Prezentatsiya bambolina

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Ⱦɨɥɝɨɠɞɚɧɧɚɹ ɩɪɟɦɶɟɪɚ ɢɡ ɂɫɩɚɧɢɢ ɜɩɟɪɜɵɟ ɜ Ɋɨɫɫɢɢ

ʦ ̛̦̖̀ ϮϬϭϭ ̨̐̔̌ ̨̹̱-̬̱̥ ʧ̣̖̬̖̌́ ʪ̡̨̖̯̭̜ ʽ̖̙̼̔̔ ̸̡̛̣̣̌̀̚ ̡̡̛̭̣̦̼̜̾̀̏̚ ̡̨̡̦̯̬̯̌ ̭ ̨̨̥̣̼̥̔ ̛ ̨̨̥̦̐​̨̛̖̺̺̥̍̌̀ ̡̛̛̭̪̦̭̥̌ ̨̨̛̛̪̬̯̖̣̖̥̏̔̚ ̡̨̖̯̭̜̔ ̨̖̙̼͕̔̔ ̨̨̯̬̥̌̏ ̵̱̔̏ ̨̬̖̦̍̔̏͗

ʻ̨̏̌́ ̡̨̣​̶̡̛̣̖́ ̱̖̯̍̔ ̪̬̖̭̯̣̖̦̔̌̏̌ ̏ ̦̹̖̥̌ ̨̹̱-̬̱̥̖ ̭ 1 ̱̭̯̌̏̐̌ ̨̪ ϯϬ ̭̖̦̯̬́̍́

ʺ̼ ̛̪̬̣̹̖̥̐̌̌ ʦ̭̌ ̨̡̨̛̪̦̥̯̭̌̽́̚ ̭ ̨̯̜̾ ̡̨̣​̶̡̛̣̖̖̜͘ ʤ ̛̖̭̣ ʦ̼ ̖̺̖ ̨̭̥̦̖̖̯̖̭͕̏̌̽ ̥̼ ̬̭̌​̡̭̙̖̥̌ ̨ ̵̡̨̡̛̦̖̭̣̽ ̖​̖ ̵̛̪̬̖̥̱̺̖̭̯͕̏̌ ̡̨̨̯̬̼̖͕ ̡̡̌ ̦̥̌ ̡̙̖̯̭̌́ ̨̣̙̦̼̔ ̵̛ ̬̖̯̌̏́̽̚

ʿ̨̛̬̖̥̱̺̖̭̯̏ ζϭ ˁ̨̛̣̦̭̬̦̍̌̌̏̌​̦̼̜ ̭̌​̨̛̭̬̯̥̖̦̯ ʶ̨̣​̶̡̛̣̖​̛ Bambolina ̛ Wooloo Mooloo ̨̨̯̦̭̯̭́́ ̡ ̡̨̛̯̖̬̌̐​̛ totallook͕ ̨̯ ̖̭̯̽ ̸̡̣̯̏̀̌̀ ̏ ̭̖̍́ ̨̪̣̦̼̜ ̭̌​̨̛̭̬̯̥̖̦̯ ̨̖̙̼̔̔ ̣̔́ ̖̯̖̜̔ ̏ ̨̛̦̣̖̌̍​̖ ̨̨̭̯̬̖̦̏̍̏̌​̨̦̜ ̨̬̥̖̬̦̜̌̚ ̬̱̪̐​̪̖ - ̨̯ Ϭ ̨̔ ϭϬ ̣̖̯. ʥ̬̖̦̔ Bambolina ̪̬̖̭̯̣̖̯̔̌̏́ ̛̛̣̦̀ ̨̖̙̼̔̔ ̣̔́ ̸̨̡̖̖͕̔̏ ̌ Wooloo Mooloo ʹ ̣̔́ ̸̡̨̛̥̣̌̽̏͘ ʦ ̡̨̙̜̌̔ ̛̚ ̛̛̣̦̜ ̪̬̖̭̯̣̖̦̼̔̌̏ ̡̪̭̱̣̼̌ ̣̔́ ̥̣̼̹̖̜̌ ̨̯ Ϭ ̨̔ ̨̐̔̌, ̭ ϯ ̨̔ Ϯϰ ̥̖̭͕͘ ̭ Ϯ̵ ̨̔ 10-̛̯ ̣̖̯. ʶ̙̌̔̌́ ̛̚ ̡̪̭̱̣̌ ̡̨̣​̶̡̛̣̖​̛ ̸̡̣̖̯̏̀̌ ϭϬ-ϭϱ ̨̥̖̣̖̜͕̔ ̨̛̖̣̦̔̌̽ ̸̨̛̭̖̯̺̖̭̌̀́ ̨̪ ̶̨̖̯̼̥̏̏ ̛̬̖̹̖̦̥́ ̛ ̭̌​̨̛̭̬̯̥̖̦̯̱ ;̵̨̨̛̬̹̜ ̣̦̭̍̌̌ ̵̨̖̬̏̏ ̛ ̨̛̦͕̏̚ ̡̨̛̯̬̯̙̌̌ ̛ ̵̹̖̜̦̼̏ ̛̛̖̣̜̔̚). ʦ ̣̖̯̦̖̜ ̡̨̣​̶̡̛̣̖​̛ ̡̯̌ ̙̖ ̖̭̯̽ ̪̣̙̦́̌́ ̡̪̭̱̣͕̌̌ ̏ ̡̨̨̯̬̱̀ ̵̨̯̏̔́ ̸̛̛̭̥̪̯̦̼̖̌ ̡̡̛̛̱̪̣̦̌̽ ̛ ̡̛̪̣͕̌̏ ̌ ̡̯̌ ̙̖ ̨̖̙͕̔̔̌ ̡̨̨̯̬̌́ ̡̨̨̛̖̣̣̖̪̦̏ ̨̨̪̜̖̯̔̔ ̣̔́ ̨̣̖̯̦̖̐ ̵̨̯̼̔̌ ̏ ̭̥̱̌̀ ̡̙̬̱̌̀ ̨̨̪̱̐̔͘

ʿ̨̛̬̖̥̱̺̖̭̯̏ ζϮ ʰ̦̯̖̬̖̭̦̼̖ ̡̨̣​̶̡̛̣̖​̛ ʶ̨̬̥̖ ̨̨̯͕̐ ̸̨̯ ̡̨̣​̶̡̛̣̖́ ̵̨̨̨̬̹ ̨̛̭̣̦̭̬̦͕̍̌̌̏̌̌ ̨̦̌ ̨̣̙̦̔̌ ̼̯̍̽ ̡̨̛̬̭̜̌̏ ̖̏̔̽ ̸̛̦̖̌ ̖​̖ ̦̖ ̡̱̪̯́͘ ʤ ̡̨̣​̶̡̛̣̖​̛ Bambolina ̛ Wooloo Mooloo ̨̛̖̜̭̯̯̖̣̦̔̏̽ ̸̪̖̯̣̯̏̌́̀͘ ʪ̛̜̦̖̬̼̌̚ ̨̱̭̪̖̹̦ ̸̨̭̖̯̯̌̀ ̣̖̥̖̦̯̼̾ ̨̡̛̛̬̥̦̯̌ ̛ ̣̥̱̬̐̌̌, ̡̨̨̯̬̼̖ ̸̨̨̼̦̍ ̨̣̹̖̍̽ ̨̭̜̭̯̖̦̏̏​̦̼ ̡̛̛̯̣̦̭̥̌̽́ ̡̨̣​̶̡̛̣̖̥͕́ ̨̭ ̨̡̨̨̭̪̜̦̜ ̡̣̭̌​̸̡̨̛̭̖̭̜ ̨̣̖̦̯̦̭̯̾̐̌̽̀͘ ʸ̛̛̦́ ̣̔́ ̥̣̼̹̖̜̌ ̵̡̛̬̯̖̬̱̖̯̭̌̌́̚ ̡̡̌ ̶̨̛̛̯̬̦̌̔​̨̦̜ ̨̦̖̙̦ ̨̨̨̬̜̏̚ ̛ ̨̨̣̱̜̐̍ ̶̨̨̖̯̜̏̏ ̥̐̌​̨̥̜͕ ̡̯̌ ̛ ̨̣̖̍​̖ ̡̛̛̬̥́ ̛̛̛̖̣̥͕̔́̚ ̨̭ ̛̭̥̖̹̦̼̥ ̡̛̛̖̯̭̥̔ ̛̛̪̬̦̯̥̌. ʿ̛̬ ̨̯̥̾ ̭̖̏ ̛̛̖̣̔́̚ ̣̯̭́̏́̀́ ̡̨̥​̸̡̛̛̥̖̬̖̭̥ ̛ ̨̨̭̣̯̦̌̍̀ ̨̛̛̦̭̥̼̥ͨͩ͘ ʺ̼ ̱̖̬̖̦̼͕̏ ̸̨̯ ̨̛̦ ̥̏̌ ̨̛̪̦̬̯̭̌̏́͘

ʿ̨̛̬̖̥̱̺̖̭̯̏ ζϯ ʽ̛̪̯̥̣̦̼̜̌̽ ̴̡̛̬̐̌ ̨̨̡̪̭̯̌̏ ˁ̨̡̛̬ ̨̨̡̪̭̯̌̏ ̭̖̏̐̔̌ ̣̯̭́̏́̀́ ̡̨̬̖̱̣̦̼̥̌̐̽ ̡̥̦̖̥̌ ̣̔́ ̵̨̛̛̥̪̬̯̬̱̖̥̼ ̨̨̯̬̏̌̏͘ ʿ̨ ̨̛̱̭̣̥̏́ ̡̨̡̦̯̬̯̌̌ ̴̡̛̬̌̍̌ ̨̱̖̯̭̍́́̚ ̡̬̼̯̌̽̚ ̭̖̏ ̛̣̖̯̦̖ ̨̡̛̯̬̱̐̚ ̏ ̨̛̪̖̬̔ ̭ ̛̭̖̬̖̦̼̔ ̦̬́̏̌́ ̨̔ ̛̭̖̬̖̦̼̔ ̴̖̬̣͕̏̌́ ̌ ̨̯̾ ̸̛̦̯͕̌̚ ̸̨̯ ̪̖̬̼̜̏ ̭̌​̨̛̭̬̯̥̖̦̯ ̨̛̪̭̯̱̪̯ ̏ ̛̥̦̼̌̐̌̚ ̱̙̖ ̏ ̴̖̬̣̖͕̏̌ ̌ ̡ ̛̭̖̬̖̦̖̔ ̥̬̯̌̌ ̯̥̌ ̱̖̯̍̔ ̪̬̖̭̯̣̖̦̔̌̏̌ ̭̏́ ̡̨̣​̶̡̛̣̖́ ̨̨̪̣̦̭̯̽̀͘ ˃̡̨̜̌ ̴̡̛̬̐̌ ̨̨̡̪̭̯̌̏ ̸̨̛̖̭̪̖̯̍ ̛̥̦̱̌̐̌̚ ̨̛̪̯̥̣̦̼̜̌̽ ̨̛̪̖̬̔ ̨̪̬̙͕̔̌ ̌ ̸̖̥ ̨̣̹̖̍̽ ̱ ̭̏̌ ̛̬̖̥̖̦̏ ̦̌ ̨̛̪̬̙͕̔̌ ̯̖̥ ̸̣̱̹̖ ̱̱̯̍̔ ̵̛ ̬̖̱̣̯̯̼̽̌̚.

ʿ̨̛̬̖̥̱̺̖̭̯̏ ζϰ ˄̨̨̭̯̔̍̏ ̨̬̯̼̌̍ ̭ ̡̨̣​̶̡̛̣̖̖̜ ʿ̨̛̬̖̥̱̺̖̭̯̥̏ ̡̨̣​̶̡̛̣̖̜ Bambolina ̛ Wooloo Mooloo - ̨̛̯̭̱̯̭̯̖̏ ̵̡̛̙̖̭̯ ̸̨̛̛̬̦̖̦̜̐̌ ̛̪̬ ̴̨̨̛̬̥̣̖̦​̛ ̡̌̌̌̚̚͘ ʦ̼ ̨̥̙̖̯̖ ̛̼̬̯̏̍̌̽ ̯̖ ̨̛̥̖̣͕̔ ̡̨̨̯̬̼̖ ̥̏̌ ̦̬̯̭͕̌̏́́ ̛ ̡̼̯̌̌̏̌̽̚̚ ̵̛ ̏ ̨̯̥ ̸̡̨̛̣̖̭̯̖̏ ̦̌ ̬̥̖̬͕̌̚ ̡̨̨̨̯̬̖ ̨̨̛̪̯̥̣̦̌̽ ̣̔́ ̨̹̖̏̌̐ ̛̥̦̌̐̌̌̚͘ ʫ̛̦̭̯̖̦̔̏​̦̼̥ ̨̛̪̙̖̣̦̖̥̌ ̴̡̛̛̬̌̍ ̛̪̬ ̴̨̨̛̬̥̣̖̦​̛ ̡̌̌̌̚̚ ʹ ̡̙̌̔̌́ ̨̥̖̣̔̽ ̨̣̙̦̔̌ ̼̯̍̽ ̪̬̖̭̯̣̖̦̔̌̏̌ ̏ ̛̥̦̖̌̐̌̚ ̦̖ ̥̖̦̖​̖ ̸̖̥ ̏ 4-̵ ̵̬̥̖̬͕̌̌̚ ̌ ̼̬̦̏̍̌​̦̼̖ ̨̛̥̖̣̔ ̨̣̙̦̼̔ ̨̭̭̯̣̯̌̏́̽ ̦̖ ̥̖̦̖​̖ ϯϬ ̸̵̛̬̣̦̼̌̚ ̨̛̭̣̱̯̾̏ ;̶̡̨̛̛̥̦̜̍̌ ̨̨̨̨̨̥̦̭̣̜̦̐̐ ̵̖̬̏̌ ̛ ̛̦̌̚Ϳ͕ ̸̛̦̖̌ ̨̯̾ ̵̨̨̪̣ ̡̭̙̖̯̭̌́ ̦̌ ̸̵̨̛̬̦̦̼̚ ̵̨̪̬̙̔̌̌ ̬̖̦̍̔̌͘ ʪ̣́ ̡̨̛̣̖̦̯͕̏ ̡̨̨̯̬̼̖ ̦̖ ̨̥̱̯̐ ̵̛̪̬̖̯̌̽ ̏ ̦̹̌ ̨̹̱-̬̱̥ ̖̭̯̽ ̨̨̨̥̙̦̭̯̏̽̚ ̴̨̨̛̬̥̯̽ ̡̌̌̚̚ ̶̨̛̛̭̯̦̦̔̌​̨̦ ̭ ̨̨̪̥̺̽̀ online ̨̪̬̯̣̌̌.

ʿ̨̛̬̖̥̱̺̖̭̯̏ ζϱ ʦ̨̼̦̼̖̐̔ ̶̖̦̼ ʿ̨̭̣̖̦̖̔​̖͕ ̨̦ ̨̭̥̖̌ ̨̙̦̖̏̌ ̨̛̪̬̖̥̱̺̖̭̯̏ ʹ ̨̯̾ ̸̥̖̯̖̣̦̌̌̽̌́̚ ̶̖̦̌ ̵̛̯̾ ̛̛̖̣̜͕̔̚ ̡̨̨̯̬̌́ ̨̨̯̖̣̦̍́̌̽̚ ̨̛̪̦̬̯̭̌̏́ ̛̹̥̏̌ ̨̡̪̱̪̯̖̣̥̌́͘ ʪ̣́ ̛̪̬̥̖̬̌ ̛̪̬̖̖̥̏̔ ̨̛̪̦̔̌̌̚ ̶̖̦ ̦̌ ̨̨̨̭̦̦̜̏ ̭̌​̨̛̭̬̯̥̖̦̯͗ ʶ̨̡̥̪̣̖̯ ̣̔́ ̥̣̼̹̌̌ ;Ϯ ̛̛̖̣̔́̚Ϳ ̨̯ ϯϭϱ ̬̱̍͘ ˇ̨̡̛̱̯̣̍ ̨̯ ϮϳϬ ̬̱̍͘ ʥ̡̛̬̀ ̨̯ ϱϯϬ ̬̱̍͘ ˀ̡̱̹̍̌̌ ̨̨̪̣ ̨̯ ϯϳϬ ̬̱̍͘ ʿ̣̯̌̽́ ̨̯ ϯϰϬ ̬̱̍͘ *ˉ̖̦̼ ̡̱̦̼̌̌̚ ̛̪̬ ̡̱̬̭̖ ̨̖̬̏ ϭΦ с ϰϬ̬̱̍.

ʿ̛̬̣̹̖̥̐̌̌ ʦ̭̌ ̡ ̦̥̌ ̏ ̨̹̱-̬̱̥ ̭ 1 ̱̭̯̌̏̐̌ ̨̪ ϯϬ ̭̖̦̯̬́̍́

ʯ̖̭̔̽ ʦ̼ ̨̭̥̙̖̯̖ ̨̨̪̭̥̯̬̖̯̽ ̛ ̡̯̌̌̌̽̚̚ ̡̨̣​̶̡̛̣̖​̛ Bambolina ̛ Wooloo Mooloo ˁ ̛̦̖̯̖̬̪̖̦̖̥ ̙̖̥̔ ̸̛̭̯̬̖̏͊

ʺ̨̡̭͕̏̌ ˁ̡̛̱̺̖̭̜̏ ̣̏̌ 16/3 +7 (495) 785 81 32

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