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Math Giants

Math Giants is a multi-column series highlighting the biggest mathematicians of all time.

by: Jim West


FUN FACTS: 1) Pythagoras devised a shape known as a tetractys which is a triangular figure consisting of ten points. 2) Pythagoras started the belief that everything could be reduced to numbers and that truth could be found with numbers. 3) Pythagoras believed that men were represented by odd numbers and women by even numbers.

The Mysterious Mathematician.

Ask anyone taking geometry and usually the first thing they learn about is something called the Pythagorean Theorem. It is a theorem in geometry which states that in a right triangle the area of the square on the hypotenuse (side opposite right angle) is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares of the two sides, or perhaps simpler as a2+b2=c2. What is really amazing is how this theorem bears his name when most works written about him didn't exist until years after his death. Quite mysterious! Of the fragments of information about Pythagoras, we know he was well travelled and studied multiple fields. He learned geometry form the Egyptians, arithmetic form the Phoenicians, and astronomy from the Chaldeans. Pythagoras was quite taken by shapes and also by music. According to legend, Pythagoras was walking by some blacksmiths one day and heard the sounds of their hammers and thought how beautiful the sounds were. He deduced that these sounds must be caused by some scientific law that should be easy to represent mathematically. His followers were called the Pythagoreans and were quite mysterious as well. The Pythagoreans were split into two groups; mathematikoi (teachers) and akousmatikoi (listeners). In their school the first concept of paying for education was created. Up until this point in history, education had largely been free. When your parents have to make a tuition payment for your school, tell them they can thank Pythagoras!

ءوضلا طيلستل لحارملا ةددعتم ةلسلس يه تايضايرلا ةقلامع .روصعلا لك يف تايضايرلا ءاملع ربكأ ىلع "ضماغلا تايضايرلا ملاع"

ىمسي ام وه اهملعت يتلا ءايشلأا لوأ نوكت ام ةداع ،ةسدنهلا سردي صخش يأ لاؤسب مق نيعلضلا لوط عبرم عومجم نوكي ةيوازلا مئاق ثلثم يأ يف هنأ ىلع صنت .سروغاثيف ةيرظنب شهدم وه ام .a2+b2=c2 طسبأ هقيرطب وأ رتولا لوط عبرمل ايواسم ةمئاقلا ةيوازلل نييذاحملا مل هنع تبتك يتلا لامعلأا مظعم نأ نيح همسا لمحت نأ ةيرظنلا هذهل نكمي فيك وه اًقح !ادج ضماغ .هتافو دعب ماع ىتح ةدوجوم نكت ملعتف .ةددعتم لوقح سردو رفاس هنأ ريغ سروغاثيف لوح تامولعملا نم ليلق لاإ دجوي لا .نيينادلكلا نم كلفلا ملعو ،نييقينيفلا نم باسحلاو ،نييرصملا نم ةسدنهلا ىلع ريسي سروغاثيف ناك ،ةروطسلأل اقفو .ريبك لكشب ىقيسوملاو لاكشلأا سروغاثيف بحأ هذه ةليمج يه مك ركفو قراطملا تاوصأ عمسو ام موي يف نيدادحلا ضعبب رم نيح هيمدق يغبني يتلا ةيملعلا نيناوقلا ضعب نع ةمجان نوكت نأ بجي تاوصلأا هذه نأ ىلإ صلخ .تاوصلأا .اًيضاير اهميدقتل ةلهس نوكت نأ ىلإ سروغاثيفلا ميسقت مت .،هلثم اًمامت نيضماغ اوناكو نيسروغاثيفلاب هعابتا ىعدي ناك لجأ نم عفدلل موهفم لوأ ءاشنإ مت مهتسردم يف .)نيعمتسملا( و )نيملعملا( ؛نيتعومجم كيادلاو بهذي امدنع .ريبك دح ىلإ يناجم ميلعتلا ناك ،خيراتلا نم تقولا اذه ىتح .ميلعتلا !سروغاثيف وركشي نأ مهربخأ ،كتسردمل ةيساردلا موسرلا عفدل

:ةريثم قئاقحtetrac- مساب فرعي يذلا لكشلا سروغاثيف عضو 1-.طاقن رشع نم نوكتي يذلا يثلاثلا مقرلا وهو tys ضفخُ ي نأ نكمي ءيش لك نأ سروغاثيف دقتعا 2.ماقرلأاب ةقيقحلا كلت ىلع روثعلا نكميو .ماقرأ ىلإ دادعلأا نولثمي لاجرلا نأ سروغاثيف دقتعا 3.ةيجوزلا دادعلأا نولثمي ءاسنلاو ةيدرفلا

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