give a little, get a lot. Identity and Graphic Standards
Contents Logo and Spacing
Description & Guidelines
Brand Colors
Fonts & Hierarchy
Social Media
Uses & Guidelines
Uses & Illustrations
Appendix A: Campaign Collateral
9 - 15
Appendix B: Partner Advertising
16 - 23
Posters & Bus Stop Ads Billboard Ads Social Media Ads
Cineplex Starbucks Dominos Visa Goodlife
Logo & Spacing The give a little, get a lot logo consists of an icon with two hands circling a heart. The hands represent both the person that signs up to be an organ donor and the person(s) that this donor has the ability to save. The team thought it was crucial to have an organ in the logo, in order to ensure that when people see the logo by itself, they will be able to make the connection to organ donation.
The icon can also be accompanied with the campaign wordmark give a little, get a lot, which appears on the right hand side of the icon. Depending on the branding material, the wordmark is optional, however the icon must always be present.
give a little, get a lot. give a little, get a lot. 2
Logo & Spacing Continued
There are spacing requirements that must be followed when incorporating the logo in any file. The clear space around the logo must be equivalent to the width of the heart that appears in the center of the logo. This space is required from the outer edges of the logo. This heart will represent the clear space needed in proportion to how large or small the logo is. For example, if the heart in the logo is 60px wide, the clear space required is 60px. This is to ensure that the logo is clearly identifiable and not subject to disorganization.
To ensure that the logo remains noticeable, the minimum size of the logo must be 49.44px high and wide. At this size, the give a little, get a lot logo is still legible. It cannot be smaller than this 49.44px
because the logo will become difficult to see at first sight.
Refer to the illustrations on the right for specifications.
Colors The give a little, get a lot campaign uses many colors. The main colors however, are bright red, dark red and white. The bright red is used as the main background color across the campaign. When the background color is bright red, headers are shown in white. When this cannot be done, the background is white. When the background is white, the headers are shown in bright red. This creates a vibrant, yet simple contrast that allows all text and icons to remain legible. When lower contrast is needed, a dark red will be used on the bright red background instead of white. The campaign uses monochromatic tones of red to create the characters that are used in give a little, get a lot. The gradient of white and bright red are the shades that are used to give the characters some texture. Refer to the specifications and color code below for more details.
Bright Red #f2ede7 CMYK 4 5 7 0 RGB 242 237 231
Fonts Roboto is the font used throughout the give a little, get a lot campaign, including all display titles, headlines, paragraph text, and marketing material. Roboto is a simple and comprehensive font and gives a very clean image. This font has a variety of weights. Three font weights will be used: Bold, Regular and Light. Hierarchy will be established through the weights and sizes of these fonts. The heavier the text is, the more important it is. Where bullets are needed, they must be shown in the bright red color on a white background, and white on a bright red background.
Roboto All text
Thin Thin Italic Light Light Italic Regular Italic Medium Medium Italic Bold Bold Italic Black Black Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVQXYZabc defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789! @#$%^&*()_+<>.,?~ The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Social Media The give a little, get a lot campaign uses four social media platforms. These consist of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat, since they are the platforms most used by the campaignâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 16-year-old demographic. The campaign would like to make it as easy and appealing as possible for them to sign up to be an organ donor. For this reason, the campaign has Snapcodes, which brings the user directly to the give a little, get a lot campaign. Also, there are be social media icons on the website, which directs them to their personal profiles where they can share their experience. It is important that anyone who posts on behalf of give a little, get a lot is professional and stays in line with the campaignâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s policies. Any post made on my behalf cannot contain subjects like firearms, tobacco/substance or alcohol use, and anything else that is dangerous or unprofessional. This applies to comments as well. On the bright red icon, the social media icons will be shown in white. On a white background, they will be shown in white.
Characters give a little, get a lot uses 12 characters throughout its campaign. These characters consist of a male and female organ donor, a doctor, a delivery man (to represent the reward aspect of the campaign), as well as 8 hospital patients of various ages. The main purpose of these characters is to provide viewers with content that is emotional. Incorporating characters in give a little, get a lot will make the goals of the campaign more clear and understood. While the characters are set and cannot be altered for any reason, if give a little, get a lot needs to create additional ones, it is important that the colors within the brand gradient are used. Also, the width of the characters arms and legs must remain the same. This is because the campaign uses a rubberhose application and requires long legs and arms so that they can be manipulated. Refer to the illustration on the right and Exhibit A for all characters.
Characters Continued
Appendix A: Campaign Collateral
Poster/Bus Stop Ad #1
Appendix A: Campaign Collateral
Appendix A: Campaign Collateral
Bus Stop Ad #1
Bus Stop Ad #2
Appendix A: Campaign Collateral
Billboard Ad #1 12
Appendix A: Campaign Collateral
Billboard Ad #2 13
Appendix A: Campaign Collateral
Facebook Ad #1
Twitter Ad #1
Instagram Ad #1 14
Appendix A: Campaign Collateral
Facebook Ad #2
Instagram Ad #2
Snapchat Ad #1 15
Appendix B: Partner Advertising
Cineplex Poster 16
Appendix B: Partner Advertising
Cineplex Screen Ad 17
Appendix B: Partner Advertising
Starbucks Poster 18
Appendix B: Partner Advertising
Starbucks Ad Examples 19
Appendix B: Partner Advertising
Dominos Poster 20
Appendix B: Partner Advertising
Dominos Ad Examples 21
Appendix B: Partner Advertising
Visa Social Media Ads
Appendix B: Partner Advertising
GoodLife Fitness Poster