1 minute read
Editing Time
from KidZine 44
by KidZine
Edits to Build Language Skills
Why Is It Cold in Winter?
Earths axis is tilted, so as we orbit the Sun, the angle of the sunlight hitting our planet change's through out the year. In December, people in the northern Hemisphere feel colder because they are tilted away form the Sun. at the same time, people in the Southern Hemispere are tilter toward the Sun, makeing it warmer in tat part of the world.
Answer Key
toward the Sun, making it warmer in that part of the world. the Sun. At the same time, people in the Southern Hemisphere are tilted the Northern Hemisphere feel colder because they are tilted away from hitting our planet changes throughout the year. In December, people in Earth's axis is tilted, so as we orbit the Sun, the angle of the sunlight
Edits to Build Language Skills
Cotton Candy Day
William Morrison and John c. Wharton invented cotton candy in 1897, but they kept it a secret intil the 1904 World's Fair in st. Louis. An instant sucess, it costed half as much as a ticket too the fair! Originally called “fairy floss,” it was renamed “cotton candy in 1920. A sweet treat loved through out the world, it is called “old womans hair” in Greece Pakistan, and India.

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Greece, Pakistan, and India. treat loved throughout the world, it is called “old woman's hair” in called “fairy floss,” it was renamed “cotton candy” in 1920. A sweet instant success, it cost half as much as a ticket to the fair! Originally but they kept it a secret until the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis. An William Morrison and John C. Wharton invented cotton candy in 1897,