Mostly flat feet is an issue mainly for people have completely disconnected functions of the upper part of the body with the lower parts. It is also known as fallen arches. It is basically the postural deformity occurs due to deformity in the foot arches resulting in the coming up of the entire sole of the foot into complete or near complete to the ground.
Causes of Flat Feet: Flat feet is the congenital malformation of bones which is highly evident under the X ray pates. Flat feet may not be cause of any problems but few causes have been highlighted from the research works are in some people:-
Pain in the foot and ankle.
Leg pain
Knee pain
Hip or Back Pain
· Flat foot may be carried over genes or heredity. It is mainly caused due to excessive stress exerted by the foot. This abnormality of fallen arches may occur at the present of birth or even may be hereditary also
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