks to their health are uncertain. Finally, widespread application of infection control measures in dialysis units and physical distancing, while needed to control spread of COVID-19, may have unforeseen impacts on all hemodialysis patients. These range from encountering problems with transportation, interfering with their critical need to get to the dialysis unit, to their interactions with the health care team, access to nondialysis health care, and inability to have their loved ones at their bedside during dialysis. Being the province hardest hit with COVID-19, we have established a province-wide team of kidney doctors and other experts in Quebec to study: 1. the infection control measures implemented in each dialysis unit; 2. how to better identify dialysis patients who have COVID-19; 3. their risk of dying from COVID-19 and the longer-term risk of COVID-19 on their physical and mental health; 4. whether they develop antibodies to this infection; 5. how all dialysis patients have generally been affected by this pandemic with respect to dialysis and non-dialysis medical care. The results of this comprehensive study will guide our understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on dialysis patients in order to help improve their care both in Canada and globally.

Principal investigators: Rita Suri, William Beaubien-Souligny, Annie-Claire Nadeau-Fredette Co-investigators: Mohsen Agharazii, Ramanakumar Agnihotram, Daniel Blum, Guillaume Bollée, Jean-Francois Cailhier, Anne-Marie Côté, Ahmed Elgeneidy, Marie-Chantal Fortin, Charles Henry Frenette, Remi Goupil, Jean-Philippe Lafrance, Caroline Lamarche, Louis-Philippe Laurin, Fabrice Mac-Way, François Madore, Laura Liane Pilozzi-Edmonds, Soham Rej et Murray Vasilevsky

DR. RITA SURI Dr. Suri is a nephrologist, Associate Professor and Director of the Division of Nephrology at McGill University. She is actively engaged in clinical practice, teaching and research, and is recognized throughout Canada for her leadership in research, network development and teaching. She has served on several guidelines committees for the CSN, KDOQI and KDIGO, is the scientific officer for the CIHR Randomized Controlled Trials panel and the Kidney Foundation Grant Review Committee, and is Chair of the newly formed Canadian Society of Nephrology Scientific Committee. More recently, she led the drafting of national recommendations for the management of COVID-19 in ambulatory dialysis units. Dr. Rita Suri is also a member of the 2020 Kidney Corporate Challenge campaign cabinet.

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HAVE YOU CONSIDERED A BEQUEST? The forced slowdown that we have been experiencing since last March is prompting many people to get their personal affairs in order and make a will. The latest statistics show a significant increase of 30% to 45% in the number of requests to notary offices and online sites dedicated to this legal document. A bequest in your will remains one of the simplest and most accessible ways to plan a donation. Many options are available: • a specific bequest (a specified amount or property) • a residual legacy (all or a percentage of what remains after all debts are paid and individual bequests executed) • the designation of a secondary beneficiary in the event of the death of the primary beneficiary • a universal bequest (the totality of the property, sometimes divided among several beneficiaries)

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• the designation of a beneficiary of a retirement savings plan, pension fund or life insurance policy • a “simultaneous death” clause which provides a benefit to a chosen cause if all the beneficiaries die at the same time. A bequest is a way to invest in the community for years to come and leave your mark through an enduring contribution to the lasting success of the Foundation. To find out how to make your own bequest, please contact Francine Labelle at francine.labelle@kidney.ca or 1-800-565-4515, ext. 231.

The information presented here is of an informative and general nature.


PUT ALL THE CHANCES ON YOUR SIDE, GET YOUR SHOTS! You make healthy lifestyle choices and you well control your disease. But did you know that your disease can make you more susceptible to other infections, including some respiratory infections? If you have a kidney disease, you should be vaccinated against Flu and Pneumococcus. Because of your health condition, complications from these infections can have serious health consequences, such as respiratory difficulties, pneumonia or even death. Treatment of these complications may require a hospital stay of several days, even weeks, resulting in a loss of autonomy in some cases. In the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is possible that several respiratory viruses may circulate at the same time this fall. Even if no vaccine is currently available against COVID-19, you can still protect yourself against other

respiratory infections. Vaccination is the best way to put all the chances on your side by protecting yourself against pneumococcal infections and flu! In QuĂŠbec, flu vaccine is offered free of charge to people who have a chronic disease, such as kidney disease, people aged 75 and over, as well as their informal caregivers and people living in the same household. If you have never been vaccinated against pneumococcal infections, ask for the pneumococcal vaccine when you get your flu shot. Adults usually only need a single dose of the vaccine in their lifetime to be protected. For more information, contact your CLSC, your doctor, or your pharmacist, or visit the website at: QuĂŠbec.ca/pneumocoque. Vaccination, the best protection!

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DECEMBER 5 IS INTERNATIONAL VOLUNTEER DAY! The Kidney Foundation would like to express its gratitude for the commitment, dedication and generosity that all its volunteers demonstrate every day for the benefit of people with kidney disease. Their outstanding dedication to improving the lives of people living with kidney disease and their invaluable involvement in this cause make it possible for the Foundation to achieve its mission.

A LITTLE BIT OF HISTORY In New York, on December 17, 1985, the United Nations created World Volunteer Day to highlight volunteers’ contributions to economic and social development locally, nationally and internationally. The UN would like to see societies and governments acknowledge and promote volunteerism as an indispensable activity.

They are the very cornerstone of the Foundation’s existence. Thank you!

DECEMBER 1 IS “GIVING TUESDAY” Every young person with kidney disease deserves to have fun, laugh and live in peace. Everyone deserves hope. On December 1, support young people with kidney disease so they can find balance and enjoy a better quality of life.

THE KIDNEY FOUNDATION QUEBEC BRANCH 2300 René-Lévesque Blvd. West Montreal, Quebec H3H 2R5 Phone: 514 938-4515 • 1 800 565-4515 Fax: 514 938-4757 • infoquebec@kidney.ca www.kidney.ca

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