XDeal Userguide

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XDeal User Guide Financial Spread Betting


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Contents 1. 2.

Accessing your account


Margin requirement 4.1 The concept of leverage 4.2 Margin calls


How to place ‘new orders’ 5.1 New order 5.2 Amending an order



Trade history & A/C summary 7.1 Generating reports


Banking transactions 9.1 Deposits 9.2 Withdrawals

How to make a trade 3.1 Pricing 3.2 Long position 3.3 Short position 3.4 Placing a trade 3.5 Stop loss order 3.6 Limit order 3.7 ‘Gapping’ 3.8 Guaranteed stop loss orders 3.9 Building up a position 3.9i Closing a position 3.9ii Expiration of bets

Managing your account 8.1 Changing your contact details 8.2 Changing your password

The markets tab 2.1 Overview 2.2 Using the Portfolio function




Technical difficulties


Contact us

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1. Accessing your Delta Index Account Using your internet browser, navigate to www.deltaindex.com

Click on the Account login box. Enter your Delta Index username and password and click the login button.

If you enter an incorrect username and password you will be prompted to try again. If you do this three times you will be locked out of your account. If this occurs you must contact a member of the client team on 1850 88 20 20 to enable your account.


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The Markets tab

(d) Name of Market

(e) Sell Price (f) Buy Price

(g) Price changes

(j) Stake Box

(k) Placing Trades

(c) Duration of contract

(l) Placing Orders (b) Charting (a) Expiry Date (m) Add to watchlist

(q) Navigating the markets

(p) Account number


(o) Trading resources

(n) Profit or loss generated from current open positions

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When you login the application will open on the Markets tab. You will see a screen similar to the one above. (a)

Expiry date

This is the date on which the particular market expires. For quarterly contracts on markets such as equities, equity indices and currencies, this date corresponds with international practice, and markets usually expire during the months of March, June, September and December. Note that contracts for commodity markets such as Oil, Wheat etc. may have unusual expiry dates.



Clicking on this button will bring up a new window displaying a chart of the market which you have selected. For further information on charting you can download the help document by clicking here. Note that if you have popups disabled on your internet browser you may need to hold down the Ctrl button (bottom left) on your keyboard while you click the charting icon.


Duration of contract

Usually Quarterly, Monthly or Rolling. Quarterly: Based on the futures markets this will expire on a quarterly basis. The price is based on the cash price of the underlying instrument, adjusted for funding and dividends. The contract expires at the expiry date above. Remember, just because a contract expires doesn’t mean you have to end your bet; you can ‘roll over’ the position to the next quarter either online or by calling our trading desk. Monthly: Many commodity markets expire monthly, on the date listed. Again, just because a contract expires doesn’t mean


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you have to end your bet; you can ‘roll over’ the position to the next contract either online or by calling our trading desk.


Sell Price

The live market price at which you can currently sell. Daily: We offer daily contracts on many currencies and indices. These have very tight spreads and expire at the end of the day and so are very suitable for short term traders. Daily contracts cannot be rolled over.


Buy Price

The live market price at which you can currently buy. Rolling: Many of our products also have a rolling contract available. This works slightly differently than the others since it never expires. The initial spread is cheaper, however an overnight interest adjustment is made for every night the position is held.


Name of Market

This identifies the name of the underlying asset on which the trade is being placed and what expiry period it is being referred to. Note that the name does not always correspond to the actual month that the contract will expire. For instance Silver Sept will expire in the middle of August.


Price changes Net change The number of points by which the market has changed since the open that day. High Price The highest buy price the market reached during the day. Low Price The lowest sell price the market reached during the day.

Delta Index offers a wide range of markets which are available to trade. Our product list is updated and expanded on a regular basis and is available on our website. If there is something we don’t have which you would like to trade please email client@deltaindex.com or give us a call on 1850 88 20 30. If it meets our criteria we will get it listed for you.


Last Change The most recent time the price was updated.

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Last movement

The most recent change in price, whether up (green) or down (red).


‘i’ button

IMR (Initial margin requirement) Margin is required in the account before any trade can be made. This money is collateral to cover any potential losses which may be incurred. A client must maintain at least this amount in his/her account to keep a position open. Margin requirements are reviewed regularly and are subject to change. To determine the amount of cash you need in your account for a specific position, multiply your stake by the mid-price by the percentage IMR. For more information please see Section 4: Margin Requirement.

(j) & (k) Clicking on this button will pop up a box containing relevant information for the specific market. This includes the Market Name, Trading hours, Market Expiry, Low/High, Last Change, Margin, Status and Min/Max Stake.

Placing trades

In the stake box type the amount (in Euro) per point you wish to bet on the specific market. Once you have done this, click the ‘Trade’ button to open a Trade window with streaming buy and sell prices. This is further discussed in Section 3: How to make a trade.


Placing orders

The ‘Order’ button allows you to place orders to trigger when the market reaches certain levels. This is further discussed in Section 5: How to place orders.


The Watchlist function

The final icon to the right of the screen allows you to select markets you are interested in watching and add them to your


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personal watchlist. To do this, simply find the market you are interested in and click on the icon once – you will see a tick mark appear:

This market has now been added to your watchlist. You can access this by selecting ‘Watchlist from the dropdown menu in the bottom left of the screen. You can remove markets from your watchlist by un-checking the ‘listed’ icon for the desired market.


Open P&L

The current profit/loss on your open positions.


Available resources

This shows the amount of money you have available to commit to new positions after taking account of the positions which you already have open.


Account number

This is the account number you should use when communicating with Delta Index, whether over the phone or online.



Navigating the markets

The drop down menus in the bottom left of the screen will allow you view markets by different categories, Product Type, Alphabetical Order and Duration.

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How to make a trade

Financial spread betting involves betting on the direction that the price of a financial instrument may move as opposed to actually buying or selling the underlying instrument. The client stakes an amount per every point the price moves in a particular direction. It is not necessary to predict the amount of points the instrument will move, merely the direction. The client gains the amount of the stake for each point that the instrument moves in the predicted direction. If the price moves in the opposite direction the client loses the amount staked for each point.

3.1 Pricing For each instrument two prices will always be displayed, buy and sell. If the client thinks that the instrument (share/commodity/index etc.) will rise in value, then he/she ‘buys’ it at the buy price (long position). If he/she thinks that the instrument will fall in value then he/she ‘sells’ at the sell price (short position). Delta Index quotes prices in terms of points. For example if a share is trading at a futures price of €11.05 this will be quoted as 1105 points on the Delta Index trading platform. This eliminates currency risk for the client. In the example above, 1 point = 1 cent. One of the benefits of spread betting is that you have the option to take either a positive or negative view on the value/price of an asset. Betting up, or ‘going long’ means that you are entering a new buy position in the expectation that the price will rise. Betting down, or ‘going short’ means that you are entering a new sell position in the expectation that the price will fall.


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3.2 Long position

3.3 Short position

Bank of Ireland is trading at

Bank of Ireland is trading at

Sell Buy 890 – 895

Sell Buy 890 – 895



You think that BoI will rise so you buy at the buy price of 895

You think that BoI will fall so you sell at the sell price of 890

You decide on a stake of €10

You decide on a stake of €10

Price rises

Price rises Price falls

Price falls

A while later BoI is now trading A while later BoI is now trading at 995 - 1000 at 835 - 840

A while later BoI is now trading A while later BoI is now trading at 965 - 970 at 705 – 710

You decide to close your You decide to close your position so you sell at the sell position so you sell at the sell price of 995 price of 835

You decide to close your You decide to close your position so you buy at the buy position so you buy at the buy price of 970 price of 710

=> 995 – 895 = 100 point profit

=> 835 – 895 = -60 = 60 point loss

=> 890 – 970 = -80 = 80 point => 890 – 710 = 180 point profit loss

=> 100 (points) X €10 (stake) = => -60 (points) X €10 (stake) = €1000 -€600

=> -80 (points) X €10 (stake) = => 180 (points) X €10 (stake) -€800 = €1,800

Therefore profit = €1000


Therefore loss = €600

Therefore loss = €800

Therefore profit = €1,800

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3.4 Placing a trade When placing a trade, decide what you want to trade, which direction you think the instrument will move and how much you would like to stake on it. Enter the stake into the stake box on the right as shown below and click the trade button.

One of our traders will see the trade request, check the price and execute the trade, after which you will receive a trade confirmation.

You will then be given the option of setting your stop loss and limit orders. This trade window quotes live streaming prices within the Buy/Sell arrows. Click on your choice to make your trade. Your open positions will be automatically adjusted, reflecting the impact of the new trade.

Requotes In times of excessive market volatility it may occur that we cannot put through the trade at the requested price as the price of the underlying market may have moved. In these exceptional occasions we must ‘re-quote’ you which means we send back a screen with a new price for your consideration. You then have 8 seconds to accept the trade at the new price or cancel the trade.


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3.5 Placing a stop loss order Placing orders is a method of controlling the amount of money that you risk on trading. Stop loss orders are used to minimise losses while limit orders are used to take profits on the upside. You can also place new orders which enter positions when the desired price level is hit in the underlying market. The benefit of having automatic orders means that you don’t need to watch your screen 24/7 in order to be a successful trader. Note that orders are not guaranteed unless specified as such at the time of making the trade. For details on market gapping, see Section 3.7. A ‘Stop Loss Order’ is the method used to limit the losses on any individual bet. It literally means ‘when the loss on a bet reaches the point where I no longer wish to risk any more money then close me out of my bet’. Delta Index automatically applies a stop loss to any new bet, unless a client specifically declines this facility. This stop level will be quoted on the trade ticket and will be repeated in your email confirmation. The stop loss level is determined when a new position is opened. On the ‘Place Trade’ dialog box, the client adjusts the ‘Stop loss distance’ to the required level. The default level is half the margin requirement. There is no basis for this and you should always adjust your stop loss level as desired. Note that there is a minimum distance where the stop level must be placed away from the current market price.

3.6 Placing a limit order A ‘Limit’ order is a specific order placed against an existing open bet and is used as a method of taking your profit when the quote reaches a level at which you wish to exit your bet. It is effectively the opposite of a stop loss. A limit order can be placed by entering the desired level when placing the trade, similar to the stop loss above. To add a new limit order to an existing position go back to the markets tab and find the market where you want to place the limit order. Next click on the Order button to the right of the screen and enter the order details. Remember that if you currently have an open long position then you will be placing an order to sell. Note that if the position is closed either manually or by order, all remaining orders will be cancelled.

3.7 ‘Gapping’


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Orders which do not have a guaranteed order attached are filled on a best efforts basis. In certain circumstances the execution level of a stop loss may be altered due to conditions beyond the control of Delta Index. If the relevant underlying market is open and trades through or ‘gaps’, the order will be executed at the Delta Index quote based upon the first price Delta Index are reasonably able to obtain in the underlying market. For example: let’s say you bought €10 per point of Bank of Ireland June on Tuesday before the market closes. You got in at 895 and placed your stop loss order 100 points away at 795. That evening, Bank of Ireland announces that their profits did not meet expectations and they expect tough times ahead. This is bad news and investors will want to sell some of their positions as a result. However the market is closed at present so no trading will take place until it opens again. The next morning Bank of Ireland opens 200 points lower, at 695. This 200 point ‘gap’ means that there was no trading in between, since as a result of the news, the shares have lost value. The price has ‘gapped’ down through your stop loss. Since there was no trading in between, Delta Index cannot execute your stop order in the live market and thus has to trade at the next available price, 695. Thus, although your stop was at 795, you would have been closed out of your position at 695, incurring a loss twice the size of what you expected. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of the risks involved in non-guaranteed stops and the potential liability that you may incur should the markets gap or encounter a Force Majeure. For further information please read the Delta Index Terms and Conditions.

3.8 Guaranteed stop loss orders


You may choose to opt for a guaranteed stop loss order if you wish to ensure that your position will be closed exactly at the target price and be protected from any potential market gapping. Guaranteed stop loss orders offer more protection than ordinary stop loss orders since, as the name suggests, they absolutely guarantee that you will be stopped out of the position at the price you requested. For example, say you place a trade in AIB at 6975 and set a guaranteed stop loss at 6930. In the event that the market gaps to 6900 - without ever trading at 6930 - a guaranteed stop loss will get you out at the 6930 target price, but an ordinary stop loss may not. Guaranteed stop loss orders are not available on all markets and they have an associated minimum stop distance which means that their target price needs to be at least 5% away from the current price. There is an additional charge for this type of order which is called the guaranteed stop loss premium.

3.9 Building up a position XDeal allows users to build up positions in a trade. This means that if you have an open trade it is possible to increase the stake amount on that trade and build up a larger position. Let’s look at an example. Bank of Ireland June is trading at

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Sell Buy 890 – 895 You think the price will rise so you buy at the buy price of 895 You decide to stake €10 on this trade

3.9i Closing a position An open position can be closed by simply going to the Open Positions tab and clicking on the close button to the right of the position you wish to close.

Some time later, the price falls to 880-885 You decide that you want to increase your stake on Bank of Ireland by another €10 As shown below, you would enter the stake amount to be added to the original trade into the stake box. You would see the streaming price in the trade window and choose to buy Bank of Ireland Jun at a price of 885 at €10 a point. You now have a €20 long position in Bank of Ireland June.

As can be seen from the screen above, these two positions will automatically consolidate to become one open position in Bank of Ireland and will take the average price of both entry points. So now you have a €20 Bank of Ireland long position at an average price of 890. You can view the history of how a position was built up by clicking on the plus(+) sign next to the contract. You will also be able to edit associated order levels with the individual positions.


A new window will open allowing you to choose how much of the position you wish to close. You don’t have to close it all at once. You will be able to close your position by clicking on the arrow with the streaming closing price. Your open positions will then be automatically adjusted for the trade. Note You don’t need to close out your entire position at once – you can choose to close out a partial amount and keep the remainder open.

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3.9ii Expiration of bets Delta Index offer quarterly, monthly, daily and rolling bets depending on which market you trade. Quarterly contracts expire on the third Thursday of March, June, September and December. When placing a bet the expiration date of the bet will be displayed on the left hand side and in the information box as indicated below. If your bet is still open on that date then it will be automatically closed out by us unless instructed otherwise. It is possible to extend your position by ‘rolling over’. Within a month of expiry Delta Index will post a price for the next calendar quarterly contract. You may then roll your position on to the new contract. Rolling over involves closing out of the existing position at the mid market price and opening the same position on the new contract as normal. Therefore only half the spread is charged on a rollover. A rollover can be done over the phone with Delta Index or online by selecting the open positions tab and clicking on the rollover button on to the right of your open position. This button will appear when the contract next contract month is available to trade.

Remember, you can rollover as many times as you like.


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Margin requirement (IMR)

Margin is required in the account before any trade can be made. This money is collateral to cover any potential losses which may be incurred. A client must maintain at least this amount in his/her account to keep a position open. Margin requirements vary across and within each instrument type and are based on the volatility of the underlying asset. These are reviewed regularly and are subject to change.

Let’s have a look at the margin that would be needed for the long and short position examples shown above.

Bank of Ireland Mid price


The amount of margin required on deposit varies depending on the financial instrument. Typically, the requirement for shares is 5% 25% of the total value of the position. Multiply the price by the % margin required (IMR) and multiply this by your stake to work out how much you need in your account to make the trade.

Stake per point


Margin Required


Margin needed in your account

895 * 0.15 * €10 = €1,342.5

Each instrument has an individual margin required which can be viewed by clicking on the ‘ ’ button. This will pop up a new window with the individual market details.

Long position


The concept of leverage

Spread betting involves trading on leverage. This means that traders can gain exposure to a position without having to put the full value of the position on deposit. Instead a portion of the value of the position, known as margin, is deposited. This is known as leverage; using a small amount of money to ‘lever’ up to a larger position. While this results in great benefits if the position is going favourably, the risks of losses are also multiplied. The concept is much like putting down a deposit on a property and borrowing the balance. The effect of leverage is to increase both the risk and the return potential of your investment. Furthermore, the amount of leverage varies significantly across contracts as does the level of


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volatility. The chart below illustrates the leverage across different instruments. The more volatile the asset, the higher the leverage and the higher the risk.

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Shares




For example, Bank of Ireland is trading at 890-895 and you decide to take a €10 long position. The initial margin required for Bank of Ireland is 15%. Therefore the total margin required is €1,342.5 (€10 * 895 * 0.15). The total exposure to the underlying asset is the quoted price multiplied by the stake (895 * €10 = €8,950). Therefore the leverage on trading Bank of Ireland is 6.67 times, (€8,950 ÷ €1,342.50). Clients should be aware that they are exposed to the full amount of the position. Risk can be managed using stop losses (see Section 5: How to place orders), however stops are not guaranteed and ‘gapping’ may occur.



Margin calls

The margin requirement is the amount you must have in your account in order to fund the position. If the position goes against you and you don’t have enough funds to maintain the position, you are said to be in negative margin. Delta Index does not offer credit facilities and as such you will need to add new funds into your account or reduce your position in order to get back into positive margin territory. You should keep track of your account to ensure you have enough margin to cover your positions. If you go into negative margin, you will receive an automatic email at 90% of the margin required. If this falls further, you will receive a phone call from the trading desk who will require immediate communication to ensure the position is kept open. As markets can move fast and positions may go against you, clients should ensure that they always have enough funds to cover open positions. Delta Index cannot guarantee phone calls to alert you to your margin requirement and your position may be closed if we do not hear from you.

The benefit of leveraged trading also means that when positions go in your favour, the funds are immediately available either for other positions or to withdraw to your nominated bank account. Margin call summary table

Full margin

100% 90% 60% 50%

No action Email/Letter sent Phone call Position closed

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In practice: You have €1,500 in your account. You think Bank of Ireland will go up in price so you buy €10 per point Bank of Ireland June at 895. The margin requirement on Bank of Ireland June is 15% therefore €1,342.50 (€10 * 895 * 0.15) of your funds is committed towards the trade. Unfortunately the price goes against you, falling to 865.

At this point you are in negative margin. Your account will still show a cash balance of €1,500 but your open profit/loss will be -€300 since the price has fallen 30 points at €10 per point. Your current valuation is now €1,200. However, you are required to have €1,342.50 in your account to maintain the trade yet you only have less than 90% of this. At this point you will receive an email or letter requesting funds to be added or the position to be reduced in order to maintain the position. Failure to maintain your position will result in further communication from the trading desk.


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How to place ‘New’ orders

5.1 New Orders A new order can be placed on the system to buy or sell an instrument at an agreed price. For example, Bank of Ireland is trading at 872-878. You want to buy it if it rises to 883. You can place an order on the system to buy €10 (for example) of Bank of Ireland if the hits your target of 883. Equally you can place an order on the system to take a short position at a certain price. This can be done by selecting the markets tab, clicking on the orders button on the right of the appropriate market and entering the relevant data. This can be seen on the screen shot below.


5.2 Amending an order Once a stop, limit or new order is placed on the system it can be amended at any time. By selecting the ‘Orders’ tab on the main screen all orders lying on the system will be displayed. Each one can be amended by clicking on the amend button on the right hand side and entering the appropriate data. The limit order and new order may also be cancelled from here by clicking on the cancel button but as you must trade with a stop order there is no option to close it.

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Trade history & A/C summary

Trade History

Generating reports Clicking on the ‘Generate Report’ button allows you to view more details on your trade history. A new dialog will pop up. There are two types of report to view:

Clicking on the Account Summary allows you to see an overview of your account valuation, current trading resources and recently closed positions. You can choose to view the data by different categories such as market group, status etc.

1 Statement This will generate a report showing all transactions for the specified period. This will include all trades and orders executed and cancelled. 2 Summary The summary report is more focused on account debits and credits and will show profits and losses on each individual trade.

After choosing the type of report, next select the dates you want the report to look at. Finally you must choose a format for the report. These include html (new browser window), word document, or spreadsheet. Of these, html is the most user friendly.


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A/C summary Clicking on the Account Summary allows you to see an overview of your account valuation, current trading resources and recently closed positions.


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Managing your account

Clients can alter their personal contact and banking details online through the Client Details tab.

7.1 Changing your contact details Contact details can be changed by clicking on the “Client Details” tab shown above on the top left of the screen. Click on the Personal Details tab to view your current contact details. When you have edited your required details click ‘Save changes’ to update. You will be prompted for the answer to your personal security question in order to complete the changes. Alternatively you can contact a member of our Client Services team to update your details over the phone.


7.2 Changing your Bank account details

Clients can edit their bank account details by going to the Bank Details tab in the Client Details section. You will be asked to confirm your password before entering this area. When you have made changes, click on the save changes button to update. You will be asked for the answer to your personal security question to complete.

7.3 Changing your password For security purposes your password must contain at least 8 characters, with at least 1 capital letter and 1 digit. You can change your password online by clicking on “Client Details” and selecting the change password option. You will be asked to submit your old password first and then select a new one. In order to do this, you will also be asked a security question, the answer to which you chose when you first opened your account. Alternatively you can contact a member of our Client Services team to change your password over the phone.

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Banking transactions

8.1 Deposits Funds can be deposited with Delta Index by credit/debit card, bank transfer, cheque or bank draft. When transferring money via a bank you can notify Delta Index by selecting the Banking tab and entering the relevant data informing us that you have transferred money into our account. When we confirm that the money has been transferred into Delta Index bank accounts, we will realise the funds into your trading account. If you are transferring from your AIB account to Delta Index Client Account with AIB, or from Bank of Ireland to Delta Index Client Account with Bank of Ireland, funds should be received with 24 hours. However, for inter-bank transfers you should allow 3-4 working days for the funds to be received.

Please ensure to quote your account number in the narrative on the transfer.


Delta Index Client Bank Accounts

Account Name:

Delta Index Client Account

Account Number:


Sort Code:



Allied Irish Bank

Bank Address:

52 Upper Baggot Street, Dublin 4

Account Name:

Delta Index Client Account

Account Number:


Sort Code:



Bank of Ireland

Bank Address:

Head Office, Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2.

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Credit & Debit/Laser cards


We accept credit and debit card transactions over the phone and in real time online through the Banking tab on the trading platform by selecting the Banking tab and entering the relevant data.

Cheques should be made payable to Delta Index Ltd. and existing clients should quote their account number on the back of the cheque. Cheques should be sent to:

Please note that while Laser card transactions are free, there is a 2.5% charge on all credit card and debit card transactions which is waived for the opening of an account but which applies to all following transactions.


Accounts Dept Delta Index The Sweepstakes Centre Merrion Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4

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8.2 Withdrawals Withdrawals will only be made by bank transfer into your nominated bank account (details of which you will have supplied upon account opening). Withdrawals can be requested online through the banking tab. Requests made before 4pm will be processed that same day. This means that the transfer request will be placed with our banks and funds should be received within 24 hours. However, for non AIB and Bank of Ireland account holders, funds transfers can take up to 4 working days. Withdrawal requests received after 4pm will not be processed until the following working day.


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Technical difficulties

You can log into your Delta Index trading account at www.deltaindex.com

If you are experiencing any difficulties when logged in to the trading platform please ensure that both your operating system and browser are up to date. You can check this by visiting http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/ and following the instructions there.

‘I can’t remember my username or password’ Call the helpdesk, 1850 88 20 20, email client@deltaindex.com or go to www.deltaindex.com to request a callback.

http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Pro d_Version=ShockwaveFlash If experiencing other problems please do the following: In your browser, go to Tools, Internet Options: 1. Select the Privacy Tab 2. Click the Edit button 3. Enter www.deltaindex.com and click Allow 4. Click OK In your browser, go to Tools, Internet Options: 1. Delete Cookies (and press OK) 2. Delete Files 3. Select "Delete all offline content" 4. Press OK 5. Select "Settings" 6. Set to "Always get a new page" 7. Press OK

‘I’ve been locked out of my account’

Display issues with Mozilla Firefox

Call the helpdesk, 1850 88 20 20, email client@deltaindex.com or go to www.deltaindex.com to request a callback.

In your browser, go to Tools, Options: 1. Click on Content Tab 2. Click the Allow Sites Button 3. Enter www.deltaindex.com and click Allow 4. Click OK

‘When I log in all I see is a blank screen’ The trading platform runs using flash. You may need to update your flashplayer. This can be done by connecting to the following address:


In your browser, go to Tools, Options: 1. Click on Privacy Tab 2. Click the Clear Cookies Now Button

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3. Click OK

Display issues with Netscape In your browser, go to Tools, Options: 1. Click on Site Control 2. In the My settings Frame click on Add Site 3. Enter www.deltaindex.com and choose below that I trust this site, 4. Click Add Site 5. Click OK In your browser, go to Tools, Options: 1. Click on Privacy Tab 2. Click the Clear Button across from cookies 3. Click OK

Netscape Navigator Go to: Tools Options Site Controls Web Features Then if ‘Enable Java’ is clicked then Java is already installed Mozilla Firefox Go to: Tools Options Web Features Then if ‘Enable Java’ is clicked then Java is already installed How do I Install Java? 1. Go to: http://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp 2. Click the download button 3. Follow the installation instructions on the Java website.

‘My charting doesn’t work’ ‘Nothing happens when I click on the charting icon’ Delta Index Trading pages have links to charts for you to view detailed trading information. Our charts need java to be installed to view. To ensure Java is installed on your PC check one of the following options: Internet Explorer Go to: Tools Internet Options Advance Tab Then if the Java (Sun) is clicked then Java is already installed


You may also have popups disabled. Hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard while clicking on the chart button.

If the problem persists, please contact a member of our IT team on, 1850 88 20 20.

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10. Contact us Delta Index's offices are situated on Merrion Road in Ballsbridge, opposite to the RDS. Delta Index The Sweepstakes Centre Merrion Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Ireland Lo-Call (within Ireland):

1850 88 20 20

Dealing line:

1850 88 20 30

Phone (outside Ireland): + 353 1 664 8500 Fax: +353 1 664 8555 Email: client@deltaindex.com We welcome all enquiries and feedback. For any feedback or comments email us at feedback@deltaindex.com


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