9th January 2010 - Kids Today

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Editor : Sahar Iqbal Creative Head: Babur Saghir Graphic Designer : Sana Ahmed

‘Tangled’: Healing Incantation s born with magical Princess Rapunzel wa n person’s youth. Whe hair that can restore a d , a woman name Rapunzel was a baby r away to keep the he Mother Gothel stole for herself. Rapunzel youth restoring magic er, being taught by grew up locked in a tow world outside was Mother Gothel that the not realising that she a horrible place, and ery year on her birthwas a princess. But ev a festival of lights day, the kingdom had princess. Rapunzel to remember the lost r window and longed could see this from he When a wanted thief to visit the kingdom. oke into her tower to named Flynn Rider br el punzel took his satch hide from guards, Ra e Sh le. jewels he sto containing the crown satchel if he took her his promised to return to the light festival, out of the tower and which he agreed to.

‘Tangled’ accessories

Interesting facts about ‘ Tangled ’ 1 Rapunzel has 70 feet of golden hair and more than 100,000 individual strands 2 Special software had to be created to simulate movement for the hair, no one had ever animated that much hair before and no leading lady has ever had that much hair before. 3 If all the hairs on a single head of hair 12 inches long were laid end-toend, they would stretch 26 miles. If all the hair on Rapunzel’s head were laid end to end they would stretch for 1,820 miles. 4 Ten women from the production grew their hair out during the making of the film; ultimately each cut about 10 inches of hair to donate to an organization that makes real-hair wigs for people who’ve lost their . hair due to illness. 5 The waterfall and stream in the tower valley were animated to match the characteristics of streams and waterfalls in California’s Yosemite. The effects supervisor took a two-day trip and shot more than 150 video clips for reference. The art directors were then able to pick out their favourite characteristics. More than 10 million individual water droplet “points” make up the waterfall.

6 The ‘Tangled’ animated cast includes five main characters, 21 thugs and 38 townspeople. Leading up to the film’s dramatic lantern scene, the Disney effects team was called upon to create a crowd that consisted of nearly 3,000 people. This is the largest crowd that the Studio has ever created for a CG feature.

If animals could talk...

By: Umair Jamal

One night I saw a dream that the animals were talking to me. It was a very strange dream. And when I woke up in the morning, I had forgotten about it. After brushing my teeth, I was having my breakfast and I heard strange voices. The birds were talking to each other “What a lovely weather, come let’s fly and enjoy the day.” I was astonished and after having my breakfast, I went out to play with my dog. My dog came running to me “Dear Umair, come let’s play hide and seek.” I was surprised when I heard my dog talking to me in such a polite and nice manner. I started playing with my dog.

Story of the week After having a nice time playing with my dog, I went to see my parrots. I also heard them saying “What a beautiful and nice weather, wish we could also fly and enjoy the weather like other free birds. But, we also know that our master takes good care of us. He feeds us daily with juicy fruits and vegetables and washes our cage.” When I heard this I stepped forward and talked to them that “I can free you from the cage but promise me that you will come back.” My parrots were amazed that I heard what they were talking and they replied “Why not master.” So, I opened their cage and they flew away happily and the

Spot the differences

Answers: Pascal is missing, Rapunzel’s eye colour is different, Flynn’s belt is missing, Maximus’s rein is missing, Sword is different, Rapunzel’s sleeve is changed


Join the dots

Find the way

most surprising thing was that they were back after a little while. I kept the cage open, so that they feel free. Then I took out my bicycle and started cycling in the compound. I saw two stray dogs. One of them was saying to the other “Be very careful when see you a human being. They are the worst animals on earth. They fight with others, argue with each other and don’t realize others feelings.” It was something which really broke my heart and I tried going

near to them but when they saw me they started running and I called out stop, stop, stop but they kept running. Suddenly, I heard my mom saying “Wake up, wake up, get ready you are getting late for school.” That’s when I realized that I was dreaming in my dream. But this dream made me realize that if animals could talk there would be a changed world . . . a better world.

Matilda Episode: 3

Children of all ages have read and enjoyed books by Roald Dahl. Many of his stories, such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach, have become classics in their own time. Matilda is a novel by Roald Dahl and illustrated by Quentin Blake. It’s a story about an intelligent girl whose quest of knowledge never ends even by reading books from libraries. This series is about Matilda who explores world with her aptitude and intellect.

I must be mad, Mrs Phelps told herself, but to Matilda she said, “Of course you may try it. “ Over the next few afternoons Mrs Phelps could hardly take her eyes from the small girl sitting for hour after hour in the big armchair at the far end of the room with the book on her lap. It was necessary to rest it on the lap because it was too heavy for her to hold up, which meant she had to sit leaning forward in order to read. And a strange sight it was, this tiny dark-haired person sitting there with her feet nowhere near touching the floor, totally absorbed in the wonderful adventures of Pip and old Miss Havisham and her cobwebbed house and by the spell of magic that Dickens the great story- teller had woven with his words. The only movement from the reader was the lifting of the hand every now and then to turn over a page, and Mrs Phelps always felt sad when the time came for her to cross the floor and say; “It’s ten to five, Ma-

tilda. “ During the first week of Matilda’s visits Mrs Phelps had said to her, “Does your mother walk you down here every day and then take you home?” “My mother goes to Aylesbury every afternoon to play bingo, “ Matilda had said. “She doesn’t know I come here. “ “But that’s surely not right, “ Mrs Phelps said. “I think you’d better ask her. “ “I’d rather not, “ Matilda said. “She doesn’t encourage reading books. Nor does my father. “ “But what do they expect you to do every afternoon in an empty house?” “Just mooch around and watch the telly. “ “I see. “ “She doesn’t really care what I do, “ Matilda said a little sadly. Mrs Phelps was concerned about the child’s safety on the walk through the fairly busy village High Street and the crossing of the road, but she decided not to interfere. Within a week, Matilda had finished Great Expectations which in that edition contained four hundred and eleven pages. “I loved it, “ she said to Mrs Phelps. “Has Mr Dickens written any others?” “A great number, “ said the astounded Mrs Phelps. “Shall I choose you another?” Over the next six months, under Mrs Phelps’s watchful and compassionate eye, Matilda

read the following books: Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy Gone to Earth by Mary Webb Kim by Rudyard Kipling The Invisible Man by H. G. Wells The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner (to be continued)


Colour me in


ways you can be a

WATER HERO ...Instead of baths. Set a timer to see how clean you can get in five minutes.

2. Don’t let balloons float away in the air

1. Get moving

...If they land in the water animals can mistake them as food and choke.

3. Never Release pets


ike or walk instead of travelling in a car. To cut the amount of motor pollution being absorbed into waterways.


4. Take short showers

...such as a fish or snakes into rivers lakes or streams. Non-native animals can mess up the ecosystem. Plus it’s cruel to the pets!

5. Keep your dog on a leash ...at rivers lakes or beaches. Dogs running wild can scare or harm creatures that live there.

Editor’s Note

Banana Bread Prep time: about 90 minutes


Cool kids & Cooking

• 2 eggs • 1¾ c. sifted flour • 2 tsp. baking powder • ¼ tsp. baking soda • ½ tsp. salt • 1/3 c. vegetable oil • 2/3 c. sugar • 1 c. mashed bananas (about 3 bananas)

Dear Kids!! Hope you are doing well in this cold weather. Finally the holidays are over and you must be back to being busy with your studies. My advice to you this week is to avoid junk food as much as you can because it’s pretty harmful to your health. Do send us your feedback on Pakistan Today, 4 Shaarey Fatima Jinnah, Lahore. You can also email your creative pieces on kidstoday@pakistantoday.com.pk. Sahar Iqbal.

Drawing of the week


1. Preheat the oven to 350° F (180° C). 2. Beat eggs well in a small bowl. 3. In a medium-size bowl, sieve together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. 4. In a large bowl, add the vegetable oil. Add sugar a little bit at a time, and continue beating until the mixture is fluffy. 5. Add the eggs to the mixture in the large bowl and beat well. 6. Add some of the flour mixture to the large bowl and beat well. Then add some of the mashed bananas and beat some more. Continue adding flour, then bananas, then flour, then bananas, until everything is mixed in. 7. Pour mixture into the baking pan. Bake for 70 minutes. 8. Flip your banana bread out of the pan, let it cool for a bit, and cut it into slices to eat and share.

By: Alishba Khan

9. Wash the car

6. Think before you flush

8. If your family stays at a hotel


ouring things like medicine or paint in to the toilet could contaminate water sources and harm wildlife.


ith a bucket of water. Hoses waste loads of water.


euse towels , flannels and sheets just as you do at home.

7. Collect rainwater in a bucket


nd use it to water plants.

10. Scoop the poop


lean up pet’s mess to stop it ending up in water sources.


Final episode


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